The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 02, 1895, Image 3

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r v. . . . : &
Reirioval Notice.
Qreat Baraips!
Qreat Jales!
p $i cc
P CO U .
o a t
We desire to call the attention of the public who have not favored us
with a call during the last few days of our Clearance Sale, to do so at once and
look over the values that we are offering. Your choice of our
Uasf? Qoods 5to(K at loq per Yard
Has been appreciated by the crowds that visited us Saturday. Other
goods sold at sweeping reductions. Permanent reductions in
() Standard patter.75. ()
Beginning Augu3t 1, 1895, the reductions in most cases are as follows:
Standard Patterns that were 50 cents will hereafter sell atl "
40 " " ' " yO C T
t. a 35 U It it m) V-'V"'J-L CvJ
Standard Patterns that were 30 cents will hereafter sell at) 0. niM'ro
u it .- 25 " " " " KtlfSri. J.
Standard Patterns that were 20 cents will hereafter sell at.. ...... .15 CENTS
15 " " " " lO CENTS
10 " ". " " 5 CENTS
U -g S -3 Q
-t 5J co g.'r-
s .2 f , a
.g-.H i
s .
h O 00
ST 02 - uT
t h p, DC
S e5 O O
& O
On and after July 15th the BOOK
STORE of M. T. Nolan will be at 54
Second St., next door to Grocery, cor
ner of Union and Second Sts. ,
Scissors, Shears
and Razors.
American Made Goods,
Our Warranty is-
If not perfectly SATISFACTORY, return them
and get another pair. . :
xkcats g CROWE.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a the PostofiRce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
10 Ceiiw per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
wsr line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
AUGUST 2, 1895
Leaves Kroni the Notebook of Chronicle
Additional Local on Fourth Page. .
The weal her report for tomorrow i3
fair and stationery.
Today is collection day, when bills
come thick aa grasshoppers.
The little child of Mr. J. T. Rorick at
North Dalles is quite sick with typhoid
Several committees of the city council
meet tonight to gut their reports ready
for the next council meeting.
Special meeting of Jackson Engine
Co., No. 1, will be held Saturday even
ing at 8 o'clock, to transact important
Two heading outfits from Walla Walla
country and one from Gilliam county
have come into Sherman to get work
during harvest.
The body of Mrs. Schrouden, the ladyV
drowned at Uascades yesterday, was
found about 3 : 30. The body was found
between the incline and government
dock. The funeral services were at
tended by a large number of sympa
ineuaiiee is ahead ot baiem on trie
matter of telephone exchanges. Salem
has a circuit of 100 subscribers, while
our city has two complete systems, one
numbering over 250 exchanges. When
ever anybody gets ahead of Salem, it is
worthy of mention.
Papers asking for a requisition to
enable the officers to bring Bluford
Douglas back to Wasco county were for
warded to Governor Lord this morning.
Douglas is charged with the larceny of
stock and was arrested at Walla Walla,
He is being detained there awaiting th
arrival of officers from here.
Jos. Robineon started on a several
hundred mile drive this morning. In
company with S. B. Martin, a commer
cial traveller, he started for Prineviile,
Canyon City and points farther south.
They will be gone several weeks and
will have covered all the tributary coun-
tbe hardest which the builders will fi
in the entire distance. Many of the
holes had to be blasted in the solid rock
while at a greater distance the digging
will be easy. The Dalles will soon havr
communication witn uuior and J&ngbiey.
The police court was busy this morn
ing, as the natural result of the morning
after a circus. One Indian was fined $10
for disorderly conduct; a man named
Stegman acquitted of the charge of fast
riding: two drunks and one hobo fined
and sent to jail. This completes the
routine of the recorder's court.
A warrant was issued by Justice Davis
this morning for the arrest of George
Armstrong, charged with larceny by
bailee.. The complaint was sworn out
by H. 8. Cheeaman, alleges that the de
fendant has in his possession a wagon
and team belonging to the private pros
ecutor, which he refuses to restore to the
A stranger named J. M. Garvey was
robbed of $120 in the east end of town.
He claims to have been toped and while
in an unconscious or dazed condition his
pockets were picked of their contents.
