The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 26, 1895, Image 1

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NO 150
Report of the Commission
to View It.
Congress BalldlBsr o Cbtll Borneo.
Tbe Lou About S1.000.000.
Other News.
Its Work Progressive
Accorded the
Hratkm. -Honors
Washington, June 25. A mail re
port received at tbe department from
Colonel Ludlow, dated Rivas, Nicaragua,
June 2, shows that all is going well with
tbe commission ; that the health of - the
party baa been excellent ; that the clim
atic changes have not interfered with
the work and that the Nicaragnan gov
ernment baa extended every attention
and courtesy, and has tried to make
their stay agreeable and profitable.
The commission was not finding its
task an easy one. It bad jnat returned
Sivas, June 1, from an inspection of tbe
western division of the canal from Bnto
to Lake Nicaragua, and was about to in
spect the eastern division, leaving Rivas
on a steamer, . June 6, going into , the
woods at Ochao, and then traversing the
jungle on foot over the cannel route to
Grey town no small undertaking in a
tropical climate in the wet season. Col
onel Ludlow expected to reach Greytown
between June 2-5 and July 1. .
ai bile the board was at Granada the
party was invited to visit the capita,
and were tsken on a special train . to
Managua, . where the president gave
them a special reception, receiving them
with great courtesy and placing at their
disposal tbe government steamer and
free use of the telegraph lines.
Congress Building Burned.
Washington, June 25. Minister Stro
bel, at Santiago, has sent the state de
partment the following: "I regret to re
port the destruction by fire of tbe build
ing occupied by the house of congress.
The edifice was regarded as the finest in
Chili, and but little of the furniture or
archives were saved. The loss is esti
mated at about $1,000,000 in United
States gold, without considering the ar
chives, which can never be replaced.
The building was began in 1857, but was
not dedicated until 1876, during the
presidency of Frederick Errazuris. '
"While there are r a mora that the fire
was tbe work of incendiaries, it seems to
be more naturally the result of accident.
There were several lighted stoves in the
building, which probably caused an' ex
plosion by escaping gas.
"Tbe government has called for plans
for a new building, notifying congress
that on their completion it will ask for
funds for its reconstruction. An extra
session of congress, called to consider
the financial question, is now being held
in the state university."
"Julius Negbauer, an American
citizen, 65 years old, was found dead in
a small hotel May 4. Minister Strobel
buried him, and took charge of bis
effects, 469 in Chilean currency, and a
little clotning. The minister is seek'
ing information as to his antecedents.
United States Minister MeKlnney's
fBeqaes for Their Release Denied
Niw York, June 25, A special from
Colon says: Governor Velez, of Carta
gena, and United States Minister Mc
Kinney have bad a tilt. Mr. McKinney
while on the way here . from Bogota
found two Americans, an engineer and
a conductor on the Cartagena railway,
incarcerated at Cartagena for running
over and causing the death of a native
woman. McKinney asked for their re
lease. Upon his request being refused
he threatened to invoke the aid of his
Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report
""'ti i . . ' i iif ' if tt
government, and pressed his demand as
the American minister to Colombia.
Governor Velez said Mr. McKinney
was at tbe moment only a private gen
tleman, without locus standi, because on
quitting Bogota -bis duties a9 minister
fell upon tbe locum tenens.
The governor thereupon ordered the
prisoners into closer confinement. ,
Definitely Settled.
Windsor, June 25. The Marquis of
Salisbury has formally accepted the pre
miership, vacant by the resignation of
Lord Roaebery. It is announced that
Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, the
unionst leader of the house of commons,
has been appointed to succeed the Mar
quis of Ripon as secretary of state for
tbe colonies, and Right Hon. A. J. Bal
four' first lord of the treasury.
Gives Germany a Coaling Station.
Caracas; Venezuela, June 25. It is
rumored tbat tbe German claims are to
be settled by the seesion of one of the
islands to Germany for a coaling station.
Semi-offical advices bere say that Sir
Vincent Barrington has strongly urged
on England the importance of tbe am
icable settlement of tbe questions pend
ing with Venezuela.
Very bad policy to neglect symptoms
of trouble in the kidneys. If allowed to
develop they cause much suffering and
sorrow. Bright's Disease, Diabetes and
Dropsy owe their great-prevalence and
fatality to neglect of the first warning
symptom. Dr. J. H. .McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm is a certain cure for
any disease or weakness of the kidneys.
A trial will convince you of its great
potency. Price $1.00 per bottle. For
sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
O. K. N" Shares Sold.
New York, June 25. There was sold
at auction today 138,272 shares of Oregon
Railway & Navigation stock for $1,700-
000. The stock was bought bv A. A. H.
Boissevain, W. S. Oadmen and F. S.
Bangs, representing a committee of col
lateraltrust bondholders of the Oregon
Short Line & Utah Northern railway. .
A severe rheumatic pain in tbe left
shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Leper,
a well known druggist of Des Moines,
Iowa, fov six months. At times the
pain was so severe tbat he could not lift
anything. With all he could do be
could not get rid of it tin til he applied
Chamberlain(s Pain Balm. - "I only
made three applications of it," he says,
and have since been free from all pain."
He now reccomenda it to persons simi
larly afflicted. It is for sale by Blakely
fe Houghton Druggists.
''Receiver for a Gas Company.
