The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 05, 1895, Image 1

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    C I J
NO 157
a. Short - Crop Predicted
Across the Kockies.
Judge Smith of Portland Indicted for
M alfeasanee--Blamark 81eV Other
. Dews Notes.
Chicago, July 3. The following will
Appear in this week's Farmers' Review :
Reports have been received from Illi
nois, Indiana, .Michigan, Missouri, ivan-
sag, Nebraska, Iowa, Wieconsin, Minne
sota, and the Dakotas on the condition
pf wheat, oats and hay Harvest time
sloes not show an improvement in the
condition of wheat. In the winter-
t heat states the conditions of the spring
nd opening summer have not been
avorable for the recovery of the crop
rom the droutn of the fall aud winter,
In Illinois much has been already cut
and is in stock. Only in exceptional
there anything like a full crop.
JDrouth and bugs, combined in some
counties with a hard winter, have left
bhings in a bad shape. In some locali
ties the condition is no more than one-
Lfourth of a fair crop. From that up to
0 per cent of a good crop is the extent
f variation.
Indiana conditions are very similar,
hio will bave but a fair yield, less than
he ordinary. Michigan varies from
alf to a fair crop, with an average of
air, .while in .Kentucky more counties
ava full crops than in the neighboring
tatea to the north. Yet the condition
is poor in so many localities that it will
greatly reduce the average for the state.
jA few counties in Missouri have full
Wops but most of the counties report a
very short crop,
In Kansas the crop is very short w-
jdeed, and of the entire amount sown not
more than 40 per cent will be harvested.
In Nebraska there is no improvement
in condition and the yield is small, a
great deal having been plowed up.
In some parts of Iowa the yield of win-
the wheat is good, but other sections
have a light crop.
In Wisconsin the yield is small. But
little spring wheat is grown in the winter-wheat
states, and that little is in
only fair condition.
In Minnesota the outlook is first class,
probably never better.
In the Dakotas spring wheat is in fair
shape, and promises an immense crop.
Oats are proving a disappointment on
account of continued dry weather.
In Illinois the crop will be less than an
average unless good rain comes soon.
In Indiana the condition is fair. Ohio
has prospects ranging from poor to fair.
Michigan has all kinds of conditions,
and Kentucky has excellent prospects
for a large crop. In Missouri the out
look is fair to good. In Nebraska condi
tions are favorable.
The oat crop is generally good in Iowa
and Wisconsin, fair in Minnesota and
good in Dakota.
Jndg; Smith ladloted.
Portland, July 3. B. M. Smith,
judge of the municipal court, was ar
nested at 1:15 this afternoon on a war
rant issued ont of J udge Stephens' court,
upon an indictment returned by the
county grand jury, charging him with
malfasance and negligence in office.
The indictment was returned at neon to
day and the warrant of arrest was served
by Chief Deputy Sheriff Emanuel Meyer.
Judge Smith's bonds were fixed at
$1,000, and he immediately made ar
rangements to furnish the required
. The arrest was made a few moments
a'ter the mld-dav session of the mnni
Vipal court had adjourned. Judge Smith
ad just decended from the bench when
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Deputy Meyer informed him that an
indictment bad been returned by the
grand jury. The judge manifested no
great surprise. He inquired the amount
of bail, and immediately started after
his sureties. He was formally arranged
this afternoon before Judge Stephens.
Gladstone's Farewell.
EmifBCBG, July 3. At a meeting of
the Midlothian Liberal association today
a letter of farewell was read from Et.
Hon. W. E. Gladstone, who has repre
sented Midlothian since 1880 in the
house of com&aons. In bis letter Glad
stone says that though in regard to
public affairs there is much that is dis
ptable, some things belong to history.
It is, for example, he adds, beyond ques
tion that the century expiring has ex
hibited unexampled progress in the
matter of franchises of the people end
he elaims an overwhelming proportion
of these reforms were affected by the
liberal party.
Nebraska Democrats.
Washington, July 3. Secretary Mor
ton has receiyed a letter form Tobias
Castor, the democratic national com
mitteeman from Nebraska, urging the
attendance of Secretaries Carlisle and
Morton at the state convention which is
to be held next week. The convention
is to nominate some minor state officials,
but efforts are expected .to be made by
silver men beaded by ex-Representative
Bryan, to secure a declaration upon tbe
money question. The invitation to the
secretaries was sent as a result of a
meeting of the state central committee.
Prince Bismarck's Illness. '
London, July 3. News regarding the
condition of Prince Bismarck is contra
dictory and difficult to obtain. The
London Times' correspondent at Fried-
richruh confirms yesterday's cablegram
to the Associated Press, and the Ham
burg Boursenhalla says the accuracy of
tbe statement that the prince is serious
ly ill is undoubted.
"Whooping: Coach
There is no danger from this disease
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely
given. It liquefies the tough mucus and
aids its expectoration. It also lessens
the severity and frequency of paroxysms
of coughing, and insures a speedy recov
ery. There is not the least danger in
giving the remedy to children or babies,
as it contains .no iujurioas substance.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Drug
gists. Civil Service Orders.
Washington, July 3. The civil ser
vice commission has arranged a schedule
for examinations to take place during
the next month. Examinations will be
held in every state in the Union. Ex
aminations will be held in Portland
October 16th and in Roseburg October
Business men of The Dalles, when
visiting Portland, have for years been
accustomed to take their raid-day lunch
at the "Gem" the new location is at 73
3rd street, next door to Ainsworth's
j3-lm Jos. E. Pbnnbt.
International Blmetallsm.
