The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 23, 1895, Image 4

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needed flesh, no mat
ter now you've lost
it, take fr. Pierce's
Uolden Medical Dis
covery. It works
wonders. By restor-
I Stion of the deranged
organs and functions,
it builds the flesh up
to a safe and healthy
standard promptly,
pleasantly ana nat
urally. The weak,
emaciated, thin, pale
o ana puny are made
' strong; plump, round and rosy. Noth
ing so effective as a strength restorer
and flesh maker is known to medical sci
ence; this puts on healthy flesh not the fat
of cod liver oil and its filthy compounds.
It rouses every organ of the body to ac
tivity, purifies, enriches and vitalizes
the blood so that the body feels refreshed
and strengthened. If you are too thin, too
weak, too nervous, it may be that the food
assimilation is at fault. A certain amount
of bile is necessary for the reception of the
fat foods in the blood. Too often the liver
holds back this element which would help
digestion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery stimulates, tones up and invig
orates the liver, nourishes the blood, and
the muscles, stomach and nerves get the
rich blood they require.
Spent Hundreds of Dollars with no Benefit.
M. T. Coleman of it Sarzent St.. Roxbury.
Mass., writest "Alter v"wiw
suffering from dyspepsia
and constipation with un
told agony for at least 18
months, I am more than
pleased to say that after
using Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and
Pleasant Pellets ' for one
month, I was entirely
cured, and from that day
to this I do not know,
thank God, what even a
alight headache is. I paid
a doctor on Tremont St..
Boston, in one day (for J
his advice only J the sum
of $10.00 with. .5o lor T
medicine, and derived no J -benefit.
I got more relief in one hour from your
medicines, as far as my stomach was concerned,
than from all the other medicine I used.
If any person who reads this is suffering from
dyspepsia or constipation and will use your
medicine as I have done, he will never regret it."
Reports from passengers already cone
to Clatsop and Ilwaco beachca are very
flattering aa to connections and time
made, and say oar arrangements are
perfect for delivering passengers, bag
gage and freight at their destination.
For detailed information and surpris
ingly low rates for the season, call on
E. E Lytle,
Agent O. R. & N. Co.
Plght Between Macedonians and Turks.
Constantinople, July 22. Advices
from Salnica state that 125 Macedonian
insurgents had an encounter with a de
tachment of Turkish troops near Stru
mitis, in the Maleisk mountains.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm is an unfailing remedy for all dis
eases of the Liver, Kidneys or Urinary
Organs. It is a certain core for Dropsy,
Diabetes, Bright' 8 Disease, Gravel, Kid
ney Weakness, Incontinence of Urine,
Bed Wetting in Children, Biliousness,
Liver Complaint and Female Troubles.
A trial of tbis great remedy will con
vince you of its potency. Price $1.00
per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
No Political Significance.
Sofia, July 22. The government has
been rcaking inquires into the murder
of ex-Premier Stambuloff, and it is
claimed that the ficts elicited show that
the crime was an act of private ven
geance. There comes a time to all of us, when
we feel mean and "out of sorts" and in a
condition to invite disease. It is thi n
we need such a remedy as Dr. J. H. Mc
Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood
Purifier. To persons exhausted by
eickness or overwork its invigorating
influence is surprising, promptly restor
ing health, energy and cheerful spirits.
Price $1.00 bottle. For sale by Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
The American Record.
Chicago, July 22. The Century Road
Club baa allowed the following record
made by A. E. Smith, of. Chicago, of 500
miles, in two days 22 hours and 15 min
utes, from May 4 to 7, as the American
Itisa big thing to say but nevertheless
true, that a great multitude of people
have crowned Simmons Liver Regulator,
the "King of Liver Medicines." There is
nothing like it for Malaria, Rheumatism,
Chills and Fever, Constipation, Bilious
ness, Sick Headache, Indigestion and all
troubles arising from a sluggish or dis
eased liver. Simmons Liver Regulator
is the prevention, and cure for these ail
ments. Notice to the Public
' This is to warn all persons not to
credit my wife, Daisy B. Wagenblaet, on
my account, as I will not be responsible
for any debts contracted by her.
Frank C. Wagenblabt.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few
years was supposed to be incurable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescrib
ed local remedies, and by constantly
failing to cure with local treatment, pro
nounced it incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment.. . Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional
cure on the market. It is taken inter
nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea
spoonful. It acts directly on the blood
mucous surfaces of the system. They
offer one hundred dollars for any case it
fails to cure. Send for circulars and tes
timonials. Address.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Are l'ou Going; to the Coast
This summer? If so, take the Regulator
line. Tickets on sale for the season at
rates lower than ever. Connections
made with all steamers leaving Port
land. Through tickets, and baggage
checked to destination. (No' transfer
charges at Portland).
