W. W, KIMBALL CO. lometblnK of Its History, Location and Output. For the bene fit of thoee, if there be any, who have not heard of the great Kimball Co. and the unprecedent fame of the Kimball piano, I will etate a few facts in regard to its history, location and output, which I trust will prove of interest ae well as benefit to persona in terested in the purchase of an instru ment. As far back as in the purchase of fifties Mr. W. W. Kimball, the head . of the Kimball Co., began selling organs made in the east at Chicago. "A few years later, recognizing Chicago's natur al advantages over the east as a manu facturing center.with all the requisite materials at her very door, and her great geographical advantages as a distribut ing point, giving the Chicago manufact urer a two fold saving of the freight on the raw material east and on the manu factured article west, Mr. Kimbill began making organs himself. By exercising strict economy in every branch and shrewd business management which has ' characterized his business career, his business grew and the manufacture of Kimball organs increased. He was burned out during the great Chicago fire, but was fortunately insured, and immediately converted his stable into a factory and continued manufacturing organs pending the erection of a new factory on the west side. This business continued to increase; new additions were built; a corporation with Mr. Kim ball, or the governor, as he was familiar ly called by the employes, as president, was organized; a few years later, with bis usual keen insight and business sa gacity, he erected another factory and began the manufacture of the Kimball piano. The Kimball factories (piano and organ) today consists of four five story factories with a frontage of 140 feet each and a depth of 130 feet and have a floor space of over 11 acres, with -a ca pacity of 30 pianos and 60 organs per day. The Kimball piano and organ is sold in every civilized country on the globe, with large depots in Liverpool, London, Melbourne, etc. Its rapid growth in popularity and use and in dorsement by all leading musicians of of the worjd has dazzled all rivals, un til today it is in the front ranks an com petitors stand aghast and ask each other how it happened and what can be done to stop this Kimball in its onward march. Why, only last February the Music Trades of New York, gave the fol lowing item under date of February 2nd, viz : "Music Trades has known for some months past that the W. V. Kimball Co. of Chicago, had incorporated in New York state with a 'capital of $000,000. but as tho whole plan haa not been de finicely decided upon, it was deemed better to keep the news for a while. "I am enabled now to state the W. W. .Kimball Co. have come east to stay and to make a big bid for the eastern trade, and especially for the trade in rich cen tral New York." Think of it, fGOO.OOO in one state. The Kimball warerooms and Kimball concert hall in Chicago Alone cost $500,000. President Kimball Jives in a $500,000 residence on Prairie avenue. The -company represents a capital of several millions which is ex ceeded by only a few of the largest banks in the United States. Do you think with these facts before you that you would make a mistake in buying a Kimball piano or organ? Do you think the Kimball Co.'a warranty is good? Not to know the Kimball Co. and its instruments is pardonable in the laity, but is utterly inexcusable in any one in the music profession, and if they don't know the Kimball, it is be cause they are not posted or have some interest in not knowing it. In conclu sion I will state I make this statement to protect the public against any mis representations which interested deal ers, may undertake to make 'regarding the Kimball Co. and its business and goods, and hope these remarks may help to guide a generons public in its selection of a reliable instrument. We have a few pianos left. If you in tend to take advantage of the special prices we are offering at this special sale, call at the old Chronicle building at once, as these instruments are going to be sold or shipped, and that might be Boon. L. V. Moore. s Representative Kimball Factories. Newsy Letter from Antelope. To tSk Editor : E. M. Wingate spent Sunday on Trout creek, we presume fishing. Miss May Miller, who has been visit ing her uncle, Thomas Harper, at Ante lope, returned to . her home in The Dalles Monday. Nate Eaird and Lem Axe had their camping outfit, blankets, saddles, bridles and a pair of shoes, burned by their camp fire while fishing last -Saturday on John Day. - Rev. Hinton, Baptist minister from Grass Valley, preached an able sermon to a well-filled ' house Monday night. Mr. Hinton talks of establishing a Bap tist mission at Antelope. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers, who have been on the sick list for some time, are slowly recovering. At a meeting of the school directors Monday night it was decided to open the Antelope public school August 12th for a ten-month term, with Prof. G. H. Dunn as principal and Miss Lillie Hin ton as assistant. - Considerable interest is felt in regard to the outcome of the debate between Rev. Moore of Mitchell and Katie Kem Smith, of the First Secular church of Portland on the inspiration of the Bible. Mrs. Smith is an eloquent speaker. Great preparations were made for cel ebrating the Fourth and a large crowd was in town. A large platform had been made and beautifully decorated, an orchestra and choir secured, and just as the forty-two girls in white the goddess of liberty were marching '.to their posi tions, a shower came up. The cry was soon raised "To the