SPECIHL SHLE. Satnrflay, li 1 Shoes 10 per ct. Discount. Shoe 10 per ct. Discount. Ladies intending to purchase Fall Footwear will do well by inspecting our immense stock. Our stock is now complete, and we will take especial pleasure in showing you our latest Berlin, Paris and Needle Toes, in light and medium weight: Vici Kid. Our prices are right, and over one hundred styles to select from. 10 per cent. Discount, Saturday, only. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. We respectfully invite all those in need of .a cook or heating stove or steel range to call and examine our new line and get our prices. We have a very large assortment to select from, we can give you splendid bargains this year, and will guarantee to save yovi money, simply be cause we are satisfied with small profits. We are also prepared to do plumbing, tinning, Hot water heating, furnace twork, and employ none but first class workmen, pratical and exper ienced in this class of work. All work guaranteed. Spec ial inducements to cash buy ers. MAIER & BENTON, Next door to Snioes-Kin- ers Drug Co.; A. Bettingen's old stand, Second street. Removal Notice. Nolan's Book Store now lo cated at No. 54 Second St. Do You Want a Pointer? We just want to tell you that we are in the STOVE business ourselves, and you can't save any money by going anywhere else for a stove. We will sell you one for as little money as anybody, -and we think a little less. Just come and see for yourselves before you buy, and say! bring your money with you for we are going to sell them so low that their won't be profit enough in it to pay our . book keeper's wages while he makes the charge. VANBIBBER & WORSKEY, Phone No. 80. THE GrROQERS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. lite red a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. 10 Ceu faa par line for first luwrnon, and 6 Cents per line lor each subsequent insertion. Bpeclal rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1895 BRIEF ME NTION. Leaves From ttae Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Dance tonight at Fraternity hall. The Regulator took on another load of wheat at Rockland last night. Wood Bros, are putting in a cold stor age cellar under their butcher shop. The recorder's court offered nothing in the way of excitement this morning. It is expected the Union Whist Club will shortly resume their regular meet ings. The weather forecast is Saturday ehowers, Sunday fair and cooler with frost. Today is collection day and considera ble money is changing hands in liquida tion of bills. The rain yesterday was a welcome visitor and will do a great deal of good provided it is followed by subsequent showers. The next term of court is expected to be one of the longest in duration of any which have been held in recent years. The jurymen will have quite a bill at the end of their services. Justice Dayis held a session last night to hear a charge of assault and battery preferred by M. A. Allen against Al. Cone. The defendant plead guilty and received a fine of $20 in default of which he was placed in the custody of the sheriff. Angust Aamold , the well-known violin ist, will give a concert at St. Mary's Academy, November 8th. Herr Aamold will be assisted by Mis9 Etta Beamer, a vocalist of celebrity. Tickets are now on sale at the principal stores and at the Chronicle office. The athletic class will bold a meeting tomorrow to consider the advisabiftty of forming an athletic club. Prof. Chrystol will give a talk telling some of the bene fits to be derived from the club and the best way of organizing an athletic and gymnasium, and it ia to be hopd the present effort to form one will be successful. The Tom Thumb wedding and supper at the Methodist church next Monday will be an event well worth attending. The program which will be presented is very unique and the audience will be sure to be interested in the evening's entertainment. Remember the place and time Methodist church, Monday, November 4th. This morning about 3 o'clock the in habitants of the city were awakened by the loud tones of the fire bell. The people who rushed out in the damp air found that the danger of a conflagration was not very great. A lamp in the tailoring shop north of Rnch's grocery store had overturned and created a slight blaze. The fire was extinguished without the aid of the city department and those who had been aroused from slumber went home to resume their sleep. The Congregational' church, corner Court and Fifth streets Services Sun day as follows: A 11 a. m. admin istration of the Lord's Supper; at 7 :3o p. m. worship, and a sermon by the pastor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school immediately after the morning service. Meeting of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Topic, Our enemies, our weapons, our allies; Ephvi:I0-18. All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially in vited. The Tom Thumb wedding will be the event of the season. The ladies have issued invitations. They have taken great care hot to overlook any of their friends, but should any one fail to get an invitation; do not stay away, as long as there is room no one will be turned away. The church will be elaborately decorated. Mrs. Condon will preside at the organ. The wedding march will begin at 8 o'clock precisely. The bride will be attired in a lovely costume of white glace batiste, elaborately trimmed with flowers and ribbon, the customary veil and other accessaries of a bridal costume. The bride will be attended by two bridesmaids dressed in white tarlatane. The groom will be supported by his best man and the ushers. Come and enjoy the Liliputian wedding. Advertised letters. Following is the list of let ters remain ing in the postoffiee at The Dalles un called for Nov. 2, 1895. