Tlie Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY KAIL, rOBTASI FBXPAID, IN ADVAKCB. WaaMy.lyear...... 1 80 " 6 months. .-. 0 75 " 8 " 0 0 Dail.lyear. 6 00 " months. S 00 per " 0 SO Address (01 communication to " THE CHRON ICIJE," The Dalles, Oregon. FRIDAY, AUGUST 16. 1805 Business Men Advertise, Where it doea the most good. The largest circulation and news iest paper makes the best adver tising medium. The Chronicle has the largest circulation and prints all the news, and mer chants who wish to talk to the -public find The Chronicle the best mouthpiece. Its advertisers are reliable. REGARDING MR. KINCAID. One single paper, so far as heard from, lias come to the defense of Secretary Kineaid. The Union Republican says : The Republican fails to see wherein there is grounds for criticism in this act of Mr. Kineaid. If doing what the law says to do is the only fault the critics of tbe secretary can find in his adminis tration, he need have no fear of the way in which these criticisms will be re ceived by the people of the state. Mr. Kineaid is laboring in the interest of the people in the administration of his trust, and while it is trne he has not succeeded as well as he desired in all cases for instance, in his efforts to save the state the $20,000 of the people's money paid the ujeless railroad commis sion the fact remains, nevertheless, that he is endeavoring to administer his office as economically as possible and in the interest of the people., Very good ; but the Republican for gets that the railroad commission is en deavoring to administer its office as economically as possible; that it is do ing just what the law says to do, viz., collecting all it can from the state treas ury, and doing as little real service as possible; just what our distinguished secretary is doing. The real fact re mains that the secretary has his nose very deep in the crib, and when the railroad commission, which is made to draw a salary and nothing more, tries to get its nose into the manger, he growls and kicks. He is endeavoring to administer his office as economically as possible for Mr. Kineaid ; he even lets tbe state pay his attorneys, employed by him without authority of law to help him make the kick. Now, Mr. Kineaid, suppose you com mence a suit against that fellow, Harri son R. Kineaid, to determine his right to the ten or twelve thousand dollars which he is annually collecting from the people over and above the compensation provided by the constitution for him. PUNISH ALL THIEVES. Some of the fruit raisers near town have been, and are being, greatly an noyed by the incursions of grown hood lums and badly-governed small boys upon their melon fields. There is not a farmer in the country who would not gladly give a manly boy, or a needy man, all the melons be wants, and the loss of such melons as are taken is in considerable; but when a whole field of melons is ruined by the use of a knife in tbe handa of a boy or man inspired to mischief by satan himself, the loss is a grievous one and tbe wrong one that should be severely punished. The only proper course is to land every pilferer behind the bars, regard less of tbe eocial standing of his family, and cause bim to suffer the lawful re sult of his offense. Fruit-stealing is winked at too much ; to such an extent that many boys are filled with the idea that is the right of every manly boy to take anything and everything in the way of fruit that can be reached. But this is but one of the steps in the educa tion of criminals, and the way to save the boy is to teach him by the terrible experience of captured thieves in other , lines. Furthermore, the frnit raiser is as much entitled to protection as tbe merchant, the stock raiser and banker. We believe that the arrest of a few of the boys would be a good thing for them. . The sending to jail, for a considerable term, of the grown-up hoodlums would be an excellent thing for the community. - Senator Peffer has done the, from his standpoint, only sensible thing gone back on the free silver proposition and is preaching paper money, no interest and loans by the government. What Peffer wanted free silver for tt-e could notpuess; he owned no silver mines, was down on corporations or pretended to be by whom all the 6ilver mines, which are worth anything, are owned ; and" he has heretofore appeared to us to be working at cross purposes. Now be is on the right track. We hope he will compel the money 'holders to lend their money without interest to those in need. Then we shall ask him to compel the farmers to rent their farms without com pensation, loan their horses and wagons, seeders and - reapers in the same way, and lend their, labor to the indolent on the same terms'. Then we will select a farm, quit advising the government, the banks and corporations how to run their business, and the people bow to vote, and retire to .the farm and live in ease. Great is Peffer t Let his name be praised ! Tbe Chicago Inter Ocean recently con tained a cartoon, of which we are re minded by yesterday's. dispatches, con cerning the maintenance of the reserve by the board syndicate. The picture represented an Irish taunting car, such as the English-imitating snobs use, the driver of which was Banker Morgan, with the word "Syndicate" on his hat band. By his side sat a diminutive Uncle Sam, holding the ends ot the lines, as children often do. On the back seat sat the coachman, tbe wrinkle in whose neck above his shirt collar identified him as tbe prerident. Below were the words : "An old trick. The youngster thinks he is driving." It is apparent that the syndicate still holds the reins, and Uncle Sam is being fooled. A Brag-gist' Seml-Annual Report. Some four or five months ago the peo ple of The Dalles were notified of a new drugstore to be opened next door to the First National Bank, and almost directly opposite A. M. Williams & Co.'s store, The general opinion then prevailed that two stores were plenty, and a third store must therefore starve. " But surely we are yet alive, and daily assuring our patrons, as well as the public in general, of our success. The doctors of our pros perous city, who are well able to judge our work, all acknowledge the efficient work done on their prescriptions, for most assuredly there never was any better, neater, more accurate or precise work done