The Dalles flatty Chronicle. SDBBCKIPTION SATES. IT KAIL, rO STAGE rBBFAID, IK ADVANCE. Wowkly, 1 year 1 60 ' 6 months . 0 75 s 0 "0 Dally, 1 year. 6 00 " C months. 8 00 pet " 0 50 Address all communication to " TEE CHB.ON lOLJt." The Dalles, Oregon. WEDNESDAY, - - - AUGUST 21. 1895 Business Men Advertise Where it docs the most good. The largest circulation and news iest paper makes the best adver tising medium. The Chbosiclk has the largest circulation and prints all the news, and mer chants who vrish to talk to the public find The Chronicle the best mouthpiece. Its advertisers are reliable. OVT OF THE USUAL. The sufferers from Spragu6'a disas trous fire have received a donation of $133 from the relief committee of Spo kane. This is but a portion of that city's liberality, but is especially notice able as being the last of the funds in the bands of the relief committee organized August 4, 18S9, a short time after the fiery cloud had melted the business por tion of Spokane to ashes. For several years nothing bad been said or done re garding the amount of money still pos sessed by the committee, and many learned, with a leeiing oi surprise, mat money given to aid Spokane could be turned for the benefit of Spragne. After the committee bad finished its labors, for which it was created, there remained a balance on band of over $600. All but the portion above alluded to had been spent for charitable purposes within the last two years. In view of the many scandals that have arisen in connection with the distribution of money and aid in the time of great calamities, it is es pecially gratifying to the members of ' this committee that they can look back npon a difficult trust so efficiently executed. Great calamities make uncertain the judgments of men, before considered good, and laviehness takes the place of frugality ; sympathy exceeds justice, and charity lessens frugality. But, judging from the final action of tho Spo kane committee, the members proved themselves faithful servants, who nei . ther wasted nor withheld when needed. People who gave so generously to stricken Spokane six years ago, can feel a double pleasure that their charity has been made to cover the stretch of years, and comes now to Sprague in her time of trouble. ATTRACTION OF THE POLES. drowned. The unfortunate men bad started in a craft of. their own construc tion fot the meeting at Astoria, and bad left the little town of Kainer with high hopes and expectations. The other accident happened during the sloop race Monday. Due to tho fault of its Bail ing master, the Monogram, a sloop bnilt expressly for the regetta this year, filled and sank within sight of many behold ers. Both accidents were due to the carelessness of the occupants, and read a terrible lesson to those who imagine that the treacherous Columbia does not require skill and watchfulness from those who ride its waters. Every sum mer the same accidents ara repeated, due to the same causes. A single ven turesome spirit is often the cause of death to several, and wherever there is one who lays aside the rules of prudence, danger is brought to all. Only can we hope for a cessation of such distressing affairs when people learn that the water at best is a dangerous plaything and every precaution taken is none too great. As the time for the presidential elec tion comes apace, courageous democrats proclaim belief in the success of their party in the next great contest. They give full credit to the policy of the dem ocratic party for the preeent appearance of returning prosperlrv, and loudly pro claim the vindication of free trade prin ciples. One mistake the democratic leaders have always made is that they underrate the average intelligence of the American people, and forget Lincoln's maxim that "you can fool all the people a part of the time, or a part of the people all the time ; but you can't fool all the people all the time." The American people were fooled once, and badly fooled, but the bitter school of experience has brought home to them truths which eloquence and argument could not impress. The only political contest next year will be in the republi can convention. Mew Court. A lecture on the principles of the an cient order of Foresters of America and the organization of a new court will take place at the Baldwin opera house Thure day,Aug. 22,atSp. ra. Charter member ship fee, $5, monthly dues, $l.,Bene fits Doctor and medicine fees and a weekly benefit, in case of sickness, of $7.50; $75 funeral benefit and $40 at death of member's wife. An insurance of $1000 is attached to it. Everybody invited. S. Wolff, D. G. C. R. ang21-d2t People who have that infatuation for .the frozen north which has led men to court almost certain death over and again, will watch with interest the ex periment that is soon to be made from Europe, provided present calculations are carried oat. Becoming convinced that all future attempts to reach the North Pole will result as past expedi tions have, in utter failure, a distin guished European ecientist has con ceived the not altogether novel idea of entering the mysterious Arctic circle by means of a balloon. The illustrated papers bave published cuts showing the apparatus which is to convey the ex plorers and their equipage. The scien tific papers do not look entirely with contempt upon this new form Arctic ex ploration, since in tho age in which we are living it is dangerous to say that a thing is impossible simply because we nor our ancestors have accomplished it. But the attitude of scientists, at the bast, iS'inerely a passive approval, only waiting to see bow the thing turns out. Tho explorer himself has the utmost faith m his plan of discovery, and de clares the