TURNING GRAY AOT) THREATENED WITH BALDNESS The Danger is Averted by Using- AVER'S VICOR . "Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray and began falling out so rapidly that I was threatened with immediate baldness. Hearing Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, I commenced using this prepara- -4 - - tion, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, audkept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs. H. M. Haight, Avoca, Neb. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Oyer's Sarsaparilla Jtrmovem Pimple. TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct time card of trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as The Chronicle is kept fully in formed of revisions : D. P. t A. N. CO. STEAMEKS. Regulator leaves The Dalles 8 a.m. " arrives at The Dalles . 6 p.m. Dalles City leaves Portland 7 a.m. " arrives at Portland C p.m. The steamers make close connection at Cascade Locks. Dalles office, foot of Court St. Portland office, Oak St. dock. OREGON RAILWAY & NAVIGATION CO. fast mail. Arrive. Leave. No. 1 West-baund 3:10 a.m. 3:15 a.m. No. 2 East-bound 12:45 a.m. 12:o0 a.m. dalles passenger. No. 8 East-bound, arrives 11:59 a.m. HEPPNEB MIXED TRAIN. Leaves The Dalles 12:30 p.m. Arrives at The Dalles 9:00 p.m. All passenger trains stop at Union Street, as 'well as the depot. Items From Antelope. August 18, 1895. To the Editor : Our genial constable, V. Glisan, is spending a few weeks in the mountains, bunting and fishing. The town has lately been infested with a lot of peddlers, with good, snide goods for sale. Those who refuse to buy and who patronize our home merchants are the best off. Ben. Glisan is in from the mountains, where he has bad a large band of sheep all' summer. The sheep will not be brought in until later. Mr. McMuilen, our photographer, contemplates a trip to Mitchell and Prineville taking pictures, after which he will permanently locate his gallery in Antelope. Miss Ethel Williamson, one of the Mitchell teachers, is in town, the guest of Thoa. Harper. Miss May Pridy of Trout creek ia in town, the guest of Belle Rease. Mr. Jack Harper, a Dalles carpenter, who has been erecting a fine residence in Antelope foi Thos. Harper, returned to The Dalles Friday. Paul Kreft of The Dalles, who has been doing considerable painting and paper-hanging in Antelope this spring, had the misfortune to have his front linger quite badiy hurt, while leading a race horse. Henry Covert is driving stage on the Mitchell route, having taken the place resigned by Ed. Miller, when he went into the butcher business. The family of Z. Taylor are preparing to make a six weeks' visit to the Wil lamette valley. Miss Neal, an Iowa school teacher who is stopping with the family of Mr. Wallace, made a visit to her uncle and brother on lower Trout creek this week Alex Kirchheimer has fitted up a neat office in his brother's residence., where he does insurance business and reads Blackstone. Nate Baird, the founder of Antelope, left for a tew weeks' visit to the mines, where he has extensive interests. Mr. Farley, one of the Mitchell stage drivers, is quite sick. Mr. Harper is handling the reins temporarily. Newt Burgess of Bakenven was visit ing in town several days the past week. HoRNETTJt. A Druggist's Seml-Annual Keport. Some four or five months ago the peo ple of The Dalles were notified of a new drugstore to be opened next door to the First National Bank, and almost directly opposite A. M. Williams & Co.'s store, The general opinion then prevailed that two stores were plenty, and a third store must therefore starve. But surely we are yet alive, and daily assuring our patrons, as well as the public in general, of our success. The doctors of our pros perous city, who are well able to judge our work, all acknowledge the efficient work done on their prescriptions, for most assuredly there never was any better, neater, more accurate or precise work done in this city than is at present done at this store. Our stock of drugs is getting more complete every day. As we learn the wants of the people, so do we add to our stock, never aiming to attain such an immense quantity as to give it a chance to get old; but always buy in such amounts as to enable us to order fre quently, thereby keeping our stock al ways in a fresh and healthful condition. We know the drug business, and per chance not much else ; but we are judges as to the quality of drugs, and therefore must know what we sell you when you give us a call. Come and ask for infor mation, if nothing else. M. Z. Doskkll, Prescription and all-around Druggist, Deutsche Apotbeke, Telephone No. 15. One night when Mr. Isaac Reese was stopping with me, says M. F. Hatch, a prominent merchant of Quartermaster, Washiugton, I heard him groaning. On going to his room I found him suffering from cramp colic. He was in such ag ony I feared he would die. I hastily gave him a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He was soon relieved and the first words he uttered were, "what was that stuff you gave me?" I informed him. A few days ago we were talking about the attack and he said he was never without that remedy now. I have used it in my family for several years. I know its worth and do not hesitate to recommend it to my friends and customers. