L3 A Few Bargains Still Remaining. We want to call tlie attention of the Ladies to our line of Outing Flannels at 5c. In medium and light shades. Cotton Dress Fabrics at 10c. We still have a few choice patterns in Dimities, Organdies and Percales. Irish. Lawns only 8 l-3c. These Goods are warranted Fast Colors. Dress Goods 15, 20, 25c. We are showing some extra good values in Woolen and Cotton Mixtures at half their original price. We are also showing extra values in LACES, EMBROIDERY, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, WRAPPERS. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. o o o o O a O O Xfl 0 CD in O I O 5 4H Xfl CD O 3 pi a rl d i-i c3 O O CIS f-l CD S 60- ?3 ui C5 CD i-i CD CD CD c3 UJ o UJ as en o GO u CC UJ H o a Removal Notice. On and after July 15th the BOOK STORE of M. T. Nolan will be at 54 Second St., next door to Grocery, cor ner of Union and Second Sts. The "Clauss" M Scissors, Shears and Razors. American Ivlade Goods. Our Warranty Is- If not perfectly .satisfactory, return them and get another pair. - HaYS GEOFtfE, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntercd i the PoBtoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. 10 Ceuui per line for first luseraon, and 6 Cents ner line for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All loca". notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear tbe following day. SATURDAY. AUGUST 17. 1 Rfl.V BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the Nutebaok of Chronicle Reporters. "Hello, Dufur!" Excursion to the Locks tomorrow. Tomorrow promises to be another dry Sunday. According to the weather report, to morrow will be fair and slightly warmer. Christian church Services tomorrow morning and evening; Rev. I. H. Haze), pastor. Morning text "Bible and Tradition." Evening discourse, "The Boy That Washed His Face." All are invited to attend. Three weeks ago it took two hours for a message to go to Dufur. Today it takes but the fraction of a minute. .Nothing illustrates in a more marked degree the wonderful achievements of the nineteenth century. A patent from the United States to Jas. Jordan, conveying the n of ne'. e of iih, tec 26, tp 2 s, r 12 e, was filed today with the county clerk. The same property was afterward deeded by J as. Jordan to Geo. W. Jordan. The teachers' local examination was concluded last night. Supt. Shelley and his assistants are busy marking the papers. The results will probably be ascertained in time for pub lication in Monday's Chronicle. The special train bearing the excur sion, will leave the Umatilla House to morrow at 7 a. ui. It will return eome time in the afternoon. Tickets can be purchased either at the hotel or tbe depot. The round fare will be $1. The Baptiaimal ceieruony will be per formed tomorrow morning at the Meth odist church after the regular services. In the evening the Lords Supper will be administer. The pastor, J. H. Wood, will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. ing of the recent election of asssistant fire chief. After Mr. Jacobsen bad been delared duly elected and qualified, the meeting adjourned. Thomas Dunn, who is working at Chenoweth creek digging for coal, was struck in the head yesterday afternoon by an iron bar, which fell from an over hanging bank. A big gash was cut in his head, requiring the immediate at tention of a physician. Dr. Hollieter took about fifteen stitches to bring the cut edges together. City Marshal Blakeney is fixing the portion of Third street bordering on Union. This is where the hose teams practice, and the hoys need to have tbe ground in perfect shape. Mr. Blakeney is doing the work of his own free will, and if the council does not reimburse him, will make his efforts a donation for the good of the cause. A meeting is called for this evening at the council chambers at 8 o'clock sharp, for all those who have claims against tbe railroad company for services performed during tbe high water of 1894. It is ur gently requested that all people inter ested will attend, as important action regarding the claims against tbe railroad company will be takeu. The Chboniclb is in receipt of a com plimentary ticket to the second annual regatta, which will be held at Astoria August 19, 20, 21 and 22. The commit tee in charge is composed of Messrs. C. J. Trenchard, E. C. Hughes, F. M. Our- beck, F. P. Kindall and F. L. Parker. Everything is being done to make tbe regratta a grand affair, and as the peo ple of Astoria never do anything by halves, success is already assumed. As toria is tbe ideal place for such a meet ing, and those who-attend will see a beautiful eight. The case of the State vs. Frank Dav enport, charged with throwing sawdust in the stream, was tried before a jury at Hood itiver. me trial resulted in a verdict of acquittal, tbe jury being out but a few minutes. H. S. Wilson, Eyq., of this citv represented the defendant, while the interests of the state were looked after by C. P. Heald of Hood R'.ver. The case was brought through the efforts of the Rod and Gun Club, a meritorious organization. The jury be lieved that the defendant had made all possible endeavor to keep the sawdust from getting into the Btreains. HELLO DUFUR! The Dalles and lea Neighboring Bronght Together. Tow a the guard of the boat for a considerable distance. As it went in the river it dashed the spray high in tbe air, mak ing for the spectators a pretty sight. The Good Templars will give a lawn 80cial and entertainment in the academy yard this evening. . A fine program Uas been prepared, after which lunch will be served. All those who like a social time can have it by attending this even ing. Everything will be given for the low sum of 15 cents. : The board of fire delegates held a meeting at the council chambers last evening. The only ' business, : which came before the mem bers, was the ratify- During the unloading of the niling for the new warehouse yesterday a large The scow Wasco, loaded with piling log fell from the top of the load and toreffor the D. P. & AN. Co. s new ware Last night were beard in Dufur, words spoken in The Dalles. The telephone line, about which so tench has been said in Thx Chronicle and on the street, is completed to Dufur and conversations have been held between parties in both towns. Yetjterday morning Manager J. W.Condon told a Chronicle