in this city than is at present done at this store. Our stock of drugs is getting more complete every day. As we learn the wants of the people, so do we add to our stock, never aiming to attain such an immense quantity as to give it a chance to get old ; but always buy in such amounts as to enable us to order fre quently, thereby keeping our stock al ways in a fresh and healthful condition. We know the drug business, and per chance not much else ; but we are judges as to the quality of drugs, and therefore must know what we sell you when you give us a call. Come and ask for infor mation, if nothing else. M. Z. Doxnei.l, Prescription and all-around Druggist, Deutsche Apotbeke, Telephone No. 15. .Gent's, don't forget that you can get your shirts, collars and cuffs laundred in first-class style bv the Troy Laundry Co. Office at T. J. McCoy's. O. K. baths llo Second street. al5 4t Our prices are for shirts, lOcts; col lars, 2Z ; cuffs per pair, 5 cts. Troy Laundry Co.'s office at O. K. barber shop, 110 Second street. al5-4t Peksosal If you are so situated that you need a wife, and you can give a good woman a comfortable home, write me fully. Address, Lock Box 950, Portland, Or. augl5-2t St. Mary's Academy The Dalles, Oregon. k This Institution will be re -opened for the re ception of boarders and day pupils on Mandar, Sept. 1895. Parent nnd guardians are kindly requested to be prompt in sending their daughters or wards at the beginning of the session that all may enjov tbe full beuclit ol proper classlucation. TERHS fATABLB IS ADVANCE: Board and Tuition, per quarter $40 00 ly Pupils, per quarter. $5, $6, $S and 10 00 Music, with nse oi Piano, per quarter 15 00 Drawing and Painting in water colors, per quarter , s 00 Vocal Music in classes, German, French, and ail kinds of plain and ornamental needlework are taught free of charge to pupils who desire instruction in these brunches. The methods are progressive, and the discipline ge tle and ma ternal. In all the branches of n re lined and use ful education this Academy affords competent and thorough instruction. for lurcner particulars, apply ar. tne acaaemy or address blbitlt StrhKIUK. aug 15-lmo Whitman College WALLA WALLA, WASH. The location unexcelled, instruction thorough, expenses low. Three Courses Classical, Scientific and Literary in both the College and Academy. Conservatory of Music and Department of Elocution and Oratory greatly enlarged. All. lines of work strengthened; good influences assured; outlook in all directions brighter than ever before. -, Fall term opens Sept. ISth. For an nouncements and further particulars, address Pbeb't Whitman College, augl Walla Walla, Wash. Do You Know a Good Thing WHEN YOU TASTE IT? IF SO YOU WILL NEVER BEWITHOUT DR. HETnLEY'S LEflY B QUIETS AND STRENGTHENS THE NERVES BUILDS . UP THE SYSTEM PURIFIES AND. ENRICHES THE BLOOD naturCS'Suiloer'and tonic ' . FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON". Have You Ever Noticed - That Johnston is selling goods cheaper than anybocty? His goods are the freshest, and he always carries what you want. He buys for cash and gives his customers the benefit. Try him and see if it's true. Johnston's Grocery Store, No. 113 Washington St. Closing Out Sale of DRY GOODS CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD Give JVIe J. P. The Germania STUBLING & WILLIAMS, Props. FINE WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. . All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of CALIFORNIA - WINES - AND - BRANDIES. Twelve-rear-old Whiskey, strictly pure, for medicinal purposes. Best Malt Liquor. Colnmbia Brewery Beer on Draught. Agents for the Celebrated Fabit Milwaukee Beer. No. 9-4 Second Street, Your Wife Knows Where she can get nice Vegetables. , Where to get the nicest Berries, Where nice, fresh Gro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. J. B. CROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62. Advertise in Thh Chronicle. EEF:flBD Wtt IT . FURNISHING GOODS, LESS than COST. a Call. McINERNY. THE DALLES, OR THE DALLES Estate The above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdpn, Gibons & Marden, G. W. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firms, or J. Fl Huntington, Sec. The Dalles, Oregon Bring in Your Family. Come in Yourself, And see how cheaply Men's Suits, Boy's LACES, WOOLENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, - C. FV STEPHENS. When lbs Train stnps at THE DALLES, get off on the Sooth Side flEW COIiUjWBm HOTEIi. This large nnd popular House aoes the principal hotel business, BDd is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any House in the city, and at the low rate of . $1.00 per Day. r first Office for all Stage Lines points in K astern Oregon in this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Sta. GEORGE RUCH, Successor to Cbrisman & Corson. 1 FULL. LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at tbe old stand. I would be pleased to" eee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. New Man! New Prices! .New Goods! Having just purchased the store of H. Moses & Co., J am prepared to meet all competition. A large invoice of FRESH GROCERIES, Bought for cash at low rates, enables me to sell closely. My stock is complete, and prices to suit the times. I SELL FOR CASH, And give moie for a dollar than ano other store in The Dalles. Give me a call and examine for yourself. B. A. HUNSAKER, Successor to H. Moses & Co., adjoining the Diamond Mills. Opposition We Invite. THE CELEBRHTED. COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning oat tbe best Beer and Porter e&nt of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health fnl Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed o be market. ' ' The Xygrh Val ley Creamery. BUTTER Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. . Every Square is Full Weight. D. BUN SMELL, Pip WofR, Till Bepalrs and goofing MAINS tapped under pressure. Chop on Third 8troet, next door west of Young & Rasa Blacksmith Shop. - we can dress all of you. , : Suits, Silks, Satins, COTTONS, LINENS, for everyone. All new stock. v$ n Qlass Teals, 25 Cerjts. leaving; The Dalles for all and Saatera Washington, T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Competition We Defy. Delicious. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B.