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggist. Three Were Drovneri. St. Johns, N. C, Aug. 19. Word was received here today that the schooner Osceola collided with the steamer Mira michi, near Blackbrook, Saturday. Five young women passengers on the Mira michi were knocked overboard and three drowned. It may Do as Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111. writes that be had a Severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in bis back and also that bis bladder waB affected. He tried many so called Kid ney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Elec tric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trail will prove our statement. Price only 50c. for large bottle. At Snipcs- Kinersly Drug Co.'s. The Barracks Undermined. London, Aug. 20. The Daily News has a dispatch from Vienna which says Tri este papers report that an explosin oc curred in the artillery barracks atToula, Russia, and that 300 men .were killed, including many officers. The barracks were found to be completely undermined today. Many arrests have been made. Pains in the Bmall of the back indicate a diseased condition" of the kidneys. Owing to the dangerous nature of the dieases which attack those organs it is important that measures should be taken to remove the trouble before it has become too firmly fixed. Prudence would suggest the prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm which has specfic action on the liver and kidneys and will cause an early restora tion to healthy conditions. Price $1.00 per bottle. There comes a time to all of us, when we feel mean and "out of sorts" and in a condition to invite disease. It is then we need such a remedy as Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. To persons exhausted by sickness or overwork its invigorating influence is surprising, promptly restor ing health, energy and cheerful spirits Price $1.00 bottle. For sale by Snipes- ii-inersiy Lrug uo; Announcement. Reports from passengers already gone to Clatsop and Ilwaco beaches are very flattering as to connections and time made, and say our arrangements are perfect for delivering passengers, bag gage and freight at their destination For detailed information and surpris ingly low rates for the season, call on E. E Lytlk, Agent O. R. & N. Co. Cholera Morbus is a dangerous com plaint, and often is fatal in its results To avoid this you should use De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure, as soon as the firstsymptoms appear. Snlpes-Kinersly JJTUg uo. There is more Catarrhin this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescrib ed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pro nounced it incurable. Science has proven catarnh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken inter nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea- spoonful. It acts directly on the blood mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and tes timonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ' Sold by Druggists, 75c. XMed From Ills Injuries. Sr. Louis, Aug. 19. Alexander C. Sherwood, member of the state demo cratic executive committee from the thirteenth district, died early today from the effects of a fall in the jockey club house at the fair grounds last night. Memory is a little treacherous now and then, and cauees one to forget some things worth remembering, unless one has an experience like that which came to Mr. D. E. East, Moffatt's Creek, Va., who says "I had been suffering for years with a torpid liver and found no relief until I took Simmons Liver Regulator when I was entirely - relieved of my troubles. I never intend being without Simmons Liver Regulator." Seventeen Were lrowned. Hamburg, Aug. 19. A boat contain ing 25 passengers was run down and sunk today by the steamer Concordia, from Stade. Seventeen persons were drowned. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorte. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. Poor Farm, Winneshelk Co., Ia., says : Last winter Mr. Robert Leach used two boxes of De Witt s Witch Hazel baJve and cured a large running sore on his leg. Had been under care of physicians for months without obtaining relief. Sure cure for Piles. Snipes-Kinersty Drug uo. The Hon. Theodore Roosevelt has written an article for the September number of the Forum on "The Enforce ment of Law," in which he vigorously defines his position on the enforcement of the Excise Law in New lork City. Diarrhcca should be stopped promptly. It soon becomes chronic. DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure is effective, safe and certain. Hundreds of testimonials bear witness to the virtue of this great medicine. It can always be depended upon, its use saves time and money. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Cattle for Sale. My entire oand of cattle is for sale. They are mixed with Hereford breeds. One registered Hereford bull, one half bleed ball, about 35 3-year-old steers, and about 125 head of good beef cattle. Terms cash. Call on or apply to T. I. Mofhtt, Gorman, Ore. ag5dwtf Imperfect digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of the system which grow and are confirmed by neglect, Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri fier, by its tonic properties, cures in digestion ana gives tone to the stomach $1,00 per bottle. Change In the Kegmlator's Time Card Commencing Wednesday, July 10th and until further notice, steamer Reg ulator will leave The Dalles for Portland at 8 a. m., instead of 7 a. m. Steamer Dalles City will leave Portland at 7 a, m., instead of 6 a. m. W. C. Allaway, General Agt. Notice. All warrants outstanding against Dalles City are now due and payable at my office. Interest ceases on and after this date. 1. 