jr ar& jrsarr 1 ' "ft Nolan's Book Store now lo cated at No. 54 Second St. Removal Notice Isn't ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. TEe flalles Daily Chi? oniels n tared a the Pottofflce at The Dalles, Oregon as second-clasa matter. 10 Csum pvi line for first Insertion, and 6 Ceuts rcr line or each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock Till appear the followinn day. MONDAY, - - NOVEMBEK 11, 1895 B31EF MENTION. LTei From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. The Drainat'c Club will meet for re hearsal this evening. . The weather report lor Monday and Tuesday eaye, fair and warmer. The Regulator carried 500 sacks of wheat on her downward trip this morn ing. Yesterday was a day orderly observed and the police court was devoid of occu pants this morning. Woodmen, remember the social ses sion tomorrow evening and be on hand early, or you may regret it. . A band of hog9 from Klickitat county were received at the stockyards this afternoon for shipment west. . Grant Mays, who was able to be out Saturday, has suffered a relapse and i9 again confined to the house. Judge Bradshaw has appointed J. Doherty and J. II. Jackson circuit court bailiffs and John Cutes grand jury bailiff. As a country with a beautiful climate. Oregon leads the world. We would trade a little climate for some rain just at present. , The social given by the Woman's Be lief Corps Saturday night was largely at tended and those who were present re ported a delightful evening. The county court met in adjourned session this morning and wound up some minor matters. Judge Blakeney and Commissioner Blowers were in at tendance. Truman Butler resumed his position as purser on the Regulator this morning. The place had been very satisfactorily filled during Mr. Butler's absence by Mr. L. Booth. The Dalles will be treated to a first c'rbs minstral performance next Satur day evening at the Baldwin. The bill boards are now being posted with flam ing announcements. Mt. Hood Hose Company at their regular meeting Saturday evening, re solved to give a ball in the near future, probably Thanksgiving, aud appointed a committee for the purpose. The com mittee consists of J. W. Lewi?, I. J. Norman and C. Leroy Phillips. ' At 2 o'clock this afternoon Judge jBradshaw dismissed the jury until to morrow. . The grand jury is now investi gating the case of R. A. McDonald, who was bound over on the charge of shoot ing with intent to kill. . .. (. Victor Marden, Dr. Stnrdevant and George Herbein returned last night from 66 She Divine? Well, She's waiting for YOU But you MU5T be clad in a suit of "Happy Home" Garments of the latest cut and the most perfect fit. These are the only goods under guarantee to please or pay back your rriorie PEASE a hunting trip in Sherman county. They shot more ducks than they brought b.ick as a number fell over the bluff. The trip was very successful however and their friends are feasting on duck. The dat.cj Siturday evening at the opera house was largely attended, over i rty couples being upon the floor. The music was delightful and the floor in god condition, so that thOBe who at tended wer,e well pleased with the even ing's entertainment. The Rev. Mr. Gue of Portland, will lecture in this city next Friday evening, under the auspices of the Woman's Re lief Corps. Further notice will be given of the hour and place. Mr. Gue is an eloquent speaker and in deep sympathy with our patriotic work, of which he will speak. The case of the State vs. F. W. I,. Skibbe and Aleck Hngenine was on trial before Justice Davis Satnrday. The prosecution brought in four or five wit nesses to prove that an assault had been committed. The defense introduced one witness and then the court adjourned till this evening, when further evidence will be brought in on the part of the de fense. The stock yards present a busy scene this afternoon. " Six thousand sheep ar rived last night from the Antelope region and were being loaded today into' box cars for shipment to Chicago. Seven teen cars carrying the sheep will leave tonight. Littie and McRae and Fargber Bros, own most of the band though there are other stockmen interested. The sheep will be shipped for sale to the Chicago market. Several Dalies people who have visited the Portland