V ironiele. E8. J.DTAKCB. $ 1 80 0 75 0 o 6 00 800 080 THE CHRON- JST 23. 1895 len st good, id news t advcr- ROXICL.B I ion and d mer- ' i to the ici.e the vertieers a disaster on land equally ae great as the previous one on the sea. He never had parents that he knew, no name or rela tives, and now no grave that can be called his own. Few lives have been narked by ench a striking example of lonely fate. The only case that ap proaches in similarity was that of Eva Burbank, who was drowned at North Beach some fifteen years ago. The place along the Cowlitz river where she was born wa9 washed away by a flood, carrying with it the ground upon which stood the bouse. A few years later the nnfortnnate girl was drowned while bathing at the seashore, and the body not being recovered, she bad neither birthplace nor burial spot upon the earth. ici.e the ? vertieers 5 OADS. beet wheat Iud AVashing st wool mar ts so low that jel will induce istance for the fwiil be that a heat crop will ever before. Hue interior stand the wear of we j would have a trade: Nothing is to a city than bad to and from it. We can- roads, and those most wheat teams -will become .ood before fall, rains. A upon them, done at once first rains, would be of great Farmers aud road 6uper- ' "too' busy to give them atten- found to undertake ifTenbscriijtion. It "STmost as much to the i roadfrom Flovd'a and from the "o!rChompson place into town. Two men and a good team employed for sixty . days could do the work. SEWS TAPER TRIALS. The trial of criminal cases in the press Jjefore tbi courts - have reached them " contributes more to the contempt in which courts are' too often held than anything else. This fact is illustrated by the Dnrrant case, which is dragging itself to death in San Francisco. Every. particle of evidence, and a vast amount " of etnff which is not evidence, has hpen embellished and dealt out to tho public in the most sensational manner. State ments, like the finding of the bloody knife or the attack of Durrp.'. upon a young lady, are sent abroad one day to be talked about, antfhen reported to be withoua" Tho latter report, hnvem J heeded. Citizens ins in the press and .elves to sit as jurors become disgusted be j& jurors cannot be -found, peases can best be tried in the fhfi publication of the evidence p isprpduced in court is preju y to the tair administration of jas- x, and of no benefit to the public, bat rather a detriment. The press of San Francisco should be more censured than the court. Do You Know a WHEN YOU TASTE IT? IF SO YOU WILL NE VCR BE .WITHOUT ., ' ir i. ti EL isc LEi'r's mg -IT- The democratic party is eee-eawmg itself to death. Ohio democrats declare for the gold standard and Cleveland's administration ; Mississippi democrats are on the other track, and they have the pull so far as influence in the party is concerned. Klickitat county has taken bold of financial matters in earnest, and the in evitable result cf the present policy, if continued, will be to place the county upon a sound financial basis. We heartily wish them success. A Bmggist's 8?ml-Annnal Report. Some four or five months ago the peo ple of The Dalles were notified of a new drugstore to be opened next door to the First National Bank, and almost directly opposite A. M. Williams A (Jo. s store, The general opinion then prevailed that two storeB were plenty, and a third store mast therefore starve. But surely we are yet alive, and daily assuring oar patrons, as well as the public in general, of our success. The doctors of our pros perous city, who are well able to judge our work, all acknowledge the efficient work done on their prescriptions, for most assuredly there never was any better, neater, more aecurate or precise work done in this city than is at present done at this store. Oar stock of drugs is getting more complete every day. As we learn the wants of the people, so do we add to our stock, never aiming to attain such an immense quantity as to give it a chance to get old; but always bay in such amounts as to enable us to order fre quently, thereby keeping our stock al ways in a fresh and healthful condition. We know the drug business, and per chance not much else ; but we are judges as to the quality of drugs, and therefore must know what we sell you when you give us a call. Come and ask for infor mation, if nothing else. M. Z. DOS'NKLL, Prescription and all-around Druggist, Deutsche' Apotheke, Telephone No. 15. Letter of Thanks From Co. A. Article w or. tne constitution ot the l state provides as follows : "Tho gover- nor shall receive an annual salary of f $1900. The secretary of state shall re- ceive an annual salary of $1500. - They shall receive no fees or perquisites .whatever for the performance of, any ! duties connected with their respective mces. cection zaa oi inn s joae " ""reads. as follows : "The fees of the sec ; , Tetary of state shall be as follows:" Then follows a list of fees. The lan- .