Garvey, who is a peddler by profeseion,
came before Justice Davis this morning
and Bwore out a warrant charging John
Doe with the crime. There is no defi
nite belief as to who the guilty party is,
but the officers are watching several
suspicious personages.
A car loaded with fast freight and bag
gage from the Regulator went into the
river at the locks yesterday ' The acci-
ent happened on the lower incline.
e car. becoming unmanageable, and
running off tne track, pluneed into the
ater. A buggy and considerable
reight were aboard the car and will
kely not be recovered. The damage is
timated at $500, though it is yet too
rly .for the exact amount to be de-
rmined. "
Water Commissioners' Meeting;.
perintendent were 'read and accepted.
The total book account against water
consumers was $1483.25; amount col
lected, $1096.25; amount yet to be col
lected, $387. The treasurers report read
as follows :
July 1 Cash on hand per report $2923 27
V f rom JJnJiea City 3 warrants 96 00
' 9 " " " Interest 2 6(5
is . at warrUuts 1136 50
' lf " " " " " . ... 175 87
'1-31 From I J Kormao, water rents. . 109S 25
The first meeting of the water com
mission at which the newly elected mem-
rs were present, was held in their
nice. When the roll was called, Com-
issioners ' Mack, Crossen, Nielsen and
hrisman answered ' to their names.
he credentials of J. O. Mack and Jos.
T. Peters were read and accepted. .Mr.
Mack was re-elected at the last election
and Mr. Peters chosen for a new term.
After the reading and approval of the
minutes, the commission decided to
postpone the regular election of officers
until the next meeting. The secretary
read the following bills, which were
ordered paid :
A Jacobeen Book & Music Co, sap.. .$ 1 50
. . t FT-1 T"k l,
t -.u c x ht j Maier & Benton, supplies : 2 50
In company with Mr. J. W. Condon X w R Brown, dieeini ditch. ..... : 1500
manager of the telephone company, aR E Teague, hauling ... 75
X J Norman, salary supt 75 00
iH Lafiin. salary keeper 55 00
1H Chrisman. secy 5 00
H Chrisman, recording bonds.... 7 50
ft I Burget, recording bonds 7 50
The application of A. G. Hoerisg for a
years rental of 25-foot front on Union
street, north of the commissioners' tool
house, was read and the application not
granted. ...
The reports of the treasurer and su
representative of The Chronicle drove
out to Three Mile, the present terminus
of the line. The poles are all in place
to thai point and the wire will be
stretched immediately. A large gang of
men are at work and ten days, or at the
furthest, two weeks will see the line
completed . to. Dufur and in complete
operation. The work through Thomp
son's addition and up to Three mile, is.
Total '. 5130 45
July 1 Warrants re d No 71 $ 82 48
no Ti 213 66
" No 73 5 45
" No 76 75 00
" No 77 55 00
" No 78 5 00 t '
" No 74 180
" No 75 13 79- 452 18
Balance SldTR 57
July 15 Co. warrants bills received 10 00
15 " " " " l a
' 31 Total cash on hand 4967 D7
Regarding the treasurer's report $4500
of the cash on hand is drawing 6 per
cent interest in the bank.
Mr. Hood, of the city council, ap
peared before the board and stated he
had been instructed by the council to
ask the board not to charge the city $32
per month for water rent. Owing to
the fact that economy was being prac
ticed in every department it was thought
the water commission should not ask
the city rent.
After some discussion a motion was
made that the superintendent be in
structed to carry an open account with
the city until further notice and collec
tion will be delayed until it is seen bow
the new system of finance works.. ..
A. Day of Circna.
The Wallace Shows gave two perform
ances yesterday in the afternoon and
evening, and it can safely be said a
Dalles audience were never better
pleased. From start to finish the enter
tainment was of the Highest merit and
the attractions call for much praise.