Racine, Wis., June 25. Application
has been made in the United States cir
cuit court for a receiver for tbe Racine
Gas Company, T. W.Andrews, of Wash
ington, one of the heavy stockholders,
who makes the application, charges
fraud on the part of the present manage
ment. The company is capitalized at
While in Stockton Cal., some time
ago, Thos. F. Langan, of Los Banos, tbat
state, was taken very severely cramps
and diarrhoea. He chanced to meet Mr
C. M. Carter, who was similarly afflcted
He says: "I told bim of Chamber-
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and we went to the Holden
Drug Store and procured a bottle of it.
It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and I
can vouch for its having cured me."
For sate by Blakeley & Hoahton, Drug
gists. ' ' "
Xor Account of the Yalr estate.
San Francisco, June 25. An evening
paper says that $5,000,000 of Southern
Pacific railroad of Arizona 6-per cent
bonds have been sold tor account of the
estate of the late Mrs. Theresa Fair.
- The purchasers are said to be New
Yorkers. The price was $83.
Assessed Wnere It Is Owned.
San Fbancisco, June 25, Attorney
General Fitzgerald has decided that
stock owned in Eastern corporations by
citizens of California must be assessed
in this state.
j ---f-- - Km" ,0 im ia
. iljivSisssi A
This is iti
This is the new shortening or
cooking fat which is so fast taking
the place of lard. Itis an entirely
new food product composed of
clarified cotton seed oil and re
fined beef suet. You can see that
Is clean, delicate, wholesome,
appetizing, and economical as fat
superior to lard as the electric
light is to the tallow dip. It asks
only a fair trial, and a fair trial
will convince you of its value.
- Be sure and eet the genuine.
Bold In three and Ave pound
pails by ail grocers. Alade by
Chicago, New York, Bos tea,
For tbe Fifth Time.
New Yobk, June 25. The Reading
railroad will, on July 1, default for the
fifth . successive time the payment of
semiannual interest - on the general
mortgage bonds and the accumulated
interest due to the holders of the bonds
will then amount to about $5000,000. ,
When your heart pains you and un
usual palpitation is frequent, accom
panied sometimes with shortness of
breath and low spirits you are suffering
from a disordered state of the livt-r, di
gestion is imperfect and there is wind
on the stomach. If allowed to remain
the trouble will ultimately reach the kid
neys and then become dangerous te life
Steps should be taken to stay its pro
gress on the appearance ot tbe first
symptoms. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm is especially adapted
for disorders of this kind. Price $1.00
per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. -
You cannot work well unless you feel
well. No one can feel well with a dis
ordered liver or diseased kidney. - Dis
eases in the organs should receive
prompt attention, as neglect will lead to
much mieery and sorrow. Dr. . J. H,
McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm should
be taken as soon as the first symptoms
of trouble are manifest. It is well
known to all dealers in medicine as a
safe and reliable cure for diseases in the
liver or kidneys. Price $1.00 per bot
tie. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug
Co. - - '
- Overwork, either physical or mental
will produce weakness and loss of en
ergy. Too many business - or family
cares, overwork in tbe harvest field, an
excess of woman's work and worry will
produce months of misery. To prevent
this, the exhausted system should be re
inforced immediately;' Dr. J. -H
McLean's Strengthening Cordial ' and
Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy
Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by
Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co.
BncMem's Anno salve.
The best salve in tne world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin'
Iet, Strayed or Stolen.
- One cow, spotted red and white, brand
"Cook" on left side, crop off the left ear
and hole in right ear. . She- has one
crooked horn.- Finder will please retnrn
toF. Fort in, Chicago photograph gallery
Second street, The Dalles, Or., and re
ceive a liberal. reward. .::.. 18-lW.
Or. Miles' Pain Pills care Hearalaia.
Ill druggists sell Dr. atlls Pais PUkv
We wish
The perfection brand-
For XnXants and Children.
Castoria, promote Plgee tlon, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishnees.
Thus the child Is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Horpliine or other narcotic property.
Catnr!a is to well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Aichii. M. D.,
Ill Sooth Ctarford St., Brooklyn, S.Y.
" For peroral Teanlhaiecommenaedyoar
Owtoria,' end rhall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial remits."
Emm F. Pardbk. M. D
135th Street and 7th Ave New York City.
"The use of 'Castoria1 is so nnirersal and
Its merits fo well known that It poems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are tbe in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
GlUM Kirmi. D. D
Kew York City.
Tot Cngma Comfact, 77 Murray Street. K.T.
Tr. HIlm'NEim Jr.A vrvna RnTTTVL.
HSil. WA K B&cp. At druKjrtita. onix Sfia,
Dry Goods,
Splendid Zklae3S,
" . Ill, Hfc tJ'1Hlll".'0-l,I jjlflfc friJBb
to call particular attention to
Boys Sweaters at
Pure White, Heavy Ribbed, Full Fashioned.
Mens Sweaters at
Grey Mixed. Full Sized.
We show a strong line of white, navy and black,
heavy all-wool Sweaters at $ 1 .75 and over.See our
See our special $3.00 light weight.
Gentlemens Leather Belt
The Proper Thing. Rings and Buckles
leather covered. Try one.
Gent'm's Sporting Shoes
A good, inexpensive and stylish Sum-
Shoe, in Black only
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on Kew York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
J. 11. Patterson,
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight .
' Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
land. DIRECTORS. . -
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Schbnck.
Ed. M. WnxiAars, Geo. A. Likbk.
H. M. Biaix.
Glothing, Farm
'CW1 ffr 'Q'rsV''''aw''r'aVeW's.
our stock of
c j r -ryf
rr " mJ ,
LIME and
Picture Moulding".