U7 Vss Dalles Daily Chronicle. BUBBCEIPTIOH RATES. t kail, roaiAca raxriu, i adtakcx. Waaklj, 1 year. 1 SO - 6 months. 0 75 S ' 0 V) D&ilr, 1 year 6 00 " months. S 00 per " 0 50 Address ail communication to " TEE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. THURSDAY, - - AUGUST I, 1895 RELEASE OF MORTGAGES. One of the brilliantly stupid accom plishments of the last legislature was the act requiring all mortgages to be released ' by a formal release, executed with the same formalities as a conveyance of land, by the mortgagee himself or the person appearing by the record to be the owner of the mortgage. Frior to this act the holder of a note seen red by a mortgage could by affidavit show that he was the holder of the note and, with out having a formal transfer of the mort gage upon the records, release the mort gage. Now a purchaeer' of a note se cured by a mortgage must, in order to place himself in a situation to release the mortgage when the note is paid, have in addition to an assignment of the note, a transfer of tne mortgage made and re corded, and instead of being able to step to the clerk's office and cancel the mort gage upon the margin of the record, he must go to an attorney or notary and have a release prepared and executed the same as a deed and then have the same recorded. The expense is consid erably increased and great inconvenience is frequently experienced by reason of the removal of the original mortgage in case of a transfer of the note. The law must have originated with some fool notary or some of the incom petent roustabouts to whom our supreme court have issued certificates of admis sion to the bar, and whose principal business is writing conveyances. A REPUTED VOAL MINE. If it be true that an abundant supply of coal has been discovered near Lyle's landing on the Columbia,the owner of it will be fortunate indeed: but he ia not the only one who will reap a bene fit. An abundant supply of coal within easy access to the Middle Colum bia would have a marked influence upon the industrial history of this section and the development of a large section of Kastern Oregon and Washington. The fuel question alone is a serious draw back to a very largo extent of fertile lands in this portion of the two states Farmers of Sherman and portions of Wasco and Klickitat counties haul wood from 20 to 50 miles or buy coal at the railroad stations paying therefor $8 to $12 per ton. The railroad company haul their coal either from the Sound, Eos lyn, Wash., or Rock Springs, Wyeming. This fact increases the expenses of rail road transportation and is paid for, in part at least, by the producers. A great drawback to manufacturing enterprises throughout this section of the two states is lack of good fuel. A discovery like the one reported would solve many obstacles to the development of oar resources and the upbuilding of this and other towns along the river we sincerely hope 'the report is true. Contrary to expectation Judge Bel linger has denied a new trial on the cases of the government against James Lotan and Seid Back. The decision will cause surprise among those who have closely watched the evidence at the trial. That twelve sensible men should convict on the testimony of an admitted per jurer like Blum, seems hardly possible. The added fact that several jurymen ex pressed doubt of the defendant's guilt and declared they were coerced into a verdict, makes the statement reasonable that Mr. Lotan and the Chinese mer chant have hardly been treated with fairness. Mr. I-otau was a professional politician and for this he is to be cen sured, but still the offense of being a wirepuller and manipulator of offices and .men, however inimical it may be to good government, ought not to be a motive for conviction on thechargeof smuggling unless there be better evidence than that produced in court last April. As a ' politician of astuteness Lotan would not place himself in the bands of Blum for $20,000 or double that sum. If Lotan and Joe Simon were to be arraigned on the charge of being professional pol iticians many good citizens would like to eee them convicted and shorn of power. Presidential booms are being con structed already, but the wise politicians will keep as much out of sight as possi ble for somtttime to come. If President Cleveland undertakes the construction of va boom forMr. Morrison, or in fact any one -else, it "will catch very few sticks. . T.he stream of the