The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 12, 1895, Image 2

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    "Ess Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wekly , 1 year. I 1 BO
6 months 76
s 00
DsJl.lyesx 00
" c montha. S ?o
per " . 0 80
Address sll oommnnlcatlon to ' THE CHRON
tCLK," The Dalles, Oregon.
JULY 12, 1895
Nothing would contribute ao much to
the prosperity f thia and adjoining
counties as the building up of a metrop
olis with a population of 10,000 to 20,000.
We already have excellent markets and
economical methods of reaching them
for products which bear shipping; but
we are now prepared to produce much
which, without a local market, is of little
profit. Everything points to The Dalles
as the place for such a city. The sur
rounding country stands by us well, and
we appreciate their treatment. We, on
our part, must stand by the producers
about us by attracting a population of
consumers. To do this we need a pay
xoll. We have all the essential condi
tions for a woolen factory. With this
there should be a first-class clothing
factory. These industries would sug
gest others, and the population would
come without urging.
With a climate and soil conducive to
pleesant living, there is no reason why
we should not be a city of 20,000 inhab
itants within the next ten years. But
the men who own the property and have
the means must lend a hand and pull
together ; otherwise little can be gained.
The Dalles Chronicle, a protectionis
tic newspaper, says, "the opening of
every new market is a beneht to the
producer." This is true, but who would
suppose that this would be admitted by
a believer in protection which closes
markets to producers and puts barriers
in the way of producers entering them
Ihe world as a market meanB every
thing to producers and little, it any
thing, to manipulators, who prosper to
the extent that they are able to control
markets by protection and restriction.
.bast Oregoman.
Every one knows that protection is
necessarily selfish policy and in seeking
new markets for our productions we do
not imply an advocacy of opening the
markets of this country, on articles which
can be raised at home, to the cotnpeti
tion of the world. Protection is the
patriotic policy which seeks to build up
America rather than benefit other coun
tries at our expense.
Reports from the southern portio:
the state indicate that mutton is a drug
. on the market, the buyers offering only
$1.25 per head. Thousands of mutton
sheep have been sold here this spring
and summer at from $1.65 to $2 per
head. The reason for the difference is
obvious. The Dalles is a competing
point for all tke transcontinental roads
We market our sheep in Portland, on
the Sound, British Columbia, in Kansas
City. Chicago and other eastern centers.
Southern Oregon sheep go south a
exclusively and compete with Call
eheep in a limited market.
honored Iowan majority. Republican
principles are, in their essentials, per
manent, and . we predict that the state
conventions in all the states will plant
themselves solidly upon the Minneapo
lis platform a Iowa has done..
Contests in the Land Office.
enters. f
iforniay w
There is probably no city in the North -
west so favorably situated - as respects
both the producer and the markets, as
The Dalles, and for this we are indebted
to the men who organized and have
maintained a water transportation line.
There is no reason why this city
should not become the largest trading
point in the state outside of Portland.
All we need is concerted action on the
part of our business men upon ques
tiens of commercial importance. Th
most prominent of these is the trans
portalion question.
Register Moore and Receiver Biggs of
the land office have heard and decided a
large number of land contests. The
time for appealing in most of them has
not yet passed so it is not known
whether the dicisicns as rendered in all
the cases will be the final ones. Follow
ing are the names of the contestants, the
decisions and the property in dispute:
Aldrich vs Phillips, decided in favor of
Aldrich, ne5 sej, bwJ se and ali
sec 34, tp 3 n, r 18 e.
S. J. Templeton vs W. G. Allen, in
favor of contestant, e swj, e nwj,
ec 6, tp 10 s, r 26 e.
Bill Zah Will (Indian) vs H. P. Jud-
kins, in favor of the Indian, x neV,
n nw, sec 27, tp 2 n, r 15 e.
V. T. Meeks vs John Sperry, in favor
of Meeks, wj sej and e.J swi, sec 20,
tp 2 n, r 12 e.