W. C. Allaway,
General Agent.
A Pioneer's Recommendation.
Mr. J. W. ' Venable, of Downey, a
pioneer of Los Angeles County, Cal.,'
says: "When ever I am troubled with
a pain in the stomach or with diarrhoea
I use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it for
years,know it to be a reliable remedy, and
recommend it to every one." For eale
by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Chance In the Regulator's Time Card.
Commencing Wednesday, . July 10th
and uutil further notice, steamer Reg
ulator will leave The Dalles for Portland
at 8 a. m., instead of 7 a. m. Steamer
Dalles City will leave Portland at 7 a.
m., instead of 6 a. m.
W. C. Allaway, General Agt.
Ladies who experience a sense of
weakness, and sometimes lameness of
the back should use Dr. J. H. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri
fier, it will supply the much needed
strength and overcome all weakening ir
regularities. Price $1.00 per bottle.
The Columbia Ice Company will de
liver ice to any part of the citv. Thank
ful for past favors we solicit a continu
ance of the same.
Geokgk Williams,
j20-dtf Manager.
There 19 one medicine that will cure
immediately. We refer to De Witt's
Colic and Cholera Cure for all Summer
Complaints. No delay, no disappoint
raeut, no failure. Snipea-Kinersly Drug
There is great danger in neglecting
Colic, cholera and similar complants.
An absolutely prompt and safe cure is
found in De Witt's Colic and Cholera
Cure. For sale by Snipea-Kinersly Drug
We recommend De Witt's Colic and
Cholera Cure because we believe it a
safe and reliable remedy. It's good
efiects are shown at once in cases of
Cholera Morbus and similar complaints.
For sale by Snipes-Kinerslv Drug Co.
Travelers find a safe companion in
De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. A
change in drinking water and in diet
often causes severe and dangerous com,
plaints. This medicine always cures
them. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on
sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat,
Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats
and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles
for the now celebrated Goldendale roller
mills flour, the best flour in the market
and sold only in ton lots or over.- 9-tf ,
hear tell of a purchaser wanting
to buy an imitation? Why do
men who try to sell such articles
speak of the act a3 working
them off?" Simply because peo
ple want the best, and it takes
work and likewise deception to
sell them the worst. ' This tin-!
pleasant experience may befall the
housekeeper who, determines to
the new vegetable shortening.
The healthfulness, flavor, and
economy of this wonderful cook
ing product has won for it the
widest popularity, which in turn
has attracted the attention of
business parasites v. ho are "work
ing off" imitations and coun
terfeits. Forewarned is fore
armed. Be sure you get the only
genuine vegetable shortening
Bold In 3 and & pound pans.
Made only by
The N. K. Falrbank
Chicago, Hew York, Boston
The Oro Fino has received a consign
ment of the celebrated Anheuser, Busch,
Budweiser, Lager beer, which will be re
tailed at 25 cents a bottle.
KimoaU's Method a Kenaee
' Km tire Trade.
Chicago Musical News.
The following advertisement has been
given a prominent position in the daily
papers of Washington, D. C, and has
been printed in the Chicago Musical
News and the American Hebrew News,
of Portland. We desire to call the atten
tion of the public to it.
The unfairness of the assertions it con
tains needa no emphasizing, for they
will appear at once to the sense of right
inherent in every legitimate dealer in
pianos all over the country :
Next Tuesday will 'be a apecial bar
gain day on pianos at our store. We
have found some grand bargains in new
Upright Pianos (not the celebrated Kim
ball pianos), and propose to give the
public a chance to secure new pianos
next Tuesday at manufacturers', whole
sale prices.
The prices Tuesday next for these new
elegant Upright pianos will be only $149
and $159 each. Part time given if de
sired. These pianos will be on exhibit
at our store all day Monday, but no sales
will be made from tbia lot until Tuesday,
and will continue that day only.
W. W. Kimball, Co.,
Metzerott Building; Cor. 12th and F. Sta.
The Kimball Company may regard
euch methods as fair and honorable, but
they are open to the severest criticism in
attempting to destroy the piano trade in
Washington after many years of honor
able work' to promote it.
' The unfairness of the card lies in the
assertion that the pianos which are to
be sold at sacrificial prices are not made
by the Kimball company. ' Therein ia
the poison.
Thia whole scheme is perpetrated to
give the Kimball pianos a position to
which their merits do not entitle them.
