The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 09, 1895, Image 3

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    ( 3
say! do you have jpits?
On the rierlts of
Happy .
. Clothing..
This dainty little Grecian maid seems fitly clad
for weather such as this. That's what you need, brother
to be fittingly clad in the Celebrated Guaranteed Brand of
"Happy Home" Clothing.
FIT in Style.
FIT in Weight.
FIT in Price.
FIT in FIT !
Come in and have a Fit in our Store.
See us before
We carry a Complete Line of
" y
Fishing Tackle,
Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth, -
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe, ;
Garden Tools,
Sheep Shears,
Barrell Chums,.
R-abber and Cotton Wrap
ped Garden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Mar51e Cord
wood and General supplies,
Can You Buy Groceries
Cheaper than This?
Two ounces of good Plug Cut Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meerchaum with
every eight packages.
Lemons at 20c a dozen ; usual price, 35c. - - . '
Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00.
Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for $1.00. ' . 1
Sixteen-ounce pi u of good Tobacco for 25c. .-
' AH stock of fresh and popular brands. Good9 delivered free to any part of '
the city. : You are cordially invited to call and inspect eteck and prites.
Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No. 92.
JL 11C VllCL LL0 7ft-
Scissors, Shears
and Razors.
American Made Goods.
.All Kood Marked in
riain Figures.
T3T71 A CZJTZT! S-r- "TV A" A -7CT?
i ' i v k ) l C-0 IVI c. I
Our Warranty is-
If not perfectly satisfactory, return them
and get another pair. -
The Dalles Bally Chronicle.
ntered a the Postoflice at Tne Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
1U Ccuu er line for first iuseruon, aiid 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
JULY 9. 1895
Leave From the Notebook of Chronicle
lteporters. .
Additional Local on Fourth Page.
The weather forecast for tomorrow is
stationary and Thursday cooler.
The upper river and the Columbia are
falling. This is what the fisherman
Parties having bills against the Fourth
of July committee are requested to
present them to the treasurer, Henry J.
Maier, at once.
Rev. C. P. Bailey of Prlneville will
preach in the Calvary Baptist Church
tonight at 8 o'clock. A cordial invita
tion is extended to everyone.
The Taine Class met last evening at
the residence - of Mrs. Wilson. The
ladies passed a pleasant evening reading
and discussing Taine's lectures on Car
At the tent tonight the discourse will
be an answer to the question aaked by
the Phillipian jailer, "What Shall I do
to be Saved?" The question is as vital
now as it was then.
A meeting of the Redmen will be held
at their wigwam tomorrow night. All
members of Waeco Tribe, No. 16, are re
quested to be present, as imnortant
business will come before the lodge.
Eight cars loaded with telegraph poles
and supplies passed through The Dalles
today. ' The poles are for use between
here and Portland. Workmen will start
from Portland and work this way, re
placing the old poles with larger new
A gang of men are at work on the rail
road east of Seuferts, blasting and mak
ing improvements on the roadbed. The
expenditures which the railroad com
pany is making will be for its permanent
good and reflect credit on the manage
The Regulator was well loaded with
wool on her downward trip. This ship
ment is by Mr. J. H. Sherar and the
bales are extra large ones, three sacks
being compressed into one bale. There,
is a large amount .if wool awaiting con
signment by the boat.
. During the wind this morning the new
circus bulletin board on Second street,
near Pease & Mays' warehouse, blew
down and the lions, tigers, tight rope
walkers and bicycle riders lay in the
dust. Workmen were quickly employed
to 'straighten it again.
John Parrott, who was one of the men
- nominated for marshal by Mayor Men
'e fee but lacked confirmation, thinks
some of contesting the election of Mr.
Blakeney. Mr. Parrott claims there was
a mistake and that he was legally
elected. He purposes of bringiug con
test proceedings.
An east wind has been blowing all
day. Some have been anxious of its
effects on the growing grain. The wind
has been cooler than generally at this
time of the year and unless it is long
continued we doubt if any damage is
done. The day has been hazy, which
will aid in protecting the crops.
lne wort at tne nigh trestle is no
completed and trains are running over
the new grade. The rails have been
taken off the bridge and laid on the
grade and passengers will no longer
hold their breath as the train passes this
point. The company have shown wis
dom, as this piece of the road, before the
change, was one of the most dangerous
on the road. The bridge will probably
be torn down and the timber used in
other places.
