C3 3 Removal Motiee pUR SMLE. Nolan's Book Store now lo cated at No. 54 11 m mm LHB. FOR THE BOYS. . Here's your opportunity. Come, bring your mothers with you, and take your choice of our Suits. Cassimeres, Cheviots, Worsteds, nee Pants or Xiong Pants, 25 per cent, discount from marked price. SEE OUR CORNER WINDOW. For Men, Women and Children, RUBBERS FREE. To call attention to our Shoe Department to the feet that here are the latest designs, the new lasts, perfect workmanship and good values, We will give one pair of Rubbers free with each pair of Shoes, sold, this day only. SEE OXTR SHOW WINDOWS. Improved Heaters MAIEu igsSEiiTOU. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & . MAYS. 1 Do You Want Pointer? a . "We just want to tell you that we are in the STOVE business ourselves, and you can't save,any money by going anywhere .else for a stove. We will sell .you one for :as little money, as anybody, and we think a little less. rjtust come and see for yourselves before you buy, and say ! bring your money .with yb'u: for Ave are going to sell them so low that their won't be profit enough in it, to pay our book keeper's wage3 while he makes the charge. Tlx Tygli Vl-. ley i;ritmerjr -Delicious. Ask Vanbiblaer & WorsieyJfQr;lt. "Every "SqrLare is Trill Weight. ;CBEAM5RY fhe Dalles Daily -Chfooiele. ntered a "the Postoffice at The DallQi, Oregon aa second-class matter. 10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 6 Ceuta per line for each subsequent insertion. Special ates for long time notice. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. FRIDAY, - NOVEMBEK15, 1895 BSIEF MENTION. Leates From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Jolly minstrels Saturday night At the Baldwin theater. There were no offenders in the police court today. There will be no admission charged at the Armory this evening. Next week in the circuit court will be a hot one for criminal trials. The grand jury is busy this afternoon examining into the Chinese murder caie. The Regulator took her accustomed load of 500 sacks of wheat this morning. A carload of hogs was shipped from The Dalles stockyards to Troutdale this morning. The Home Dramatic Club will hold a practice this evening. - The first two acts will be reheareed. The teachers' examination closes this afternoon. As the number of appli cants is small, it will not take long for the papers to be examined. The grand jury ; returned two-"not true bills" this afternoon. One was in the case of L. Mahaffy, charged with is suing a fictuons check and the. other in the case of a man named Nbrthrup charged with larceny. The' box sheet for the minstrels Satur day night -is now open and tickets are selling rapidly. A good seat Is prefera ble to a bad one and those who buy first get the pick. Tickets are for sale at the usual place. Popular prices prevail. The case of J. L. Story vs. Joseph Southwell was on trial this morning in the circuit court. The case went to the . jury. at a little before ..noon and after dinner a verdict was brought in favoring the plaintiff in tbe amount, of f 80. Colonel Thompson has approved the application sent from Pendleton asking "leave for a militia company to be formed there and the application has been for warded to tbe State Military board at Salem." "It is not yet known what the designation of the company will be. D. H. Roberts, referee in the divorce suit of Florence Glenn Vs. J. D. Glenn has filed his report and Judge Bradehaw granted a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony. The custody of a minor child, aged four years, is given to. Flor renoo Glenn. H. H. Riddell is attorney f jr the plaintiff. Late yesterday evening the grand jury returned indictments against Lee Moore house, charging 1 him with larceny of a mare; Bluford Douglas, larceny by bail ee ; Lee Moorebonee and Myron -Taft, charged with burglary, .the alleged of fense' being stealing grain from a granery near the Deschutes. These men were all bound over from Justice Davis' court and have been lying in jail ever since the middle of. the summer. The address by Dr. Gue, which