The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 21, 1895, Image 3

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Removal Notice .
Well Dressed
The Dalles Dafly Chronicle.
ntered a the Potofflce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
10 Ceuui per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
WEDNESDAY, - - - AUGUST 21. 1895
Leaves From the Notebook of Clironicle
Be porters.
The weather tomorrow is promised
The Regulator brought up Another
borae power from Portland last night.
Five of the chinamen who were arrest
ed yesterday have beenreleased,as there
was no evidence against any bat the two
now in jail.
Three hobos lined the police rait this
morning. The recorder fined them the
usual amount. Two of three paid and
the third went to jail.
Mr. Lemke is able to be again on the
streets after a tussle with the contents of
a coriosive sublimate bottle. He etill
shows the effects of his sickness.
Lee Get, alias Harry, the Chinaman
accused of doing the stabbing Monday
morning, was arraigned this afternoon
before Justice Davis and plead not
There was no action taken last night
at the meeting of claimants againBt the
railroad company. The matter was in
formally discussed, but final action de
ferred. A patent was fi'ed with the county
clerk from the United States to Charles
H. Stonghton, conveying sejjj of swj
and 8w3-4 of se, sec 7, in tp 1 8, r 15 e,
containing 119 29100 acres,
All boys from 12 to 21 years of agdJ teemed friends are wearing their old
who want the military drills under Capt. Iclothes. This morning one of them
Levi Chrisman, are requested to be at jVcalled another up on the telephone and
the Christian chnrcb Friday at 8 p. m. informed him that investigation had
A boys' brigade will be organized.
Teams are engaged in hauling wood
away from the ground, which the new
warehouse dock is to occupy. There is a
great deal of cordwood on the beach,
much of which it will be necessary to
The fruit growers are busy today load-''
ing a car for shipment to Chicago. The
cargo will consist exclusively of pears,
about 600 boxes being necessary to fill
the car. The shipment will go east on
on the night train and will be rushed to
its destination without delay.
Little Genevieve Fish entertained a
number of her young friends yesterday
afternoon with a very pleasant party.
The occasion was the Cth anniversary of
the young hostess birthday and the oc
casion will long be remembered by those
fortunate enough to be invited.
Fish Commissioner McGnire came up
from Portland today to make a tour of
the fishing grounds in his official ca
pacity. Mr. McGuire has a difficult
. position to fill, as no sooner is his back
turned than complaints are filed, eharg-
We are showing the very
latest Blocks
ing some one with breaking a fishing
A correction was handed The Chron
icle this afternoon too late for publica
tion, regarding some of the circumstances
of Mr. Taylor's arrest, and will appear
later. The Chronicle is always glad
to publish both sides of a question, and
if wrong has been done, make amends.
The engine for the flying machine,
which is to bring to Goldendale fame
and to some of its citizens fortune, came
up on the Regulator last night and will
be shipped to Goldendale tomorrow. A
test of the engine's ability will be made
in the flouring mills. Great expecta
tions are had of Mr. Parrot t'a invention.
Mr. Fred Pnndt has purchased from
the Ladd estate lot 5 in block 3, being
the property on the south-east corner of
Main and Court streets. The land was
the only part sold as the bouse had been
built upon leased ground. The price
paid was $2,200, which considering the
location and general value of property
in The Dalles cannot be considered a
high figure.
Wasco county refuses to be surpassed
by any place in producing from the soil.
Mr. W. H. Dufur was in town today and
bad with him some acorns which meas
ured over three inches in circum
ference. They were gathered by his
young eon and there .is a whole tree full
like them. Mr. Dufur thinks of propo
gating the large variety and having an
acorn orchard. Were these specimens
sent to the Portland exposition, it is safe
to say, they wonld be decorated with a
first premium.
Some time ago several of our promi
nent citizens ordered some suits of
clothing from an itinerant agent, who
happened in the town. One of the con
siderations was the payment in advance
of $1.50, which the purchasers did.
Weeks have passed by and still our es-
shown the peddler was a fake and the
persuasive agent was just so much
ahead of the bright business men who
made the bargain. -
Monday was the fifty-seventh anni
vereary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
I. N. Sargeant, which took place in
Lowell, Massachusetts, August 19, 1833.
iDaring their recent trip in the East,
Which was another honeymoon, Mr. and
Mrs. Sargeant visited the old bouse in
iLoweU where the words were said that
Le tar ted them on life's journey together,
They have passed through its vicissi
tudes and pleasures, tasted its joys and
porrows together, and have come to its
later years with hearts as young as on
that August day fifty-seven years ago
The young friends of Mr. Sargeant have
promised that if he will invite them to
the diamond anniversary, at the next
church fair which comes around they
will vote him the most popular man in
If you wish to recover your health.
bathe in the Cascade Warm Springs at
Cascade Wash. For terms, refer to R
W. Crandall. a!7-lw
and Shades.
The Coroner's Inquest.
The inquiry into the death of Lock
Woo occupied the attention of Coroner
Butts and a jury during the greater part
of yesterday afternoon. The testimony
was taken down on the typewriter by F.
D. Hill before a jury composed of Chas.
Hall, Samuel Klein, Fred D. Hill, F. N.
Hill, M. F. Rice, Tbos. Haslan.
The first witness examined was C. H.
tokes, whose testimony had no direct
bearing in the case, but was about see
ing the man who was murdered, chased
by another Chinaman at a previous
time. W. H. Loch head testified as to
seeing the men cross the street and
the incidents after the stabbing. J. H.
Elakeney told about finding the sus
pected murderer, Harry, in the shed
back of Skibbe's and of discovering, in
Yee Sing's wash house, Lee Cbing, who
was charged by the dying man of assist
ing in the killing. The officer testified
that Harry was not accustomed to sleep
ing in the place where he was found but
has lived in a house in Front street. Ed.