exposition say too much credit cannot be given Mr. Einil Schanno tor his efforts in securing a eplendid ex hibit of Wasco county products. Mr. Schanno worked hard gathering up specimens of our county's frutility, and the result of his labors was greatly ad mired. Many favorable comments were expressed at the richness and variety of our county's exhibit. Mr. I. N. Day, one of the contractors at the Locks, sends word to the Chron icle that in all probability Major" Post was misquoted in the interview which made him. say that a year would pass be fFe the locks would be open for the paesage of boats. Mr. Day repeats the statement that has been attributed to him before, that boats would pass through the canal by March 1st. Ttis is good news and is what the people of Eastern Oreeon have been longing to hear. This statement of Mr. Day's can be considered authoritive and from in formation which the CnaosicLB has re ceived through Mr. Gourlay, and other gentleman who have examined the sit uation, we have no doubt but that tl e long looked for open river will be an early realization. The contractors have worked against great difficulties in con tinuing the work and we have faith that they are as anxious for the completion of the locks aa the rest of as are. Some one has said that it will be a great Day when the e nal is open ; but- that is a vile pun for which the punster should be pun-ished. 9 ?.1 & MAYS. A. Saturday Afternoon Party. Vermont Day was delightfully epent by thirty-two friends of Mre. II. S. Wil son, in her beautiful home on 3d street. Drawn together by birch bark invita tions, their fate depending ou the num ber of spots they could secure on their birch bark score cards, surrounded by most artistic decorations in tones of green, with the coat of arms of Vermont over the entrance to the front hall, and lastly maple sugar in every conceivable and desirable form, in a most tempting lunch, the ladies felt tiuly that their lines had indeed fallen in pleasant places. Progressive euchre claimed close atten tion duriDg the early part of the after noon, the result being that Mrs. Mc Farland carried home with her a maple sugar log cabin, as a consolation, while Mrs. Thornbnry proudly claimed the head prize the shield of Vermont, charmingly painted on birch bark, by Miss Holcomb. After enjoying to the fullest extent the hostess' efforts for their entertainment, the following ladies wended their way home, believing that a more pleasant afternoon had never been spent: Mrs. Sinnott, Brooks, Schenck, Thorn bury, Myers, Marden, Glenn, McFar Iand, Lofd, Sheldon, French, Crossen, Blakeley, Hilton, Eshelman, . McCoy; Pease, Crowe, Briggs, Crandall, Hun tington, Peters, Fish, Hudson, Kuck, Kinersly, Moody, Houghton, Price, Crossen jr. W. II. Wilson and Hostetler. Circuit Court In Session. Promptly at 10 o'clock this morning Sheriff Driver gave the customary an nouncement from the courthouse door that circuit court was about to begin in its session. The courthouse was filled with witnesses, jurymen, lawyers and spectators. The following attorneys are in attendance: Frank Menefee, B S Huntington, H S Wilson, E B Dufur, W II Wilson, G W Phelps. J L Story, J B Condon, R B Sinnott, 2? J Sinnott, H II Riddell, A S Bennett, J II Cradle baugh, John Michell and N II Gates, The Dalles. A A Jayne and Jas M Johns, Arlington. The grand jury was selected this morn ing and is already hard at work. Fol lowing are the members : A S Blowers, foreman, William Heisler, M B Zurn walt, Hans Lage, J L Kelly, W I. Hinkle and Thomas Leabo. The county is fortunate in having such an able grand jury. They are all good men and will be found fearless in doing their duty and at the came time slow to entail un necessary expense upon the county. Nothing so distressing as a hacking cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer from it. Nothing so dangerous if al lowed to continue. One Minute Cough Cure gives immediate relief. Snipea Kinersly Drug Co. No more BOILS, do more PIMPLES. Use Kinersly'a Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinersly Drug-Co. Telephone No. 3. ,; Seven" bottles of Strickland's Sarsap arilla for 5, at the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. all or heating stove or steel range to call and examine