2 3 Tob Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY MAIL, PORTA OK PREPAID, III ADYA2SCK ' Weekly , 1 year f 1 SO " 6 months O 75 - s " OM nsllr.lvesr 00 " 6 months. 8 00 per " Address all commanication to 1CLX." The Dalles, Oregon. 0 50 THE CHBON TUESDAY, JULY SO, 1895 LATEST REVOLUTIONARY WAR. There is manifested throughout th United States a very strong sympathy with the Cubans and the most careful watch on the part of the authorities does not prevent material aid being sent hence to the revolutionists. I Tliu faU lu, we were once revolutionists and know how it isoureelves; when France ex tended to as aid and sympathy we ap preciated it and there has ever since been an innate desire to show our appre ciation by helping in like manner some other people wnoare struggling to throw off the yoke of an European monarchy. A large steamer is reported to have re cently escaped the vigilance of our rev enue officers and sailed to Cuba with ' arms, ammunition and men; and this nation outside President Cleveland and his cabinet bade them God speed. Spain is finding that America is an un healthy country for menarchy, a dis covery she ought to have made years ago. When Cuba is independent and we have an administration which believes in America for Americans, there will be little chance of Europe ever again to ex ercise authority on this continent out side of British North America. As for that country, England is welcome to it. Elsewhere Europe would better leave America to Americans. .A SUIT ON BEHALF INDIANS. OF THE An injunction suit has been instituted by the United States on behalf of the Yakima Indians against the Winanu Bros., to determine the rights of the In dians to fish from lands owned by in dividuals. Substantially the same ques tion was tried out in the case of the United States vb. Frank Taylor some years ago, in which it was held that the Indians had a right in common with white men, but no greater right, as to lande generally which had been acquired from the United States by individuals, and that as to a particular tract near Tiimwater falls, they had the right to re side during the fishing eeason with the right to ingress and egress. It appears that the United states is not satisfied with that decision and will try the question anew ; there has long been a controversy concerning these fisheries and if the courts can determine the question once -for all, it will be a satisfaction to all concerned. It is none too early to make plane for a Christmas celebration at the Cascade Locke. The Dalles is most deeply in terested and should take the initiative. We suggest that our business men take the matter in hand and in conjunction with the contractors, commence to make preparations lor the greatest and most important event in the hietory of East ern Oregon. Let us have an old-time waterway convention, with representa tives from all the commercial bodies along the river; the conditions will be changed, but the unity of purpose and good will will be the same; then we were working for hope, now it will be a festival with hope realized. The Dalles inaugurated the waterway conventions : let us also inaugurate the celebration of the attainment in which those annual conventions wielded a etrong influence, eenaior uoipn e criticism ot tua su preme court was not for the purpose of trying his case in the newspapers, but to enlighten the bar of the state of a new ruling. But the bar, with a strange unanimity, come back to him with sug gestions that the fault was not with the supreme court, but with the attorney who tried to raise in the supreme court a question which he should first have pre sented to the circuit court. He has ad vertieed his mistake verv well. At the same time a just criticism can be made to that part of the proceedings in the lower court, which made the claims of the attorney paramount to the rights of his client. If there has been any massacre in Jackson's Hole the United States troops will reach there in time for the funeral, possibly. But the chances are that the only funerals will be over dead Indians unjustly and uselessly killed by men who will never be punished therefor. The proepect is favorable for a very large tomato crop in this county this year. If our canneries can't catch fish and don't like the canning of horses, they can secure any quantity of toma toes, as well as other fruits and vegeta bles. The local market alonejs quite considerable for canned goods and we hope the local canneries will supply it. It will keep a very coasiderable amount of money in our own community, which otherwise would go to California and elsewhere. Referring to the enforcement of the Sunday law in New York City, the press disuatches say : . "It was considered a significant Bign that no bar-room fights were reported from any precinct in the cit7, after the strike of midnight, which shut up the saloons Saturday. The old est man about police headquarters could recall no precedent for the lack of dis order." There would be very little dis order in any city after midnight if saloons and oar-rooms were closed at that hour. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y,. says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman Druggist, Catekill, N. Y., says that Dr. Kings New Discovery is un doubtedly the best cough remedy ; that be ba9 used it in bis family for eight years, and it has never tailed to ao an that is claimed for it. Why not trv a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottle at Snipes-Kinerslys Drug Co. 