Although the Kimball advertisement de
clares theee are not Kimball pianas
which are to be slaughtered it does not
enhance the value of their own instru
ments. Those who are familiar with the Kim
ball pianos know perfectly well that the
makers can afford to sell them at just
such ruinous prices aa are quoted for
other instruments in tbeir possession at
What is there in the Kimball piano to
justify this step? Nothing.
The Kimball company make one of the
cheapest pianos in the United States. -
A nd after the Kimball piano ia made
ready for the market it is not then worth
a place above a low rank.
When you come to think of it, can you
name any genuine, firstclatt home that i$
selling the Kimball piano tT
The Kimball managers may consider
they have made a brilliant stroke, but
they are merely using gigantic power to
foist a cheap make on 'he market.
The question ia also one of a broader
conception than mere local purview.
Such advertisements as these cut at the
root of the piano industry for they mis
lead private buyers.
We shall not let this subject stop here.
It is fraught with grave danger to the
entire trade, and, although the Kimball
company is composed of schrewd schem
ers, thev inav find they have far over
stepped the bounds of legitimate busi
ness dealing.
E. Jacobsen & Co.,
Imperfect digestion and assimilation
produce disordered conditions of the
system which grow and are confirmed
by neglect, Dr. J. H. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri
fier, by its tonic properties, cures in
digestion and gives tone to the stomach.
$1.00 a bottle.
Mrs. Hinsdale gave a concert at the
Unger opera house Thursday evening.
On the occasion of her concert in Fresno
the correspondent in the S. F. Wave
said, "This little lady has a magnificent
voice and deserves a crowded house."
Selma, Cal.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest house moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Can now be found at 103 Second
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores, "
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang; Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast -well
again. .........
Where she can get nice
Where to get the nicest
Where nice, fresh Gro
ceries are kept.
Where she can get them
in a hnrry if she
needs them.
Call or Telephone.
Ask Central for 62. -
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,
Cklefce.tera EgrUd DlanMnd Brad.
tmjriatKi mn only eniae.
arc, always reliable, ladiks aak
Dnurciit for ChieMter'm Aurfi JLv- A
. Mated with bis ribbon. Tak 1
runa in KM ana (roU iMtallaa
ia stamp for partaeotara. tcatiaalala and
m and intilaiionj. At DruttML aw mmmA at.
KUr ror LMica,- en wr, a? vtmrm
feu trad
falierla . Ha.
"TJiere is a tide in the affairs
leads on to fortune".
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Clisi-uit Sale t m-
Who are selling those goods
Successor o
. ' ' And the Most Complete and Latest Fatterna and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. Nona but th best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S . PAINTS nsed
most skilled work men employed. Agents for Masury liquid Paints, rio cnem
icel combination or soap mix tare. . A. first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. -
Store and Faint SioD coiner Third and
"Tie Regulator Line
Ti8 Dalles, Portland ail Astoria
Navigation Co.
Frepi ana Passenger Litis
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. ' Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 8 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak .street dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
Round trip.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
nay landings must be delivered before
o p. m. Live stock shipments soucted.
Call on or address, '
General Agent
The above association is
prepared to take a list of all
and any kind of Real Estate
for sale or exchange, whereby
the seller will have the undi
vided assistance of the follow
ing Heal Estate Agents, or
ganized as an association for
the purpose of inducing im
migration to Wasco and Sher
man Counties, and generally
stimulating the sale of prop
erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud
son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M.
Huntington & Co., Dufur &
Hill, -N. Whealdon, Gibons &
Marden, G. W. Rowland.
Address any of the above
well known firms, or
J. LI. Huntington, Sec.
The Dalles, Oregon.
of men which, taken at its flood
Fornilm k Cats
out at greatly-reduced rates.
- -UNION. ST. -
Pan! ICrcrt A Go '
in all onr work, and none, but the
Washington St3 The Dalles, 0reo
Tina. r. OafcGS, Beary C. Parse, Benrr c. Rous,
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
pi.tjth y'
Thfoagri Tiekcts
For information, time cants, map aud tickets,
call on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
Tbc Dalles, Oregon,
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
X. MoNEILL, Recetrer.
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
Kansas City
St. Paul
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
Every Fle Day for
For full detail R call on O. B. A Co.'s Agent at
Tha Dalles, or address
W H. HtJHLBUHT, Gen. Pass. As
Portland, Oregon.
a.11 pain banished ly Dr. Miles' Pain PlUa,
Or. MUeg1 Pala Pllla care KssiHttt.
Pain naa no enow with Dr. Miles' Pais PIBa.