schoolhouse!" and about 1200 soon found shelter, the larg est crowd ever in any one building in Antelope. The exercises were then con tinued without interruption. It takes something worse a Kansas cyclone to interfere with a celebration at Antelope. Some fun-loving youngster decorated the ice cream stand that bad been erect ed for (he benefit of the minister, with signs from the merchants' stores, as "Fresh Butter," "German Insurance," "Selling at Cost," etc. Owing to the damp, cool day, the stand and merry-go-round were not very extensive patron ized. The dance at night was a grand success, and the supper under the man agement of Mrs. Patterson, was just elegant. There was a public basket picnic dinner, but a great many of the people preferred to take dinner at home or with friends. Mrs. C. V. Lane de serves great credit for the tasteful man ner in which she arranged the forty-two little girls representing the states. Mrs. Hattie Stocker read the Declaration of Independence in a very pleasing man ner. Mr. Richard Hinton and wife of Bake oven celebrated the Fourth at Antelope. Miss Lillie Hinton went to The Dalles to celebrate. Thos. Harper christened his new resi dence by eating his Fourth of July din ner in it. Mr. Harper has the finest residence in Antelope; one that is a credit to the town, the owner and the builder, Mr. Jack Harper, of The Dalles. Mr. Eddie Glisan delivered the Fourth of July oration in a very able and patri otic manner. A public wedding was held as part of the exercises, in which Billy Wilson of Antelope and Miss Laura Bills of John Day were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Their many friends wish them much happiness and success through life. Hornettk. Antelope, July 4, 1895. MOSIER BREEZES. What Our Correspondent Has to Say About Happenings in niosler 7felgh.borh.ood. Mr. Frank LaPier, who was hurt last Monday by a horse he waa driving in a cart, is getting along nicely. He had one arm broken and was severely kicked in the breast. Hia wife was hurt badly by the same horse about a month ago. Miss Kozella Root was thrown from a horse and fell on a wire fence. A small cut on the arm was all the injury .she received. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Chrrlie Phillips and Mrs. Frank Hunter were passengers on the Regu lator for Portland last Wednesday. They went down to celebrate. The picnic here was rained out. Mrs. Hardwick being sick, they had no dance and all that was going on was an evening social at the residence of Mr. Carrol and owing to the inclemency of the weather there were but a few there, but those that were present report a good time. We are glad to report Mrs. Hardwick better. Mr. Carrol dug a well on his place this week." He had to go fifty feet, but baa plenty of water. Rev. Thos. Gregory preached -here on the fifth Sunday of June, at the regular hours. It was not his time, but he wants to get off in July so he preached then. On Saturday nearly everybody went to The Dalles to "see the elephant." Miss Dolhe Mosier's school is out and she is.with us again. C.M.J. The constitution that has been broken down or weakened by long standing dis orders in the liver and kidneys, is ill fitted to withstand the encroachment of disease. Such a person takes cold easily, cannot stand fatigue, and in cases of epi demics, is the first to fall a victim. The proper cource is to remove the cause of weakness by treating the liver and kid neys. Dr. J. H. McLean, s Liver and Kidney Balm will reach the eeat of trouble and restore the diseased organs to healthy functional activity. Increased nourishment of the body will follow and the patient will rapidly . regain health and strength. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Two Lles Band. Mrs. Phoebe Thorn as.of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she sayB it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eg gers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result every thing else, then Itought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks waa cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful effi cacy . of this medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial 'bottles at the Snipes Kinersly Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Surrounded by Spaniards. New York, July, 8. A special to the Herald from Santiago' de Cuba says: - General AntoniaMaceo is now, accord ing to reports from Spanish sources, hemmed in between El Cobra and Ra manganguaz, threatened on one side by the forces of . the Spanish General Gaeco and on the other by the Spanish columns of Navarro. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put' "together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescrib ed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pro nounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J; Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken infer nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful. It acts directly on the blood mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and tes timonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Are Too Going to the Coast This summer? If so, take the Regulator line. Tickets on sale for the season at rates lower than ever. Connections made with all steamers leaving Port land. Through tickets, and baggage checked to destination. (No transfer charges at Portland;. W. C. Allaway, General Agent.. Persons who are subject to diarrhoea will find a speedy cure in De Witt's Colic and Cholera Curo. Use no other. It is the best that can be made or that money can procure. It leaves the sys tem in natural condition after its use. We sell it. