The Dalles Daily Chyouiele. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. T HAIL, POSTAG PRIFAID, JM ADYAKCmV I SO 0 75 050 6 00 S 00 0 50 TBS CHRON WeaklT. 1 Tear " 6 months 8 " DaU, 1 year. - 6 mouths. per " Address all communication to ' ICLiK," The Dalles, Oregon. A Bi Job It wnuld be job to ell one linn ed eople day anything hat ould n teres t them in yonr goods. Its Dead Easy If done the right way. This paper will tell sev eral thousand at once. MOMDAY, - - NOVEMBER 18, 1895 EDITORIAL COMMENT. There is a merry rate war between the O. It. & N. and the Southern Pacific for San Francieco business. The Southern Pacific began the fight by reducing the fare from $25 to $20, on trains leaving on dates corresponding with steamer days. The rates have tumbled till now the O. R. & N. steamers will carry people between Portland and San Francisco for $5 first class and $2.50 second class or steerage. The prospect 8 for a bitter war are ex tremely good and travellers will rejoice while the rival companies stick the knife deeper into one another. The present lowering of fares recalls the days when the Great Republic ran as an opposition steamer between Portland and San Francisco sixteen years ago. The Great Republic was a laige side wheeler, capa ble of carrying many passengers. She came to an untimely end by being wrecked at the mouth of the Columbia, where for many years part of the machinery waB exposed to view. The present war will probably bo of short duration, as both companies will soon realize that financially, carrying passengers for next to nothing is not a success, however pleasing it may be to the travelling public. Those people who are industriously talking abont the United States going to war with England, or any European country should read General Miles' re port upon the condition of our coast de fenses, supplemented by Admiral Walk er's statement of our deficiency upon the sea. It is a good thing for the peo ple of a country to keep up a proper spirit of independence, and to promise in advance to resent any insult shown, but there is no good in reasoning from false premises. The United States is not in a condition to fight any firet rate power and if we intend keeping up with the progress of the world greater atten tion Bhould be given our army and navy. As Admiral Walker says, "The greatest protection against war is to be fully pre pared for it." It is useless to talk of in creasing our navy and providing better coast defenses till a party is in power whose policy will provide sufficient revenues to meet the demands of govern ment. It is cleaily proven the demo ciatic party is not such a one. ing of the Cascade locks, but the words are applicable just tbe same.' Will the locks be completed by March 1st or will they not, is a query, made many times each day. - We wish the' question were as easilv answered as it is aEked Another month or to will tell the tale LOCAL BUSINESS POINTERS. MitlrhBll Mnnirnr Trio Mitfholl mill is running night and day, and is turning uui iruin iweniy-nve to loirty oarreiB oi nrst-ciass every twenty-four hours. bkamania Pioneer: The new scow Thompson, is now taking on her first load of wool at the Kelson creek flume. She is a well built ecow equipped with all the latest improvements, and is a creun to ner ouuaers. we understand that Cart. G. W. Thnmnsnn. sell known on tne river ever since scows nave been run here, will have charge of her. Antelnnn 'Herald r Tf. ta thrtnrrhf Kn all stockmen that "hay will be hay" this winter. As a. rpsnlf. f th nnnenol drouth tbe past Bummer,, the ranee is aimost, entirely Dare, and stock will enter upon the winter with scarcelv anv thins? to eat but th hnv whinh ia irivon them. Then.if there it much snow falls. 11 13 liaDie to canee anlfennff nmonor sheep, cattle and horses. It is hoped tuese predictions will not De realised. Klickitat Agriculturalist : Th pnnntv commissioners mot in special session on Fridav. the 8th inst.. Mprpi-o WWU and riesbitt being present. The seseion was lor the purpose of opening bids re- guruing me exenange or legal county warranto for fnndinci hnnJi Thnm v.; A a were on hand and the bid of R. M. Hurd Deing the best.was accepted. Mr. Hurd. pgrees to accept 6 per cent., payable semi-annual v. nnri inrthpp will nma costs of issuing bonds and cost-of test suit in court. The petition of A. Berg tor a new road out in Camas, was crantprl- Thin rnarl afarta a f lha ... corner of sec 3, tp 2 n, r 12 e, then to jDira crees ana tnence Dy tne best route the Camas Prairie and Goldendale road. Don't ITorget It. Of all the cities in the United States San Francisco, juat at present, has the most unsavory reputation. A "carnival , of crime" haB been and still is being enacted which is horrifying and disgust ing in the extreme. The Durrant case was bad enough and the world patiently waited till it was through and a convic tion secured, hoping that there would be a cessation of crime in San Francisco. But the city seems to be sunken into rottenness and the very air pregnant with crime. If there is a place upon the earth which is in need of cleansing, that place is San Francisco. The city got a wrong start with the riots in the early '50s, which necessitated several lynch ings and seemingly it hasn't been able to get on the right track since. The bankrupt shoe store has arrived and opened for business in the store on Second street, opposite -C. F. L.auer'8 market, commencing Tuesday. Nov ember 19tb. at 8 a. m.. to. close out i bankrupt stock of ladies', gents' and children's ehoes at a reduction of fiftv cents on the dollar of their -former