Removal Notice Nolan's Book Store now lo cated at No. 54 Second St. There is a Point zimMmin The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Pottoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. M Ceuu per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. . MONDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1895 BRIEF ME NTION. Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle JCeporters. Tom Thumb wedding tonight. Probate court ia in session today. The city council meets in regular ses sion this evening. The Regulator left the Cascades at 2 :15 which wiil bring her here at 6 o'clock. The 'thermometer this morning regis tered 26 degrees, which is the coldest 60 far this season. Henry Frock has declared his inten tion with the county clerk of becoming an American citizen. The delinquent tax sale, which was advertised to take place at the court house today, has been postponed for one week. Five patents were filed for record to day. They were issued to F. A. Youne, G. A. Young, G. S. Chandler, C. F. Young and H. C. Rooper. Sheriff Driver went to Portland today to be present at the examination of Barker and Scott, who are charged with stealing the sheep ' belonging to Mr. Houeer. A deed was filed for record today from the Dalles Land and Improvement Com pany to Mrs. A. C. Stubling conveying two lots in Thompson's addition for a consideration of $450. The Woodmen . lodge of this city will give a social a week from next Tuesday, which will be an interesting social event. This lodge enjoys a good repu tation for hospitality. Dr. Swain, who has been a resident in The Dalles for several months left yes terday with the Shores Medical Com pany having accepted the position of chief physician with that company. The crosswalk between Crosen's grocery store and Cooper & Manna butcher shop is being repaired. This good weather should be taken advantage of and this line of improvement coc- tinned. Tonight occurs, the Tom Thumb wed ding and clam chowder, at tbe Metho dist church. The program is a very at tractive one and all who go will greatly enjoy the coming entertainment, be sides helping on a good cause. Deputy Sheriff Kelly has just com pleted balancing tbe books of the sheriffs office for October. The re ceipts during the month were $3396.54 The amount received during September was $3258.20. The .money was from tbe payment of delinquent taxes. The Wasco county .fruit exhibit, in eluding the special one made from Hood .... i which you should always con sider when buying- clothing-: There are many kinds on the market, and some claim to be "just as good" as our Celebrated "HAPPY HOME" brand. " Bear in mind that "Happy Home" goods are precisely what they claim to be the best, in material, style, work manship and fit and are sold under a guarantee which gives you back your money if you are not pleased with them. ' PEASE River, is attracting marked attention and much favorable comment from visi tors to the exposition. Klickitat county, too, comes in for a large share of praise and we can well feel satisfied by the showing our .neighbors and ourselves have made and glad we live in such a fertile country full of such present re sources and future possibilities. On the passenger train last night a man was caught in the act of stealing from one of the passengers and placed in the baggage car to be brought to The Dalles, to be turned over to Night- watchman Connelly. Just as the train reached the depot, however, the thief made a break for liberty and was lost in the darkness before aay pursuit could be made. At last accounts he hasn't been heard from, so ho has probably made good his escape. M. A. Bull arrived In town at noon with the forefinger of his left hand shot off. In company with Carl Hoyd he started yesterday to bunt in Sherman county. This morning at 7 o'clock they were after geese and Mr. Bull put his left hand over the muzzle of his gun to wipe away some dust upon it, when the trigger snapped and the shot tore away the end of his finger. Dr. Logan amputated it near the second joint and Mr. Bull is considering himself lucky the accident was no worse. Messrs. R. E. Saltmarshe and W. H. Moody, who have been on an extended European tour, arrived home this morn ing. They left The Dalles August 15th and visited England and its chief places of interest and then went for a tour of tbe continent, taking in Paris, Berlin and the interesting places to be seen in France and Germany. They came home in - fine health and spirits, having enjoyed their foreign experiences im mensely. They brought back many Bouvenirs of the trip which some of their friends were lucky enough to receive. The engagement was announced in Yesterday's Oregonian of Miss Madge Summerville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Summerville, to Robert Mays, jr., the youngeBt son of our pioneer citizen, Hon. Robert Mays. The engagement, although not before made public, 'has been known for sometime to the young gentleman's many friends in The Dalles and he has been tbe recipient of frequent and hearty congratulations. ' Miss Sum merville is one of Portland's charming yourjg ladies, a daughter of most estima ble parents, while Mr. Mays is looked upon with great favor in the community where tie was Dorn ana grew to man hood. He comes from a family known for their sterling worth and has in him the essential qualities for success. His hearty disposition makes everybody his friends wherever he goes and they will all join with The Chronicle in con gratulating him. The date of the wedding is not yet announced. No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES. Use Kinersly'a Iron Tonic. The Snipes KinerBly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. Fresh oysters just received at A. Kellar's. ; & MAYS. A. Merchant's Carnival. On Friday and Saturday nights. Nov. 22J and 23d, the Christian Endeavor Society of the Christian church will con duct a merchant's carnival in the armory hall of this city, which promises to be one of the nost attractive entertain ments of the season. The most pleasing feature of the occasion will be the ap pearance of fifty or sixty young ladies, each representing a business house of The Dalles and adorned with 'some article of merchandise carried by the firm whom they are to represent. In addition to their part of the exer cises, an interesting musical and literary program is being prepared, in which the best talent of the city wili participate. Another attraction to make the carnival all that could be desired will be the elocutionary recital ' by