The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 19, 1895, Image 3

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    Removal Hotice.
Miss Knickerbocker is
'at home"and"ChpiIy
has "come again."
Nolan's Book Store now lo
cated at No, 54 Second St.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
nte red a the Postoffioe at The Danes, Oregon
aa second-class matter.
10 Cniu per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line far each subsequent insertion.
8pecial rates for long time notices.
A.11 local notices received later than 8 o'clock
will appear the following day.
TUESDAY. - - NOVEMBER 19, 1895
Leaves From tbe Notebook of Chronicle
Tomorrow night
At the Baldwin
"Tony The Outcast"
New lot of raisin seeders just received
at Maier & Benton.
The Dramatic Club will meet for re
hearsal this evening.
. Three carloads of cattle went from the
stockyards to Troutdalo this morning.
Mr. Strong's lecture this evening will
begin at 8 o'clock inEtead of 7 :30 as
previously announced.
Four carloads of cattle from near La
Grande paaeed through The Dalles this
morning on their way to Portland.
Remember Hon. Thomas N. Strong's
lecture on "Municipal Reform," at the
Congregational church this evening.
Hon. Thomas N. Strong arrived on the
local today from Portland. He will lec
ture as the Congregational church this
You can't afford to wear shabby cloth
ing when offers like the big 6 are being
made. See A. M. Williams & Co.'s ad
vertisement. :'
W. H. Young and Isaac Joles have
gone to Sherman county on a geese hunt
ing expedition. The geese are said to be
plentiful in that region just at present.
A bunch of hogs, numbering forty
seven, was received at the stockyards to
day for shipment west. They were from
the ranch of Mrs. Green, in Klickitat
It is said a new saloon will be opened
in the old Bonzey building on Front
street. This will make five new saloons
which have been started in The Dalles
since June 1st.
In the county clerk's office today tour
warranty deeds were filed as follows:
State of Oregon to Levi Smith, J. C.
Wilhelm to the United States, State of
Oregon to the United States, and Levi
Jones to Burne8 Jones. '
Arrangements are completed for the
Thanksgiving ball to be given by the
Mt. Hood Hose Company. An excel
lent committee has charge of the affair
and are going to make it one of the most
successful social events of the season.
The list of members for the athletic
club is growing and there seems little
doubt but that the club will be a go.
There is plenty of material In The Dalles
for such an organization and all is needed
is to work together and get a good start.
The Taine Class met last evening with
Miss Ruch and enjoyed a very pleasant
and this time
' that his suit will succeed ' His nthpr suit
the "Happy Home" one, which he is wearing this evening is "a
decided success, and she, dear girl, is forced to admit that she is
not averse to his attentions.
for a Wedding-
in the near future..
Ecssion. Selections from American
poetesees were read, interspersed with
music. The Taine Class is one of the
most enjoyable social features'of the city,
besides offering intellectual stimulus.
The subject of "Municipal Reform" is
one in which every good citizen should
be interested. Misgovernment of cities,
large and small, has been one of the
curses of the age. . The lecture at the
Congregational church this evening will
upon this important question.
City Recorder Phelps appeared m a
new role this morning. He was called
upon to perforin a marriage ceremony,
which he did with all clerical dignity.
George W. Jackel and Miss Rose Knebel
were the interested parties and they
Beemed satisfied with the way the re
corder did the deed.
The foundation is being laid for the
house of Mr. F. H. Rowe to be built
upon the hill just west of Mr. B. F.
Laughlin's residence. As soon as the
stone work is done the frame will be
raised. All the lumber has been cut
and prepared in Mr. Rowe's sawmill at
Lyle, so that the construction of the
house will be speedy.
Santa Claus has arranged for a large
depot of dplis of all 6orts and conditions
to be displayed for said at the Armory
Bazar, Dec. 13th and 14th. They will be
there in stock to meet all tastes. Grand
mothere, mothers, young missf 8, little
folks and infants in arms every one of
the feminine creation will find a doll
that just pleases them.
Qnite a delegation came in from An
telope today to ap:ear before the grand
jury iu the case of Tom . Lewie, who is
charged with setting fire to Phil Brogan's
hay. Those who came from Antelope
are Charles Murphy, E. B. Darbin, N.