- guage of the constitution seems to he v. plain, but evidently either it was mia- jpnderetood by the legislature, or the leg islature intended that the fees collected by the secretary of state should be turned into the state treasury. Can come of the great constitutional news paper editoi s of the state enlighten as Last 4th of July Co. A of Wasco and Co. G of The Dalles held a competitive drill, which, after a warm contest, was won by Co. A, under the captaincy of V. C. Brock. The committee ordered a gold medal to be prepared and when done it was forwarded to tho successful militia boys'. The people of The Dalles greatly enjoyed the visit of their Sher man county friends and as long as the medal must go away from our own boys there is nowhere we would rather see it go than to Co. A of Wasco. Following is the letter of thanks. Wasco, Or., Aug. 22, 1S95, To the 4th of July committee of the citizens of The Dalles, Oicgon. Si us: At the last regular meeting of Co. A, 3d Reg't O. N. G., I had formally presented the beautiful gold medal ycu hid prepared for the company, and was received with enthusiasm. A unan imous vote of thanks was tendered the committee and I was instructed to express the sincere gratitude of our company to yourselves and the citizens of Tho Dalles for your generous gift and courteons hospitality in our visits to your city. Company A will earnestly endeavor to merit your generous reward and see that no act of hers shall ever tarnish the brightness of the jewel won Yours respect fully, V. C. Brock, Captain of Co. A, 3d Reg't O. N. G. NOTICE. QUIETS AND STRENGTHENS THE NERVES BUILDS . UP THE SYSTEM PURIFIES AND ENRICHES THE BLOOD N AT U R E'S BUILDER AND TONIC FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON". Bring in Your Family. Come in Yourself, . And see how cheaply we can dress all of you. Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins, LACES, WOOLENS, COTTONS, LINENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock. Have You Ever Noticed That Johnston is selling goods cheaper than anj'body? His goods are the -freshest, "and he always carries what you want. He buys for cash and gives his customers the benefit. Try him and see if it's true. Johnston's Grocery Store, No. 113 Washington St. Closing Out Sale of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD LESS than COST. C. F STEPHENS Give IVTe a Call. J. P. McINERNY. The Germania. STUB LING & WILLIAMS, Props. FINE WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS. All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of CALIFORNIA - WINES - AND - BRANDIES. Twelve-year-old Whiskey, strictly pnre, for medicinal purpose, llest Malt Liquor. Columbia Krrwerj Itrer un Jkraught. Agcnu for the Celebrated Faljnt .Milwaukee Iteer. No. 94 Second Street, THE DALLES, OR. ' .A trassic fate seems to have followed ' the life f Peter Gumry, the owner of the Denver hotel recenty destroyed, and who periehed in its ruins. When a babe he was rescued from a wrecked -Bhij off the banks of Newfoundland and given, as a sad reminder, the name, of the vessel. . Bis parents perished at the time, and bia identity was lost. Fifty . years later bis own life was destroyed in We are now ready to furnish tele phone service between The Dalles and Dufur. For service and rates apply at Central office, in French & Go.'a Bank Building, The Dalles, Or., or at CP. Balch'8 Drugstore, Dufur, Or. Inter mediate stations will be ready ia a few days. Seufert & Condon Telephone Co. augl7-lw J. W. Condon, Mgr. M ISS fEAIil. SOUTHWOKTII. HAIR-DRESSING ana MANICURING. Rooms over Pease & Mays' Store. Your Wife Knows Where she can get nice Vegetables. Where to get the nicest Berries.. Where nice, fresh Gro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Cajl or Telephone. THE DALLES ieal Estate J. B. CROSSEN, .- Grocer. Ask Central for 62. Advertise in Th Chronicle. llio above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing Im migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co., Dufur. & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Harden, G. V . Rowland. Address" any of the "above well known nrms, or J ill. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles. Oregox When (be Train slops at TOE DALLES, get off on tie Swi Side flEVi GOLiUjVlBlfl HOTEli. . . -....OfO" This large and popular House aoex the principal hotel business, and 1b prepared to furnish the Bent Accommodations of any Honse in the city, and at the low rate of $1.00 per Day. - pirst CJass Iea!s, 25 Cerjts. Offieo for all Htage Llna leaving? The Dalles for all iiotnta In Kaateru Oregon and ICaatern WathiiirtoD, In thin Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Bts. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER, Sncoessor to Chrisman & Corson.) FULL. LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in butsirjeBB at the old stared. I would b pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. We are in it With a new stock of Groceries, Glassware and Willow Goods. Everything about the store bright and clean, and prices lower than the lowest. Farmers from tho country and people from the town will do well to give us a call. The reason for our large sales and re duced prices is, we sell for cash. Highest cash price paid for country produce. B. A. HUNSAKER, Successor to' H. Moses & Co., adjoining the Diamond Mills. "THE CELEBRATED COLiUmBlfl BEOIEHV, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery ia now tarn ing oat the best Beer and Porter eant of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed oa he market. Tne Tytrl. Tal- I I "IT V ley Creamery Vaa I I Is Delicious. Ask Vanbib'ber & Worsley for it. ' Every Square is Full Weight. TELEPHOITE 80. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. E. i mil 11 y ipe WorK, Tig Repairs agit QeofiBg MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kusa' Blacksmith Shop.