The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 09, 1895, Image 3

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    Removal Hotic e.
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S SALE. uu
Nolan's Book Store now lo
cated at No. 54 Second St.
? Dress Goods Free.
Dress Goods Free.
Wich every Wool DRESS PATTERN sold on that day,
we will furnish FREE the necessary
For making up the Dress. This includes the Linings, Braids, Casing,
Silk, Twist, Hooks, Eyes, Bones, and in fact everything except the
trimming. Our stock of Dress Goods is so large, and assortment so
varied, and our prices even without this special inducement so low,
that we have had a most excellent business.
This special sale should be most attractive to all ladies search
ing for Dress Goods.
See Our Show
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ncered a the Poetofflce at Tbe Dalles, Oregon
- as second-class matter.
10 Ceiiw ier line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
NOVEMBER 9, 1895
Leaves From the Noleunos of Chronicle
The Regulator left the Cascades at
2 :30.
A black eilk mitten was picked up on
the Btreet today and left at this office.
Four Indians were arrested last night
for being drnnk and made their appear
ance before the recorder this morning.
Al Cone, who has been confined in jail
eeveral days being bound over to keep the
peace, eecured bondsmen today and was
given his liberty.
The first dance in the series given by
the Smith Bros, will take place this
evening at the opera house. The Or
chestra Union will furnish the mnsic.
The weather program tomorrow is
varied. The weather for the day time is
predicted fair and warmer with a prob
ability of being succeeded by raia or
The Relief Corps will give their dime
social and entertainmeutthis evening in
Fraternity hall. Everyone ia cordially
invited to CDiae and spend a pleasant
In the list of premiums where it said
Ivea Boston was awarded the first prize
for potato or hop rising bread, a mistake
was made. Mrs. C. E. Bayard is the
lady who took the premium. '
A flash light photograph was taken by
Ilerrin last night of the display of pianos"
in the Jacobeen Book & Music Co.'s
etore. The picture was a succes, and
showed some elegant instruments of the
finest make.
The Hood River box factory has re
ceived a small dynamo for furnishing
electric light, and during these long
evenings the factory will be lighted by
twelve lamps. The dynamo has a capa
city of eighteen lamps.
The trees are denuded ot foliage and
the sidewalks and streets in places are
covered with a mass of decaying foliage.
Now is the time for the industrious
property owners to rake up the dead
leaves and burn them.
The auction of a 5-year-old mare on
Second street this afternoon attracted
quite a crowd of spectators. W. ' H.
Wilson, the attorney, proved to have
the most money in the crowd and the
animal was 8-jld to him for $0.50. He
will keep it subject to a rise in the
. W. A. SHngerland returned from Port
land Monday. While there he sold 100
boxes of apples for shipment to Hong
Kong. Mr. SHngerland thinks it may
be an opening for a large trade. He also
sold seventy boxes to the local trade at
good'priccs. He is much encouraged at
the outlook for the sale of our apples.
A patent granted to A. J. Douglas was
filed for record today. Deeds from Robt.
Rand and wife to Mrs. A. R. Smith,
Dalles city to Anna .Stubling, Martha
Davidson to I. B. Humbert, W. J.
Wright to I. B. Humbert, R. B. Hum
bert to A. J. Douglas were also recorded.
Just as the Regulator was ready to
pull out this morning Sheriff Driver
went aboard and arrested George Has
sack, who is wanted in Sherman county
tor the larceny cf a horse. He was
turned over to a deputy sheriff from
Sherman county and taken to Moro this
Miss Essie Titteil, assisted by local
talent of Vancouver, gave two perform
ances in that city last week of the
"Arabian Night?," the same play that
was produced with the assistance of the
Home Dramatic Club in The Dalles
some time ago. The Vancouver Colum
bian speaks very highly of the perform
ance. Revival eervices began last evening in
the Methodist church under the direc
tion of Rev J. Wood. He is assisted by
Miss Laura B. Pippitt, who will occupy
the pulpit tomorrow morning and even
ing. Miss Pippitt has had great guccees
in the evangelistic field. The revival
services will be held this evening and all
through the coming week.