price. .Burt's, Packard's, Buckingham & Hecht'e, and other leading brands, will be sold at 50 cents on thejdollar. All hoes are marked in plain figures iust 50 cents on the dollar. All the ladies' French kid batton shoes that were fo can be bought at this sale for 52 50. Theee low prices nre made in order to close out every pair in as short a time as possible. Do not wait until the sizes are broken, but come at once. An yone desiring to purchase the stock as a whole can do so by applying to the assignee. The rain of last week did a great deal of good to the men who are getting out cordwood along the Columbia between here ami Cascades, in enablintr them to flume the cordwood from the mountains to the river, lliere has been quite a period of quiet in some localities and from now till winter sets in the wood trade will be lively. your BEE ' 2tZi. PI ii Four Nights' Engagement of the WE WE taEi In the folio-wing repertoire: Tony, the Outcast," WiiUiili "Monte Cristo? "The American Girl " .The Company Comprises the following Artists. FRANK RADICK, CORNELL MACKIN, STANLEY J. ROSS, JOHN M'CULLOTJG-H, MAURICE GKREGGORYV BERT VAN CLEVE. MISS ESSIE -TITTELL, MISS MILLIE FREEMAN, MISS ELLA PARDEE, MISS .FLORENCE EARL. Master Parker and Little Qneenie, Two of the greatest Child Actors of the present time. Admission, 35 and 50c. Children, 25c. Reserved Seats now on sale at Blakeley & Houghton's Drugstore. Fall Winter Dry Goods, () - FiaiGY GOODS, - Boys' and Men's Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. L flDIES r i - i CHPES - At .3 'K-- and JflBKETS. i- "The Resrulator Lino' .: j -- ....... ft Dalles, Portled anil Astoria Navigation Co. You note the difference in children. Some have nearly every ailment, even with the best of care. Others far more exposed pass through unharmed. Weak children will have continuous colds in winter, poor digestion in summer.- Iney are with out power to resist disease, they have no reserve strength. Scott's Emulsion The tragic death of yonng Green in Portland is almost too sad for comment. Bat one of the chief lessons that can be learned from it is that modern fashiona ble Eociety is not the best school for the instruction , of either yonng men or women. A society that considers pleas ure the chief end and all and pats relig ions devotion in to a space of time com prising the forty days of Lent, cannot expect its devotees to take broad or healthy views of life. "To be or not to be' is the great question before the people of Eastern Oregon juat now. When Hamlet spoke that rather famous line he w asn't think- of cod-liver oil. with h vnn phosphites, is cod-liver oil parti v digested to the weaker digestions of cniiaren. Scott & Bowke, Chemists, New York. 50c. and $1.00 1,000,000 People Wear WLDonglasSlioesI $5,001 sr $2.50 - 4 For Mem - m $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.T5 Por Bofs bflTnntlis IS.,??M,B',a hoe nd n-otn . ce or other make,bnt the quality and price, of l,'Li"iiuil htnm. and price iastarnd anaol.. W. I IHnglaa, Bsocktok, ILua. Sold h? CHAS. F. STEPHENS. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FKOM. A e took great pains, while we were in New York City recently, to obtain the best styles at low and popular prices. The profits on our entire stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, bhoes, etc., we have cut down to the minimum; but we wish to remind our customers that our prices are AW Cash, and that we do not and cannot allow 20 or 25 per cent, discount. THROUGH FreiQRt ana Psssenosr Line 'Through- Daily Trips" (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Begnlator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalfes City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PASSENGER BATES. One way.l , Round trip .$2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight. exceM ear nfc will be brought thrmtcrh. o vui, uetay ai iascaaes. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before Call on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY Genera Agent- TH E-DALLES. OREGON JOS. T. PETERS & CO. DEALERS IN BDILDINC : MATERIALS -AND- Veleplioxie 3NTo. 2B bH'T Tour Wife Weaker than she was when you married her ? She shows lack of energy, lack of vitality, poor digestion, and suffers from ills common to women ? Have you ever tried to help her? If so, you haven't gone the right way about it, if yon haven't got a case of DR. HENLEY'S CELERY, BEEF ANb IRON for her. That will make her strong and well, and bring back the roses to her cheeks, and the bright happy look'to her eyes. Don't waste a moment. Get it for her to-day. m FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Wear W I .an . Width). The Germania STUBL1NG & WILLIAMS, Props. FINE WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS. All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, . - and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of CALIFORNIA - WINES - AND - BRANDIES bII? J?rld whlBkey strictly jure, for medicinal purposes. ifif.. i1","'-, Colnmbl Br,w.rr Beer on Draught. Agents for the Celebrated Fabit Milwaukee Beer. No. 94 Second Street, THE DALLES, OR THE CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE, JOBBING AND BET AILING OF . Pure CALIFORNIA AVINES aM BRANDIES " At prices lower than ever. Greatest assortment of Liquors. Also Columbia Brewery Beer on draught. CHAS. BECHT, Prop., THE DALLES, OR. RUPERT & - Wholesalft And ratAil munnfapfnrpra anH Hpialova in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars ; TENTS and WAGON COVERS. EEPAIBING PKOMPTLY DOSE. Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'s Stor