The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 10, 1895, Image 2

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    Tate Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wsoklr. 1 year. 1 5?
" 6 months. lit
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Dell, 1 year f.
" 6 month.,.... 8 00
m pe, 0 60
Address mil communication to ' THS CHRON
ICA." The Dalles, Oregon.
- JULY 10. 1895
There is great similarity between
financial and political disorders and the
physical ills of life. In the case of both
much is wholly imaginary, and for both
the real and imaginary the world is very
apt to take patent medicines. The
street fakir appears and has no trouble
ia satisfying the people that they are
coffering from some disorder, and that
his wares are a 6ure cure, We swallow
the concoction in large doses quite as
often when there is no trouble as when
we are actually ill, and in the former
case the supposed diaease vanishes; in
the latter case it does no good, is dis
carded, and we finally return to a phy
Bician, the worse for the experiments.
Oar country has been a little out of
order; there was congestion in some
parts, torpidity of other functions, an
obstruction in the circulation, and the
combination threatened to produce ner
vous prostration. The patent medicine
man saw and appreciated the situation,
and being a philanthropist patent mea
icine men are concerned only for the
health of the world came to the front
with the cure. The owners of the great
eilver mines declared that free coinage
was the sure cure, and Harvey, the ad
vertiser, diognosed the case, confirmed
the eilver men, sold his advertisements
by the thousand, made himself famoue,
and, what is better, rich. Tne whole
country was interested, attracted and
temporarily convinced. But it is the
same old experience the patient is re
covering; not because of the dose, but
in spite of it, and what seemed a dis
ease, proves to be a slight disorder, re
suiting from the nervous shock received
when the government went into the
hands of democracv. We are recover
ing, regardless of the silver question
and though we are much poorer than
before tne change, whicli caused our
nervous trouble, we are not in need of
patent medicines. We can't make
money so fast, bat we can learn econ
omy and harden our muscles by greater
effort; and perhaps when we are again
under a better management when
rcpuuiii'jtii cuugrctjB mattes uur laws, uuu
a republican president executes them
we will be better off than though we had
not had this unpleasant experience of
becoming suddenly poor.
Certain it is that the patient is con
valeecent, and these patent medicine
chaps are losing trade. As eoon as the
congestion ia overcome and our func
tions are again in operation, we shall
rapidly recover, although it will require
another national election to put us en
tirely on our feet aesin.
he posnessed the necessary training,
would have been the historian of this
part of the country, in whose welfare be
was bo deeply interested. No city bad
ever a more nneeinsn citizen, nor uue
whs labored more in its interests.
Today the world convention of the
Society of Christian Endeavor oegins
its five-day session at Jioston. xne
growth of this organization has been
phenomenal and though a little more
than fourteen years old counts its mem
bers at two and a half millions. Dele
gates will be present from China, Japan
and Australia. The success of the
Christian Endeavor movement shows
what consecrated men and women,
backed by great moral force, can accom
The credit of Wasco is unsnr
by any county in the state. Nothing
attests that ' fact more than the eager
ness with which its warrants are sought.
A letter was received this morning from
outside parties offering to take $40,000
of warrants at par and for larger
amounts a premium would be paid
This is the best evidence of our good
A New Store
passedTpn a Cash. Basis.-
d. . ,
od J-i
A Note of Waning.
The address of Justice Brown, of the
United States supreme court, before the
Yale law school, has been widely cony
mented upon throughout the country
It is considered an able, scholarly effort
of a man who looks at things with
candid eve. He sounds this note of
warning upon the indifference of the
American people to public affairs.
"The activities of urban life are so in
tense, the pursuit of wealth or of pleas
ure so absorbing, as, upon the one hand,
to breed an indifference to public affairs,
while, upon the other, the expenditures
are so large, the value of the franchises
at the disposal of the cities so great, and
the opportunities for ilieit gain so mani
fold, thct the municipal legislators
whose standard of honesty is rarelv
higher than the average of those who
elect them, fall an easy prey to the de
signing and unscrupulous. Though
am unwilling to believe that corporations
are solely responsible for our municipal
misgovernment, the fact remains that
bribery and corruption are so universal
as to threaten the verv structure of
society. Universal suffrage, which,
was confidently snppoeed, would inure
to tne benefit of the poor man, is so
skillfully manipulated as to rivet bis
chains and secure to the rich man a pre
dominance in politics he has never en
joyed under a restricted system. Prob
ably in no country in the world is the
influence of wealth more potent than in
this, and in no period of our history has
it been more powerful than now."
'Woodmen Orgaulze at Dafur.
Ten members from The Dalles Cam
WhatwCould Be Better
CELERV for the "entire! NERVOUS system
. BEEF, the greatest SUSTENANT known
IRON, to purify and enrich the BLOOD,.
Celery Beef $ Icon
Nature's Builderrand Tonic .
Bring m Your Family.
Come in Yourself,
And see how cheaply we can dress all of you.
Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins,
Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock
The credit system is a heavy weight to carry, and
those .who pay must make up for the ones that do
not. The only way to' have low prices is to sell for
cash, and that is what we are going to do.
arge Stock, Fine Goods,
Prices "Way Down.
We sell for cash, buy cheap, and our patrons have
the benefit. We have bought out the business of
H. H. CAMPBELL and will be pleased to see old
natrons and new ones. We are in the field for
x .
W. A. Johnston,
No. 113 Washington St.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side -,
This large and popular House aoes the principal hotel business.
and is preparea lo lurnisn ma Beet Accommodations oi any
House lu ine city, ana at the low rate oi .