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Brown, Wm (2) Martin, Press Brice, Mrs Nellie Mallatt, G W (2) Carlton, Jed Moore, J & W Tailor Childere, S W Moore, Wm Coffin, Edna McDonald, J F Dean, A L McDonald, E Donaldson, Drew Nelson, Rose Fredenberg, Thos Kanney, Glam E Fredenbnrg, I H RollinB, Mrs Rose Fowler, E W Rofeno, Wm" (2) Gilkin, Hy " Rosslow, Harry Hall, Inez Romiser, J E Hagan. P Skinner, Jno Harbain Bros Sun, Waeco Co Henderson, Mr Smith, Willard Henderson, O C Taylor, T D Lenz, Lucy (2) Wright, Sarah Wood, J H Wood, G R Williams, L D J. A. Crossex, P. M. Great Kargalns In Millinery. I have just received a large lot of sailors at 25 cents and op, also a large assortment of trimmed hats which I can sell at half price, sale to begin Nov. 4th. Call early while the assortment is good. Great discount on all goods. - n2-3ds. Mrs. Phillips. It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that performs a cure is the best. De Witt's Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform a care, and are the best. Circuit Conrt Docket. The docket for the next term of court is nearly complete. There may be some more cases commenced before the first day and some of the ones now on the docket may be settled. Below are pub lished the law and criminal dockets. The equity docket contains so many cases continued from previous terms that it is not possible: LAW DOCKET. Joshua Hendv Machine Co vs J G & I N Day. J C Meins vs C J Coatsworth. Parodi Barlotima vs L B Reed et al. J B Goot vs Oregon Land Irrigation Lumber and Fuel Co. Pease & Mays vs J W Moore. D M & J W French vs H E Moore et al. Dalles Nat'l bank vs Geo W McKay et al. Smith French vs Clark McCown. A Scherneckau vs J C Murphy et al. First Nat'l bank vs James. Nelson. W D Richard vs W Holway. Z F Moody vs W D Richards. Anne Grant Frazer vs Allan Grant. Brown & Jones vs Jos Barrells. Quong Sang Wa vs Quong On Tai. Julia Obarr vs Dalles City. J Hazel vs A S Cheeseman. E G Young & Co vs Chas Fryer. Gibons & Marden vs II W Steele. C L Gerdes ysMD Morgan. H Glenn vs B F Smith. Johnston Bros vs Thomas Harris. James Sutherland vs James A Brown. John A Niemela vs T J Seufert. W II Wilson vs Walter M Dovcy. Ed Pohley vs J F Reynolds. ' Mamie Strickland vs Aug Buchler et al. S French vs Z F Moody, executor. Johnston Bros vs J L Bradley et al. James Cameron vs Wasco county mandate from supreme court. A M Williams & Co vs A A Urquhart et al. Richard Palmer vs Alex Strachan. CRIMINAL DOCKET. State of Oregon vs R A Power. State of Oregon vs N W Northrup. State of Oregon vs Lee Git. State of Oregon vs R A McDonald. State of Oregon vs Myron Taft. State of Oregon vs Lee Moorebouse. , State of Oregon vs Bluford Douglas. State of Oregon vs P Mabaffy. State of Oregon vs Z P Jones vs Emma Faucett. State of Oregon vs Lee Ching. State of Oregon vs II F Jackson. State of Oregon vs F N Pease. State of Oregon vs Thomas Denton, jr. State of Oregon vs Walter Brooks. I'ortland Exposition. The Dalles Portland & Astoria Nav. Co. will sell round trip tickets during the Expositon at $2.00. Tickets good ten days from date of sale. W. C. Allaway, o9d-w21t. Gen. Agt. No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES. Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. Fresh oysters just received at A. Kellar's. - PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. H. Smith of Grass Valley is in the city. Mr. H. C. Rooper of Bake Oven is in the city. Miss Ketchum of The Dalles is visit ing in Portland. Mr. F. H. Rowe of Lyle was in the city this morning. Mr. J. Strem of Victor neighborhood is a visitor to town. Messrs. J. C. Burkes and Henry Frock of Moro are in the city. Mr. C. H. Stoughton of Dufur is seen upon our streets today. Dr. H. Logan went to Portland on the early morning passenger. Mr. A. McKenzie, a business man of San Francisco, is iu the city. Mr. George Young, the well-known stockman of Bake Oven, is in the city. ' B. S. Huntington, Eeq., wfnt to the Cascades on legal business this morning. Miss Anne Smith went to Hood River this morning for a visit witn her par ents. Mr. Fred.W. Wilson went to Portland this afternoon to take a look at the ex position. Mr. M. P. Isenberg, toe well-known citizen oi Hood River, was in The Dalles yesterday. H. S. Wilson, Esq., has ret'irued from Ooldendale, wheie he went on legal business. Mrs. J. F. Clark and Mies N. McNeil are among the visitors to the Portland Exposition from this city. Miss Anna Moore, who has been visit ing her mother in The Dalles for some time, returned to Portland by the Regu lator this morning. Mrs. F. Webster Hinsdale of Portland arrived in The Dalles to spend Sunday with her husband, who is stopping tem porarily in The Dalles. Mrs. Hinsdale is a vocalist ot note and will be remem bered as the lady who gave the charm ing concert in The Dalles last summer. born. In The Dalles, Nov. 1st, to the wife of E. Keister, a son. The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oato and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles for the now celebrated Goldendale roller mills flour, the best flour in the market and sold only in ton lots or over. 9-tf for Kent. A nicely furnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. o31tf. J. M. Huxtixgtox '& Co. Call at the Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. ON JAGOBSEfl BOOK & WSIG GO'S 162 Second Strset, The Dalles, Oregon. One Pound Fine Note Paper, wim ou oquare ninveiopes to matcn, All for 25 Cents. Don't fail to get a box. See Display in our Show Win dow. Pianos and Organs sold on easy monthly payments. In School Books and Stationery we are the leaders. Jacobsen Book & Music Co., 162 Second Street. New Odors Only a few names a s a "persuader.' 8 r-f O OS ia -3 in O D PS H o in w O r 1 m .1 o o D O o ss Just received, a new and elegant bulk of Handkerchief Extracts and Sachets, principally "Lundborgs," at Donnell's Dtug Stote. Deutsche Hpotheke. Telephone fio. 15. Stephens has something' to show Gentlemen . in the way of SUITS. All Grades and Prices. Stephens is selling Yarns and Worsteds cheaper than anybody. He bought in larg e quantities last spring when the prices were low, and gives his customers the benefit of his fore sight. New Goods constantly ar