popular vote will not " flow bv Cleveland's ranch nest year un less all signs fail and any attempt of the . present administration to name the com ing man, will certainly end the prospects of the man. In fact the people of this country have about as much use for Cleveland as a mule has for an Indian. Thb Chronicle ia pleased to note the clearing of some of the streets of loose stones and other debris. The street leading up the hill from the south end of Washington street is one that needs at tention in this respect ; few of the streets are more used and recently there has been much loose broken rock in it. We are also pleased to note, and many citi zens will join us, that steps are being taken by the council to compel the re pair of sidewalks. Let the good work go on. The latest attempt at competitive journalism in Portland has failed. The Sun sank behind the hiils yesterday and did not appear this morning. While it is true the Oregonian is a great news paper and covers the newspaper field thoroughly, yet we are- sorry the Sun has failed. It made a wonderful fight to maintain its footing, but the odds were too great. Portland should have two morning papers, but the failure of the San will delay competition for a long time. A leading daily says that "the criti cism upon Mr. Dolph'a criticism of a re cent court opinion appears to be based on the assumption that he has mistaken morals for law." From the opinion it self it is apparent that it if simply and entirely based on the assumption that he has mistaken what he thinks of the law for a well established rule of law. An Elephant Chases His Trainer. It seems the elephant had a grudge against bis trainer for two or three days previous and bad been acting very vic ious. Ho would raise his trunk high in the air, trumpet and tear madly at the huge chain which held him. It was only by accident that the cause of his grievance was found out. As the pro cession was passing the store of J. B. Crossen, the Grocer, he was seen to stand and look longingly inside, while tubsful of tears streamed down his coun tenance. It was then surmised that be cause his trainer had not bought his groceries and vegetables from Crossen's Grocery had occasioned his wrath. Ele phants and everybody else know that the best place to trade is with J. B. Croe6ei?, the Grocer. al-lt Announcement. Reports from passengers already gone to Clatsop and Ilwaco beaches are very nattering as to connections and time made, and savour arrangements are perfect for delivering passengers, bag- gtge and freight at their destination For detailed information and surpris ingly low rates for the season, call on E. E Lvtle, ' Agent O. R. & N. Co.. v Annual Jflre Klectlon. " The aunual election of The Dalles fire department will be lield at the Jackson Engine Co.'s house, "August 5th, from 5 o'clockp. rii. to -.7 o'clock p. in., of said day, for thljjlection of a chief . engineer and as&jstint engineer. Attest :; . , . H. J. Maieb, J. S. Schexck, Pres. Sec'y Pro. Tern. Are You Golnc to the Coast This summer? If so, take the Regulator line. Tickets ou sale for the season at rates lower than ever. Connections made with all steamers leaving Port land. Through tickets, and baggage checked to destination. (No transfer charges at Portland). . W. C. Auiir.iT, General Agent. Chance In the Regulator's Time Card. Commencing Wednesday,. July 10th and uutil further notice, steamer Reg ulator will leave The Dalles for Portland at 8 a. m., instead of 7 a. m. Steamer Dalles City will leave Portland at 7 a. m., instead of 6 a. m. W. C. All a wav, General Agt. Whitman College WALLA WALLA, WASH. The location unexcelled, instruction thorough, expenses low. Three Courses Classical, Scientific and Literary in both the College and Academy. Conservatory of Music and Department of Elocution and Oratory greatly enlarged. All lines of work strengthened ; good influences assured ; outlook in all directions brighter than ever before. Fall term opens Sept. IStb. For an nouncements and farther particulars, address Pees't Whitman College, augl . Walla Walla, Wash. EVE, IMPOSE and THROAT DR. WADE, ( F. O. 8., London, member of the British Medical Association', formerly oculist and aurist to the Victoria Royal Jubilee Hospital), has opened an office for the practice ot the above specialties, at rooms 504-505, Mar quain Building, Portland, Or. Office hours, 10 to 12 u. m. ; 8 to 5 and at 8 p. m. jlylSim Advertise in Thk Chronicle. Do You Rnow'a'Good Thing WHEN YOU TASTE IT? IF SO YOU WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT IDIX. HEN1.E VS - : -it- QUIETS AND STRENGTHENS THE NERVES BUILDS . UP THE SYSTEM PURIFIES AND ENRICHES THE BLOOD NATU RE'S BUILDER AND TONIC FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. A. New Store on a Cash Basis.