"Hie Dalles Daily Chronicle. ' SUBSCRIPTION BATES. . BY Mill,, rOBTAGZ PREPAID, IS ADVANCE. Wsekly, 1 year I 1 50 " 6 months 0 75 8 " 0 ' 011, 1 year. 6 oO 6 mouths 8 00 per 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. WEDNESDAY, - - AUGUST 7. 1895 ENFORCEMENT OF LA W IN NE W YORK. New York city is having a novel ex perience in the enforcement of the lawB enacted for its government. Mr. Theo dore Rosevelt is distinguishing himself as president of the police commission, in a way unexpected by everybody and startling to the violator of law. Better that the present city administration should be turned out becanbe it en forced the law than that it succeed in violating them. .He is undertaking the enforcement of the law not because the law is espe cially in harmony with his private views, but because he is sworn to en force the law. Such a man has the requisite qualifications of a ruler; and New York city is a splendid opportunity lor the exhibition of bis excellent quali fications. His idea is that if the people df i not desire the enforcement of the laWs they have enacted, they should re peal them or dispense with his services. The lesson, which New York ib now learning, is one which the people of the United States everywhere need to learn ; governments, and particularly city gov ernments, are wont to enact laws which are enacted to appease enthusiasts, but are not intended to be enforced ; this custom has become so general that statute books and ordinance records are disregarded and so entirely over looked by executive officers sworn to enforce .tnem, that their existence is unknown to the public generally ; or if known are looked upon with contempt. The habit lias a tendency to bring all law into contempt; the violation of one statute with impunity tempts the offender to the violation of others, and leaves very uncertain where the line between right and wrong lies; in other words, it leaves the fixing of that line to the officers; this in turn results, as in New York city to a very great extent and in other eities to a less extent, in the system of blackmail under which crime thieves and police officers become rich. Mr. Koievelt believes that' it is his duty to encorce the laws as he finds them ; the result will be, no doubt, that many impracticable laws will be re pealed, others will be amended to con firm to the real necessities of good gov ernment and the welfare of the people and, if Mr. Rosevelt is continued in office, New York city will be the best, instead as heretofore, the worst gov erned city in America. The controversy there now is not whether saloons shall be closed on Sunday or remain open, but whether the law shall remain a law or shall be abrogated by officers sworn to uphold it. The enforcement of the laws of Oregon on the same theory as that adopted by Mr. Rosevelt in New York, would astonish many, but it would be moat salutary in its ultimate effect. We eug gest that some of our state and county officers try the experiment; they would at least cause the next legislature to do some beneficial repealing. OUR SECRETARY OF STATE. Mr. Kincaid was nominated and elected upon representations that he would correct many of the abuses which have crept into the administration of the office for which he was a candidate. He claimed and way represented by his friends to be an economist, a man of in tegrity and of good judgment. We will not accuse him of obtaining money tinder falee pretenses, but we are free to criticise his administration. His first work after entering his office was to ex amine the fee law and ascertain where a possible addition to his income could be made ; among other improvements in thia line, as we are informed, he claimed the right to charge $2 for attaching the seal of the state to a state deed, although the law provides that upon payment of '. $1.25 for the land and the fulfillment of certain provisions of the law the pur chaser shall be entitled to a deed ; here tofore the deed has been delivered upon fulfilling the conditions, bat now the purchaser must pay Mr. Kincaid $2 or go without a deed. Mr. Kincaid has pronounced himself a greater constitu tional lawyer than the attorney-general, bas ignored the latter 'e advice, employed other counsel and carried to the supreme court the question as to the right of the rai'road commissioners to their pay, and the supreme court on Monday rebuked his pretended wisdom and commanded . him to draw warrants for the salaries as provided by the legislature.' The con stitution of the state provides that the secretary of state shall receive no emo- laments other than his "alary, but every dollar of fees earned by the office we Understand, are claimed by this econo mist aa his own. From his own standpoint he is doing well : he is there for what there is in it, and there is a whole lot in it; but this is his last harvest from the plate's do main, and we suppose he believe that a ehort crop with a big price is better than a long crop at the cnn'titntinnai rate. The formation in Portland of a club called the Oregon Road Club is a recog nition of the very importnnt place good highway! of travel hold in the progress of a state. , Undoubtedly the zeal for cycling is at the bottom of the agitation and furnishes the chief incentive. Un like the patient horse, which goes when the master drives, the bicycle rebels at rough roads and in silent stubbornness compels their betterment; in this way they are a abvantageous to a community. The new club can be of great service in gathering information as to the best way of building roads and keeping them in good repair when once constructed. The field in Oregon is a large one and there is abundant opportunity for the exercise of much labor and enthusiasm, but when once people have come to real ize how great a comfort good roads are and from a business standpoint how wis an investment, the desire and de mand will make their building and con tinuance a thing of eapy moment. 