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. The-, Wasco Warehouse Co. have on sale at their .warehouse Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles for the now celebrated Goldendale roller mills flour, the best flour in the market and sold only in ton lots or over. 9-tf Whooping; Cough There is no danger from this disease Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given. It liquefies the tough mucus and aids its expectoration. It also lessens the severity and frequency of paroxysms of coughing, and insures a speedy recov ery. There is not the least danger in giving the remedy to children or babies, as it contains no iujurious substance. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Drug gists. Your . , Wife Knows Where she can get nice Vegetables. Where to get the nicest Berries. Where nice, fresh G-ro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. J. B. OROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62.-' THE DALLES lea B L Old 10 The above association is prepared to take a list of all and' any kind of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Ileal Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and Sher man . Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. "Whealdon, Gibons & Harden, G. W. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firms, or J. M. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles. Oregon. t: Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, Wail Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR E. McSEILL, Recelrer. EKST! GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Lure Portland Eterx Five Day tor SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. B. fc Co.'s Agont at Tha Dalles, or address W. H. HUBLBUET, Gen. Pass. Asrt. Portland, Oregon. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in hia line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honse moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now be found at 162 Second street. High From. Wood Rime, tachable Tire, 6corchr, weight, 21 lbs Steel Rims, Warerlay Clin cher 'lires, 24 lbs . ..S85 Reerulir Frame, of snme weights 1..S8S Lsdies' Drop Frame, same weights and Hres..S75 Ladles' Diamond, Wood Rims, wt. 20 lbs ...S7S k flood Agent Wanted In everv town ) where we are not satisfactorily represented. J A splendid business awaits the right man. ) GREAT VALUE FOR LITTLE MONEY. ev York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the United States. It is a N ATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, anrf gives all the general news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign lnne, :n n nn.kAll T A r D TPTT T T TT T A T J . 1 perior in the country. Its MARKET REPORTS are renognized au thority. Separate departments for THE FAMILY CIRCLE, OUR YOUNG FOLKS, and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS. Its HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of the wives and daughters. It general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid Journal and THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, (The regular subscription for the two papers is $2.50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. '.. , . CHRONTCLE PUBLISHING- CO. afjy Write vonr name and address on Room 2, Tribune Buildine, New York City, and a sample copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you. "The Regulator Line' Tie Dalles, PoriM ani Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freight ana Passenoer Lias Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PAB9BNUKR RATKS. One way .$2.00 . 3.00 Round trip Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots. will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or,night. Shipments for k ay landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C ALLAWAY General A'genf THE-DALL.ES, OREGON ICYCLES. Warranted Superior to any Bicycle built in the World, Regardless of Price. Read the following opinion of one of the most pro inent Amer ican dealers who has sold hundreds of these wheels: r'-. . , ,. Richmond, Va., Oet. 3, 1894 Indiana Btcycl Co., Indianapolis, Ind.: GSNTLKifRN The Waveiley Scorch-r and Be'le earn to hand resterdav. We are afraid you have sent u the high-prieed wheel br mistake. You can't mean to tell us that this wheel re talis for 985? We must say that it ii-, without exei ption, the prettiest wheel we have ever seen, and, moreover, we have faith in it, although it weighs only 22 lbs., for of all Wa erleys we have sold this year and last and you know that i a right good number,, we have never' had a single frame nor fork broken, either from accident or defect, and that is more than we can sav of any other wheel, however high grade, so c-lled, that we sell. We congratulate ourselves every day that we are the VTavtrley agents. Yours truly. Walter C. Msecib A Co. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. INDIANA BICYCLE CO. INDIANAPOLIS, ISD. WEEKLY NEWS OF THE WORLD FOR A TRIFLE. a rjostal card, send it to Oeortre W. Rent- Tbos. F. Oafccs, .. Henry C. Payne,' Henry c. Rouse, RBCKIVEHS. ORTHERN yj PACIFIC R. R. n Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTJJ FARGO J-Q GRAND FORKS CBOOK8TON WINSIPEO BELENA and BUTTE - Thiroagh Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PBII.AnBI.PHlA K W TORS BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH ' For information, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or write to , - . W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon, D. CHARLTON'. Asst. G. P. A.. 236. MorrUon. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. V