The attendance was large &nd had not
the circus came just when farmers were
busy with harvest would have been
much larger. The managerie contained
many rare and interesting animals. In
side the big tent two rings and a platform ,
all filled with performers at the same
time held the eyes of the audience riv
eted. The attractions were too numer
ous to mention. All were good. The
living pictures or statuary brought forth
much deserved applause. The tight
rope performers, Japanese jugglers, bare
back riders, bicyclists and the irrepressi
ble clowns kept up a continual round of
interesting spectacles. Some of the feats
were wonderful, especially ' the trapeze
work of the Fisher Bros., where one of
them turns a double somersault in mid
air, high above the ground, and is caught
by his brother. In the evening this act
was omitted owing to the sudden sick
ness of Mr. Fisher.
By the high order of their attractions
and. the uniform courtesy and gentle
manly conduct of their employes the
managers of the Wallace Shows have
made a pleasant impression npon The
Dalles and can be assured of crowded
tents upon their return.
Mr. E. O. McCoy of Grants is in
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Frazier
Sherman county are in the city.
Mr. J. R. Rand of Hood River was a
visitor to The Dalles this morning.
Prof. Birgfeld returned to Upper Cas
cades on the Repulator this morning.
Dr. Siddall returned this morning
after a summer's vacation laBting a
Mr. B. F. Lauehlin and family have
gone to Glenwood to spend several weeks
Mr. J. A. Ward and Thomas Bolton,
well known residents of Kingsley, are in
town today.
Mr. Ben E. Snipes went to Portland
by boat this morning. He will return
in a few days.
Mr. W. C. Allaway, general agent of
the D. P. & A. N. Co., is in Portland on
company business.
Mrs. it. S. Davis returned last night
from Portland. Her sister, Miss Hind
man, is much better.
Mr. Ahio Watt, land agent of the O.
R. & N. Co., came up from Portland on
the noon train today.
Mrs. C. R. Bone of Hood River, who
has been visiting Mrs. Lytle, returned
home on the Regulator this morning.
Miss Nona Ruch left on the Regulator
this morning for a visit to Portland,
Aurora and other places in the valley.
" Mrs. E. C. Price arrived in The DalleB
last night from Ellensburg. Mr. and
Mrs. Price will make their future home
in this citv.
E. B. Dufur and familv left this morn
ing for Ramsey creek, a distance of 35
miles from town, where they will spend
a month in camping.
Miss Benlah Sterling returned home
from San Frnncisco on the noon train
yesterday. Miss Edith Stanely of that
city accompanied her.
Mrs. Durham and little daughter,
Irene, have been visiting Mrs. Durham's
sister-in-law,' Mrs. Manns. They return
to their home in Heppner today.
Miss Carrie St. Johns of Heppner, who
has been vit-iting in the valley for the
last few weeks, ppent yesterday in The
Dalles visiting Mrs. Oeo. Manns
Mr. James A. Williamson and wife of
New York City were in The Dalles to
day. Mr. Williamson was formerly
commissioner of the general land office.
Frank French and Truman ButW, the
popular pursers of the D. P. & A. N. Co.,
will change runs tomorrow, sftir. BUit.W
will come to The Dalles enabling Mr
French to take a run to the coast over
Mr. John Bowling, connected with the
Kansas City Journal, paid ibis office a
pleasant call yesterday. Mi. Bowling
travels with the Wsllace Shows in order
to become acquainted with the country,
which he writes up tor the Journal.
When Baby was sick, we giro her Castorle.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Custoria.
When sne had Children, she gave Lhem Castoria.
JaeobseD Book & llusie Go.'s,
162 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
And other high grades to select from.
rmH L L.l I ITITITTrXl CJATf . 1 T,
" we always lead and let the others follow.
OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Pianos from $150 up
ward, on the installment plan.
Telephone ZMo. 2S,
Or. Miles' Pain Pills cure NeuraJjda.
: Lost, Wednesday - tuoriiing, a ladies
gold watch. Finder will be liberally re
warded by leaving the same at
office. al-dlw
Insect Powder,
Poison Fly Paper,
we nanuie xne ceicDraiea
"Tanglefoot" Sticky Fly
Paper and "Dutchei's"
Poison Paper. . Do not be
deceived into baying any
Sticky Fly Paper, other brands
Donnell's Drag Stote.
Deutsche Hpotheke.
Telephone fio. . 15.