fWt roL: viii THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14,1895. NO 190 NECKTIE PARTY her and Son Lynched at Ellensburg, Wash. WAS NEATLY PLANNED and Charles Vinson the Murderers f John Herfc-man--No Cine to the Perpetrators Died Game. llensbukg. Wash., Aug. 14. At 12 pck last night the fire bell rang and a Id congregated at the county jail in w minutes. The battering on the (I cage ior an uour ana a nan reauuuu a the still night air, and at 1 :30 Sam son and his eon. Charles, the mur- i r i i t l e j rs of Sunday, were led ont by a mob. h ropes aronnd their necks, the vic- s were walked three blocks; and a 11 silver popular tree, eight inches liaineter, was chosen. Ropes were bwn over the first limbs, and the er and eon were hanled op by many ing hands. . Their feet were not over ot from the ground, and the two h were chocked to death, with their s within sis inches of each other. romptly at 12 the bell rang, and al- fet simultaneously the guards were rpowered, and the outer jail doors n passed. The steel cage was stub- n, but the mob was determined. Af- the wretches weie secured, they as- oed dogged silence. The old man er spoke, but Charlie pulled back H struggled some. Both were hustled ig, however, and several telegraph s were tried without succeeding in Ming a suitable place. When near i fatal tree, young Vinson spoke his y words, saying : 'I hate it on my mother's account. bu'll be sorry for this." The last word s ottered as the tightening of the rope Joked off his breath. The father was ung up a moment before his son, and me one in the crowd said, as Charles ia swung up: 'Your pa is up there; go np and eee Eoth men were allowed to hang for e time, and the crowd 'slowly dis- rsed without firing a shot into the dies. Thf ra were six other prisoners the jail, but none were molested, and body but the two murderers were hurt ring the proceedings. STORY OF THE MURDER. Charles Vinson, who gave away the kin robbers in the Nothern Pacific lldup last April, with his father, was unk and raising disturbances all day huday. That evening about 6:45 they tered the Teutonia saloon and picked quarrel, during which Charles shot ike Kohlopp, one of the proprietors. pe ball entered his right breast, and e victim died half an hour later. John Bergman, well known as "Dutch hn," went to the defense of Kohlopp, jhen the elder Vinson ataboed him in be right hi east, inflicting a horrible ound, which proved fatal yesterday, iter Kohlopp was shot he grappled pang Vinson, threw him to the floor nd dealt him several blows, but was reed to desist by failing strength. Both men immediately arrested and at in-the steel cage in the couiity jail. fei cement ran very high, bnt the of jials took exra precautions abcut the The Vinson were regarded as worth ies. Charles having served one term h the penitentiary. Both were quarrel jo me, and always went armed and ready b pick a. fight. . . ' Waller's Case Not Dropped. Paris, Aug. 13. There ia absolutely othing in the sensational atory cir pal a ted by a New York newspaper to the effect that United States Ambassa dor Eustis has dropped the case of John L. Waller, formerly United States con sul at Tamatave, island of Madgaecar, recently sentenced to a. period of 20 years imprisonment by a court-martial. On the contrary, Eustis is pursuing the matter most energetically and . hopes soon to arrive at a satisfactory result. SAU FOKSHAN'D UEilH. Some Believe tie 01a Not Cnmmltt Sal: elde, bnt. was Murdered. Pbndleton, Or., Aug. 13. Investiga tion has been going on for some time in to the facta connected with the death of Samuel H Foreman, a Pendleton citi zen, who is supposed to have committed suicide at Burns, Harney county, two weeks ago. Some believe Foreman was murdered. It is claimed here that word came from Burns that Foreman was found in the hallway of the hotel, lying on his.face, with two ballet-holes in his breast, while his own pistol was in his room, with all of the ldads in it. It is also alleged that the pistol used in kill ing Foreman belonged to the man in the next room. Burns is far in the in terior, communication being' only by mail. Two boys found a dirk near the scene of the Transfer house fire, covered with blood. A young man who is sick in a boarding-houee has been discovered by the state's attorney, who says he heard Whetstone and Moore, the men accused of the murder, in the Hotel, counting money and talking about the killing of George Clacking. These incidents at tach importance to the charge of in order against the men. The examination has been continued another dav. Two Lives saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas.of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eg gers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result every thing else, then Itought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cored. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful effi cacy of this medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at the Snipes Kinersly Drag Co. ,9. -Regular size 50c. and $1.00.' The English Faillatnent. London, Aug. 13. In the house oi commons today the speaker, Mr. Will iam C. Gully, took the chair at noon in a semi-official attire. The gentlemen ushers of the Black Rod summoned the members to the house of lords, where a royal commis sion signified her majesty's confirmation of the elections. Speaker Gully lateron, returning to the house of commons, took the chair ia the full robes of his office. The members then proceeded to take the oath, the speaker going through that formality first of all. Hanged for Murder. York, England, Aug 13. Robert Hudson, a young and highly educated man, who ran through his own and bis wife's fortunes, was hanged here today for the mnrder of his wife and child on Hemsley moor, Yorkshire, in June last. He cut their throats and shot and bur ied them on the moor. Before killing them Hudson advertised for another wife, ander the name of Hunter. Valuable Property Involved. San Francisco, Aug." 13. A local paper says the heirs of Jose deJesua Noe will soon bring suit to recover a vast tract of land near Golden Gate Park known aa the San Miguel rauche. The property involved is estimated to be worth $24,000,000. Tne suit will be based on the alleged illegality of the transfer of the land by Noe to William S,. Horner in 1853'. Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. Poor Farm, Winneshelk Co., Ia., says: Last winter Mr. Robert Leach osed two boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve and cured a large running sore on his leg. Had been ander care of . physicians for months without obtaining relief. Sare cure for Piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drag CO. , ... ' Cholera Morbns is a dangerous' com plaint, and often Is fatal in its results. To avoid this you should use DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure, as soon as the 6 ret symptoms appear. Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co. w I SIMMOH3N R EGU LATO R Reader, did you ever take Simmons Liver Regulator, the "King op Liver Medicines?" Everybody needs take a" liver remedy. It is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, . Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is better than Pills. It does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. livery package has the Red Z stamp on the wrapper. J. II. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. Now In Connecticut. ' -Bridgeport, Conn., Ang. 13. Deme trius Kallias Bey and his bride, who was Mrs. P. T. Barnum, have arrived here. Mr. and Mrs. "Kallias visited Mariena, and afterwards Mr. Kallias went to the Union Cartridge Comptny and placed a large order for ammunition for the Tur kish government. Acting under the order of the saltan. Kallias inspected the improved machinery used at the factory. " There are so many 'accidents to live stock whicn cause delay and loss to the farmer in his work. In a large number of instances the delay would be but trifling if a remedy was promptly applied. Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has for-many years been regarded as the farmer's friend. Its healing on flesh of domestic animals is immediate and permanent. Price 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. For sale at Suipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Turkish Village Burned. Constantinople, Aug. 13. The voli of Salonica telegraphed that a Bulgarian band, numbering about 1000 men' at tacked the village of Janakali, in the district of Kirdbali, and burned 200 houses. Armenians are also said to have killed 23 of the inhabitants of Jan akali. The voli of Adrianople has sent a similar dispatch, but he thinks the ac counts are probably exaggerated. "It is the best patent medicine in the world" is what Mr. E. M. Hartman, of Marquam, Oregon, says of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "What leads me to make this assertion ia from the fact that dysentery in its worst form was prevalent aronnd bere last summer and it never took over two or three doses of that remedy to effect a complete care." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton DrnggiPt. Telegraph Line Leased. Minneapolis, Ang. 15. The North American Telegraph Company, the Northwestern ally of the Postal, has leased the line of the Soo Telegraph Company, extending alone the Soo rail way and connecting with Canadian Paci fic lines. This gives a North American entrance into Winnipeg and brings it other advantage, Mr. C. G. . Strong, principal of the public schools at Anderson, Cal., says: "I have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and have found it an excellent remedy for lameness and slight wounds." Lameness usually results from a sprain, or other injury, or from rheumatism, for which'Chamberlain's Pain Balm is es pecially intended and unequalled." It affords almost immediate relief and in a phort time effects a nermanent cure. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton Drug gist. ' . Imperfect xligeetion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of ' the system, which grow and are confirmed by neglect, , Dr. J. , II. Mi Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri fier, by its tonic properties, cares in-' digestion and gives tone to the stomach $1,00 per bottle. -. - I Our Second Annual BLANKET Blankets Blankets Blankets We have just opened 600 pair of Blankets to run during our -'Special. Blanket Sale," which will 'greatly exceed, in all respects, any previous sales of 2 ,t the kind. We guarantee every pair a Bargain. ; ( JlS...i)M.(fi. for Infanta and Children. - Costoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Soar Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural Costoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property, s "Csxtnrla is ro well adapted to children Chat I recommend It an superior to any prescription .nown to me." JK. A. Abchkr. M. D., Ill South Oxford St, Brooklyn, N.Y. " For several years I have reoommetiaed your . 08toria,snd thall always continue to do so, as It baa invariably produced beneficial remits." Edwih F. Pardkb, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Avet, New York City. The use of Castor ia is so universal and Its merits to well known that it reems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telllfcent families who do not keep Oaatoria within eaay reach." CKice Mabttw, D. P., New York City. Thk Cshtacb GottMjrr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. Mftdafhei and IVtntralaia cured by Dr. MILES' PAIN PILLS. "One cent a dose." , BOSS CASH STORE. m g CD S O ft CD Clothing For Ladies, Misses, Gents, Boys and Children, straight from their makers. PRICES THEJ LOWEST. mm m Commences Monday, Aug. 12. in great variety. ' ' , . ....... at unmistakably SALE prices, that will save you DOLLARS. A M WILLIAMS & GO FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. , . TRANSACT A. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESb Letters of Credit issued available In the Eastern States. - Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on (av orfthle terms. J. 8. BCHBNCK, President. J. M. PATTBR80M, Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on' New York, San Francisco and Port- .. - land. . dirbotohs. D.P.Thompson. - Jno. S.'Sciibnck; Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbb. i H. M. Bbaxl. NEWEST COODS for little money. Boots HATS AND CAPS M DOORS, ' 1 WINDOWS, SHINGLES, ' .FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding HI. G- Xj IE ZST BOSS CASH STORE. ; Dry Goods, parnishinq ' sw Honywill