Tha Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. T hail, postaox rurus, in adtaxcb. I 1 W 0 75 -O50 6 00 8 00 0 50 TEE CHRON IC eekly, 1 year " months. 8 u Dai!, 1 year. " 6 months. per ' Ailiiresa all communication to I;lE," The Dalles, Oregon. FRIDAY, NOVEMBEH 22, 1895 HARDLY A POSSIBILITY. The report is out that Quay is after the presidential nomination. Like the news that the snltan was poisoned it will probably be' denied in the next issue. Quay is too shrewd a man ever to think himself a presidential possibil ity. Ho has attained prominence and political position not through any ability for handling weighty questions, bnt be cause he is a smooth politician, a manip ulator of men and, a shrewd judge of character and events. This latter pos session has long ago enabled him to form a pretty good judgment of just what sort of a man Matt Quay is and just how far he can impose himself upon the people. Quay has never done anything worthy of a seat in the senate. He is as good a man as Brice, Gorman, Smith or a number other politicians, who have crept into places once honored by able men, but Quay can give no good reason lor his being a United States senator. His candidacy fjr the presidency exists probably in the mind of some newspaper correspondent. Were it true it would be a severe ' reflection npon American politics that such a politician could be seriously mentioned for this high office. Quay may receive the complimentary vote of Pennsylvania, since, lamentably, it is true that politically he is the biggest dog in the puddle, bnt when Qqay leaves the domain of politics and essays to be a statesman, his position is ludicrous. If ever the time cornea that men of Quay's stamp role iu the White House, it is time to shut up ship and annex ourselves to Hawaii. 4 If John Sherman writes many more books between now and next June, Wil liam McKinley wiil wish his campaign were fathered by Bomeone else than the venerable senator from Ohio. If the prominent ' republicans who have felt Sherman's keen thrusts, believe that McKinley is his honest choice, they will be apt to sharpen their knives just to add another to the list of Sherman's disappointments in connection with the presidency. While it is. perhaps, un fortunate that the venerable statesman did not wait a few years longer before writing his memoirs, yet this possible indiscretion will not detract from the greatness of Sherman's name, nor pre vent the wish that there were more men in public life like him. Here are three facts and a conclusion which every voter should remember. They are taken from the Miami, Ohio, Helmet, and are more convincing than volumes of talk. "The" deficit in the United States treasury for the first 20 days of October was $11,274,694.70. For the fiscal year, since July came in, f21f 157 ,352.91. For the term of President Cleveland since March 4, 1893, $133, 765,836 57. That is, our expenditures have excesded our receipts by that much. Now the man who wants to con tinue this memory policy, in the future should, vote the democratic ticket." The last grand jury made a right move in the direction of economy when it called attention to the manner in which justice court expenses were piling up. At the September term of the county court over $1,000 was allowed for expenses in the justice courts alone. Justice is rare in Wasco county, but the taxpayers pay enough to get a large measure. want any more such aid from your chamber - of commerce, Alexander. Your sermons" to our . farmers read very nice in print, but they appesr to lack sincerity. Goldendale Sentinel: To the SeDli nel it has been somewhat amusing to read n the diffierent Darers that come to "hit desk the objections to the boat rail ay proposed to be built by the gov ernment around the obstructions in the Columbia above The Dalles, the comple tion of which would make an open river from Lewistown to the sea. Why any one should not concur in the recommendations of the government en gineers we fail to comprehend, unless it be that this is the quickest and most practicable way of overcoming the ob structions to the navigation of the up per Columbia, thus at an early day les sening the traffic of the railroad and to a noticeable extent the shipping of our products from present markets below