The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1895, Image 1

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NO 155
Dr. Buchanan Electrocuted
. in Sing Sing.
Tna Declsien In the Stafford Case Will
ha Appealed. --Telajrraphle
Sikg Sing, Jnly 1. Dr. Buchanan,
the wife-murderer, was electrocuted this
morning. Mrs. Buchanan, wife of the
condemned murderer, today made an
unsuccessful efiort to induce Governor
'Morton to commute her husband's sen
tence to life imprisonment. At 6 o'clock
this morning she sank on her knees
and pleaded for her husband's life.
Grief almost prevented her from speak
ing. Governor Morton was overcome.
Tears stood in his eyes as he lifted her
to her feet, and told her he could not
grant her request.
The following dispatch was received at
the prison from New York :
"To Warden Sage, Sing Sing prison.
New York : The opinion of the attorney-general
is misleading, and misstates
the fact as to the appeal. The Buchan
an case is in the supreme court of the
United States, and by the United States
laws your authority is stayed. You must
choose between your supposed duty to
the state and pbediance to the supreme
laws of your country. (Signed)Arthur
C. Butts, George W. Gibons." Mrs.
Buchanan arrived on the train reaching
here at 10 :30 a. m., and was taken to
to the residence of the pastor of the
Presbyterian church. Warden Sage
'sent her word that she could not see the
prisoner, as when she arrived, the prison
officials were already preparing him for
the electric chair.
At 11 :14 the witnesses were called to
- the execution chamber. . Electrician
Davis was at the switchboard. In a
closed box was a convict, who upon a
signal, was to turn the switch. When
the party was seated, the electrician put
a bank of incandescent light on the
chair, and Bant a current through
them. There were 1740 volts in the
bank. When the current was switched
off, the warden and two guards appeared
at the door with Dr. Buchanan. He
walked in, and without a word took his
seat. In about 30 seconds he was strap
ped, and in 40 seconds pronounced dead.
The voltage of 1740 was kept on 30 sec
onds more. It was the quickest, moat
successful execution ever seen at the
Guttean's Kxecutlonar.
Washington, July 1. Russell Strong,
familiary known as "Colonel Bob
Strong," who executed Guiteau, the as
sassin of President Garfield, died in this
city yesterday of the infirmities incident
to old age, being close upon his 80th
He had been an officer of the district
jail nearly 30 years, during that period
having executed 18 criminals, the last
one a year ago, when his nerve seemed
as steady as if not strained by the wear
and tear of 79 years of life.
He was born in Albany N. Y., and in
early life was a sailor, and the knowledge
he thus acquired of ropes and knots led
to his selection as the district hangman.
Before settling en Washington, he went
out to California with the '49arg," and
assisted in building the old San Francis
co mint. He afterward took a hand in
building the house wing of the capitol.
Notwithstanding the grim nature of
his professional duties, he was a jovial
and kind-hearted man in private lite,
and sacrificed most of his own means to
aid a brother in the protracted litigation
of a claim of many thousands of dollars
against the city government for unpaid
services as contractor. That claim was
finally decided in his brother's favor.
Highest of all in Leavening
two years after he had died, worn out,
like a Jarndyce heir, by the long Strug-
Received In Washington With Much
latarast Will Be Appealed.
Nw Yoke, July l.-r.The Herald's
Washington special says the decision of
Judge Boss, in San Francisco, in regard
to the claim of the government against
the stockholders of the Central Pacific,
has been received here with much in
terest. Not only was the theory of the
personal liability of- stockholders under
the California law very fully discussed,
but Mrs. Stanford made special trips to
Washington concerning it, and had an
interview with the president, urging
acceleration in the trial of the case, so
that she, as executrix, might distribute
her husband's estate.
Those who have been interested in
the case have learned little from
the meager reports of Judge Boss' de
cision, but it seem 8 that his chief reason
for setting the claim aside is that the
personal liability clause in the California
constitution was not adopted until after
the government had entered into its
contract with the builders of the road.
Attorney-General Harmon has just
received from San Francisco copies of
the government decisions in the case,
and is preparing to take up the matter.
It is cot doubted that the case will be
carried to the supreme court. This will
add another year or two to the time al
ready occupied by the proceedings.
Again on the Warpath.
Tacoma, July 1. The Kake Indians
of Alaska, who massacred several whites
during an outbreak in 1893, are again on
the warpath, because of the killing of
one of their bucks by a Wrangel Island
Indian, who also killed his wife because
she eloped with the Kake Indian. The
Kakes learned some white traders hnd
instigated (the killing of their brave.
The Kakes raided the traders, secured
some whisky, became drunk and killed
two whites.
Tha Stanford Casa.
San Francisco, July 1. L. D. Mc
Kissick, special counsel for the govern
ment in the suit to recover $15,000,000
from the Stanford estate, says the case
will, at once, be appealed to the United
States court of appeals, and from there
to the United States supreme court if
necessary. He says the litigation will
not affect the Stanford university, no
matter what the outcome may be.
Whooplnc; Coogh
There is no danger from this disease
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely
given. It liquefies the tough mucus and
aids its expectoration. It also lessens
the severity and frequency of paroxysms
of coughing, and insures a speedy recov
ery. There is not the least danger in
giving the remedy to children or babies,
as it contains no iujurious substance.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Drug
gists. Neuralgia pains, rheumatism, lumbago
and sciatic pains will yield to the pene
trating influence of Dr. J. H. McLean's
Volcanic Oil Liniment. Rubbed in fre
quently and thoroughly over the parts
affected or warmed in with a band iron,
pain cannot exist where it is applied.