Berlin, July 3. German and French
bimetalists passed a resolution in favor
of international bimetalism at a fixed
ratio to be determined by agreement be
tween Germany, France,, Great Britain
and the United States.
There is great danger in neglecting
Colic, cholera and similar complants.
An absolutely prompt and safe cure is
found in De Witt's Colic and Cholera
Cure. For sale by Smpes-Kinersly Drug
Reduced Her Record.
London, July 3. The steamer St.
Louis reduced her record about five
Finest cabinet photos (2.50 per dozen
at Herrins studio Chapman block, The
Dalles, Oregon. Eighteen first prizes
taken. Clip this notice out and bring
it with you and it is good tor one photo
extra with every dozen photos. j6-lm
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Kimball's Methods a Menace
Entire Trade.
to the
Chicago Musical News.
The following advertisement hat been
given a prominent position in the daily
papers of Washington, D. C, and has
been printed in the Chicago- Musical
News and the American Hebrew News,
of Portland. We desire to call the atten
tion of the public to it.
The unfairness of the assertions it con
tains needs no emphasizing, for they
will appear at once to the sense of right
inherent in every legitimate dealer in
pianos all over the country:
Next Tuesday will be a special bar
gain day on pianos at our store. We
have found some grand bargains in new
UprightPianos (not the celebrated Kim
ball pianos), and propose to give the
public a chance to secure new pianos
next Tuesday at manufacturers' whole
sale prices.
The prices Tuesday next for these new
elegant Upright pianos will be only $149
and $159 each. Part time given if de
sired. These pianos will be on exhibit
at our store all day Monday, but no sales
will be made from this lot until Tuesday,
and will continue that day only.
- W. W. Kimball, Co.,
Metzerott Building, Cor. 12th and F. Sts.
The Kimball Company may regard
such methods as fair and honorable, bnt
they are open to the severest criticism in
attempting to destroy the piano trade in
Washington after many years of honor
able work to promote it.
The unfairness of the card lies in the
assertion that the pianos which are to
be sold at sacrificial prices are not made
by the Kimball company. Therein is
the poison.
This whole scheme is perpetrated to
give the Kimball pianos a position to
which their merits do not entitle them.
Although the Kimball advertisement de
clares these are not Kimball pianes
which are to be slaughtered it does not
enhance the value of their own instru
ments. Those, who are familiar with the Kim
ball pianos know perfectly well that the
makers can afford to sell them at just
such ruinous prices as are quoted for
other instruments in their possession at
What is there in the Kimball piano to
justify this step? Nothing.
The Kimball company make one of the
cheapest pianos in the United States.
And after the Kimball piano is made
ready for tbe market it Is not then worth
a place above a low rank.
When you come to think of it, can you
name any genuine, firstclast house that it
telling the Kimball pianos t
The Kimball managers may consider
they have made a brilliant stroke, but
they are merely using gigantic power to
foist a cheap make on 'be market.
Tbe question is also one of a broader
conception than mere local purview.
Such advertisements as these cut at the
root of the piano industry for they mis
lead private buyers.
We shall not let this subject stop here.
It is fraught with grave danger to tbe
entire trade, and, although the Kimball
company is composed of schrewd schem
ers, they may find they bave far over
stepped the bounds of legitimate busi
ness dealing.
E. Jacobsen & Co.,
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajohari'e, N. Y,.
says that be always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in tbe house and his
family has always found tbe very best
results follow its use ; that he would not
be without it, if procurable. G. A.
Dykeman Druggist, Catakill, N. T.,says
that Dr. Kings New Discovery is un
doubtedly the best cough remedy; that
he has used it in his family for eight
years, and it has never failed to do all
that is claimed for it. Why not try a
remedy so long tried and tested. Trial
pottle at Snipes-Kinerslys Drug Co.'
Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00
Bmcklen's Arises Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. . ;
Finest cabinet photos $2.50 per doz., at
Herrin's studio, Chapman block, Tbe
Dalles, Or. Eighteen first prizes taken
Clip this notice: out and bring it with
you and it is good for one photo extra
with every doaen photos. jl9-lm.
Your Choice of an
Another Offer Your Choice of over Fifty
Men's Suits for $10.00.
Regular $11.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50.
The Greatest Offer of
the Season.
For Infants and Children.
Castorfa. promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, .Constipation, Soar
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa.
Hius the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Caatoria, contains so
Jlorpliino or other narcotic property.
"Cantoria is to well adapted to children chat
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Aschkb. M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" For several years I have reoomraeriSed your
Castoria," and vhall always continue to do so.
as it has invariably produced beneficial remits."
Edwih F. Pardbh, H. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The use of ' Castor ia' Is so universal and
Its merits fo well known that it reems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In
telligent families who do not keep Oastoria
within easy reach."
Oaklos luam, D. DH
Kew York CSty.
Thz CKnuva Ooktakt, T7 Murray Street, V.T.
'Dr. Miles' Nehvh Plasters cure RHEUMA
TISM. WEAK BACKS. At drugirWts. only 25a.
Dry Goods, Glothing, FuMshings,
Splendid Vklues.
Special Suit Sale
Assorted Line
Men's Suits for
Every Suit
Letters of Credit issued available In the
K as tern States.'
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San i ran Cisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at ail points on fav
orable terms.
J. It. Patterson,
first Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
Nw York, San Francisco and Port
land. DIREOTOR3.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Bchbnce.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbb.
H. M. Bkall.
This Week:.
$7.50, $8.00 and $9.00.
a Bargain.
LIME and
Picture Moulding.