Aug Anderson vs F. W. Peaslee, de
cided in favor of contestant by the land
office here, but the case has been ap
pealed, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, sec 2, tp 10 s, r
21 e.
Sylvester Babcock vs E. Clarence
Meek, in favor of Babcock, b4 nw,
ne ewj, nwj sJ, sec 5, tp 1 s, r 12 e.
T n r T-T f TT- J ? - J
x. o. oweargen vs n. u. &.nox,ueuui:u
for Sweargen, sg sw, sec 32, tp 16 8, r
19 e and lot 4, sec 5, tp 17 9, r 19 e and
lot 1, sec 6, tp 17 s, r 19 e.
Jackson Eades vs C. P. Johnson, de
cided in favorof Johnson, the entryuian,
swj and nwj se, sec 7, tp 10 s,
r 26 e.
Eastern Oregon Land company vs
Rufus H. King, pending decision.
Esther Hinman vs Isaac Jacobsen, de
cided in favor of defendant, but resting
on notice of appeal, e nwj and lots 1
and 2, sec 30, tp 2 n, r 18 e.
Four 15 Iff successes.
Having the needed merit to more than
made good all the advertising claimed
for them, the following four remedies
have reached a phenominal sale. Dr.
King's New Discovery, for consumption,
Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaranteed
Electric Bitters, the great remedy for
Liver, Stomach aud Kidneys. Buck
len'e Arnica Salve, the best in the world,
and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which
are a perlect pill. All these remedies
are guaranteed to do just what is claimed
tor them ana the dealer whose name is
attached herewith will be glad to tell
you more of them. Sold by the Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Owing to an accident in the Stampede
tunnel ia the Cascade mountains,
through traffic on the Northern Pacific
is blocked. Their trains are being run
over the O. R. & N., and pass through
iThe Dalles. The east-bound passenger
left Portland this morning after 1
A'clock, and . passed through The Dalles
at 5. The west-bound passenger went
through town a flying at 8:30 this mern
iog. There were ten coaches, including
aj diner. Engineer Hayes was at the
throttle, and as the train can do no
tibcal business, it will make rapid time
o Portland. Toe damage to the tunnel
ill probably be very great, as the wood
work is on fire and a lot of rock will fill
portions of the tunnel. The Stampede
is on of the most famous pieces of rail
road engineering in the country.
What .Could Be Better
CELERY rortheentif NERVOUS system
BEEF, the greatest SUSTEN ANT known.
IRON, 4to. purify and .enrich the BLOOD
Celery Beef Iiton
Nature'stBuilderiand-Tonic .
Bring in Your Family.
A New Store
on a Cash. Basis.
The credit system is a heavy weight to carry, and
those who pay must make up for the ones that do
not. The only way to have low prices is to sell for
cash, and that is what we are going to do.
Large Stock, Fine Goods,
Prices Way Down.
We sell for cash, buy cheap, and our patrons have
the benefit. We have bought out the business of
H. H. CAMPBELL and will be pleased to see old
patrons and new ones. We are in the field for
W. A. Johnston,
No. 113 Washington St.
How are Your Eyes?
Can Yon Read Without Tiring Your Eyes?
S, to .
in Yourself,
And see how cheaply we can dress all of you. .
Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins,
Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock.
ie 'ar.
B-j W
Receiver McNeil is doing much to re
store the O. R. & N. Co.'s road to its
former good condition, and indeed to
wake it better than before Union Pacific
mismanagement. Reduction in rates
and permanent improvements are the
best indications of prosperity, and the
prosperity of transportation lines is the
best evidence of a prosperons country.
The Cornell boat crew received a true
English welcome. They were derided
upon every hand, and treated, not as
honorable competitors, but - as con-
lempuoie rivals. ine English may
beat the Yankees at the oar, but we
could teach them much in the way of
coertesy and common politeness. There
are some other sciences in which we
have heretofore taught them lessons.