Last evening the Independent Work
ers Lodge, 1. U. G. T., held a pleasant
session at their lodge room and under
good of the order, decided to bold a
social in their hall next Monday even
ing. The secretary was instructed to
"mend an invitation to the three' lodges in
County Court Adjourned.
' jthi8 district, Fairview, Frazier and The
IDalles lodcres. askinc them to imn in t.h
' Jsocial, A nice musical and literary pro-
PpriiRi will be iriveri. followed Viv 1a
cream and cake. A good time is ex
pected and everybody invited, including
those who are not members of the order
as well as thoso who are. A small ad
mission will be charged and (he pro
ceeds UBed for the good of the temper
ance work.
Last night about 9 o'clock, W. A.
Jackson died at the Columbia hotel.
Mr. Jackson had been sickwith asthma
for four or live years, but was not con
fined to his bed tilnabout two weeks ago.
Since that time be new eteadilj worse
1 1 J XL J 1 " 1
a ms ueaiu was luoinenuiriiy ex
pected. The deceased uaa been a resi
dent of The Dalles for a period covering
.fifteen years, but a fportion of the time
was spent at Albina, where he was em
ployed in the carsbops. He leaves a
wife and one child in Portland, besides a
stepson, George Galley, in this city, who
havebeen notified of his death. The
body has been taken to the undertaking
parlors, where the funeral will be held.
Change In tne Regulator's Time Card.
R A Birnie, justice fees $
A Keaton, "
W Glisan, constable fees
Wm Johnson, witness
Walt Davev, do
C W Haight, do
E C Haight, do
John Ferre, do
E M Slxutt, dist atty fees .
Frank Leiblein, grand juror. . . .
H Simons, do ....
D Farrington, do ....
Thos Johns, do
W Floyd, do
Joel Kcontz do
B F Lacg'alin, do
James Underbill, witness
The July term of the county court
ended yesterday, and Commissioners
Blowers and Darnielle have returned to
their homes. The number of bills al
lowed ia unusually large; to long for
publication in one issue. It will be
printed in installments, the first appear
ing today. Following are a portion of
claims allowed :
4 20
6 85
10 80
4 50
6 50
3 90
3 90
4 00
5 00
16 40
14 40
14 40
12 20
13 00
13 00
12 20
5 20
2 20
2 20
5 60
6 00
5 00
2 00
3 60
4 00
5 40
2 20
12 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
3 60
19 00
Commencing Wednesday, July 10th
and uutil further notice, steamer Reg
ulator will leave The Dalles for Portland
at 8 a. m., instead of 7 a. m. Steamer
Dalles City will leave Portland at 7 a.
m., instead of 6 a. m.
W. C. Allaway, General Agt.
The California winehouse has moved
to town on Court street, between Front
and Second, and its proprietor wants to
inform bis friends that, he will sell wine
there by the gallon at the same reasona
ble prices until further notice, when it
can be had in less quantities. 8-d2t
Experienced middle-aged lady would
like a position for general housework or
chamber work in the city. Call at the
Farmer's Restaurant. j9-10.
Dave King,
T Brown,
Monroe Neister,
Geo Montgomery,
Arnt Ivason,
F G Connelly,
F G Connelly,
H Hampshire,
J H Blakeney,
Peter Valentine,
J H McCoy.
John Phinps.
S H Edmonson,
R Sigman,
Geo Dufur,
H Rod wick,
Lane Smith, "
J W Dickson",
W J Harriman,
Wm Hastings,
John Easton,
D Heroux,
Arnt Ivason,
Sadie Hoi lister,
Georgia Ross,
May Weston,
J H Blakeney,
C C English,
J A Gulliford, juror
A D Bolton, do
Chas Chandler, do
J H Blakeney, do
G A Young, do
Monroe Grimes, do
Polk Butler, do
M N Stratton, do
J E Barnett, do
F P Taylor, do
Arthnr Walker, do
C E Chrisman, do
Jacob Obrist, do
F Chase, do
J C Meins, do
F Creiahton, do
W H Wolfe, do
John Taylor, ! do
Win Johnston, do
A D Savage, dp
Wm Shelby, do
John Roth, --do
R H Lonsdale, do-
F A Reich line, do
E K Russell, do
i-irant Bolton, do .
