9 fIOJRI SALE. S3 III!, lid 111. Pants Pants Pants Our Stock of Men's, Boys' and Youths' Pants piled on our Pants Counter at 50 Per Cent. Discount. These goods are all marked in plain figures, and we CUT THE PRICE RIGHT IN TWO. Your Choice, ONE-HALF OF MARKED PRICE- SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. We x respectfully invite all those in need, of a cook or heating stove or steel v range to call and examine our new line and get our prices. We have a ver' large assortment to select from, Ave can give you splendid bargains this year, and will guarantee to save you money,' simply be cause ' we are satisfied with small profits. We are also prepared to do plumbing, tinning, Hot water heating, furnace work, and employ none but first class workmen, pratical and exper ienced in this class of work. All work guaranteed. Spec ial inducements to cash buy ers. MAIER & BENTON, Next door to Snipes-Kiri-ers Drug Co.; A. Bettingen's old stand, Second street. Removal Notice. Nolan's Book Store now lo cated at No. 54 Second St. Do You Want a Pointer? We just want to tell you that we are in the STOVE business ourselves, and jtou can't save any money by going anywhere else for a stove. We will sell you one for as little money as anybody, and we think, a little less. Just come and see for yourselves before you buj', and say! bring your money with you for 'we are going to sell them so low that their won't be profit enough in it to pay our book keeper's wages while he makes the charge. KEiLTTS & CROWE, VANBIBBER & WORSLEY, Phone No. so. THE GROCERS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. 10 0311 lm wr line lor first Insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time' notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. FRIDAY, - - - OCTOBER 25, 1895 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves Frtrtu the Notebook of Chronicle Keporters. The weather for today and tomorrow is lair and warmer. Sunday Excursion To the Cascades. Remember the excursion given next Sunday by the Orchestra Union. The entire brass band will be in attendance. The friends of Miss Grace Sharp, who has been seriously ill in Portland for several months, will be glad to know the young lady is improving in health. A meeting of the Elks of this city is called fcr 7 o'clock this evening, in the parlors of the Umatilla House. Matters of importance relating to. the meeting Saturday night will be discussed. This good weather will not last much longer and next Sunday wi!l probably be the last excursion to Cascade Locks for the year. Don't fail to take this pleas ant opportunity of seeing this great work. Two victims greeted City Recorder Phelps this morning and were found to be guilty of overestimating their capacity for liquor. One of them paid a f5 fine and the other being fined twice that amount and lacking the wherewith went to jail. The receipts of wheat at the ware houses were much larger today than yesterday. The Klickitat teams were in the majorit3'. At 7o'clock this morn ing ten. wagons were in line on the ferry bill across the river waiting to reach this side. Ninety hogs from Klickitat county were brought to the stockyards today for shipment to Port Townsend. They were purchased by Cbas. Butler. A band of cattle also came in to be taken to the sound. . It is probable they will be driven overland. The ladies of the Methodist church will give a Tom Thumb and Chrys anthemum show at sotne date early in November. The ladies are making; great preparations iof the event and some unique exhibitions may be ex pected. The exact date will be an nounced later. The passenger train going west this morning 'was composed of thirteen coaches. On board was a large excur sion from Eastern Oregon cities some coming from as great a distance as Huntington. The Portland Exposition is drawing immense crowds and the financial eucces9 of the fair seems to be assured. Everyone who attends brings back the same good report of the excel lence of the exposition. The coming season promises to be a very lively on socially. Besides the re cital to be given Thanksgiving evening, which was announced yesterday, th Home Dramatic Club will play for the benefit of charity, Thanksgiving eve. The club held a meeting last evening to consider a request to play and decided to acquiesce. The piece put on will be "A Night Off," a comedy of great humor which will undoubtedly draw a large house. The parts have been assigned and the club will begin practicing at once. The first shipment of this season's wheat from Rockland went this morn ing by the Regulator. Between six and seven hundred sacks were on the dock waiting to be taken aboard. It is ex pected another lot will be ready in a short time. The freight business done by the Regulator this week 19 one of the greatest for any week since the flood time of '94. Three boat loads of sheep, one of hogs and today's shipment of wheat make a big record which will be followed tomorrow by a large miscellan eous cargo, which has been waiting sev eral day 9 for a chance to go. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Congregational church are proposing large things for the entertainment of this community In the coming Decem ber. Their entertainment will be called the "Festival of Times and Seasons," and if old Father Time himself, who is expected, should fail to come on account of. age and infirmities, he has promised fo send his twelve children 'who will faithfully represent his interests in the year's doings, assisted each by four of the next generation, making sixty-two in all. The society expects this festival to occupy two evenings in Armory hall. Congressman Ellis will arrive in The Dalles tomorrow morning from Heppner and spend the day in this city. This will be the last opportunity Mr. Ellis will have of meeting his constituents, as he leaves almost immediately for Wash ington to begin his congressional labors There are several questions of vital iur portance to the people of Eastern Oregon concerning which it would be well to consult informally with Mr. Ellis. The necessity of allowing sheepmen to pas ture their flocks in the accustomed places is one of them and the matter of river improvements another. If a meeting of business men and citizens could be called and Mr. Ellis invited to address them on these important questions, it would be both a benefit to our people and a deserved compliment to our con greesman. Portland Exposition. The Dalles Portland & Astoria Nav. Co. will sell round trip tickets during the Expositon at $2.00. Tickets good ten days from date of sale. W. C. Aixaway, o9d-w21t. Gen. Act. Seven bottles of Strickland's Sarsap arilla. for $5, at the . Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. . Almost a Sensation. Last night a stranger registered at one of our leading hotels, and handed the proprietor, who, by the way, is one of the oldest and best known hotel men in the state, $13.50, the stranger saying at the same time that in all probability he would be drnnk by morning, and in case he should ask the hotel proprietor for the money, it was not to be given him until sober. This morning the stranger, who bad mad 6 his word good by getting gloriously inebriated, came around and wanted the money, which the proprie tor, seeing his condition, refused to give up, telling him to come around when sober. So the man went out declaring he would see a lawyer and raise thunder generally. The first attorneys' office he struck happened to be the - firm of Sin nott & Sinnott, to whom he stated his grievances'. Marshal Blakeney was called into action, and. armed with vari ous papers, went to the hotel and asked which one of the proprietors he should take into custody. The junior partner insisted that the marshal should take the senior partner to jail, while the latter, who by this time was wondering what sort of a mess he had got into, tried to get the younger one, who is well known as an irresistable josher, to ex plain the matter. After considerable fun, the $13.50 were dug up, and the at torneys deducting their fee, the man proceeded to get still further glorious on what was left. . l'roposett Lecture Course. The ladieB of the Congregational church have been busy for some time arranging a lecture course for the coming winter. It is the intention to Becuro some of the best foreign talent to be found in the Btate. . Although the list is not yet com plete, a perusal of the following names of people who will deliver lectures upon different topics, will give some idea of the treats in 6tore for the people of The Dalles : From Portland will come Ex-Atty General Geo. H. Williams,.Judge L. L. McArthur, Hon. Thomas N. Strong, Hon. D. P. Thompson, Col. James Jackson, U. S. A. ; from Salem Rev. P. S. Knight and Rev. W. C Kantner; from Forest Grove Prof. Lloyd, of Pacific University. Hon. John Michell of this city, who is known as a speaker of abil ity, is also one of the lecturers. It is expected Mrs.-E. W. Allen of Portland will give a lecture, aided by etereoptican views. Several other distinguished gentlemen are being written to, some of whom will probably accept. A winter lecture course is heeded in every town and it is hoped our citizens will take hold of the matter heartily and encourdce the ladies of the church in their laudable efforts. - PERSONAL. MENTION. Mr. Andrew Marrow of Prineville is a visitor to town. Mr. O. II. Tbornsen, a business man of Seattle, is in the city. Mr. P. T. Sharp returned last night from a visit to his daughter in Portland. George W. and John Ward, two well known farmers of Kingsley, are in the city. ' j B. S. Huntington, Esq., went to Bla Iock on the noon train on . legal busi ness. Miss Emma Jacobsen came home on last evening's boat from a visit in Port land. - - Mr. Dinsmore Parrish was among the passengers leaving on the Regulator this morning. M. Stephans of Chicken Springs is in i the city, returning home from the Port- ' land exposition. Mr. George .W. Triplow of Hood River, who spent yesterday in The Dalles, re turned home this morning. Mr. Felix Magnire, a former resident of The Dalles but now employed in the railroad shops in Albina, is visiting in the city. Mr. John Melville of the La Grande railroad shops is in the city. Mr. Mel ville was for many years a resident of this city. 1 County Surveyor Sharp returned to day from eurveying the Rattlesnake canyon. In company with J. D. Gibson, John McGrath and' James McMillan, Mr. Sharp went over the proposed route and carefully surveyed it. The road can be easily built this fall if work is commenced at once. The grade begins a quarter of a mile south of the free bridge and terminates at James Walker's place, at the head of Rattlesnake canyon. It wil run through about one-half dirt and one-half rock. The stakes: have been set at a distance of one chain apart. The incline for one mile is eighteen inches to the rod, and for two miles fifteen inches. The surveyor and vietv ers epent three days on the work.' The chronic grumbler still lives, but there are less cases of chronic Indigestion and Dyspepsia than formerly. The fact is so many people in the past have taken Simmons Liver Regulator that they are now cured of these ills. And a great multitude are now taking Simmons Liver Regulator for the same troubles and they'll soon be cured. "It is the best medicine." Mrs.-E. Raine, Balti more, Md. Just received a choice lot of Dry Oak Wood. ' Maiee & Benton. Employment Wanted. By young man of good habits. Can furnish good references. Will do any kind of honest work. Apply at this office. octS24-lw No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES, Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co.t Telephone No. 3. Just gaze at the Ad. of the Jacobsen Book and Music Co., which will appear tomorrow. They offer a rare bargain in fine stationer v. New Odors Pnly a few names -e s a "persuader." D r-t a in 1-3 -I o Pt &1 o a o w o w O' a. a to S3 "3 .2 2 o c-o 0) o H c . - o sa 5 Just received, a new and elegant bulk of Handkercbief Extracts and Sachetsf principally "Lundborge," at Donnell's Dtug SXope. Deutsche Apotheke. Telephone Jlo. 15. Stephens has something to show Gentlemen in the way of SUITS. All Grades and Prices. You Ought to See the Ladies' Fur Gapes ASK FOR PRICES. Just received at C. F. Stephens'. They are elegant and represent the latest styles. C. E STBPHBirS.