The Iowa republicans have held their
state convention and adjourned. Ques
tions of finance caused no trouble', and
the party in that state stands squarely
upon the principles of the national plat
form. This is a safe position, and there
is every prospect that the ticket just
nominated will be elected by the time-
' We had an epidemic of disentery in
this vicinity last summer," says Samuel
. Pollock, of Briceland, Cal. "I was
aken with it and suffered severely until
oroe one called my attention to Cham-
erlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
emedy. I procured a bottle and felt
better after the first dose. Before one-
talf of the bottle had been used I was
( ell. I recommended it to my friends
and their experience was the same.
We all unite in saying it is the best."
For salt by Blakeley & Houghton Drug
Last night Lee Morehouse, a prisoner'
in the county jail, made an ineffectual
attempt to escape. It is Jailer Fitz
gerald's custom to go through the jail
every evening to assure himself that
everything is as it ought to be. More
house secreted himself in the cell near
est the door leading into the sheriff's
office and intended as soon as .the jailer
retired to make a break for liberty. Mr.
Fitzgerald, however, looked into that
cell first, and discovered Morehouse
with his shoes in hand ready to run-.
He was bent on going and it took some
thing more than moral persuasion on
the jailer's part to convince him he had
better stay. Morehouse is in jail wait
ing the grand jury on the charge of the
larceny of a horse and bridle.
We recommend De Witt's1 Colic and
Cholera Care because we believe it a
safe and reliable remedy. It's good
efiects are shown at once in cases of
Cholera Morbus and similar complaints.
For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Wanted A girl to do general bouse
work in the city. Inquire at this office.
j9d2t. ' '
IF YOU WEAR GLASSES do they give you
perfect satisfaction ? If not,
Gonsult tp. J. p. Iieixtenbetg,
JL Graduate of Uedelberg University, Germany.
Umatilla House, Room 3. Entrance from Ladies' Parlor.
Twenty-five years uninterrupted experience in fitting
eyes. Over 60,000 cases fitted with glasses. Only the latest
and most advanced methods in examination used. The
most perfect lenses and scientifically fitted only. Physi
cians invited to inspect my method of examination. The
examination of children's eyes a specialty.
Consultation and Examination Absolutely free.
P. S. Dr. Lewenberg is not a traveling optician. He has been compelled
by ill health to leave a lucrative practice of twenty years standing in Philadel
phia. He takes this method of acquainting himself with the people of the Coast
his future home. . jly8-2w
Closing Out Sale
Past or present values cut no figure, as goods
pyiUST be SOLD LESS than COST.
Give JVIe a Call.
FOUR BRICK WALLS the front knocked out and win
dows stuck in its place, with a roof flopped on top, sur
round a complete and recently purchased line of
piresh Dmgs' and JVIedieines at
Donnell's Drag Stote.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
This larga and popular House aoen the principal bote business, ' . "
and Is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodation! of an
fionse In the city, and at tha low rate of
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cerpts.
Office for all Stage Lines leaving The Dalles for all
points in JCastern Oregon and Kastcrn Washington,
in Ibis 11 o tel.
Corner of Front and Union SU.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Successor to Paul Kreft A Co
Deutsche fipotheke.
Telephone Jio. 15.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the beet branda
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all onr work, and none bnt tha
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masary Liquid Paints. No chena
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. - All orders
promptly attended to. ...
Store and Faint ShoD comer Third aud Washington Sts., The Dalles, 0reoB
Successor to Chrlsman A Corson. '
Again in business a the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free-delivery to any part of town.
This well-known Brewery is now turning oat the beet Beer and Porter
east of the Cascades. The latest, appliances for the manufacture of good health
fol Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed oa
he market. ,
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
all Articles Kept In a First Class Harness Shop.
Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'s Store
33 HAT1T1E8,
Till BBpairs 0 Roofing
Caep on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kusa
Blacksmith Shop. .