these obstructions. - We have had the experience of canal building at the Cascades; we know the cost and the time it has laken to ' com plete snch a great undertaking, and that only for a short distance when compared with the length of canal it would require to go around the upper falls and rapids. The question arises when would the second canal . be finished, the first re quiring twenty years. It would be sur prising if the work would be completed and the river opened before the middle of the twentieth century. . - .Examination Questions. Following are the questions in United States History and Physiology, which were asked at the recent teacher's exam ination. - UNITED STATES HISTORY". ' 1. In what three ways has the United States acquired territory? Give exam ple of each. 2. State causes and name principle actor in the enactment of the Missouri compromise, embargo act. Kansas and Nebraska bill, Monroe doctrine, Bacon's rebellion. ' ' - " ... 3. Give a brief account of the recent events in Hawaii. How do they con cern the United States? - . 4. Tel), briefly, the story of the Char ter Oak. 5. Mention three important provi sions of the '"Omnibus bill." 6. Contrast the settlers, of Virginia and Massachusetts, respectfully, as to character and motives. 7. Name the opposing generals, and state the result of each of the following battles: (a) .Chancellorsville. (b) .Ger mantown, (c) Lexington. 8. Connect each of the following dates with eome historic event: 1863, 1776,1619, 1565, 1848. 9. For what do we remember the fol lowing: Benedict Arnold, Isreal Put man, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Mor ris, Roger Williams? 10. What is meant bv the "Era of Good Feeling?" Why eo'called? PHYSIOLOGY. : V ." 1. Name the juices which aid in di gestion, stating where each is secreted and the effe ct of each on the food. 2. Give the function of (a) pleura, (b) perspiratory glands, (c) periosteum, (d) epidermis, (e)tympanum. 3. Name and give example of each of the different kinds of joint9. 4. Explain the difference between a stimulant and a narcotic, giving an ex ample of eiuh. 5. Draw a diagram of the heart, show ing and naming its cavities and valves and leading arteries leading from it. 6. Select some organ of the body and show how its anatomy makes it especial ly fitted for doing its special work, 7. What is food in the physiological sense? 8. State three cautions to beobserved in the care of the eye, each based upon the anatomy of the eye as a reason. 8. What isabsorpiion? State organs of; show fitness of organs for their spe cial work. 10. State two evil results which may be traced directly to the use of tobacco. Local Market Report. . Honors are even betweeu England and America. Sho has Dunraven and we have Bayard. Neither is a credit to the country he represents. THE OBSTRUCTIONS AT THE DALLES. Moro Observer: Bah: pooh; bosh! . Alexander Knnz, in Thursday's Oregon ian, discussing an open Columbia river, pays: '"The chamber of commerco in Portland shonld take the lead and in- . vite every other chamber of commerce or board of trade of the interior towns, euch as The Dalles, Goldendale, Hepp ner, Pendleton, Walla. Walla, Dayton, Colfax, Moecow and Lewiston, to join hands with. them and open a list of sub scriptions" Now stop, where you are at; Alex. We've tried that thing onst. You 'uns down there in the webfoot me tropolis promised K of, $5,000,000 to open this river A. L. 1891-2. When it was time to come to the scratch, instead of taking our freight from the foot of the portage at Cascades as you promised, yoa .backed completely down, and com- . pelled The Dalles people to to to Port land and build The Dalles City steamer to ply in connection with The Dalles etaemer Regulator and the O..P. Ry. built by a Dalles man within the limit of a paltry appropriation, which but few legislators- who voted, for it expected would accomplish the result. We don't Bslow is published the prices current in The Dalles markets, Nov. 22. The figures quoted are the retail selling price here, with ttie exception of wheat and hay, which figures are the prices paid producers;. ....... ... Wheat 42 cents per bushel. Barley 60 cents per bushel. Oats 75 cents per bushel. Biac $1 1 per ton. Shorts $12 50 per ton. Rolled barley $14 per ton. Hay. timothy $10 to $11 per ton. Hay, wheat $10 per ton. .. Butter, packed 4j cents per roll. Butter, fresh 50 to 60 cents per roll. Ktfga 30 cents per dozen, inclined to oe scarce. Potatoes 50 to 60 cents per 100 lbs. Apples 65 to 75 cents per box. No moro BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. .The Snipe3- Kiuersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. First Annual Ball GIVEN BY mi-HGOD HOSE CO., ft'3. 