W H Davis. do
4 40
7 0
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 60
2 20
20 00
11 00
10 40
2 20
18 00
18 (10
18 40
25 00
To be continued.
Mr. Jackson's Funeral.
All members of the Temple Lodge
No. 3 will meet at Fraternity hall to
morrow morning at 8 o'clock to partice
pate in the funeral of brother Jackson,
which takes place at 9 o'clock.
Jesse Simonsbn, M. W.
?ain boa mo show 'with Dr. Miles' Palo Ptlla.
Mr. Alex Fargher returned to Portland
Mr. T. C. Fargher of KiDgsley was in
town today.
Mrs.. E. F. Sharp is visiting friends in
Mr. J. M. Murchie and wife of Wasco,
are in the city.
Mr. Hal French returned today from I
a weeks stay in 1 oruand. I
Mr. H. W. Goddard, of the Southern
Pacific, came up on the noon train.
Mies Lizzie Richards of 8-Mile is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. J. F. Haworth
Mr. W. C. Noon, Jr., and wife of Port
land are spending the day in The Dalles
Mr. T. A. Hudson has gone to Port
land to attend a meeting of insurance
Judge Bradshaw and family leave to
morrow to spend the heated days at the
seaside. . ' 1
Mr. Albert Smetzer. travelling man
for Knell, Heitshu & Wqodward Co., is
in the city today. :
Masters Carl and' Rob Williams of
Portland came Op last night on the Reg
ulator to spend a short time in The
Mr. Win Curtis left this morning for
Bake Oven, where he will spend a por
tion of his vacation on. the farm of Mr.
Geo. Young. -
Miss Lena Snell of Gilliam county,
who holds a position as teacher in The
Dalles public schools, is spending a few
days with her friends nere.
Mr. L. V. Moore, of the Kimball
company, left this afternoon for Port
land and points up the valley, on busi
ness connected with that company.
Mrs. C. C. Hobart, who has been stop
ping quite a while at Cascade Locks,
where her husband has charge of the
portage road, returned home last night.
Mr. Harry Schwartz, who. for some
time has -been employed in Mr. N.
Harris' clothing store, left this morning
for San Francisco. He will return after
about a two weeks' visit
Mrs. C. T. Donnell. accomnanied bv
Mrs. J. R, Warner of White Salmon,
ni i-i mt 1 1
uiiautauiiusi assemuiy. j.ney-wui re
main during the entire session.
Mr. Ed R. Bishop And wife came
down from Heppner. last nitrlit and
visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnston.
They left for Portland on the afternoon
train. Mr. Bishop is cashier of the
bauk at Heppner.
All persons are hereby warned not to
purchase that certain note given by the
undersigned in fn"or.of Mrs. Pearl Clark
for the sum of $3,000, dated March 26,
1895, nnd due in five years after date.
Said note was given without coiisnlera
tioh, and will-not be paid. .-
Dalles City, Or., June 1&, 1895.
junl5-lm J. F. Gomez.
The Columbia Ice Company will de
liver H:e to any part of the citv. Thank
ful for past favors we solicit a continu
ance of the same. . . .
Geobgb Williams, .
j20-dtf - Manager.
' Direct from factory and offered on
very easy terms, Kranich & 5ac-h pianos
brat-class in an
music store. .
Jaeobsen Book & JVlasiG Go.'s,
162 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
-ill i 4 t 1 i 3 I w III u i i r-
w w v w w w .
And other (high grades to select from.
COMPETITIVE SALE now on, and you must remember
we always lead and let the others. follow- -
OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Pianos from $150 up
. ward, on the installment plan.
FREE CONCERT to all music-loving people will begin
. Tuesday, night and continue during the week. ,
details, at Nickelsen's
1 - j29-lw.
Tolophone 3J"o- 25.
'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its ffood
. f leads on to fortune."
' The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Ciii-li Si I p'
1Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates.