ci. VOL. VIII THE DALLES, OREGQN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1895. NO 256 THE END DRAWS NEAR Dnrrant Case to Go Before the Jury Thursday. TO BE CHARGED THIS MORNING District Attorney Barnes Draws a Hor rible Picture of the MotlTes Prompting the Crime. San Francisco, Oct. 30. District At torney Barnes today began the closing argument on behalf of the state in the trial of Theodore Durrant. The court room was crowded to its utmost capacity and cloee attention was paid to the speaker. Mr. Barnes spoke, in part, as follows : "The individual who perpetrated the hideous murder, with which the defen dant stands charged and which has har rowed the soul and frozen the blood of this community, ia no ordinary crimin al ; and his crime in every aspect in which it may be considered is without a parallel. It was not committed under a blind and furious impulse to revenge some real or fancied wrong to his person, his property or his character, nor from motives of gain, nor in the commission of robbery, nor yet under the hot spur of jealousy, that hell of the injured lov er. It was in every sen&e a cold-blooded, vicious murder. It was without the slightest provocation or apparent excuse or palliation. The assassin chose for his victim an innocent and helpless m&iden, in years alarost a child, almoBt a strang er in our city, a simple school-girl, tem porarily residing with a relative and en gaged in the struggle to obtain an edu cation as a teacher in the normal school. She was undeveloped in mind, pure in life and thought, pure and unsuspecting in nature, and presenting in body none of tbe qualities which are supposed to arouse the evil" passions of the seducer and libertine. For the scene of his dreadful assault the murderer selected an evangelical church dedicated to the worship of God, a temple where the doc trines and life of Jesus Christ were taught and illustrated in Sabbath as sembly, in midweek prayer meeting and in social gathering. He took the life of his victim, not with the savage mercy of the quick pistol or the silent knife, but he tortured hei with the lingering pro cees of 8 translation, driving his cruel fingers deep into the tender flesh of her slender throat; and so fiercely did he do his devil's work that the stigma of his crime remained until the discovery of her corpse, clearly discernible as the cauae of death, not only by the expert surgical examiner, but by the most un learned observer. What other, if any, wrong was done her before her soul ex haled and went to heaven we do not know. "The advancement of nature decom position baffled investigation and made knowledge impossible, but we know that either living or dying, or dead, she was takep by him up the steep stairs of the steeple of the belfry of the church, where he supported the poor body with blocks of wood, and left it there to rot in nakednees and wither in the cool west ern wind that swept through the lofty spire. He hid the remains where he believed they would remain undiscov ered and receive no promise of Christian burial. There he left her. She was dead, but he fancied himself safe from detection and exposure. The heaven- pointing spire of the Redeemer's church was his only confidant and accomplice. No human eye bad witnessed bis assault upon Blanche Lamont. No ear had heard her first shriek of terror and amazement as this monster fell upon her, or the last stifled moan of dying agony that perceded the awful silence of her final rest. None, save the God J whom he feared not, bad seen him as be -extended tbe naked and slender form on Highest of all in Leavening Power. the belfry floor, laid the thin arms across the undeveloped bosom, propped the head and straightened the meager body in the dust. Not a human being had beheld bis retreat from the awful pre sence of the death which was his work, and the secret was safely locked in his own breast. There lay the speechless and untestifyii g corpse, and what was it now to give him fear? It had been nothing but a girl after all, and concern ing her there would he the same old story to which he could help give cur rency the same old story of a vanished girl, a distracted family, an ineffective and perfunctory search among the houses of ill-repute, a reluctant conclu sion that this little one, like others of Eve's daughters, had gone to her moral destruction ; a ' picture turned to the wall a name never spoken and oblivion, personal and social, for poor lost Blanche Lamont. And be was rigtt for the mom ent. The wrath of the God whose law he had violated, and whose temple he had desecrated, seemed to slumber. The murderer went his guilty way with his undivulged crime, unscathed and unwbipped of justice, while his victim lay in the spire that points its slender finger to the sky as if reproaching its ruler for his unmoving indignation." Mr. J. K. Fowler, secretary and treas urer of the Corinne Mill, Canal and Stock Co., of Corinne, Utah, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy says : "I consider it the best in tbe market. I have used many kinds but find Cham berlain's the most prompt and effectual in giving relief, and now keep no other in my home." When troubled with a cough or cold give this remedy a trial and we assure you that yon will be more than pleased with the results. For sale by B'.akeley & Houghton, Druggists. It'a just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as any thing else. It's easi er to cure a severe cough or cold with it. Let your next purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Better med icine ; better results ; better try it. The Importation of Mexican Cattte. Dallas. Tex., Oct. 30. The executive committee of the Texas Livestock Asso ciation adopted the following : "Whereas, Largely exaggerated re ports have been put into circulation as to the importation of Mexican cattle In to Texas: and, "Whereas, Such reports are calcu lated to depreciate values in Texas cat tle ; therefore, be it. "Resolved, That after a careful inves tigation of tbe matter, this committee feeis justified in making the statement that the importation of Mexican cattle along the border from October 22 to De cember 31 of this year will not exceed 100,000 head, and consequently will not in the least affect prices, or in any way prove detrimental to the cattle interests of the Btate." itncklea'a Arnica salve. The best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sorea, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all ekin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunaed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Snipes & Kin ersly. For the last cheap excursion to the Oregon Industrial Exposition in 1895, the O. R. & N. Co. will sell tickets to Portland at the very low rate of $2.25 for the round trip, including two admissions to the fair, good going on either train, Oct. 30th ; good to return on the evening ol the 31st. oc26-4t ' Pennsylvania Defeated Brown. Philadelphia. Oct. 30. The univer sity of Pennsylvania football eleven de feated Brown university this, afternoon 12 to 9. Portland Exposition. The Dalles Portland & Astoria Nav. Co. will sell round trip tickets during the Expositon at $2.00. Tickets good ten days from date of sale. W. C. Allaway, c9d-w21t. Gen. Agt. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 Fry everything froni potato chips to doughnuts in Cotto- lene. Put Cottolene in a cold pan heat it slowly until it H will delicately brown a bit of M M bread in half a minute. Then fa put in your food. It will pay It you to try Cottolene just this way see how delicious and P M wholesome it makes the food Get tbe genuine, sold everywhere in one, ler i rp And five nnnnd tins, wit ti tnaHiv three, and five pound tins, with trade rs marus "uoltoiene" ana ueer l M lon-plonl wreath on every tin i THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Sf. Louis, Igj Cklcaco, - Baa FruriM, Portland, Or(o, fc M new ign, ' mhh. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is an unfailing remedy for all dis eases of the Liver, Kidnexaor Urinary Organs. It is a certain cure for Dropsy, Diabetes, Brigbt's Disease, Gravel, Kid ney Weakness. Incontinence of Urine, Bed Wetting in Children, Biliousness, Liver Complaint and Female Troubles. A trial of this great remedy will con vince you of its potency. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. " , "While down in the southwestern part of the etate some time ago." says Mr. W. Chalmt-rs, editor of the Chico (Cal.) Enterprise, "I had an attack of dysen tery. Having heard of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinedy I bought a bottle. A couple of doses of it. completely cured me. Now I am a champion of that remedy for all sto mach and bowel complaints." For sale by Blakeley STHoughton, Druggists. There are so many accidents to live stock whicn cause delay and loss to the farmer in his work. In a large number of instances the delay would be but trifling if a remedy was promptly applied. Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has for many years been regarded aa tbe farmer's friend. Its healing on flesh of domestic animals is immediate and permanent. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. For sale at Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. NOTICK OF UISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing between Douglas S. Dufur and Fred D. Hill is hereby dissolved this date by mutual consent. Said Fred D. Hill will assume all co-partnership liabilities and collect all accounts due said firm, and continue said business. Fred D. Hill, Douglas S. Dufck. Dated, Dalles Citv, Oregon, October 10th, 1S95. Wanted, Cash. Will require between $120 and $150. Will give a half interest to a responsible party, whofurniehes cash for patentine two "staple articles. Must give $1,000 bonds until patents are approved of. Answer "Patent," care Chronicle. The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats and Hay. Are sole agents, in The Dalles for the now celebrated Goldendale roller mills flour, the best flour in the market and sold onlv in ton lots or over. 9-tf Wood! Wood! Wood! We have on band oak, fir and maple cord-wood. Send us your orders by Tel ephone. Maieb & Benton. Dressmaking Parlors Will be opened November 1st over Pease & Mays' Store. Our Special Offer, .. . . 75 Pair Sizes from 4 to 14. 1 A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collar ' TENTS and WAGON COVERS. REP AIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'a Stor Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, i and Boys' Overcoats, mackintoshes: ROBERT ZS. WIIaM AESS, . . Opposite the Diamond Roller LADIES COATS All Goods Marked in and CLOAKS. Plain Figures. Just Opened Up, a Large Stock of Men's, C L HATS AND CAPS. Ladies Gents' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Latest styles. PRICES the LOWEST. Saturday, We will put on sale Boys' Knee Pants, Cents Mills, O T HIN G, 1 M Nov. 2d. -yISS ANNK C. SMITH, - TEACHER OF MUSIC. At Mrs. P. Cram's residence. THE DALLES, OREGON. Boys' and Youths' Honywill Miss St. John. Mrs. Manns.