1. AT THE Baldwin Opera House, ' The Dalles, Or., Thanksgiving Night, Nov. 28th J FLOOR COMMITTEE. C. L. Phillips', F. Menefee, J. J. Wiley, F. S. Gunning, W. S. Norman, A. C. Wyndam. - TICKETS, $1.00 House Four Nights' Engagement of the null ME it! I i El II li n U u U U ZS Hi IfUll 9 Under the management of Mr. J. P. Howe, in the following repertoire: Tony, the Outcast," s - r, r Monte Crista," . M ' IK; J:' fy,)- 'The Ameticini Girl, The Company Comprises the following Artists. 5J FRANK READICK, :.. CORNELL MACKIN, - - . STANLEY J. ROSS, JOHN" M'CULLOUGH, MAURICE GREGORY, , : BERT P. VAN CLEVE. MISS ESSIE TITTELL, : MISS MILLIE FREEMAN, -:. .MISS ELLA PARDEE, .:. MISS FLORENCE EARL. Master Parker and Little Queenie, Two of the greatest Child Pcrformrs of the preient time. Admission, 35 and 50c. Children, 25c. Reserved Seats now on sale at Blakeley & Houghton's Drugstore. - 4:isr:E3W Fall WiMer Goods Boys' and Men's Clothing", Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. DIES in at JJCKHS. 1 1- -T.--;.--T ' .'J'.:: Tilt A -r- .-o. 1 i . ' LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. We took great pains, while Ave were in New YorkCity recently, to obtain the best styles at low and popular prices. The profits oh our entire stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, etc., we have cut down to the minimum; but we wish to remind our customers that our prices are Net Cask, and that v e do not and cannot allow 20 or 25 per cent, discount. "Tlie Regulator Line' Tie Dalle Forflaid and Astoria Navigation Co. , Frell THROUGH auHPasseie Die Through , Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and" Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Begulator for The DalleB. i - : . FA8SESUER RATES. One way. . . .: Round trip.. .12.00 . 3.09 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. ; All -freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay fit Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way.. landings must be delivered before 5 p. ra. . Live stock shipments eolicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY General A(nt . THE-DALLES. OREGON J. O. MRCK, -DE ALE a IN- pine Cllines and Ltiquots, Domestic and Key West Cigars, St. Lords and Mil-wa-akee Bottled Beer. Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. THE OLD ORO FINO STAND. 67 Second St., The Dalles, Oregon. The Germania. STUBLING & WILLIAMS, Props. FINE WINES. LIQUORS CIGARS. All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, . . . and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of 1 CALIFORNIA - WINES - ANp -. BRANDIES Twelve-year-old Whiskey, strictly pore, for medicinal purposes. t - . Best Malt Liquor. Columbia Brewery Beer on Drangbt. . . AgentB for the Celebrated Pabtt Hllwaukea Beer. . .. - . . . . . : No. 94 Second Street, THE DALLES, OB, Isn't Tour V Weaker than she was when you married her ? She shows lack of energy, lack of vitality, poor digestion, and suffers from ills common to women ? Have you ever tried to help . her ? If so, . you haven't gone the right way about it, if . you haven't got a case of . bR. HENLEY'S CELERY, BEEP IMD IROH for her. ' That will make her strong and well, and : bring back the roses to her cheeks, and the bright happy look to her . eyes. Don't waste a moment. Get it for her to-day. 1ft OR SALE BY , BLAKELEY & HOUGHTOIT. THE CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE; JOBBING AND RETAILING QP . Pare CALIFORNIA WINES and At prices lower than ever.' Greatest assortment of Liquors. Also Columbia Brewery Beer on dranght. BRANDIES CHAS. BECHT Prop.,. .THE DALLES, OR. irurert:&;jgabel. . C';., Wholesale and retail manafacturera and dealers in v f ' Harn$, Saddles :Briles,,Pqlla . v . V ., . TENTS and WAGON COVERS. t i r B.EPAIJIING PEQMPTLY,DOSE. AdioGiiiig E. J. Collins & Co'.'s Stor