The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 25, 1895, Image 3

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- " - ; .'" X " . ! A'JjJ
opecial oale
i Vi tl
'':' :!
in ;i
- ,V : : There areva fewisizes in.ShirJ Waists Jliat welfare entirely but of;' and' to
- close out the remaming number we will m&e''&oifi.pmyfaQfierM'fii fs. inn'
: 7; , ' V : . ,( Good assortment of colors stripesjarid figpresl 'i; p
Our 75c Waist for 57 l;2o V 1S.iVi?raV.Virg
: ;fj ; vv V':C;V:'-'v f j.';'; ::: InjWhiatiith- starched .collars and. cuffs
.. . , i r;;
at". -Made up in English WexiWawcprd.
. -- .-- ; -- $ fe--irvv ''. -. ' : ',.'. c I
; - uur w aist 101 slid. : . :-;v :, ,
Navy Blue Percale, extra fine quality.
.-..1 ; '
rr: "; We carry a Complete Lin of
Fishing Tackle, !
Stoves and Steel rRanes,
Wire' Cloth.: '?";; .j-'!!'
Wire Poultry Netting,
IrbnWater Pipe;: r - 1
Garden-Tools, v ..-..,-:; ' -r-.;
BarrelV Ghuijas';,.::,,.-- n7;,:;V,;;
R-dbber and Cot ton Wr ap-
: 7 ped. Graxden iiose, i .i &
Groceries and , Prbyisidns,
Oak Fir and. Maple; Cord
wood. and. . General sup
plies, ,.: . ,. , .
Gan You Buy Groceries
Cheaper hari Th is ?
I Tw'o ounces of gcxxl Plag Cat Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meercbaum with
u- jery eight packages ;;;..;-( r .-. ..
,; .inoQi at 20c a dozen ; UBnal ririce, 55c. - . , . . ; n , v, ,
, ,: Sixteen poanda San Francisco 'Granulated Sagar for $1.09. . , ... ..v
. , Seventeen, ponnds. Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for $1.00. . : : ;
. 8ixteen-ounce plag of good Tobacco for 25c. .-.f;', ...t ,:: ..t;
,: All : atock - of fresh and popular brands. . Goods delivered free to any part f .
s. .' the city. You are cordially invited to call and iasper.i stock and prices. .
i.-'V) -A I rl ij'fciE-'-r y!ii;; .vsnill -,,r.r...f,r
t ' ' hi'
Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts; oTelepkone Not 92.
; i ' i
roPtne oprinsr ana summer- i
1 1 Hawflg purchased a,vefy.large line of Overbirts and Uadtrwear, ex-' .
i 1 peeling to meet with a better trade than' in the past, 'but findidg oar .'
'-"stock too 'large for the season, we have marked these' goods Tery lowf-i'
I - Li .4 hun ?il.oi2 vo nw i-i'tvi-i V.ifl-R &i' vi li.5.n:ui . .V -.'
Starting: Men's Fine Shirt 35c;'
r ; ic r. Men's Fine Underwear Suit, at 75c.
i ..-r ;;vi fit; . i: i:X ! c -j.J. o-j efii..iiut-jyrti J:,.U.ri'. n.;t ::
! The goods must be seen to be appreciated ; Gall early wbile the .V:
l.';-;:..ttoclc..ia complete. i v- nkj-q;-si : f.-jia'S). -i-4i-;
Cf - -
j ly Creamery
,1! 1
v. xn-.i in
Ask! YanlDiblDer & Worsley for it. :
' - Every Square is Fall Weight.,
iV-j...-.-.: A. A. B.
The1 Dalies' Daily:Cffioffielel;
ntered a tlie PotiVjOlce tt Tbe- Dalles, Oiegon
as Becond-claas matter.' ' '
iu Ovuu per llue for first luteraon, and 5 Centa
per line far ecb Biibseqaanl famertlon. -
Special rates for long time notices.
All iocal.iiQtlce.,raeclyed, ltr. than X o'clock
will appear the following day.
