Tue Dalles Daily Chr oniele. ! BTJB8CBJPT10H BATES. KAIL, rOITASB rMWLIB, I ATAC. Waekly.lyear. . 1 60 " month J ( J at , ...... OtO Ball, 1 year..... 9 " C months... go per " .- 060 Addrms all communication ta " TEI CHRON ICLE." Tha Dalles, Oragon. MONDAY. - - - - JULY22.1S95 DEBS CASE IN THE COURT. SUPREME The full text of the decision of the supreme court in the Debs contempt case has just been published in the law reporters. In the course of &at decision the supreme court uses language which should be read by every American citi zen and should put to shame every labor agitator and every populist who is de crying the government for its position in this case. Among other the things court says : "A most earnest and eloquent appeal was made to us in eulogy of the heroic spirit of those who threw tip their em Dlovment and gave np their means of ..... . j r earning a livennooa, not in uweusc . their own rights, but in sympathy for and to assist others whom they believed to be wronged. We yield to none in onr admiration of any act of heroism or self sacrifice, but we may be -permitted to add that it is a lesson which can not be ' learned too soon or too thoroughly that tinder this government of and by the people the means of redress of all wrong are through the courts and at the ballot bax, and that no wrong, real or fancied, carries with it legal warrant to invite as a means of redress the co-operation of a mob, with its accompanying acts of violence. Summing up our conclusions, - hold that the eovernment of the United States is one having jurisdiction over every foot of soil within its terri tory, and acting directly upon each citi zen : that while it is a eovernment of enumerated powers, it has within the limits of those powers all the attributes of sovereignty ; that to it is committed power oyer inter-state commerce and the transmission of the mail; that the powers thus conferred are not dormant, but have been assumed and put into practical exercise by the legislation of congiess; that in the exercise of these powers it is competent for the nation to remove all obstructions upon highways, natural or artificial, to the passage of interstate commerce or the carrying of the mail ; that while it may be compet ent for the government to forcibly re move all such obstructions, it is equally within its competency to appeal to the civil courts for an inquiry and determin ation as to the existence and character of any alleged obstructions, and if any such are found to exist, or threaten to occnr, to invoke the powers of those courts to remove or restrain such obstructions. The attorneys for Debs contended that the courts could not enjoin the commis sion of the acts complained of and Debs and his associates could not be guilty of a contempt in disobeying the court's order. When that decision is fully un derstood no patriotic citizen will ques tion its wisdom, justice and necessity A government upon any other principles would be no government. free coinage of silver, or the adoption of silver as the standard. These "Five Points are 1. There is not a free coinage country in the world today that is not on a silver basis. 2. There is not a gold standard coun try in the world today that does not use silver money along with gold. 3. There is not a silver standard country in the world today that uses any gold along with silver. 4. There is not a silver standard country in the world today that has more than one-third of the circulation per capita that the United States has. 5. There is not a silver standard country in the world today where the laboring man receives fair pay for his day's work. So far as we know Mr. Carlisle has stated substantially the truth in these five declarations, and has said more in them than Harvey and Horr will say in ten days. ' it Could Be Better AS A COMBINATION FOR HEALTH? CELERY, for the entire NERVOUS S3'stem ASK BEEF, IRON, FOR the neatest SUSTENANT known to purify end enrich the BLOOD eef 1 10 Nature's Buiklsp and Tonic FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON" Bring in Your Gome in Yourself, Family A New Store on a Cash Basis.- The credit system is a heavy weight to carry, and those who pay must make up for the ones that do not. The only way to have low prices is to sell for cash, and that is what we are going to do. And see how cheaply we can dress all of you. t Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins LACES, WOOLiENS, COTTONS, LINENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock! By a decision of the supreme court rendered Saturday in the case of Nellie M. Stevens vs. J. i. Carter, tne cause oi xii rtxJ Miss Stevens is victorious. The dis- LaTe StOCK, Fine (jtOOCIS, content and will institute another pro- A llCo J vr ceedins to raise the question in another lady a more gallant man would have the benefit. We have bought out the business of auit and allowed her to fill the office tt. H. CAMPBELL and will be pleased to see OlQ awarded to her. matrons and new ones. We are in the held lor business. C. F STEPHENS JOS: T. PETERS & CO. -DEALERS IK- We sell for cash, buy cheap, and our patrons have BlUC : MATERIALS Lieht Fantastic" Is a Part of tn,a Training; of an Eqneatrienn. W. A. Johnston, form part of the education of an eques- J"q. 113 W aSlliPgtOIl St. trienne in ere is one iunuameuwi uu primary one, to which she devotes as much time as to the riding school this T V "T""V TV is the art of dancing. Dancing lessons HpTTT I IO "7Q .VI OTf- make her turn her feet and knees out, JTX. JL VV JL-Cv V v3 Vo . . i a j teacn ner to carry ner arms aim iiwu well, and give her equilibrium and grace. There are some instances of dancers who, having injured themselves in the exer cise of their art, have learned to ride standine in less than a year. Note the I exceeding-grace of the women who ride in the Great Wallace Shows. -AUD- Telephone XVTo. 33 Q. , Can Yon Read Without Tiring Your Eyes? Dr. Lewenberg, the eye specialist, begs to state that on account of a number of cases coming from the surrounding country and others of this place still under advisement, that he has post poned his departure from here till next Wednesday evening. This gives you arother opportunity to consult him. Don't miss it. You may not get another chance to have your eyes examined free. juI20d3ts. When occasion demands its use, try De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is cooling to burns, stops pain instantly, cleanses, a perfect healer for Eoalds or ekin eruptions. Always cures piles. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. THE IIORR-HARVEY DEBATE. Thus far the great debate, for which bo much preparation has been made and toward which so much interest has been excited, has developed nothing new and nothing which the country store states men have not known all about, lo, these many vears, at least what they have not believed they knew all about. Like most political discussions, it will make few converts : the free silver advocate will see the laurel wreath upon Harvey brow at the close of the debate and the ' gold bug will declare that Koswell G has won the gold medal. As to who ia victor will be as uncertain as the result of the latest Spanish-Cuban battle. We surmise that less will be accomplished toward a trne solution of the grea money problem than was done by Mr, Carlisle in his Kentucky campaign, al though much less noise was made by him. It is largely a "Chicago sensa tion." as the San Francisco Call names it. When the last shot is fired and th whole talk is published, it will be read with great interest by a few onlj ; the silverites will be silverites still and the gold bugs will not change their color. None will be convinced ; the people who have time to discuss the question may find in the report fuel to keep up the ' fires that burn but never consume, and when the question comes before the people, they will vote a"bout as they wonl4 have voted had no such great dis cussion taken place. If Secretary Carlisle's "Five Points" are true and practical experience is worth anything in national finances, sensible reoole will never vote for the Departure Postponed. -JO B0 IlQ See us before you buy. We carry a Complete Line of Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Stoves and Steel Ranges, Wire Cloth, Wire Poultry Netting, Sewer Pipe, Iron Water Pipe, Gardsn Tools, Sheep Shears, Barrell Churns, Rubber and Cotton Wrap ped Garden Hose, Groceries and Provisions, Oak Fir and Maple Cord- wood and General sup plies, IF YOU WEAR GLASSESotheygiveyou periect satisiactionv u not, Consult ' Df . J. F- liecnenbeig, A Graduate of Hedelberg University, Germany. TTmatilla House. Room 3. Entrance from Ladies' Parlor. Twentv-five years uninterrupted experience m htting eves, uver ou.uuu cases mieu. witu gutaseo. vmj mo law J ' , ii . . j 3 rm and most advanced metnocls in examination useu. iub d scientifically fitted only. Physi- piana in i7i fori tr in snfir.t, mv method of examination. The examination of children's eyes a specialty. When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side jmvt coiiUBm hotel. This lute nd popular Honn aoei hu principal hotel oneineos, and ia prepared to furnish the Best Accommodation of an) . flouM in the city, and at the low rate of $1.00 per Day. - firstQass Teals, 25 Ceijts. OfTIca tar all Stage r.Inea leaving The Dalles for all points In Kastern Oregon and. Kastern Washington, ' in this Hotel. , Corner ol Front and Union Bta. T. T. NICHOLAS, PfOpr. Consultation and Examination Absolutely Free. P. S. Dr. Iwenberg is not a traveling optician. He has been compelled k ;n k.oH). laicn n liini-jtiro ni-Heticft of twenty vears standing in Philadel phia. He takea this method of acquainting himself with the people of the Coast his future home. jiyo-w GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER. 8uccewor to Cbrieman A Corson. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to eee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. Closing Out Sale Telephone in Grocery Store is 101. bend in your orders by Telephone. All orders t -a- promptly filled. MIER & BENTON. of DRY GOODS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD LESS than COST. RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS, An all Articles Kept in a First Class Harness Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. Adjoining E. J. Collins A Co.'s Store Give IVIe a Call. J P. McINERNY, THE CELEBRHTED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This iBfill-kTinwn Brewerr ia now turning out the best Beer and Portei e . 1 oo nt tu nM. Thfl latest anDliancea for tne manuiactnre 01 goou uraiuf ful Beer hove been introduced, and ony the first-class article win Depiaceawn he market. A EVE, m flOSEand TflflOfiT DK. WADE, (F. C. 8., London, member of the British Medical Association, formerly oculist and aurtst to the Victoria Koval Jubilee Hospital), haa opened an office for the practice or toe above specialties, at rooms au4-ouo, osar- q'.lHJU Building, Portland, Or. to I. a. m.; t 10 o anu at c p. ui. Office hours, 10 jlylSlm T70UR BRICK WALLS the front knocked out and win- JL dows stuck in its place, with a roof flopped on top. sur round a complete and recently purchased line of Fresh Drags and JVLedieines at DonnelPs Drug Store. D. BOWlMELli,; Pipe Woii, Tin Bepaiis anil Boofij MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Deutsehe Apotheke. Telephone fio. 15. Skep on Third Street, next door west of Yotuag & Kg Blacksmith Shop. . I