A complaint was sworn out in the
justice court this morning by Gus Smith
charging F. W. L. Skibbe and A. Hugu
nine with assault and battery. The
facts in the case are considerably at var
iance and it will take judicial inquiry to
determiue them. G. W. Phelps repre
sents the state while Story & Gates ap
pear for the defendant. The case was
not finished at the time of going to press.
The Congregational church, cornel
Court and Fifth streets Sunday services
as usual. At 11 a. m. and at 7 -.30 p. n.,
worship, and a sermon by the pastor,
W. C. Curtis. Sunday school immedi
ately after the morning service. Meet
ing of the Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor a 6 :30 p. m. ; topic,
My favorite promise, and why it is
dear to me ; II Peter lii :8-14. Persons
not worshipping elsewhere are cordially
The whist club held its first meeting
last night at Fraternity hall. A large
number of the members were present.
The evening was spent in discussing the
modes of entertainment for the coming
season. When it came to the election of
officers T. A. Hudson was chosen presi
dent, Mrs. Geo. C. Blakeley, vice presi
dent; Joseph T. Peters, secretary and
treasurer. The executive committee
consists of the president and W. H. Wil
son and L. E. Crowe. A meeting will
be held next week, when the organiza
tion will be further perfected.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES.
U6e Kinersly'e Iron Tonic. The Snipes
Kinersiy Drug Co. Telephone No. 3.
-Call at the Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co.
At St. Mary's Academy.
A large audience gathered in the con
. cert hall of St. Mary's Academy last
evening upon the occasion of the musical
entertainment given by Herr Aamold,
assisted by Mies Beamer. Those who
attended came prepared to hear some
splendid music, and they were not dis
appointed. Herr Aamold is a violinist of
acknowledged ability, and his execution
last night was wonderful. Ho plays
with great expression, and in his selec
tion "The Traumarie," which was given
as an encore, he charmed the audience
by drawing from his instrument the
most beautiful tones.' His range of
selections was wide, and he was equally
at home in the different class of pieces.
Miss Beamer gave great satisfaction in
her vocal selection?, and was compelled
to respond to hearty encores. Her sing
ing of "firziba Serenade" from Ben
Hur, was especially pleasing.
The entertainment was of a high or
der throughout, and proved one of the
most attractive ever given in the city.
The program was as follows :
a Mnjourku (
6 Nocturne j Chopin
Herr A. Aamold.
Waiting ; Millard
Miss Etta Beamer.
Grand Fnutusie. ; Ole Bull
' Herr A. AumoM.
Ben Hur a Lyon
Miss Etta Beamer.
Yankee Doodle, with variations. ... . Vieuxatcmps
Herr A. Aamold.
Waiting, Yes, Waiting Keller-
Miss Etta Beamer.
Elegy Liszt
Herr A. Aamold.
Echo Song .Sir Henry Bishop
Miss Etta Beamer.
Ave Maria .Gounod
Herr A. Aamold. .
County Court Adjourned.
The county court adjourned at noon
today till next Monday, when it will
convene again to finish-up some routine
business. Commissioners Blowers ana
Darnielle have departed for their' re
spective homes. The most important
business done heeides the allowing of
bills, was to classify the peddlars'
licensee, which the court determined as
follows : Foot peddlars, $10 per annum ;
peddlar with one horse, $20 per annum ;
with two horses, $40 per annum. No
license will be issued for less than three
months.. '
The petition of George A.. Liebe and
others for a road near the Perry Wat
kins place, was allowed. George Reed,
Jjmea Fulton and Henry Willams were
appointed viewers and E. F. Sharp sur
veyor. A bounty of tl was oidered to be paid
for each scalp of a coyote, wild cat or
cougar which ehould be brought in.
The Stockmen's Union has also offered
$1 for such scalp3 in Bakeoven and An
telope precincts, so the bounty in these
precincts will be double what it is in the
rest of the county.
The petition of W. Bolton and others
for a road was granted.
The petition of A. Clarno and others
was passed, as no bond had been filed.
I have had seven inauiriea for 1 will
ing houses the iuet two days, and want
one dozen houses on my list. Rent to
be from $6 to $10 per month.
Fred D. Hill,
r.S 2t. Room 12, Chapman Blfc.
We respectfully invite all
those in need of a cook or
heating stove or steel range
to call and examine our new
line and get our prices. We
nave a very large assortment
to-select from." we can mvp
you splendid bargains this
T 11
year, ana will guarantee to
save you money, simply be
cause Ave are satisfied with
small profits. .