- 'Don't "'forget to read all Tiis OhbOn
icle. You will find interesting, local
matter everywhere. Some papers have
only a page devoted -to local news;' but
The Chronicle cannot get along ' with
one and has it on everypage'' i
TUNE 25. i 1895
.1 li
LTel from the Moteboelc of Chronicle
J j i. 4 ; r Reporters' V f ! ;j ,
- Additional Local on Fourth Paja. J
A slight east wind is blowing today.
The farmers ' do not like Its " heated
breath,-, - -c:--; Lfvino'-r:i f:
Deputy Sheriff Frank . Hill and Jack
Powers returned this morning from
Salem, where they had thaken a patient
to the insane asylum.
some wool sellers announce their ln-
tention of waiting till the price reaches
15 cents a pound before selling. ', This is
rather high and the prospects do not
warrant holding for such a figure.
An effort will be made - tonight, to get
up! a. baseball nine to give the; Hood
Eiver dab a game on the Fourth. There
is plenty of good talent io The Dalles
and all we need is to take the proper in
terest in the matter:' J 1 v -
Several wagons of emigrants' pasted
uirougQ, The Da I lea this rooming; on
tVeir way to the Boothern part of the
county to look for homes. ' There is
plenty of room in Wasco's broad acres
for a large immigrationv--j- f '
AsfJecial car was attached to; the local
train this afternoon going j west. The
car contained. Superintendent J. P,
O'Brien and party. Mr. O'Brien has been
on the eastern divfsions of the road look
ing alter their conditions.
There; will be $3900 morViaoney Jn
circulation in The Dalles today. than
there was yesterday. .-.This is from; the
boat company '. diyidendr f The wool
money'a being paid all the time and our
merchants are feeling the result of the
sales in their increased collections.
Mr. John Michel I',' editor of the Timea
Mountaineer, baB been cboBeo orator of
the day on the Fourth of July and Mr,
Nicholas J. Sinnott will read the-.-Declaration
of I ndepehderie'e; Every (Effort
made by the committee promises to be
rewarded with success and The Dalles is
to have one of. the grandest celebrations
Thd .ciV'sensr iwbp eria gdifig JtDibe4"
last night about 10' o'click" were startled
by . the clanging-of thefire-bell. An.
alarm had belen.''telephone
saying the feed' yard of El J. Collins &
Cbl" was Wrni'ngj f! The ire' 'fadeties
quickly responded, and the engines and
hose; parts - wefe ijopt "neiiy C0"- .UapVe
when Word came that the fire was out.
It eeems st-blaso had -caught in one of
the Btalle,' bu Vwaa soon put out.
A marriage, ceremony .was performed
last night in Justice Davis' office, in
wlijLcb.Jtbo.jueUcepf35cjated..Jnd. Miag
May Turner of ' this city and Mr. John
C. , soldier in the regular army,
stationed at. Fort Canby', were the high
coatracting parties. The happy couple
left this morning for their new home
dowp by the sounding oe. o. jT
The bftat brought up a good cargo tof
:ji)rtfl8t ijiebti A laJpottfbnfQft
Oon sis ted of iw barrets of.lirtia for ingh
ver'good, arfdr ttto deck la Vreir filled
with merchandise on every up trip. A
good-s mount: of feed and groceries is
shipped; to": way points on the down trip
every paormng. .; (
-' The' Kttle girt of William Floyd, of
3-Mi'er waa driving the cows borne last
night when she was thrown' from her
horse and severely. injnred. .,. Dr.. Logan
was called and alleviated the little girl's
suffering. The fracture ie probably at the
elbow, though owing to the swollen con
dition- of - the arm -it is - hard to tell" just
how serious the accident is.
Next Sunday the Orchestra Union
will give an excursion to Cascades Locks
on the steamer Regulator. The Orches
tra band will be in" attendance and
famish music during the day. The boat
will connect with the'; steamer . Dalles
City from Portland,; which will bring' up
the Turners from Portland. It wonld he
wise to secure tickets early.