will be given in the armory tonight, is one which no one can afford to miss. Dr. Gue was pastor of tbe Grace Methodist church for several years and is now pre siding elder for the Portland district. He is an eloquent speaker and deeply in terested in the principles which the G. A. R. and Woman's Relief Corps stand. It will be a rare treat to hear him. The directors of The Dalles, Portland &. Astoria Navigation Company held a regular meeting last evening. All the members of tbe board were present ex cept Mr. Mays, who is out of the city. The reports of the company's business during the month of October were very satisfactory and showed that a largo volume of. business had been done. Only routine matters were gone through with at the meeting last night. Workmen go down to the Cascades to morrow to make some alterations in the portage incline at the lower end , of tbo locks. The bulkhead is now sufficiently cleared out so that the dredge can go to work. This necessitates that a portion of the incline be changed. The -job will not be a very lengthy one. The .management of tbe boat lines and the Messrs. Day have always worked in the closest harmony, a condition conducive to the welfare Of both. The parade of public school scholars was witnessed by. a -large crowd this afternoon. There were 600 students in line but as they marched along the side walk it Beemed as thongh the number was an under-estimate. It was a good opportunity to get an idea of the size of tbe .attendance jn jour public spbools.' The exercises . are being held in the Armory, but they will. not be through in time for this afternoon's paper. A full report will be given . tomorrow. The Armory contains a' vast crowd who are much interested in the program. . . Hose Company Meeting. List of Kills Allowed. Following is a portion of the bills allowed by the county court last week. The list will be continued tomorrow : ' There will be a special "meeting of Mt. Hood Hose company at the Hose house on tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 7 :30 o'clock to perfect arrangements for the ball to be given by tbe company on Tnanksgiving night. A full atten dance is requested. By order of - tbe president. . John. V Lewis, Sec'y. The Dalles, Nov. 15, 1895. When Baby was sick, -we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, -When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, W H Butts, coroner's fees Adolph feandrock, juror fees. . Alex McLeod, do U M routs, do Hugh Gourlay, do .... F N Hill, do .... William Collins, witness Ed Holmes, do Wm Stewart, cio W L Otven, do id Klvne, do H A Miller, do Derham & Dee. lumber Co road . Jos Wingfleld, appraisag damgs ts K lucker, lumber (Jo road. . . A C Larke, lumber Co road. . . . Jas LaDuc, damages Co road. ... WrigM & Mcuanewy, lumber Co road " . ;. Chas Derham, lumber Co road . N W Wallace, work county road G H Riddell, appraisers damage county roaa Martin Jacshaw, apprs damage county road Isaac Young, apprs Co road W 8 Kelsay, viewing Co road. . . C C O'Neil, viewing Co road. . . . J H Sherar, work & viewing Co road Dr Eshelman, prof serv paupers E F Sharp, eurveying Co road. . C F Perrin, services Co road. . . . Iii F Sharp, establishing section corners Jos T Peters, supplies J M til loon, supplies Jos"T Peters, wood and lumber for bridges B F Swift, work on Co road. .". . Jnlia Obarr, board & lodging orphan boy. . . Gunning & Hockinan,repairtool9 Geo Ituch, supplies pauper. Jacobsen Book & Music Co, sup county officers. C F Williams, sprinkling ...... rt Herbring, supplies paupers. . Chronicle Pub Co, publishing. . Times Mountaineer, publishing Dalies Uity water works, rent . A M Williams &Co, nails J C Benson, repairing bridge. . . J B Crossen, mdse Mrs Crane. . J B Crossen, GAR relief T H Wakefield, service assessor Ida Wakefield, assistant assessor A S Roberts, constable fees. . . . Diamond Mills, flour for Fex. . . O T & T. Co, messages. .... ... M M Cashing, board non-res paupers - Chronicle Pub Co, pub delin quent taxes . .