Baird, J. C. Brogan, Jack Hemerson,
Tom Brogan, Jack Brogan, S. Gloue, J.
S. McAndre and Ed. Fennell.
The people of The Dalles cannot com
plain for lack of amusements and places
of entertainment this week, the Howe
Readick Dramatic Company . at the
Baldwin Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday and the Merchants' Car
nival at the armory Friday and Satur
day evenings. As a brisk social town
The Dalles will compete with any place.
Alter being out all night .the jury in
the caee of the State vs. H. F. Jackson
returned a verdict of not guilty. Most
of the day was occupied in. securing a
jury and but little time used in the in
troduction of testimony. The state in
troduced several wittnesses to prove the
reputation of the place which the de
fedantwas charged with maintaining.
The jury came in this morning and asked
that the instructions be read, again.
When they again retired and delib
liberated for an hour or more they came
in at 10:30 with a verdict of not guilty.
A great deal of eupriee was occasioned
last night by the intelligence being
brought to town that Solomon Houser of
Tygh Valley was dead. Mr. Houser was
not known to be in poor health and the
news has caused a great shock to his
friends. - Mr. Houser was verv well
there are evidences
known in Wasco county, bavins lived
near Tygh Valley for sixteen or seven
teen years. By careful foresight and
economy he had accumulated quite a
competence and was classed among the
prosperous men of the county. He was
twice married, the last time four years
ago. He lives a widow and two children.
Mr. Houser was aged about 50 years and
seemed hale and hearty. His death will
cause much regret in the neighborhood
of bis home.
The case of the State vs. Julius Rother-
mel is now on trial in the circuit court.
The morning was spent in securing the
"ollowing jury : David Creighton, J. M.
Filloon, H. Mahear, G. W. Rice, E.
Schanno, O. L. StrahaD, Peter Mo!::
Jasper Ensley, - Peter Risch, S. D.
Fisher, Ernest Scherer and W. T. Wi
man. The sta'e is represented by Pros
ecuting Attorney Jayne and the defenso
by Huntington & Wilson and Dufur &
Menefee. The opening statements were
made this afternoon and evidence is now
being introduced.
The Trades Carnival.
Following is the program for the
Trades Carnival, at Armory ball,' Friday
and Saturday evening, Nov. 22nd and
23d, at 7:30 p.m.-
Piano S.'lo.
Grand March, by over 50 characters represent
ing the prominent business men of the city.
Kecitation "Mad Anthony's charge," Geonre
Earnest Stewart. 6 ' b
Music "Mandolin and Guitar," Misses Myrtle
and Rotta Stone. '
Hesitation -"Silly Billy," (by request,) George
Earnest Stewart.
Solo Miss Myrtle Miehell.
Recitation Miss Martha Schooling.
Solo with guitar accom'p, Mr. Harry Esping.
Recitation "Dream of Eugene Aram," George
Earnest S tewsrt.
Solo Mr. Hendershot.
Recitation "The Old Man Goes to Town,'
George Earnest Stewart,
fancy Drill By the characters-
Pinno Solo Mrs Collins.
Grand March (By the characters representing
over fifty prominent business men of thecity )
Recitation "How we Hunted a Mouse." ibv
request,) George Ernest 6tewart.
Solo Mr. Harry Esplng.
Recitation "King Canute," George Earnest
Stewart. . .
Quartette Dr. Doane, Mr. Crandall, Mrs.
Huntington and Mrs. Price.
Kecitation Miss Jennie Russell.
Music "Mandoln and Guitar," Misses Myrtle
and Retta Stone.
n Recitation "Mrs. Byrode and the Masons?'
George Earnest Stewart.
Solo "Guitar and MarHollti," Mrs. Varney.
Recitation, with piano accompaniment "The
Drowning Singer," 4eorge Earnest Stewart.
Fancy Diill By characters.
Admission 25 cts, children under 12, 15 cents.
Marriage at Dufur.