DJohrxMceil.wfcodaeiiigtheday time
re fixes the corbona on the electrie lights,
" " ' ' . ....... . .
kiouna a canary ciraf yesterday in one ot
tJjTaTe globesrorr the hill. Tbe'ilittle
I bird bad flown into the globe and in try
rinir to cet ont had strncrirled and hrnianrl
itself, till one of the wings 'was injured
The canary, had probably escaped froma"
cage and someone is missing a pet bird
i The Tamo class met last' evening at
the Residence ;f Ms. Dr, Shackelford;
A laree number of ladies were in attend
ance and a pleasant evening spent with
Studying Macnalay. This is the second
evening spent with the distinguished
historian. ' A large number of readings
were made from his works and especial
attention given to that noblit production
VHoratias -at the Bridsfe."; ;The meetr
ings : continue very : pleasant :and -the
members of the class keep up an unflag
ging interest in the work; ' ':'':': i' :
! Messrs. it : H..- Darnielle and F. J;
KeUar. two prominent farmers of '8-Mihj
have just, returned from &' trip to the
Warm Sprlngsv They; left The .Dalles
June I2tb .and on June 14th. they bad
the .novel experience )f v: witnessing a
eoowstorna. which began on'the-lSthvand
cob tinned till the ijextday, wh'en the
snow fall as hard ar a Sinter storm, c-
benefit becaoee jof the -.continued : cool
their journey, saw Mr. E. E. Loughlin,
Who holds the "championship belt,," as
the best sheep shearer in Crook county.
Bis best recbrd is 197 sheep in one day
and onTJune 14th when MrilDarnielle
And Mr. Kellar saw him, h sheared 150
Hon. W. L. Bradshaw will act as pres
ident tbf thMftyriJ.uly Fourth, and the
executive committee baye invited tbe
following gentlemen to act as vice pres-
fderts,(on?.rSv":J Smith, of Hood
River. G. W. Johnston, of Dufur. Chas,
VanDuyn, of Tygh Valley, Wnbar Boli
toai qQlntelflpev DjrcH. H. LeavenB, of
Cascades, Walter Moore, of Moro and
John Medler, of Wasco. 'All these gen-
tlemea are representative citizens of the
localities from which they come and the
executive committee; nave soown mucn
wisdom in their selections.
1 A civil . case, was begun before' Justice
pavis this mprnirig, but was settled be
fore it came to trial Mrs. Obarr was
the plaintiff and S.(Monnahan, who was
the central figure in the smallpox epi
sode, was the defendaat. The matter at
issue was an account of 44.45, which
Mrs. Obarr had against Monnahan, and
about which there seemed to be a little
trouble in the payment. Before .,the
justice's time bad been long occupied.
however,, the defendant camejn and set
tled the-? case bv paying the 1 amount
sued for and i?1epi.U; t't'-o
1 A plan was laid last night to rob the
till of the Columbia hotel. The aight
clerk and barkeeper are always oat at
the night; train when St comes in and
the 'men-'who'' did the planning knew
this. There we're three, men in the
scheme ' and tie nu mber . proved . : too
many , for -one of - them got- drunk and
his-conscieoeef hurting -.bita, , he ,
Policeman ' Connelly about " it.' - tliis
nipped the thing-in j the bud and, the
men r who ;were in the)'? scheme were" nof
where ; to jbe t found j .when, the;- officers
went' to look for tbem.- ' il '". v 'J "; "
j A light took place laBt night oh ecbnd
street, in which severalty the boys were
badly "mixed Bp. i '-A'largeV'crowd'Bobh
gathered to see tbe fray'taid 'Wo'uld'have
been tonctt iamuplBO had not; the police
stopped ibe meleel. . As a result George
Sandman swore-out .warrants againet G..
