The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 04, 1895, Image 1

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    C-i 3
NO 259
He Was Convicted of Mur
der in First Degree.
Prisoner's Maneloni Nne Sid
Forsake Him When the Fatal
Words 'Were Spoken.
Philadelphia, Nov. 2. Henry H
Holmes was convicted of murder in the
first degree at 8:15 tonight for killing
Benjamin F. Pitezel. He coughed
slightly when he heard the words. This
was the only sign.
The jury retired to deliberate at 5:40
this afternoon. According to one of
their number, they reached their Ver
diet before the doors of their room closed
upon them. For hunger's sake, they ate
their supper first. Then they took i
ballot, and, without hesitation, everj
man of the 12 answered.
"Guilty of murder in the first de
T A , . ..
joui, uowever atrocious the crime,
however fiendish the criminal, it is hard
to send a man to the gallows in one ruin
ute's time ; so, for decency's eake, they
talked about the case for a seemly period
about an hour and a half. Then word
was sent into court that they had agreed.
Ahia was at 8:15. It took half an hour
to get the court in readiness to receive
the verdict. Holmes spoke to his coun
sjI, Kotan and Shoemaker, in the cell-
room because he was immediately taken
back to Moyameneing prison. To them
he said :
1 feel that this condemns me. It was
an unjust trial."
He would say no more than that. Im
mediately after the verdict, the usual ap
plication for leave to file a motion fo- a
new trial was made. District Attorney
Graham did not oppose the motion, and
Judge Arnold set the 18th of this month
for a hearing. The principal reason
urged will be lack of time for the prepa
imiuii ui me aeiense. isnouia a new
trial be refused, an appeal will be taken
10 me supreme - court, and argument
heard at its next sitting in this city,
January, 1896. So, even if everything
goes against him, Holmes has yet some
time to spend on earth, from which he
is alleged to have sent so many fellow
mortals. The verdict was a surprise to many
persons, who did not believe the crime
had been fastened upon Holmes beyond
a reasonable doubt. When they heard
it they said :
"Well, it was on general principles,
and it is just as good."
That is not the meaning of the law ;
but in this case everybody agrees that
"itisjuet as well." Theie ia no word
of pity or sympathy for the condemned
man. He is regarded as a menace to
society. Up in Gilmanton, N. H.,
there are two old people, his father and
mother. And he has also two brothers,
and two sisters. Not one of his kin was
heard from during the trial.
"When the jury went out, an indefinite
recess was taken. Judge Arnold said he
would remain in the "building until mid
night, if necessary; and if no verdict
had been reached by that time, he
would come again at ten tomorrow
Nobody believed there would be occa
sion for this. There were many wagers
that the verdict would be in tonight, and
more as to its nature. At 8 :40 there was
a bustle of moving people in the packed
courtroom, and it became know n that
the jury was coming in. A moment
later, Judge Arnold took his seat. Dis
trict Attorney Graham and his associates
entered the courtroom.and the jury filed
solemnly in and took their seats in the
box. Then Holmes was brought in and
placed in the dock. For a moment,
there was not a sound. The silence was
painful, and every heart in the crowded
room throbbed. The man who was
about to hear ' his doom pronounced
stood erect in the dock, the same death
like pailor which could grow no deeper
on his face. He stared at the jury
blankly, his hands clasped behind his
back. Once or twice he moistened his
lips with his tongue. There was no sign
of agitation. Then from the deep-voiced
clerk came the awful words :
"Jurors, loon upon trie prisoner; pris
oner, look upon the jurors. How say
you, gentlemen of the jury ; do you find
the prisoner at the bar, Herman W.
Mudgett, alias H. H. Holmes, guilty of
the murder "of Benjamen F. Pitezel, or
not guilty.
The condeming syllables came from
the foreman :
"Guilty of murder in the first degree."
"Hem," uttered Holmes, clearing his
throat; but his shrunken form never
trembled ; his lips betrayed no quiver ;
his marvelous nerve had not forsaken
him. There was only a tighter clasp of'
his hands folded behind him. Ihen he
sat slowly down, and at the request of
counsel the jury was polled. As each
name was called. Holmes wrote it on
the margin of a newspaper in his hand,
and the fingers holding the pencil never
shook. The verdict was formally re
corded by the court ; the motion for a
new trial was made, and, after Judge
Arnold had spoken a word of regret to
counsel for tne defense because of last
Monday's occurrence, when, they with
drew from the case, and appreciation for
their arduous but fruitless labors.
Holmes was taken to his cellroom : a few
minutes later the jury was thanked for
their attention and labor?, and sent
home; the court adjourned, and the
most extraordinarv case in the annals of
American courts was ended.
Almost everybody takes some laxative
medicine to cleanse the system and keep the
Diooa pure, i nose wno take blMMONS
Liver Regulator (liquid or powder)
get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant
laxative and tonic that purifies the blood
ana strengthens tne whole system. And
more than tins: blMAONS LIVER REGU
LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active
and healthy, and when the Liver is in
good condition you find from
maiana. Biliousness, indigestion. Sick
Headache and Constipation, and rid of
that worn out and debilitated feeling.
These are all caused by a sluggish Liver.
