The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 13, 1895, Image 2

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    Toq Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wsekly , 1 year f 1 60
. " 6 month! 0 75
- S " 0 '
Dall,lyear C 00
e month. S 00
per " 0 60
Address all communication to " THE CHRON
ICLE." The Dalle. Oregon.
SATURDAY, - - . JULY 13, 1895
No one can doult that the Henley
races were rowed under the most gentle
manly conditions and 8Urroun.)ing,pince
the British managers of the com petition
stipulated that no member of competing
American crew should have ever 'en
paged in manual work for a living.
The whole mystery of Cornell's defeat
at Henley is explained, ifthe fere going
remarkable statement is true the crew
was not made of good American mate
rial. We did not suppose there could
be found so many young Americans who
would be willing to acknowledge that
they had never engaged in manual work
for a living. The crew must be com
posed of the dudes and sops who, though
born in America, are not Americans,
but are "English, you know." Such
tuff ought to be beaten, and we have
no criticism to make because of the con
temptible treatment they received.
American gentlemen are men who by
brain and muscle earn their bread and
are proud of their ability so to do.
This condition of the Britishers reminds
as of the oft-told story of the English
lord who met in England an American
cirl, and to impress upon her the fact
that be knew the world well, informed
ber that he had traveled all through the
United States. When asked by ber
what he thought of our country re
plied: "Ah, I was much interested in
it, but I was surprised to find in the
United States no gentlemen." "In
deed," said the charming young lady,
"I thought all true Americans were gen
tlemen." ''Ah, but you know," said
bis lordship, "I mean people who live
without labor or business.". "Ob, we
have many such," said the girl, "but
we do not call then gentlemen in
American ; they are known there as
would come just as as agreeable. Every
well-wisher of the D. P. & A. N. Co.
throughout Eastern Oregon hopes to
see business increase so that by the end
of the summer there will be another
surplus to divide. The boat line was
not started as a money-making concern,
but is proving itself one.
Oar Water Works.
This is a harmless-looking toy, and it
would never be suspected of upsetting
the business of canal boats, lake steam
ers, railroads and street railways. But
the evidence is conclusive, and the ball
bearing axle and pneumatic tire is
"doing up," not only the passenger
business in and about the large cities,
but freight transporters are feeling the
effect of the change. Driving horses
are being displaced, so that the trade in
grain and hay is noticeably affected, and
the transportation of these products
from the west to eastern cities is falling
off to such an extent as to make a differ
ence in freight rates. But Oregon is
afe from all this innovation ; the hills
are too steep for the bike, and cay uses
will continue to do the business here.
In every market report during the
past week will be found the statement
that Americans were heavy buyers. In
these reports American wools are not
quoted. The shipments are to the
United States, and not away from here;
and yet many wool men believed the
statement that free trade in wool would
enhance the price of our product.
Wool producers will never be fooled by
such nonsensical theories again.
Along with the agitation for good roads
should go a discussion as how best to
Veep them in proper condition when they
bave been obtained. Throughout the
East and especially in Massachusetts the
eut.jt-ctof wide tires for wagons is receiv
ing much consideration. Wherever the
wider tires have been tried the results
bave been eminently satisfactory. The
wagon is drawn as easily and the road is
not cut as under the narrow wheels. In
Eastern Oregon where such an immense
'amount of freighting is done and the
wagons so heavily loaded, the use of
widened tires would prove very bene
ficial. When the farmers adopt this
style of wagon a long step towards get
ting and maintaining good roads will
bave been taken.
Editor Chronicle : It has occurred
to me many times to inquire what the
income from our water system is; what
proportion of loss there is by reason of
tbe failure of water consumers to pay
water vents; what methods are followed
to keep track of the losses, and what
reports are made by the manager and
preserved by the water commission ;
what number of water consumers there
are in the city, and how much water is
used per each inhabitant? No one
seems to know much about the matter,
and as I know the subject is one of gen
eral interest, I would suggest that you,
now and then, publish the reports filed
by tbe manager. These would no doubt
answer the questions I bave asked, and
I assume they are all open to public in
If these reports are not too long, will
yon please publish them, or if they
would require too much of your space,
could yon not give tbe public the sub
stance of them?
A Water Consumer.
j The smoke, which has obscured tbe
sun for several days, came upon us from
the east; and not, as is usually the
case, from the west. The west wind
which commenced to blow Yesterday, is
I clearing tbe atmosphere and lowering
tbe temperature. Tbe indications are
that tbe forest fires, which cause this
smoke, ore not in tbe Cascade range,
bnt in the Blue mountains.
Concerning; Mrs. Hinadalo.
Mrs. F. Hinsd ale's fine soprano voice
added greatly to the interest of the even
ing's program and each number she
sang was greeted with a hearty encore
Her first song was "bay bitana, ' a
lovely little Spanish ballad by C. A.
Harris, given with castinets and tam
bourine. This was tbe second time in
America and the first time in California
that the song has been sung, Mr. Harris
having composed it for bis friend, the
In response to the encore which this
brought out, Mrs. Hinsdale grve Strel
eski's "Dreams." Her second regular
number was Kuchen's lovely song "Good
Night, Farewell," in which the pure.
true tones of ber soprano voice appeared
to great advantage and which was re
ceived with great appreciation aud an
imperative recall, when Mrs. Hinsdale
gave "The Song Bridge," and a delicious
quaint little bit which was like an old
English madrigal, "All is Sleeping."
Santa Cruz Surf.
Installation of Odd Fellows.