25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. For sale
by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Business men of The Dalles, when
visiting Portland, have for years been
accustomed to take their mid-day lunch
at the "Gem" the new location is at 73
3rd street, next door to Ainsworth's
j3-lm Jos. E. Pennkt.
There is great danger in neglecting
Colic, cholera and similar complants.
An absolutely prompt and safe cure is
found in De Witt's Colic and Cholera
Cure. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug
Co. "
Finest cabinet photos (2.50 per dozen
at Herri n s studio Chapman block, The
Dalles, Oregon. Eighteen first prizes
taken. Clip. this notice out and bring
it with you and it is good tor one photo
extra with every dozen photos. j6-lm
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Blethoda a Menaca - ta
Satire Trada.
Chicago Musical News.
The following advertisement has been
given a prominent position in thn daily
papers of Washington, D. C. and has
been printed in the Chicago Musical
News and the American Hebrew News,
of Portland. We desire to call the atten
tion of the public to it.
The unfairness of the assertions it con
tains needs no emphasizing, . for they
will appear at once to the sense of right
inherent in every legitimate dealer in
pianos all over the country :
Next Tuesday will be a special bar
gain day on pianos at our store. We
have found some grand bargains in new
Upright Pianos (not the celebrated Kim
ball pianos), and propose to give the
public a chance to secure new pianos
next Tuesday at manufacturers' whole
sale prices.
The prices Tuesday next for these new
elegant Upright pianos will be only $149
and $159 each. Part time given if de
sired. These pianos will be on exhibit
at our storri all day Monday, but no sales
will be made from this lot until Tuesday,
and will continue that day only.
W. W. Kimball, Co.,
Metzerott Building, Cor. 1 2th and F. Sta.
The Kimball Company may regard
such methods as fair and honorable, but
they are open to the severest criticism in
attempting to destroy the piano trade in
Washington after many years of honor
able work to promote it.
The unfairness of the card lies in the
assertion that the pianos which are to
be sold at sacrificial prices are not made
by the Kimball company. Therein is
the poison.
This whole scheme is perpetrated to
give the Kimball pianos a position to
which their merits do not entitle them.
Although the Kimball advertisement de
clares theee are not Kimball pianos
which are to be slaughtered it does not
'enhance the value of their own instru
ments. Those who are familiar with the Kim
ball pianos know perfectly well that the
makers can afford to sell them at "just
such ruinous prices as are quoted for
other instruments in their possession at
What is there in the Kimball piano to
justify this step? Nothing.
The Kimball company make one of the
cheapest pianos in the United States.
And after the Kimball piano is made
ready for the market it is not then worth
a place above a low rank.
When you come to think of it, can you
name any genuine, firstelats house that is
selling the Kimball pianos T
The Kimball managers may consider
they have made a brilliant stroke, but
they are merely using gigantic power to
foist a cheap make on 4 he market.
The question is also one of a broader
conception than mere local purview.
Such advertisements as these cut at the
root of the piano industry for they mis
lead private buyers.
We shall not let this subject stop here.
It is fraught with grave danger to the
entire trade, and, although the Kimball
company is composed of schrewd schem
ers, they may find they have far over
stepped the bounds of legitimate busi
ness dealing.
E. Jacobsbn & Co.,
A. Household Treasnre.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajobarie, N. Y
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in the house and bis
family has always found the very best
results follow its use; that he would not
be without it, if procurable. G. A.
Dykeman Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says
that Dr. Kings New Discovery is un
doubtedly the best cough remedy; that
he has used it in his family for eight
years, and it lias never tailed to do all
that is claimed for it. Why not trv a
remedy so long tried and tested. Trial
bottle at Snipes-Kinerslys Drug Co. 'a
Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00
Bicklon'i Ames Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Snipes & Kin
ersly. Finest cabinet photos $2.50 per doz., at
Herrln's studio, Chapman block, The
Dalles, Or. Eighteen firBt prizes taken.
Clip this notice out and bring it with
yon and it is good for one photo extra
with every dosen photos. jl9-lm.
Your Choice of an
Another Offer Your Choice of over Fifty
Men's Suits for $10.00.
Regular $11.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50.
The Greatest Offer of
the Season;
for Infants and Children.
Castoria promote Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morpliine or other narcotic property.
Catctnrla Is ro well adapted to children chat
I recommend It an fauprior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Ahcher. M. 1.,
Ill Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
" For several years I have recommended your
CHstoria, and phall always coutinue to do an,
as it has in variably produced beneficial remits."
Edwis F. Pardkb, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The nsa of Castoria is so universal and
its merits fo well known that it reems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
trfliirent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Ctnirm Mabtth. D. D.,
New York City.
Tarn Caaraim Coxrairr, 77 Murray Street, N.Y.
MIcmAacHm and Neuralgia erred by Dr.
MILES' PAIN PILLS. "One ecu. a dose."
Diy Goods, Glothing, Farashinjs,
Splendid yKLUES.'
Special Suit Sale
Assorted Line
Men's Suits for
Every Suit
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points In Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
first Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
5few York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schjcnck.
Ed. M. Williahs, Gio. A. Ljebb.
H. M. Bball.
Ttiis Week:.
$7.50, $8.00 and $9.00.
a Bargain,
LIME and
Picture Moulding.
ZE3Z. GLBlsrU,