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cerate.
Office for all Stag; X.lnes leaTlnsr The Dallas for all
points In Kastern Oregon and Kastern "Washington,
in this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union Sta.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Can You Read Without Tiring Your Eyes?
23. "7i7"-
Successor to Paul Kreft & Co
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. Nono but the best brands!
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS need in all our work, and none but thd
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No cheta-
I rr vM I iir- n r I A'OOC"C rr tnpir crnrA Trrm icel combination or soap mixture. A hrst-claBS article in all colors. All orders
r I UV VJI UnOO I nrnmntlr.tlinM
nfirfflr.t. sat sf action? If not.
st... .. v.i.4. ci.. ...... ii.i.j ..j v..t:..i.. s. t. . th.
Obuio sun itujik bjiuu UHiuqi liiuu iuu n BBiuuifVU wii iug4.ucsUivvfi
Gonsult Dt. J. p. Iieuaenbetfg,
A Graduate of Hedelberg University, Germany.
Umatilla House. Room 3. Entrance from Ladies' Parlor.
- Twenty-five years uninterrupted experience in fitting
eyes. Over 60,000 cases fitted with glasses. Only the latest
and most advanced methods in examination usedl The
most perfect lenses and scientifically fitted only. Physi
cians invited to insnect mv method of examination. The
No. 09, Woodmen of the World, started
from The Dalles venterdav afternoon ar
3 o'clock, their destination being thei examination of children's eyes a specialty
pretty little village of Dufur, and their I
consultation ana tzamination nosomteiy tree.
When the contract for the completion
of the locks was let The Dalles cele
brated. We knew nothing of the con
tractors, and had experienced so many
disappointments in respect to the im
provements at the Cascades, that many
still doubted the promised hasteuing of
the work. But the contractors have
done as they said they were going to do,
push the work to a speedy completion.
There now seems no reason why boats
cannot pass through this winter. -
Eastern Oregon and Eastern Wash
ington, and particularly those portions
adjacent to the middle Columbia,
should join in a great celebration when
the work is done, and iu the celebration
make Messrs. J. G. and I. N. Day know
that we appreciate their zeal in carrying
on the work. We hope they will make
a fortune out of the contract; but if
they do, we think tho people are still
under obligations to them.
California is very hopeful of finding a
market .for her fruit in London. We
wish she could, and for every particle of
it. One of the disadvantages Oregon
fruit-raisers have had to contend with
has been, and is, the overproduction in
California, making competition in the
interior states disastrous to our shippers.
When the Nicaragua canal is built, San
Francisco can land its fruit in London
within two weks, with no re-shipping.
When that can be done, Oregon shippers
will have no difficulty in finding a
' Walla Walla has suffered a severe loss
in the death of Henry Kelling. He was
among the most prominent young men
of the Northwest, and beloved to a re
markable degree. For many years be
had gathered information regarding the
early history of the Northwest, and had
business not to cut down the timber of.
that locality, but to inetitutea oarop of
the wider in that place Twentv-C
were put ttirougn the myteries of t lis
order in proper shape, and are hence
forth to be know as Woodmen of the
World. The camp was organized under
the name of Unity Camp, No. 215,
Dufur, Oregon. State Organizer L. L.
Swann had the work in charge, and un
der his management the boys got
through safely and returned to The
Dalles this morning in the wee sma'
All were well pleased with the trip,
though there are some tired eyes today.
Thomas A. Ward held the ribbons oyer
the four blacks, and it is needless to say
they came to time under his orders. .
The , wool situation remains un
changed? A large amount is still being
received at the Wasco warehouse and
Moody, s At the latter place the new
baler was at work this morning com
pressing a lot of wool just brought by
Hecht and Lfibmann. Three large
sacks, each weighing 400 pounds are
compressed into a bale occupying one
half the space. This process is gone
through to get a large saving in the
freight rate and delivering the wool in
Boston just as it comes from the grower.
In this way the grading is dene in Bos
ton instead of here. Mr. Sberar's wool
was the first 'clip to be shipped in these
large bales.
In many thousands of cases Dr. J. H.
McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has
proved its claim to this title. - It is a
successful household remedy for either
human or animal flesh. For cuts, burns,
sprains, scalds', rheumatism, neuralgia,
sores, pimples, ulcers, bites of animals
or insects, violent itching of the skin,
eruptions chilblains or frost bites it is a
stanard remedy that has never failed in
forty year 8 of constant use. Price 25c
35c and $1.00 per bottle.
Wanted A girl to do general house
work in the city. Inquire at this office.
j9d2t. '
P. S. Dr. Lewenbere is not a traveline optician. He has been compelled
by ill health to leave a luefvtive practice of twenty years standing in Philadel
phia. -He takes this method oi acquainting nimseit witn tne people oi ine ioasi
his future home. jly-w
Successor to Cbrisman A Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Past or present values cut no figure, as goods
This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter
eaat of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on
he market.
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
Give JVIe a Call.
all Articles Kept in a First Class Harness Shop.
'1'H H 3
Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'s Store
I, OH33C3r03Nr.
TTOUR BRICK WALLS the front knocked out and win-
J- dows stuck in its place, with a roof flopped on top, sur
round a complete and recently purchased line of
ptesh Drags and JVTedieines at
Donnell's Drag Store.
ssssssi ssacsi J
Tin ncnaifs ona Roofing
Deutsche Hpotheke. '
Telephone flo. 15.
dep on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kusa
ijiacjcsmitn snop.