- The credit system is those who pay must make up for the ones that' do not. The only way to have low prices is to sfell for cash, and that is what we are going to do. Large Stock, Fine Goods, Prices "Way Down. . ,; We sell for cash, buy the benent. We have bought out the business of H. H. CAMPBELL and will be pleased to see old patrons and new ones. We are in "the field for business. "W. A. Johnston, No. 113 "Washington St. Closing Out Sale of DRY GOODS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods ' MUST be SOLD LESS than COST, Give JVIe J. P. Yaur Wife Knows Where she can get nice Vegetables. Where to get the nicest Berries. Where nice, fresh. Gro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. J. B. CROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR. a heavy weight to carry, and cheap, and our patrons have a Call. McINERNY. THE DALLES ine aoove association is prepared to take- a list of all and. any kind ot Keal Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing lm migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz fe Co., J. M Huntington & Co., Dufur fc Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden, G. W. Rowland. Address" any of the above well known nrms, or J. M. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles. Oregon-. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL .. Watchmaker Jeweler - All work promptly attended to,. ar and warranted. . . . Can now be found at 102 Second street. . ChScboiter'n Enrll.h Diamond Brasrtt. EflflYROVAL PILLS Orlfflml and Only Genuine. Arc, aiway reliable, ladies uk Druggist for Cklchter'm Sngluh Dim-A numd Brand Id Hed and Gold BteulliflX Ibexea. Mtled with blue ribbon. Take no other. R'tie.''nartn wubttH tianm and. imitation. At lirarriitt ar mmaA eV ln stamps for particulars, testimonaUa and r Ladtc," ot eur. by rwtwn mil. 1 10.000 TemimoBiala. Jfeau Aucr. Ekah Estate it- 'v feidar Clhter karfealC-atadlMa Kqwtq SIILmi 1 r cfinfi jjJUlaas., ia. Bring m Your Family. Come in Yourself, Andsee how cheaply we can dress all of you. Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins, LACES, WOOLENS, COTTONS, LINENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock. c. k. Stephens" ; JPta.&e&a stops at THE DALCES, get off on the SmthSide EW COIipyflBlfl HOTEL. This- targe and ropnlar House aoes the principal hotel business, .' and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any -House in the city, and at the low rate of $i.oo per Day. '- first Qass Ieals, 25 Cei)ts. Offlee for mil Stage Lines leaving; The Dalles for all points 1b Eastern Oregon and Kastern Washington, in this Hotel. Cornerbt Front and Union Bta. GEORGE RfUCH, PIONEER GROCER . (Successor to Cbrlsraan & Corson. STAPLE Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to eee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. NeW Man! New Prices! New Goods! Having;.. just purchased the store of H. Moses & Co., I am prepare, tor meet all competition. A large invoice of FRESH GROCERIES, Bought for cash at low rates, enables me to sell closely. My stock is complete, and prices to suit the times. I SELL FOR CASH, And giyojmore for a dollar than ano other store in The Dalles. Give me .a call and examine for yourself. B. A. HUNSAKER, Successor to HMoses & Co., adjoining the Diamond Mills. Opposition WeInvite. RUPERT & GABEL, 4 Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS, An all Articles Kept in a First Class Harness Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE.. THE CELEBRHTED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Bravery is now turning' dVt - the best Beer and Porter eant of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first -class article will be placed on he market D. BUINSfSSE Pipe Wprfc Ilii Bepalrs aqfl floolliig MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Skop on Third .'Street, next door west of Young & Etna1 - ' v .Blacksmith Shop. v T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. -FULL LINE OF and FANCY GROCERIES. Competition We Defy. Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'s Store