Murray and ,F. Heater,,''cha'rgingv thein
with' assault :and(. Jatterie8. 5: ; Tbe.-tfase
came fop ' before Justice,' ipavlsTtb''
nXornirig. bot by; regtiesti of; ihedefendj
ants the case as pqt6ff .'tilt ,7i30 vthii
evening .E.Bpufu'appears pr:Mur-
cording to Mr.. DaPnTeile'B story. The
crops "h th6;l,cbttntrf 1 aronndT Warm
SpringSj B,re,Bptd9in'gv f eryi''":?! t. pni
co urnt. of the; excessive cold. y T!ierasai
not as biah as is usual at'tbis1 eeasoiv'bf
li ' : - - J I 1. . '-Ik '.sIVA
uio yec&r nuu imgauuu lias uta o; iitwie
-j-rt rr-r .'" ' - ' a
J- 'personal; mention.
Mr. S. Br Adams JeU for Portland by
the Regjilatpi: thja morning,
Mrs. Judee Bradshaw was a passenger
down the river bf;boat Jhis morning.
Air urans- iuyiei8 lur rurnanu uu
the boat this morning to spend a few
days. " :,.
Mr. C. C. Havward. of Tygh-.. .Valleys
was a pleasant caller on Thb Che6niclk
Aliss Ouida Bunker was a passenger
on the Regulator down the river this
morning. -' -?.- tt... -SO
Mr. and' Mrs''Hilton "returned" last
night from, si -eeeral dayajouting down
the river. ' " "i
Mrs. L. A. KfocoTi&n'a&ridabnfv.
is in the city visiting -(her cousin,, -Mr,
yv. n. noDsen. t - "r-
1 Dr. Frazier left for Portland oh; the
Steamer today to remain a week. lie
wills return by .July, zu.:, .SisSi'ii j "i
! Mrs. Frank Sampson returned last
night on tbe Kegulator, alter a several
days absence from the city .. .... t ..t
I Mr. Ray W. Logan, who recently
graduated from the Bishop Scott acad
emy, is visiting his father Dr. Hugh
lxjgan, in this city. i'iyi'.Uf.i
i Mrs. R. F. Gibona .and -Mrs. J. M.
Marden left by the Regulator this morn
ing for Cascade Locks, -where they will
make a short ' visit - to Mrs.' vieo. r,
Morgan. r?tf :1r.A OViC,B h
.' Mr. T. H. Johnston of Dufur was upon
our streets this mornings He reports
that with propitious weather from now
on the grain around ijuiur will be very
good this season-; jriVii i A
' Mr.-A;M. Balfour -of Lyle wag in the
city' last night. Air. Balfour' is an' i-ng
lisbman-who' baa, bought 4 larse tract of
land at Lyle, and Is spending much time
and. labor la oeaptiljiDg n.
Mr, Henry Harper returned last night
irom - Hood River, where be has been
camping several days to, benefit hia
health. He has" been suffering severely
for some time from rheumatism, but his
trip did hiro much good, and he is now
consiaeraDiy Deiier. -
: t ?r- uil ii r.i ' ; '- it, !'.
The Latest from tbe Wxul$ Market.
ray, bntf "Heater- had- toot retained -any
la.wyer.i;i:i o:aii a. ct :n.xa rTinrj r.r-- -,- au
' -;:Oregrbn "ICaiitern Star MeetlB(t :
j io .:cfi g:ji.vit it ,i ii .!:.ivr.c e t ..f4C-;i
Chipte,- Nd.-SS.iO? Evu. Wilji - bbferd
al MasosjciaUr' enr-Tuegday ' evehijig,
Jr)ae 25th-, ab 8 W'clock.oi the purpose
By order of the worthy-matron, ; "
,HaVe''y6:ii,8een the'rKimbaTl' vpTnos'
find: r'6rgani? ''exbrbitlbnatihe o!
Chronicle building? - ' v'
' The . manager of the Oregon Fruit
Union in The Dalles kindly furnished
The Chronicle with the following latest
advices regarding iruit in the eastern
markets. Tbe quotations were those
which applied in the markets yesterday
f Prjces for fruit io-Helena-and Butte
remain thesarlie, each, pluc l'eceivirig a
car' of California Vegetables per wtk,
beside California apricots and plums.