The Odd Fellows held their install
tion ceremonies last night. Deputy
Grand Master W. H. Moore, of Sherman
county, came down to be with The
Dalles Odd Fellows and install the
officers. Following are tbe ones chosen
and installed to manage tbe lodge work
for the ensuing term :
N. G., Paul K. Paulsen ; V. G., Henry
Bowen; Sec'y, Henry Clongb; Treas..
H. C. Nielsen; Warden, Mr. Fiege;
Conductor, George Ruch; Inside Guard,
Henry A. Bills ; R. S. to N. G.f O. D.
Doane; L. S. to N. G., C. J. Crandall ;
R. S. to V..G., R. G. Closter; L. S. to
V. G., Andrew Larsen; R. S. S., I. J.
Skilled in Palmistry.
Mme. Vascba, a palmist of celebrity
has arrived in The Dalles and
taken room 51 in the Chapman block.
By examining the hand Mme. Vascba
can read a person's history and foretell
the future. Palmistry has been reduced
to a science and as such cannot be classed
as fortune telling. She can give good
advice in all the business affairs of life
and tell for what business er profession
you are best adapted. All those who
wish to know their future should call at
room 51, in the Chapman block, over
the land office. Mme. Vascha will be
here only a short time. 13Jlw
Business on the Cascade tine.
Owing to tbe growing volume of tourist
travel, the Dalles City has changed its
time of leaving the Oak street wharf to
7 a. m., inBtead of 6 a. m., as formerly,
in order better to accommodate the trav
elling public. Tbe upper Columbia is
becoming a very popular run for pleasure-seekers
and tbe Dalles City line is
catering in. every possible way to the
passenger trade. Freight traffic Is also
good, much wool and produce coming
down daily. Oregonian.
(irand Opening.
What .Could Be Better
CELERY, fortheentirei -NERVOUS system
BEEF, the -greatest SUSTEN ANT known
IRON, , to purify and enrich the BLOOD
Celery Beef Icon
Nature's Builder and Tonic .
A New Store
on a Cash Basis..
The credit system . is a heavy weight to carry, and
those who pay must make up for the ones that do
not. The only way to have low prices is to sell for
cash, and that is what we are going to do.
Large Stock, Fine Goods,
Prices Way Down.
We sell for cash, buy cheap, and our patrons have
the benefit. We have bought out the business of
H. H. CAMPBELL and will be pleased to see old
patrons and new ones. We are in the field for
W. A. Johnston,
No. 113 Washington St.
Bring m Your Family.
Come in Yourself,
And see how cheaply we can dress all of you.
Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins,
Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock.
At tbe California winehouee, on Court
street, between and Second, Saturday,
July 13, 1895. A free lunch will be
served to guests. Come one, come all
and have a good time. ' C. Bjecht,
jl2d2t. Propr.
Chance In the Regulator's Time Card.
Commencing Wednesday, July 10th
and nutil farther notice, steamer Reg
ulator will leave The Dalles for Portland
at 8 a. m., instead of 7 a. m. Steamer
Dalles City will leave Portland at 7 a.
The dividend declared last month bv m-i instead of 6 a. m.
How. are "Your Eyes?
Can You Read Without Tiring Your Eyes?
B, to .
4 K s
IF YOU WEAR GLASSES do they give you
perfect sat.sfaction ? If not,
Consult 1Dp. J. p. Iiecctenbeig,
A Graduate of Hedelberg University, Germany.
Umatilla House, Room 3. . Entrance from Ladies' Parlor
Twenty-five years uninterrupted experience in fitting
eyes. Over 60,000 cases fitted with glasses. Only the latest
and most advanced methods in examination used. The
most perfect lenses and scientifically fitted only. Physi
cians invited to inspect my method of examination. The
examination of children's eyes a specialty.
Consultation and Ezamination Absolutely free,
P. S. Dr. Lewenberg is not a traveling optician. He has been compelled
by ill health to leave a lucrative practice of twenty years standing in Philadel
phia. He take9 this method of acanaintimz himself with the Deoole of the Coast
his future borne. jlv8-2w
Closing Out Sale
Past or present values cut no figure, as goods
Give JVIe a Call.
When the Train steps at TBE DALLES, get el en the South Side
ftBW COiiUlVlBlfl HOTEIi.
-Of O" - '' '- - '
This Mitre and popular Honn does the principal hotel btuineaa,
and la prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of mny
House in the city, and at ths low. rate of
$1.00 per Day. - prst Qass Teals, 25 Cerpts.
Offloe for all Btaire X.lnea IoktIbc Tk Dalles for all
So In la im Kuttrn Oregon and Jaatern f aaninarton.
Ihl. Hntal.
la this Hotel,
Corner of Front and Union BU.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Successor to Panl Kref t A Co
And tbe Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in -
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the beet brands
of 3. W. MASURY'S PAINT8 need in all our work, and none -bnt the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Maaury Liquid Paints. No chera
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shoo oorner Third and Washington Bts.. ' Ths Dalles, Oreoi
FOUR BRICK WALLS the front knocked out and win
dows stuck in its place, with a roof flopped on top, sur
round a complete and recently purchased line of
Fesh Dpags and JVIcdicines at
Donnell's Dpoq Store.
Successor to Chrisman & Corson.
Again in basiness at tbe old stand. I would be pleased to
Bee all iny formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles-, Collars,
An all Articles Kept In a First Class Harness Shop.
Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'s Store
This well-known Brewery is now turning oat the best Beer and Porter
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on
he market.
I'M, Tifi Fiepaifs afirt Pioofiiig
Chop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kusi
Blacksmith Shop.
Deutsche Hpotheke.
tbe boat company gave much pleasure
W. C. Allaw at, General Agt.
Telephone flo. 15,
to its friends. Another one in the tall