We are also prepared to do
plumbing, tinninsr. Hot water
heatinsr. furnace work. nnrJ
employ none but first class
workmen, pratical and exper
ienced in this class of work.
All work emarantAPrl finoo.
. o - - j. v
ial inducements to cash buv-
Next door to Snipes-Kin-ers
Drug Co.; A. Bettingen's
old stand, Second street.
Mr. A. B. Craft of Rufus is in the city.
Mr. C. G. Hickok, a merchant of
the Cascade Lock?, was in the city this
Mr. Lyman Lee returned to Portland
today, after a visit of several days in
The Dalles.
Messrs. George R. and Charles L.
Campbell returned yesterday evening
from Portland.
Mr. W. E. CaroDbell, the well known
surveyor, returned last evening from a
visit in Portland.-
Mrs. P. W. DellufT came home last
night from a visit to their daughter, Mrs.
Cates, in Cascade Locks. .
Mr. J. R. Rankin, -who operates the
ferry across the Columbia at Hood River,
was in the city this morning.
Mr. Joseph Paqnet, a well-known con
tractor and bnnl. hniirtop tf T.-.-tlo
came up to The Dalles last night.
Prosecuting Attorney Javne, who has
been in the city peveral days, laft last
night for his home in Atlington.
Mr. Charles Lewis, oon of Captain
John W. Lewis, of this city, is down from
Grant county on a visit to his father.
Mr. and Mrs. Johu S. Schenck and
Mrs. Sheldon, returned on the Regu
lator last evening from a week spent in
Mrs. Grace Dexter of Valljo, Calif.,
who has been visiting several weeks in
The Dalles, the home of her childhood,
left for VaKejo on the afternoon train.
Mrs. G. C. Bills returned this morn
ing from a month's visit to her parents
in Genasee, Idaho, where she was called
by the fatal illness of her sister. Mrs.
Mollie Attell.
Meesrp. J. W. French and U.S. Wil
son and Dr. Hueh Loeun returned ves
terday from Goldendale where they
went on hnninpus mnnflAtoil u v. -
new bond issue contemplated by Klick-
iiud county.
The Christian Endeavor Society of tf ie
Congregational church have a committee
appointed to receive contributions from
persons that may have any dona
tions to make a suitable Thanksgiving
offering and the same will be distributed
by the committee to the poor of this city
who are in need of help. Thecommittee
will be at the Congregational church all
day on Wednesday, Nov. 27th and take
care of the denations as they may come
in. Any article of food or clothing that
will be suitable for use will be placed
where it will do the most good. Mrs.
Dunham, Eiss Etta Story. Grace Glenn,
Lena Liebe and D. H. Roberts are the
Lad ies' Underwear,
Men's Suits,
Boys' Suits.
Latest Styles in
Overcoats, at
Do You
We just want to tell you that we are in the STOVE
business ourselves, and you can't save any money by going
anywhere else for a stove. We will sell you one for a? little
money as any 0003', ana we think a little less. Just come
and see for yourselves before you buy, - and say! bring your
money with you for wo are going to sell them so " low
that their won't be profit enough in it to pay our book
keeper's wages while he makes the charge.
Tht Tyicli Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Frill Weight.
162 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
One Pound Fine Note Paper,
with 60 Square Envelopes to match
All for 25 Cents. ,
Don't fail to get a box. See Display in our Show Win
dow. Pianos and Organs sold on easy monthly payments.
In School Books and Stationery we are the leaders. "
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.,
162 Second Street.
New Odors
Only a few names
as a "persuader."
Just received, a new and elegant bulk
principally "Lundborgs," at
Deutsche Apotheke.
Patronize Home Industry.
. -Stephens has received today a large consignment of
direct from the factory at Salem. Now is the time
to prepare for winter." These blankets are of the
finest quality and sold at low figures; . V .
"H '
Tyg Valley
a r ?? -
B -S IH r H
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cJ P -t- Q sac
W C3 " t-t
D t3 w -SB
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of Handkerchief Extracts and Sachets,
Dpug Store.
Telephone fio. 15.
S 1 Sh VU& fl 1 "ff 2I