1. Bukget, July loth, 1895. City Treas. Severe griping pains of the stomach and bowels instantly and effectually stopped by DeWitt's Colic and Cholera (jura, bnipes-rkinerely .Drue Co. Whitman College WALLA WALLA, WASH. The location unexcelled, instruction thorough, expenses low. Three Courses Classical, Scientific and Literary in both the College and Academy. Conservatory of Music and Department of Elocution and Oratory greatly enlarged. All lines of work strengthened; good influences assured; outlook in all directions brighter than ever before. Fall term opens Sept. 18th. For an nouncements and further particulars, address Pses't WhitsTan College, augl Walla Walla, Wash. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Bums, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, Makes llan or Beast "well again. None Bat Ayer's at the Worlds Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World '8 Fair, Chicago. Manu facturers of other sarsaparilla sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application of the rule fore bidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the World's fair authorities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effect as fol lows: "Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." Bnoklen's Arinoa Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Snipes A Kin ersly. The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles for the now celebrated Goldendale roller mills flour, the beat flour in the market and sold only in ton lots or over. 9-tf There is no doubt, no failure, when you take DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. It is pleasant, acts promptly, no bad af ter effects. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Sniprfimlf Drag Co. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR. EVE, Eflfi, flOSEand THHOAT DR. WADE, (F. C. 8., London, member of the British Medical Association , formerly ooulist and aurist to the Victoria Koyal Jubilee Hospital), has opened an office for the practice ot the above specialties, at rooms 504-505, Mar qaam Building, Portland, Or. Office hoars, 10 to 12 a. m.; 8 to 5 and at 8 p. m. jlylSlm "The Regulator Line' Tie Dalles, PcrtiaEd aidAstoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freigfii and Passepi Line Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. - Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 8 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leavea Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. FABSENUER BATES. One way.... Round trip. .$2X10 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, -. except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 6 p. m. lave stpcK Biupments soiictea. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY General Agent- THE-DALLES. OREGON House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honse moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181. Tho Dalles Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now be found at 162 Second street. " 1 There is a tide in tlie affairs leads on The poet unquestionably had reference to the ClfflMN SiB 01 at CRANDALL Who are selling these, goods MICHELBACH BRICK, 33 . -757-. -ViLTJ Successor to Paul Kreft & Co DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands- oi i w. jkauki a rAi:ii3 usea in an our won, uuix nuuo uui wg most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chena icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store and Paint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, 0re"OB RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers ia Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAG-ON COVERS. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Adjoining E. J. Collins 0:'n Str DAIiTiBB, OHBJ Tto. F. Date, Hennc. Pine, Hmitc. ejusi, j KECKIVKBS nioRTHERN PACIFIC R. R. n s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL MISNEAPOtIS DULVTB FARGO GRAND FORKS TO CROOK8TON WINNIPEG . HELENA uad BUTTS Through Tickets CHICAGO ' T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA KEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL rOINTS EAST and SOUTH For i r. form n tion, time cards, naps aud tickets, call on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Ajrent, The Dalles, Oregon, ok A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 253, Morrison. Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon O.P.&f4 K. McNEltL, Recetrer. ERSTI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis Denver Omaha Kansas City St. Paul Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland Eery Five Sara tor SAN" FRANCISCO, CAlJ For full details call on O. R. & Co.'s Agent at Tha Dalles, or address W, H. HUELBUET, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregoa. of -men which, taken at its flood to fortune." &, BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. - - UNION ST.