'a Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Belle of Memphis Safe. Memphis, July 29. The Anchor Line steamer Belle of Memphis arrived this morning, showing no signs of the re ported accident. Captain Harris is at a loss to imagine' how the report of the disaster to the boat originated. Hypochondrical, despondent, nerv ous, "fared out " men those who suffer from backache , weariness, loss of en ergy, im paired mem- ry, dizzi ness, melan- holy and discourage ment, the re sult of ex hausting dis eases, or drains upon the system, excesses, or abuses, bad habits, or early vices, are treated through cor respondence at their homes, with uniform success, by the Specialists of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. A book of 136 large pages, devoted to the consideration of the maladies above hinted at, may be had, mailed se curely scaled from observation, in a plain envelope, by sending 10 cents in one-cent stamps (for postage 011 Book), to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, at the above mentioned Hotel. For more than a quarter of a century, physicians connected with this widely cele brated Institution, have made the treatment of the delicate diseases above referred to, their sole study and practice. Thousands, have con sulted them. This vast experience has naturally resulted in improved methods and means of cure. Annual Fire Election. The annual election of The Dalles fire department will be held at the Jack 30 n Engine Co.'s house, August 5tb, from 5 o'clock p. m. to 7 o'clock p. m., of eaid day, for the election of a chief engineer and assistant engineer. Attest: H. J. Maibb, J. S. Schen'ck, Pres. Sec'y Pro. Tern. Ara You Going; to the Coast This summer? If so, take the Regulator line. Tickets on sale for the season at rates lower than ever. Connections made with all steamers leaving Port land. Through tickets, and baggage checked to destination. (No transfer charges at Portland). "V. C. Allaway, General Agent. Persons who are subject to diarrhoea will find a speedy cure in De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Use no other. It is the best that can be made or that money can procure. It leaves the sys tem in natural condition after its use. We sell it. For sale by Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. lhe attention ot agents or organizers is directed to the local advertisement of the Independent Order of Foresters, in another column. j27d3t. EVE, ER5, JOSE and TH50JIT DR. WADE, (F. O. 8., London, member of the British Medical Association, formerly oculist sud surist to ibe Victoria Koal Jubilee Hospital), has opened an office for the practice ot the above specialties, at rooms 5H-Sor, Mar- i milt ous a qusm Building, 1'ortlnnd, Or. to 13 a. m.; a to S and at 8 p. ni. Office hours. 10 jlylSlm What Could Be Better AS A COMBINATION FOR HEALTH? . . CELERY, for the entire NERVOUS system BEEF, the greatest SUSTENANT known IRON, to purifv and enrich the BLOOD iK F"0 w Nature's Builder and Tonic FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. A New Store on a Cash Basis.- The credit system is those who pay must not. The only way cash, and that is what Large Stock, Fine Goods, Prices "Way Down. We sell for cash, buy the benefit. "We have H. H. CAMrJiELL patrons and new ones. We are in the field for business. W. A. Johnston, No. 11$ Washington Closing Out Sale of DRY GOODS CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD Give VIe J. P. Your Wife Knows Where she can get nice Vegetables. Where to get the nicest Berries. Where nice, fresh Gro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in. a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. J. B. CROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, - Wall. Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR. eef Iron a heavy. weight to carry, and make ip for the ones that do to have low prices is to sell for we are going to do cheap, and our patrons have bought out the business of and will be pleased to see old St. FURNISHING GOODS, LESS than COST a Call. McINERNY THE DALLES state lhe above association is prepared to take a list of al and any kind of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Ileal Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. j. Jioontz fc Uo., J. JYl Huntington. & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Harden, G. W. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firms, or J. M. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles. Oregon Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatckaklJewele All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now be found atj 162 Second treer-. 1 Chichester's EneUah IrtsmiMil Braid. EflNYROYAL PILLS Original ud Only eeMtnne. rc, aiwaja reliable, ladies ut , Drtsgjrfxt for OkcAarr MugUmh XHm-J mond Brand In KmI and b'oii laetalliaV box, aeatoa with fains ribbon. Take 1 no other. Rcfuw'mnamwa Mc&sfifa lUnm and imtltationj. A t Inuurii a. or ar-nd 4m. In Lara pa fur nartfoulara, testimonials and M Relief for Ladle, in. Utter, by ntara A. aL avuu icniomiiui, jvaaaa fttner. ieal Bring in Your Family Come in Yourself. And see how cheaply Men's Suits, Boy's LACES, WOOLENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, C. FV Stephens; Vta the Train stop at THE flETtf COIiUjVlBlR HOTEliJ This large and popular House aoes the principal hotel business, and is prepared to furnish the Beet Accommodations of any House in the city, and. at the low rate of $1.00 per Day. - pirst CJass Ieals, 25 Cei)ts Office for all Stage X.lnea leaving The Dalles for all points In Eastern Oregon and Esttsra WsihiartoB) In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Sta. GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Cbrlsman & Corson. 1 FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in bueinees at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. New Man! New Having just purchased am prepared to meet all competition. A large invoice of FRESH GROCERIES, Bought for cash at low rates, enables me to sell close My stock is complete, and prices to suit the times. I SELL FOR GASH, And eive.moie for a dollar than ano other store in T Dalles. Give me a call and B. A. HUNSAKER, Successor to H. Moses & Co., Opposition We Invite. RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in v . Harness, Saddles, TENTS and WAGON COVERS, all Articles Kept In a First Class Harness Shop. An REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. IflTiT THE COLUMBIA AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good hea ful Beer have been introduced, and he market. UN Pipe Won nil MAINS TAPPED Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Ku Blacksmith Shop. .we can dress all of you. Suits, Silks, Sating COTTONS, LINENS, for everyone. All new stoc DALLES, jet off on th South Side T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Prices! New Good: the store of H. Moses & Co. examine for yourself. adjoining the Diamond Mill Competition We Dei Bridles, Oollan Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'s St iJ3, RATED BREWER turning oat the best Beer and Po ony the first-class article will be placed Emm ILbsss Lsbsss J eg looflm Bepairs UNDER PRESSURE.