mjBtery of the North is about to bo solved.' It is a queer strain in humanity, this desire to reach what the Creator has hid behind impenetrable walls of ice. Year after year men are found eager "to cast themselves upon the frozen ice floes as upon some strange sacrificial altar." The fate of Sir John Franklin, DeLong, and possibly Nanaen and Peary, seem to have no effect upon tho ardor of suc ceeding generations, and there will be expeditions start for tbe poles as long as the bravo spirit of the early Vikings remains in human breasts. Wanted. Five hundred stock hogs and two span of good driving horses. Also will pay highest market price for fat hogs. In quire at this office. a21-dl-w2 The boys, who are practicing for the Lose tournament, changed their practice grounds last night and ran on Second street. Tbe sidewalks were filled with spectators watching the boys make the run and attach the bose. Signals are given by pistol shot to turn on and off the water. The boys are working spen didly together and obey the signals promptly. When the racing cart arrives practicing will be done all tbe harder. Unless the teams from other places are very careful, The Dalle3 boys will carry away the laurels. IpPSWORD (WhJ A YOUR 17 s The opening ef the Astoria regett is marred by two distressing accidents. Sunday night the steamer Ocean Wave ran down and sunk a pleasure yacht containing five men, two of whom were secret of Beauty or tne complexion, hands, arms, and hair is found in the per fect action of the Pores, produced b' the riicrt effective skin purifying; and SflAD-& bcautIfJrinff soa? in Ufir T the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. For distressing facial eruptions, dry, thin, and fall ing hair, and baby blemishes, it is absolutely incomparable. Sold throughout tho world. Totter Dbuo xsx Cbex. Corp., Sole Props., Boeton, U. B. A. I Do You Know a Good Thing WHEN YOU TASTE IT?7 IF SO YOU WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT D3?. HENLEY'S 0ELE1V BEEF-ADD IRON L --it ' QUIETS AND STRENGTHENS THE NERVES BUILDS . UP THE SYSTEM PURIFIES AND ENRICHES THE BLOOD NATURE'a.BUIUOER.ANOTONIO FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Have You Ever Noticed That Johnston is selling goods cheaper than anybody? His goods are the freshest, and he always carries what you want. He. buys for cash and gives his customers the benefit. Try him and see if it's true. Johnston's Grocery Store, No. 113 Washington St. Bring in Your Family. Come in Yourself, And see how cheaply we can dress all Of you. '.'";- Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins, LACES, WOOLENS, COTTONS, LINENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock. C. K. STEPHENS. Closing Out Sale of DRY GOODS CLOTHING-, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. - Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD LESS than COST. Give VTe a Call. J. P. McINERNY. The Germania- STUBLING & WILLIAMS, Props. FINE WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS. AH brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of CALIFORNIA - WINES - AND - BRANDIES. Twelve-year-old Whiskey, strictly pure, for medicinal purposes. Best Malt Liquor. Colombia Brewery Beer am Draogtit. Agents for the Celebrated Patxt Milwaukee Beer. No. 94 Second Street, THE DALL.ES OR. Your Wife Knows Where she can get nice Vegetables. Where to get the nicest Berries. Where nice, fresh Gro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. THE DALLES lea B Estate E2LC J. B. CROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62. Advertiee SnTnK Chboxicle. mi ... liie.aDove association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Ileal Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M Huntington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden, G. W. Rowland. Address -any of the above well known firms, or J. M. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles. Okegon Wtai the Train stops at THE DALLES, get eff on to South Side ' COLiUIVIBIR HOTELi. This large aud popular House ones the principal hotel business, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations oi an Qouse in the city, and at the low rate ot $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Certs. Office for all Stage Lines leaving; The Dalles fur all points in Eastern Orcou and Kastera Washington, in this Hotel. Cortu-r of Front and Union Sts. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Chrism an fc Corson. twm FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old Btasd. I would be pleased to "see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. New Man! New Prices! New Goods! Having iust purchased the store of H. Moses & Co., I am prepared to meet all competition. A large invoice of FRESH GROCERIES, ' Bought for cash at low rates, enables me to sell closely. My stock is complete, and prices to suit the times. I SELL FOR CASH, And give more for a dollar than ano other store in The Dalles. Give me a call and examine for yourself. B. A. HUNSAKER, Successor to H. Moses & Co., adjoining the Diamond Mills.' Opposition We Invite. Competition We Defy. THE CELEBR7TTED AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. ThiB well-known Brewery is now turning out the beat Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on he markt. The Tygrh Val- 1 I II I C ley Creamery J Is Delicious'. Ask Vanbib'ber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight. T3E3X,33I,BC03SrE 3STO- SO. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. BUN SMELL, i foil, TH Bepelrs M ioofii MAINS TAPPED UTTDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third 8treet, next door west of Young & Rues' - Blacksmith Shop.