To the Editor : The occasion was
a pleasant one, a gathering of a large as
semblage of friends and relatives that
met at the residence of Joseph H. Hay
nes, Nov. 14, 1895, to witness the mar
riage ceremony of Herbert H. Haynes to
Miss Erne Wilson, loth of Nansene.
Mr. A. J. Brigham of Dufur, in select,
well-chosen words pronounced the happy
couple man and wife, after which the
guests were shown to the dining room,
where they were sumptuously served to a
wedding feast such as only Mrs. Haynes
knows how to prepare. The company
broke up, after tendering their wishes
and congratulations to the bride and
groom. May a long life and much hap
piness attend the union of the young
couple, with just enough clouds to make
a beautiful sunset.
Baldwin Opera Boose.
On Wednesday evening, the 20th inst.,
the Howe-Dramatic Company. begin 8 its
four night's engagement with the charm
ing play, "Tony the Outcaet.' The
company is a strong one, the scene is
located in the sunny South, and the
romance, after many difficulties and
trials, ends In the happiness for the chief
sufferers, the heroine is supposed to be
the daughter of an outcast and escaped
convict, and is about to marry the man
of her choice. But a scheming cousin.
who has overheard the family secret,
threatens the return of the outcast to
prison. Both the outcast and the hero
ine of the play refuse to comply with the
demand of the scheming cousin, and the
outcast is arrested, in the meantime the
discovery is made that the heroine is
not the outcast's daughter and in the
final act everything is adjusted and the
happiness of all is brought about.
Miss Essie Tittell plays the "Outcast's
Daughter," Mr. Frank Readecfc "The
Outcaet," Miss Milly Freeman "Ruby,"
and during the performance she will
sing her great Eastern succepg, "Her
Golden Hair was Hanging Down Her
Back" and "The Streets of Cairo." Mr;
Bert VanCleve, a comedian of pro
nounced ability, having been with the
Frohman Co. for two seasons, has the
comedy part, "Weary Wayside," in the
"Outcast" and his singing has met with
great success during ha engagement
with this company. Mr.Cornell Mackin,
who takes the part of "Col. Nelson,"
the banker, will sing "A Father's Love"
and it is one of the sweetest Bongs sang
on the stage today. Following "Tony,
the Outcast"' will be "Monte Cristo"
and the "American Girl," with the two
little children, Master Pardee and Miss
Queenie. The press have pronounced
these two the best performers on the
stage of today.
General Agent J. M. Phillips informs
us that his company carries their' own
scenery and that he has made arrange
ments with Manager Birgfeld to have
the entire orchestra during each and
every performance.
Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. Poor Farm,
Winneshelk Co., Ia., says: Last winter
Mr. Robert Leach used two boxes of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve and cured a
large running sore on his leg. Had
been under care of physicians for
months without obtaining relief. Sure
cure for Piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug
Co. ' ' - -
" - . .
1S a Look out for the change in our ad.
Close Buyer tomorrow evening.
and sells at . -
Low Figures. ASK
The Strongest
' . Of the superiority of
Charter Oak Stoves f Ranges
Is their record of nearlv half a centurv. Others have
come and gone; but the' CHARTER OAK is still with
us, ai d more popular than ever. ' -We
have a full line of Heatihg Stoves and "Red Hot"
PrieeSi Come and see them. Sole Agents for -the
Celebrated -- .
Richardson & Boynton Furnaces.
, .xscLGLirs: a gr
Tb Tyjrh "Val
ley Creamery -
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
JAGOBSEjl B00J:-4,.p!SiC' GO'S
162 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
One Pound Fine Note Paper,
with 60 Square Envelopes to match,
All for 25 Cents.
Don't fail to get a box. See Display in our' Show Win
dow. Pianos and Organs sold on easy monthly payments.
In School Books and Stationery we are the leaders. "
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.,
162 Second Street.
New Odors
Only a few names
as a "persuader."
Just received, a new and elegant bulk of Handkerchief Extracts and Sachets,
principally "Lundborgs," at "
Donnell's Dmq Stove.
Deutsche Apotheke.-
Tyg Valley
-a -a
m -.2
C T3
o o
2 a.
Telephone Jio. 15.