5LEEP&REST For i Skin Tortured BABIES And Tired MOTHERS In One Application of A warm bath with CUTICURA SOAP, and a single application of CUTICURA, the great Skin Cure, will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cure of the most distressing of itching, turn ing, Heeding.scaly.and crusted skin and scalp diseases, after physicians, hospitals, and all other methods fail. Cuticura Works Wonders, and its cures of torturing, disfiguring, humiliating humors are the most A'cnderful ever recorded. Cuticura Remedies are sold throughout the win Id. Potter Dkuo ani Culm. Cokp., Bole Proprietor, BoBton, U. B. A. "All about the Blood, Skin, Scalp, and TTnir" free PIM PLEW, blackheads, red and oily skin pre- vemea ana enrea ty juticura r-oAP. INSTAKT RELIEF in a single CflfaapAiNPlaster When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Caetoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Caetoria. When sue had Children, she gave them Castorla, A valise containing ladies' clothes was found several days ago near the depot. Owner can receive information at this office which will lead to its recovery. aug7-d2t Lost, Wednesday morning, a ladies gold watch. Finder will be liberally re warded by leaving the same at tuia office. ' al-dlw Severe griping pains of the stomach and bowels instantly and effectually stopped by DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drng Co. Whitman College WALLA WALLA, WASH. The location unexcelled, instruction thorough, expenses low. Three Courses Classical. Scientific and Literary in both the College and Academy. Conservatory of Music and Department of Elocution and Oratory greatly enlarged. All lines of work strengthened; good influences assured; outlook in all directions brighter than evr before. Fall term opens Sept. ISth. For an nouncements and further particulars, address Phks't Whitman College, augl Walla Walla, Wash. EYE, ERty, fiOSE and THROAT DR. WADK, ( F. C P., London, member of the British Medical Association, formerly o- ulist and aurist to the Victoria Joal Jubilee Hospital), has opened an office for the practice ot the above specialties, at rooms 504-50f, War quHm Building, Portland, Or. Office hours, 1U to 12 A. ZD. . 8 to S and at 8 p. m. jlyiaim tfciira ill Bactte Do You Know a Good Thing WHEN YOU TASTE IT? IF SO YOU WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT DR. HENLEY'S GELEHV OEEF AN -IT- QUIETS AND STRENGTHENS THE NERVES BUILDS . UP THE SYSTEM PURIFIES AND ENRICHES THE BLOOD NATURE'S.BUILDERiAND TON I FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Have You Ever Noticed That Johnston is selling goods cheaper than anybody? His goods are the freshest, and he always carries what you want. He buys for cash and gives his customers the benefit. Try him and see if it's true. Johnston's Grocery No. 113 Washington Closing Out of DRY GOODS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and. CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD Give JWe J. P. The Germania STUBLING & WILLIAMS, Props. . FINE WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS. AH brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of CALIFORNIA - WINES - AND - BRANDIES Twelve-yar-old Whiskey, strictly pure, for medicinal purposes. .. Bent Malt Liquor. C-l ninlilw ttrfwry lir n Draught. Agents for the Celebrated fabat Milwaukee Beer. No. 94 Second Street, Your Wife Knows Where she can get nice Vegetables. Where to get the nicest Berries. Where nice, fresh Gro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. J. B. CROSSEN, -LQxQcjer. Ask Central for 62. Advertise in The Chronicle. D mo Store, St. Sale LESS than COST. a Call. McINERNY. THE DALLES, OR THE DALLES lne above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of Heal instate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ins: Real Estate' Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M Huntington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Harden, G. W. Rowland. Address' any of the above well known farms, or J. M. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles. Oregon Real Estate Your g in Come in And see how cheaply we can dress all of you. Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins, LACES, WOOLENS, COTTONS, LINENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock. , When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get iff on the South Side. ...... COLiUlVlBlfl- HOTEIi. Tbis larfre and popular House ana is prepnrea 10 iurnisn me House in thus city, and at the $1.00 per Day. - pirst Office for ill Stage I-lneB point in Kantara Oregon In iHia Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Sta. GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER. m . Successor to Chrisman & Corson. mr FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. ' I would be pleased to see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. New Man! New Prices! New Goods! Having just purchased am prepared to meet all competition. A large invoice of FRESH GROCERIES, Bought for cash at low rates, enables me to sell closely. My stock is complete, and prices to suit the limes. I SELL FOR CASH, And give moie for a dollar than ano other store in The Dalles. Give me a call and B. A. HUNSAKER, Successor to H. Moses fe Co., Opposition We Invite. COLUMBIA AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony he market. Th Tyerh Val ley Cnimarj BUTTER Ask Vanbib'ber & Worsley Every Square is TELEPHOISTB 35TO D. BUNNE Pipe wo rK, Tim Repairs MAINS TAPPED Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kutt? Blacksmith Shop. -, . Family Yourself ones the principal botel business. low rate of . Best Accommoaaaoiia 01 any Qass Teals, 25 Ceits. lrarlnt The Dallri for all and Eastern Washington, T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. the "store of H. Moses & Co., I examine for yourself. ' ' adjoining the Diamond Mills. Competition We Defy. BRATED BREWERY, turning oat the best Beer and Porter the first-class article will be placed oa la Delicious. 'CREAMERY for it. Tygh Valley Full Weight. A. A. B. - 80. UNDER PRESSURE. LL, ana noDfing