Kreamen, who was standing 'on the cor
ner of Metz & Ptindt's saloon, told sub
stantially, as the proceeding .witnesses,
of seeing the Chinamen cross the street
and that after the stabbing, the three
men ran away. He also told of the
identification by Lock Woo of the fellow
Harry. Sheriff Driver, F. W. L. Skibbe
and John Bird also gave important testi
mony. Mr. Skibbe stated that the ac
cused man had worked five or six years
in the hotel and bad behaved himself
properly daring that time. The China
man at different times bad used the
place where be was arrested as a sleep
ing room. Just before his capture by
the officers he came into the bar room
and asked for a drink, saying: "Me
time to sleep, me want to make fire."
Doctors Sutherland and Doane told of
their being called to attend the wounded
man and described the nature of the
wound. The wound was about an inch
and a quarter in width and six inches
long near the angle ribs on the left side
between the ninth and tenth ribs. Both
physicians identified the knife shown
them, as being the instrument which
caused the Chinaman's death. Two of
the defendants were in court and sat in
tently watching all the proceedings,
even though the greater part wna unin
telligible to thein. They perfectly real
ize the dangers of their position and give
every sign of being much frightened.
After the evidence was completed the
jury retired, and in a few minutes re
turned with the following verdict :
"We, the undersigned, duly im
panelled te inquire into the cause of the
death of the Chinaman 'Lock Woo,' and
having heard the testimony of the wit
nesses, duly sworn to the facts in the
case find that the Chinaman, Lock Woo,
came to his death" through a knife
wound given by the Chinaman Lee Git,
alias Harry, and assisted by two China
men, Lee Cning and ei Youen.
Mr. Brooks brought with him' from
Newport some beautiful specimens of
agate rock. They are found in great
profusion along the seashore and dili
gent hunters can pick up some lovely
O 'o
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8tonee, which, when polished, ake on a
rich lustre. Among the specimens was
a water agate which will cauae admira
tion from all beholders. Inside of a
bard, white rock, easily transparent,
can be seen a drop of water in a grove
about twice the length of the water
drop. The rtone can be turned till the
water flows to and fro in its narrow
walls like in a carpenters level. The
age of the agate is beyond calculation
and the imprisoned drop remains from a
time far beyond human ken. " Profeesor
Condon, Oregon's famous geologist, baa
expressed an opinion that the coast
upon which we live is older than the
continent of Europe. It would be qnite
a temptatation to break open the agate
and see how a drop of water thousands
of years old would taste.
Mr. J. W. Condon went to Portland
yesterday on the local.
Mr. T. J. Mo ffit of Gorman postoffice
gave this office a call today.
Mrs. Lvtle and family came home to
day from a visit in Hood River.
Mr. Charles Hilton was a passenger to
the metropolis on yesterday's train
Miss Katie and Miss Ella Roberts
came up on the Regulator last night.
Mayor Menefee left for the country
this morning to join his family camping.
Mrs, T. A. Hudson and eon went to
Moffit Springs this morning by the Reg
ulator. Mr. C. J. Bright, a prominent attor
ney of Sherman county, arrived in town
last night.
Mr. E. H. Merril, who accompanied
Frank Reynolds to Lyle, returned home
last night.
Miss Benlah Sterling returned home
on the passenger tram from camping at
Mr. F. H. Wakefield returned today
from Cascade Locks, where he has been
doing assessing.
Grant, Edwin and Robert Mays came
in last mgnt lrom tne country to remain
a lew days in town.
Air. ana Mrs. w. a. Johnston were
pnssengers to the Cascades and return
today on the Regulator.
Mr. George W. Miller and family re
turned yesterdav from spending the
summer at the seashore.
Mrs. E. F. Sharp, accompanied by her
sister, Miss Farrelly, came up on the
noon tram lrom Portland.
Mips Vircip fnnnr "haa trrTt tt-k fofir
hart Park, Clateop Beach, where she
win join ner aimer, lura. xtmenart.
Mr. anil Mm. Samne T.. Krnntn inmA
home last night from a visit to Newport
beach and points in the Willamette
valley. '
Mr. E. C. Kilbam, a business man of
Portland, was in The Dalles yesterday,
returning home on the boat this
- Mrs. W. H. II. Dufur and daughter,
Blanche, will leave on tomorrow morn
ing's train for Woods, Tillamook county,
where they will visit relatiyes. '
Mrs. J. H. Cradelbaugb arrived on
the boat last night from San Francisco,
where she has been visiting for over a
moncn. - - -
Severe griping pains of the stomach
and bowels instantly and efTectnally
stopped by De Witt's Colic and Cholera
Cure. . Snipea-Kinersly Drug Co.
On and after July 15th the BOOK
STORE of Mi T. Nolan will be at 54
Second St., next door to Grocery, cor
ner of Union and "Second Sts. '
The "Clauss
Scissors, Shears
and Razors.
Our Warranty ts-
If not perfectly satisfactouy, return them
and get another pair. . " ,
- - A -
Jaeobsefl Book
162 Second St.,
H M m W W 'S R
And other high grades to select from.
COMPETITIVE SALE now on, and you must remember
we always lead and let the others follow. i ,
OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Pianos from $150 up
ward, on the installment plan. ... . -
Telophoue No. S3.
Insect Powder,
Poison Fly 'Paper,
Sticky Fly
Deutsche Apotheke.
American Made Goods.
l1 -
& Iusie Go.'s,
The Dalles, Or.
Wc handle the Celebrated
' Tanglefoot " Sticky Fly
Paper and " Datchei's "
Poison Paper. Do not be
' . deceived into buying anv
Paper, other brands
Drag Store.
Telephone fio. 15.