our new line and get our prices. We have a very large assortment to select from, we can give you splendid bargains . this year, and will guarantee r to save you money, simply be cause we are satisfied with small profits. - We are also prepared to do plumbing, tinning, Hot water heating, furnace work, and employ none but first class workmen, pratical and exper ienced in this, class of work. All work guaranteed. Spec ial inducements to cash bu' ers. - MAIER .ft BENTON, Next door to Snipes-Kin-A. Bettincen's ers Drug Co old stand, Second street. PERSONAL. MENTION. Mr. D. S. Kiuosey of Antelope is in the city. Mr. J. O. Burkes of Moro is in the citj-. - Mr. John R. Cunningham, of Wapi nitia is in the city. Dr. J. F Walt, of , Hood River came up on the noon train. Mr. William II. Heisler, a prominent stockman of Crook county ,is in the city. Prosecuting Attorney Jayne came down from Arlington this morning to attend court. Mr. Max A. Vogt went to Portland on the afternoon-train. He will return to morrow night. Mr. J. II. McDonouch came up from the Cascades Saturday, returning yester day afternoon. Mr. J. T.-Mollen, of Portland, a for mer resident of The Dalles is in the city attending court. Constable Traha came np from Cas cades last night to appear as a witness before the grand jury. Mr. A. E. Tyler, manager of the Western Union office in this city, snent yesterday in Portland. Amos Underwood, one of the pioneer settlers along the Columbia river is in the city from Underwoods Landing. Mr. Peter Mohr, a well known resi dent of the Hood River valley, is in the city, being summoned for jury duty. Mr. William Farre and wife of Day ville passed through The Dalles yester day on their way home from Portland. Mr- James M. Johns, an attorney of Arlington and formerly editor of tho Arlington Record, is'in'the city attend ing court. Mr. Brent Driver, a brother of Sheriff Driver, and a prosperous farmer of the Wamic region, is in the city attending the circuit court. Mr. V. C. Lewis and Mr. L. RusselK two .well-known residents of the Locks, and prominent Elks, were in the city yesterday on legal business. . Mr. Emil Schanno returned on the Regulator Saturday from Portland, where he had been attending to the packing up of Wasco county's exhibit. Mr. Otto Kohler, who has been visit ing his old home in Canton Bern, Switzerland, has arrived in Tho Dalles. He greatly enjoyed his trip to Europe and a visit to old scenes, bnt is glad to be again in America, the land of his adoption.: BORN. At Chehalis, Washington, Nov. 7, 1S93, to the wife of C. A. Cooper, a son. Ladies' Underwear, Men's Suits, : Boys' Suits. Latest Styles in Overcoats at C. F. STEPHENS. We respectfully invite those in need of a cook Do You Want a We just want to tell you that we are in the STOVE business ourselves, and you can't save any money by going anywhere else for a stove. We will sell.. you one for as little money as anybody, and we think a little ,less. Just come and see for yourselves before you buy, and say ! bring your money with you ;for we are going to sell them so, low that their won't be profit, enough in it to pay our book keeper's wages while he makes the charge. Tlim Tygrt Val ley Creamery BUTTER Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight. TELEPHOlsnE JAGOBSEfl BOO & jltiSIG GO'S 162 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. One Pound Fine Note Paper, with. 60 Square Envelopes to match., All for 25 Cents.. Don't fail to get a box. See Display in our Show Win dow. Pianos and Organs sold on easy monthly pavments. In School Books and Stationery we are the leaders. Jacobsen Book & Music Co., . 162 Second Street. New Odors Only a few names as a "persuader.' Just received, a new and elegant bulk of Handkerchief Extracts and Sachets, principally "Lundborgs," at . Donnell's Drag Store. Deutsche flpotheke. Patronize Home Industry. Stephens lias received toda' a largo consignment of BLANKETS - direct from the factory at Salem. Now is the time to, prepare for winter. These blankets are of the finest quality and sold at low figures. ASK . FOR ' PRICES. i.-'--"'.-'.'- 'M tf--ft TU5 ' Is Delicious. CREAMERY Tyg Valley 80. .a. a? n o w in O i m o a o o S3 ci r-l U its S 1 -J o e-o Oi o a a o s D PS a ra "3 w o rH Telephone flo. 15. STBPHB1TS;