Mr. George Ernest Stewart, now a resident of this city, formerly one of Portland's popular elocutionists. Mr. Stewart's ability as a reciter has already been manifested in this city, and he is known to be exceed ingly clever in this line; his part of the program is sure to please. Extensive preparations are being made for this event and everyone may well look for ward to the occasion with all assurance of an instructive and interesting enter tainment. i A Delightful l'arty. One of the most delightful parties ever given in The Dalles was enjoyed by twenty-four ladies at the home of Mrs. J. B. Crossen last Saturday afternocn. The beautiful decorations were entirely of gorgeoma autumn foliage and chrys anthemums, and each guest on arriving was supplied with a bunch of the same ragged beauties. The- score cards, on which were handsomely painted yellow a,nd pink chrysanthemums, brought forth much admiration, while the lunch eon was of the delightful kind for which the hostess has long been noted. Mrs. Houghton won the head prize, while Mre. Crossen, Jr., after a great struggle, captured the consolation prize. The following ladies enjoyed to the fullest extent the afternoon spent in whist and listening to sweet music : "Mrs Schenck, Mrs Sinnott, Mrs Lord, Mrs Glenn, Mrs Thornbury, Mrs Benj Snipes, Mrs Esh-elman,- Mrs Hudson, Mrs Crowe, Mrs Kinersly, Mrs Sheldon, Mrs Marden, Mrs Blakeley, Mrs M E French, Mrs Peters, Mrs Hostetler, Mrs Crandall, Mrs Houghton, Mrs Moody, Mrs Faulk ner, Mrs W H Wilson, Mrs H S Wileon, Mrs Hobson, Mrs Crossen, Jr, and Mrs John Dexter of Vallejo, Cal. Mr. Truman Butler, the popular purser of the Regulator, accompanied by his bride nee Miss Learner, cf Le Comp ton, Kansas, arrived in The Dalles Satur day evening. The happy couple are established in their handsome residence on Fourth street and are receiving the congratulations of a host of friends. Mr. Butler is one of this city's most promis ing young men and has held a position of great trust in the D. P. & A. N. Co. for over four years. His friends, young and old, are glad to welcome him and We respectfully invite all those in need of a cook or heating stove or steel range to call and examine our new line and get our, prices. We have a very, large assortment to select from, we can give you splendid bargains this year, and will guarantee to save you money, simply be cause we are satisfied with small profits. We are also prepared to do plumbing, tinning, Hot water 'heating, furnace work, and employ none but first class workmen, pratical and exper ienced in this class of work. All work guaranteed. Spec ial inducements to cash buy ers. MAIER & BENTON, , Next door to Snipes-Kin-ers Drug Co.; A. Bettingen's old stand, Second street. his young bride and extend all manner of good wishes for the journey of life. Mr. Butler's appearance upon the street today has been the occasion of much handshaking. He will resume his posi tion on the Regulator next week. The Chronicle force heartily joins in the expressions of good wishes which the happy pair are receiving, and hopes for them a long life fraught with pleasant things and un marred by trouble. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr! C. E. Jones of Vasco ia in .the city. Dr. H. Logan returned yesterday from Portland. Dr. Siddall retnrned last night from a brief visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson went to Portland on today's train. Mr. Hugh Glenn was a passenger to the metropolis yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McCoy came home from Portland on yesterday's local. Judge Bradshow combined business and a visit to the exposition Saturday.. Rosa Baldwin left' on the afternoon local for a visit with friends in Portland. Mr. Solomon Honser, t well-known stock raiser of Tygh Valley, is in the city. Mr. M. Ilerrick, of the fish cannery, returned from a business trip to Portland yesterday. Mrs. Annie Winneck of Moscow, Idaho, is in the city visiting her Bister, Mrs. George Herbert. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Brooks went to Portland by boat this morning. They will return Thursday. Mr. Roy Batty, a brother of Fen Batty, the night clerk of. the Umatilla House, is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Schenck and Mrs. Sheldon were passengers on tbe Regulator this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fi9h, who have been spending the past week in Port land, returned home Saturday. Mr. E. Sichel, an enterprising mer chant of Prineville, passed through The Dalles Yesterday on his way home from Portland. Mr. Jnmes Maddy of Portland, who has been visiting Mr. Will Crossen, re turned home today. Mr. Maddy is a prominent athlete, being captain of the Portland amateur athletic football club and half back on the Portland Univer sity football club. In this city, Nov. 2nd, to the wife o A. S. Bennett, a daughter. Call at tbe Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. Stephens has something to show Gentlemen in the way of SUITS. i All Grades and Prices. Do You Want a Pointer? We just want to tell .you that we are in .the STOVE business ourselves, and you can't save any money by going anywhere else for a stove. ' We will sell you one for as little money as anybody, and we think a little less. Just come and see" for 3'ourselves before you buy, and say! bring your money with you for we are going to sell them so low that their won't be profit enough in it to pay our book keeper's wages while he makes the charge. The TyKli Val- 1" I I 1 I 1 f l ley Creamery , J Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weigh TELEPHOKB 3STO JAG0BSEJ1 BOOK & fflSlG GO'S 162 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.. One Pound Fine Note Paper, with 60 Square Envelopes to match All for 25 Cents Don't fail to get a box. See Display in our Show Win dow. Pianos and Organs sold on easy monthly payments. In School Books and Stationery Ave are the leaders. Jacobsen Book & Music Co., 162 Second. Street. New Odors Only a few names a s a "persuader.' Jusb received, a new and elegant bulk of Handkerchief Extracts and Sachets, principally "Lundborgs," at Donnell's Drug Store. Deutsche Apotraeke. Stephens is selling Yarns and Worsteds cheaper than anybody. He bought in larg e quantities last spring when the prices were low, and gives his customers the benefit of his fore sight. New Qoods constantly ar riving. V I 7 J Dellcloua. CREAMERY Tyg Valley A. A. B - 80. -A. T a o o PI cr3 U o w w ' o to c Ul o rH ffl .2 PL. o e-o 0J o S a o g a r3 O ri ect Ul cr3 Telephone JSlo. 15.