-. . G W Phelps, dist atty fees C P Heald, dist Atty fees W A Johnston, supplies pauper W SMvers, GAR relief J B Crossen, GAR relief. . G VV Smith, work on Co road. .. Julius Wiley, witness Lee Evans, witness Seven bottles of Strickland's Sarsap arilla for $5, -at -the Snipes-Kiaersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. 18:70 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 8 04 2 00 15 70 39 50 2 00 20 17 47 00 9 50 2 00 14 00 10 00 38 00 3 00 15 00 12 05 2 25 138 17 8 25 . 3 50 4 05 3 75 4 35 6 00 33 05 24 75 9 50 11 0 4 00 5 00 5 00 5 03 280 00 75 00 4 00 4 SO GO 12G 21 97 75 ,32 50 10 00 18 00 3 00 10 00 20 00 1 50 4 00 turned with her two children to Bickle-: ton daring-the week. On Saturday a pleasant surprise was given Mrs. G. H. Dunn at her residence. Just before the dinner hoar a dozen ladies appeared with baBkets and taking possession of tbe dining room proceeded to spread a bountifal dinner,.which was greatly en joyed, by rH .after which the party enjoyed themselyes socially during the afternoon. Those present were Mrs Grant Ashbv, Mrs Boyd Ashby, Mrs Doc Kitnsay, Mrs Frank Irvine, Mrs N W Wallace, Sirs WInnick, Mrs . J. C Murphy, Mrs C V Lane, Miss Hinton, Miss Irvine and several of the little folks. "' PERSONAL. MENTION. ON '6 Mr. James Donaldson of Kingsley is in town. Rev. G. W-Gue arrived on the after noon train from Portland. Mr. A. M. Barrett of Cascade Locks came to the city last night. Mr. A. H. Breyman, a pioneer banker of Portland, is in the city. Mr. A. J. Swift, a well-known stock raiser of Wamic, is in the city. Mr. J. H. Cradelbaugh returned to day from .;Goldendale where he bad business in the supreme conrt. Mr. Will Crossen left on the afternoon t-ain for Portland to attend the foot ball game which takes place to day. - Mr. Ahio S. Watt, one of the officials in the O. R. & N. Co., is in the city on matters concerning the company. Mr. Gay G. 'Willie, one of Portland's young attorneys, arrived in The Dalles last night from the metropolis. Mr. Willis was a student ot the Wasco Inde pendent Academy in its palmiest tfays and is well known to-, a large number of our residents, tie now has a large legal practice in Portland and is looked upon as one of tbe coming men. Highest market -price -paid for all k'nds o: poultry, eggp, dry 'hides and furs. Will pay cash for same. Apply to A. F. Martin, center of block east cf Ski bbe hotel, Second street. ' nl5-lw. W ho Wants Money? All countv warrants registered prior to Mar. 1st, 1892,. will be paid if presented at my office, corner 3d and Washington streets, Tbe Dalles, Or. Interest ceases after Nov. 14, 1895. - Wm. Michell, County Treasurer. No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES' Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinerely Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. JIGOBSEII Antelope Happenings. Thos. Harper returned Monday from a trip to The Dalles. - - M. and Mrs. I.em Burges3 of Bake Oven spent a couple of days visiting in Antelope. Mr, Frank Cram made a trip to Bake Oven Sunday. Mrs. Win nick and little daughter of Moscow, Idaho, are Tisiting ber parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Wallace. Mrs. Morebead of Bickleton, Wash., made her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kelsay, of Batk Hollow a pleasant visit and re- BGO & PJSIG GO'S 1 82 Second Street, The Dalies, Oregon. One Pound Fine IsTote Paper, with leb 'Square 'Eirvlqpes -to match,: All for 25 Cents. Don't fail to get a box. See Display in pur Show "Win dow. Pianos and Organs sold on easy monthly payments. In bchool iJooks and btationery we are the leaders. Jacotjsen Book 3c Music Go., 162 Second Street. New Odors Only a few names - as a "persuader.1 o a eS .- t-t EH D 3 53 .in o Ph :1 o in in O i w o -d D Hi a .2 o Oi o a a o Just received, a new and elegant buk 61 Handkerchief Extracts and Sachets, principally "Lundborgs," at Deutsche Apotheke. Stotfe. Telephone Ho 15. C. F. STEPHENS. is a Close Buyer and sells at Low Figures. (Jet Out of tlpe Uet. The farmers want rain, and it has come, under one of Stephens' fine Umbrellas. Get Rubber Goods of all descriptions Sole at prices to suit you. ASK FOR PRICES.