reporter that by evening it was expected the line would reach Dufur, and his prediction came true. At 6 o'clock yesterday tbe the last pold in the long stretch between the Dal lea and Dufur was placed in posi tion and in a short time the wire was stretched upon the cross streets. It only remained to make the connections and when this was done the undertaking was finished. Mr. Condon was sitting in the cen tral office waiting to bear from the other end of the line. At 7: 30 the bell gave its well-known ring and Mr. Condon hastening to the transnitter, said : "Hello Dufur" and the first word had crossed the intervening hills and valleys. Mr. Seufert was at the other end of the line and an animated conversation was held between the two owners of the line. A Cheonicle representative was sent for and arriving at tbe central office had the pleasure of talking this is always a pleasure to newspaper men to Dufur. After congratulating Mr. Seufert upon the completion of the line, the Chron icle reporter was introduced to Mr. C. P. Balch, who said that the people of Dufur were much elated at being brought in swift connection with tbe outside world. There was a large crowd of people at the Dufur end of the line, many of whom sent their yoices along the wire. Several Dalles ceoDle were Unvited to the central office to see the Working of tbe new venture. ' Mr. Condon and Mr. Seufert are to be congratulated upon their enterprise in extending the influence of The Dalles. They have expended time and money freely and we trust the investment will be a paying one. Already this morning a number of business messages have been eent over the phone to Dufur, showing that there is a demand for quick communication between the two points. It is the intention of the man agement to still further extend the line. Tbe office at Dufur is in the store of Mr. C. P. Balch. favored this office with a pleasant call today. m er resident of The Dalles, is in tbe city. Mr. Smith French left this morning for Ilwaco to join bis family at tbe sea shore. Ex-Gov. Moody was among those who went down the river on the boat this morning. , Mrs. A. M. McLeod and children re turned this morning from a visit in Portland. Mr. W. C. Allawav. general agent of the D. P. & A. N. Co., went to tbe Cas cades this rooming. Mr. A. S. MacAUieter went to Cas cades this morning on business connect ed with the boat company. Mrs. A. McColly, wife of the engineer of the Regulator, was a passenger to Portland on the boat today. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Wilson were pas sengers on the Regulator yesterday, returning home from tbe Lower Cas cades. Mr. R. W. Crandall, who has been staying several weeks at Moffit Springs, returned home last night on the Regulator. Mr. D. E. Thompson of Los Angeles. California, arrived on the local this morning to visit bis son, Mr. A. R. Thompson. Mr. John Booth returned on the Reg ulator last night from Cascade l.-cke, where he has been spending several days catching fish. Mrs. Alexander and daughter. Dora. returned last night from the springs at Lower Cascades. Miss Alexander was very sick taken when there, but comes back greatly improved. Mr. Barzee and familv. who have made The Dalles their home during the past year, left on the Regulator this morning for Portland, where, in the fu ture they will reside. house, arrived here yesterday afternoon, having rome from Lyle since morning. The Wasco has been at Cascades several days already loaded and only waiting for a wind to spread its sails. Thursday at noon the scow left tbe portage encline and reached Lyle tbe same evening at 7:30, where it remained 6ver night, arriving in The Dalles the next day. The logs are of good length and fine quality. The pile driver is being moved to the place where the first piles are to be driven and in a short time the deep thud of the hammer, as it falls, will let the people know that one of Che first fruits of the expected opening of tbe Cascade Locks is being garnered. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. D. C. Herrin went to Portland on tbe afternoon train. Mr. Hugh Glenn returned today from a nurtiea trip to Portland. Mr; R. G. Closter went to Cascades on the Regulator this morning. Mr. Joseph Freiman returned to bis home in Portland this morning. Mr. M. B. Zumwalt of Tygh Valley gave inn uiiEOMCiE a call today. - - Harry F redden came borne last nicht from an outing at Moffit Springs. Mrs. Henry. Liarettaon was a passen ger on the Regulator this morning. Leander Evans and son of Hosier A CARLOAD OF PIANOS --A.T- JaeobseD Book & jVtosie Go.'s, 162 Second St., The Dalles, Or. Elder Miller of the Calvary Baptist church, accompanied bv Mrs. Miller, Miss Mary Zabel, Harvey Wick and Ora Oabourn, made up a party that spent the day going to the Cascades and re turn. ReV. Mr. McDonald and wife, who have been visiting in The Dalles for sev eral days, left on tbe boat this morning for Portland. Mr. McDonald was for merly pastor of the Methodist church at Goldendale. gjxlMbL!jjUUUuj F0MK3 And other high grades to select from. COMPETITIVE SALE now on, and you must remember we always lead and let the others follow. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Pianos from $150 up ward, on the installment plan. JOS. T. PETERS & CO. -DEALERS IN- The Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth street Sunday morn ing service as usual. Worship, and a sermon by the pastor, W. C. Curtis. No services in the evening. Sunday school immediately after the morning service, and Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Topic, Christ's work for the world. John i : 1-14. All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. BUILDINC : MATERIALS -AND- Telophono .3XTo. QS. NOTICE. We are now ready to furnish tele phone service between The Dalles and Dufur. For service and rates apply at Central offioe, in French & Co.'s Bank Building, The Dalles, Or., or at 0. P. Baloh's Drugstore, Dufur, Or. Inter mediate stations will be ready in a few days. Seufert & Oondon Telephone Go. augl7-lw J. W. Oondon, Mgr. Insect Powder, Poison Fly Paper, We handle the Celcbrafed ' TanRlcfoot " Sticky Fly Paper and " Dutchei 's " Poison Paper. Do not be deceived into baying any Sticky Fly Paper, other brands ; - ' . .. Donnell's Drug Store. Deutsche flpotheke. Telephone Ho. 15.