Good digestion and freedom from stomach
troubles will only be had when the liver
is properly at work. If troubled with any
of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER
KbuULATOR. I he King or Liver Medl
cines, and Better than Pills.
Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., l'liila-. Pa
Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm is an unfailing remedy for all dis
eases of the Liver, Kidneys or Urinary
Organs. It is a certain cure for Dropsy,
Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Gravel, Kid
ney Weakness. Incontinence of Urine,
Bed Wetting in Children, Biliousness,
Liver Complaint and Female Troubles.
A trial of this great remedy will con
vince you of its potency. Price $1.00
per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
There are so many accidents to live
stock whicn cause delay and Iobs to the
farmer in his work. In a large number
of instances the delay would be but
trifling if a remedy was promptly applied.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini
ment has for many years been regarded
as the farmer a friend. Its heaucer on
flesh of domestic animals is immediate
and permanent. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00
per bottle. For sale at Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing between
Uouglas S. Dufur and bred D. Hill 19
hereby dissolved this date by mutual
consent. Said Fred D. Hill will assume
all co-partnership liabilities and collect
all accounts dae said firm, and continue
said business.
Feed D. Hill, ,
Douglas S. Dufur.
Dated 'Dalles Citv. Orecon. October
10th, 1895. '
Bucklen'a Anuca salve.
The best salve in the worid for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion , or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Ov Snipes & Kin-
Wood! Wood! Wood!
We have on hand oak, fir and maple
cord-wood. Send us your orders by Tel
ephone. Maieb & Benton.
It's just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure as any thing else. It's easi
er to cure a severe cough or cold with it.
Let your next purchase for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure. Better med
icine; better results ; better try it.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
0 Mnmig
Portland Exposition.
The Dalles Portland & Astoria Nav
Co. will sell round trip tickets during
the i-xpositon at $2.00. Tickets good
ten days from date of sale.
W. C. Allaway,
oPd-w21t. - Gen. Agt.
a. u. Jtsartley of Mag ic, Pa., writes
I feel it a duly of mine to inform you
and the public that DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve cured me of a verv bad case
of eczema. It also cured my boy of
running sore on his leg.
Acts at once, never fails, One Minute-
Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and
that feverish condition which accompan
ies a severe cold. The only harmless
re medy that produces immediate re
For Sale.
A young Cuban parrott, good talker,
Cheap. Address A. B., this office.
o29 3ts.
Wanted, Cash.
Will require between $120 and $150.
Will give a half interest to a responsible
party, who furnishes cash for patenting
two staple articles. Must give $1,000
ooncia untn patents are approved of.
Answer " Patent. " care Chronicle.
A Bank
A general banking: business is done by
the human system, because the blood de
posits in its vaults whatever wealth we may
gam from day to day. This wealth is laid
up against "a rainy day " as a reserve fund
we're in a condition of healthy prosperity
it we have laid away sufficient capital to
draw upon in the hour of our greatest need.
There is danger in getting thin, because it's
a sign of letting down in health. To gain
m blood is nearly always to gain in whole
some flesh. The odds are in favor of the
germs of consumption, grip, or pneumonia,
if our liver be inactive and our blood im
pure, or if our flesh be reduced belozo a
healthy standard. What is required is an
increase in our germ-fighting strength. Dr
Pierce's Golden Medical nkcnvcm r,-!
the blood and makes it wholesome, stops
the waste of tissue and at the same time
builds up the strength. A medicine which
will rid the blood of it3 poisons, cle&ise and
invigorate the great organs of the body
vitalize the system, thrill the whole being
with new energy and make permanent work
of it, is surelv a remedvof PTfn t" trains "TJ -
when we make a positive statement that 08
per cent, ot ail cases of consumption can if
taken in the early stages of the disease, 'be
cured with the "Discovery," it seems like
a bold assertion. All Dr. Pierce asks is that
you make a thorough investigation and
satisfy yourself of the truth of his assertion
By sending to the World's Dispensary Med
ical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.. you can get
a free book with the names, addresses and
photographs of a large number of those
cured of throat, bronchial and lung diseases,
as well as of skin and scrofulous affections
by the Golden Medical Discovery." They
also publish -a book of 160 pages, being a
medical treatise on consumption, bronchitis,
asthma, catarrh, which will be mailed on
receipt of address and six cents in stamp.
Dressmaking Parlors
Will be opened November 1st
over Pease & Maya' Store.
Miss St. John.
Mrs. Manns.
Our Fine Dress Overcoat
The Proper Style.
Is a Winner.
An exceptional good value. You can have the same
in either Single or Double front, Deep Velvet Collar.
Length of average size, 48 inches.
Made up handsomely of a Blue-Black Beaver.
Well Lined. Well Finished.
Wholesale and retail mannfactnrers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars
REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. Adioinine E. J. Collins & Co.'s Stor
At Mrs. P. Cram's residence.
Men's Suits, BcVs' Suits,
and. Boys' Overcoats,
Opposite the Diamond Roller Mills,
Small Profits.
Quick Returns.
All Goods Marked
in Plain Figures.
Latest Designs
in Neckwear.
Men's, Boys' and Youths' Suits, Pants, Overcoats,
Mackintoshes, Underwear, Boots and Shoes for all,
Newest and best makes, straight from their makers.
M, HONYWILL, Importer.