Raspberries and strawberries are mov
ing slow. New potatoes., are in good de-
maud at $1.50 ;f "yellow.- onions: H.75
cabbage, $2;'. cherries 90c$lJ-demand
light. -
; The Oregon Fruit Union sold in Den
ver today currants, $2.50 to $3;h Roysl
Anne cherries. t.'I5 rit1 T.2n.!marltpt
good for limitedsopptyV' "Sioux bit the
same, Omaha and Kansas City are re
ceiving 'some California-, stock, but tfiej
market will not rtie ..good tin til after
July 1st, when koAje-growfivgooSeberW
ries, raspberries and blackberries are
out--of -the -market.- --
The present outlook for cherries is
very favorable? rCH hernia (bttsra short
crop, and'Ore'gdn-i8' left 'tosupply the
hllUtat t.hA trill r , I w b f AsMMr
beKweif pacTtea, and ntrtiaiP'sent to thei
same market. ,
-'J f "iril'.O .-If 'l A- r ,-.:ti''.'i;-;"l'f.'' I .'.;. Iti:rr.3Hti Mil J -llA !.' ,'i !' .' " '
a ,i yv : i'm is;.
' I -.-
f-''-.t ?i?t - -
iVii-V t:;lW 'jii! i!'.tv
" ".,'" ' .', ' , c-itl J -in i't'i-.-7hj Euti.ifii iuH-'i ;-i;.' -yi-;
. !f'.'-l l -Vll -5'f .All!. .:-t i.i h.M-
f o d n o n
I f-.i
1 p ' , '.vThe Dalles Orchestra jjjLon(!wiUi:',' e ; ;;
" ' 'excuTsion1 t'd the Locks .and: return,', on . n .;
... , i ' . r s- l--n& ,'.llo!f fii"i n.u-;.s f.-j:...: - :
-S..V. -l.-'i, s0-1 s! :'-!'. I . .HV!;.J. -io ijtl. j ' - ....
SUHTOIT,3 ''iJWHTES -o 1 8S5,
- -r 1 . J , . j , .,!,: M-ff J i
By :the TEpEf
'''''': iti I- w, .0iht'..'ii i; .f -i!a::
" Boat leaves. The Dalles at 9" A. m. Returning, arrives at
5 p." m. The Steamer Dalles City; will hring e Turners,
from Portland to Cascades, who will come up by the Regu
lator to The Dalles. Good music will be on board.
v. ; ', J';
:' 1 -v.- :
i Tickets on i sale at the usual places.5
i ;i. .- .- i -' t'. ; . " .
Round; Trip Tickets,
: :...,r. ..-j.y,f...-. ' .. .-'.i.-!.'. . '.' .-'
.-. r. . .: .i f.-v- . :A : ' 1 ' ! -i .-".':' V ' -IIVI
-i ?';n-:-'T .'-'"0 ; i.,-.. - , . .,
-- -' ' ' j ,7H r.ui !-jnn( I' t,-i:.i::e.u i u-j-.-.-t, - v
,. i" '.'. ,..iif yi-.Vi-. oil:: j .f . .. j. j. . ,.,...( J..,..
' ?,::-r.lU .H J, .-.i wv.t:i DEALERS IN r, -',.m --i -,,;---'
pr a .. i t-i ,w: nr .-, . . . rit
U'J.:;'t' .-:'.( ;:: , ; y-.y; r, i-T AND -A'y-i' ::;;i,;-.v.i :-. ' .:'
Telerliprte Uo. . :a5,;; h - .7
! ..-
;! '.'S-i.'li'iHi.
. -.r , f ' - - :' -
1 D6 CTO R S .' P R ES C R I PTI ONS - Correctly. com poni..ied ;with the ut
!most care from drag of guaranteed purity-by. a capable staff of ; experienced
dispensers. AH the latest Pharmaceutical Preparations keptLn stock. Prices
will be found as low as is consistent with the supply of first-class, drugs. , ,
.'. . . ... ''(..- " '" ' '' '-'
' -, - r f " r "'!-!P.o'. i i:'KU; ".'-, :!
-I'ji'.ofn .ff--, orrf, 7-mootheeaV. Ana ' Cheiaiat
j id 1'dJi ,.jr b.. ji j ij " -: - -