CD VOL. VIII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1895. NO 148 V: BOSEBERRY RESIGNS New Prime Minister to Be Called. WHICH ONE OF THREE MEN Salisbury, Balfour and the Dik Devonshire are Mentioned News From Abroad. of London, Jane 22. It is a requirement of official etiquette that upon resigning, a ministry shall give no bint of each in tention until it baa first been announced to the qneen and to the bouse of com mons ; bat there is practically no doubt that the Bosebery government, after a cabinet council of five boars, determined to resign, and that Lord Bosebery, who bad already been "commanded" to din ner at Windsor, will use the occasion to iurrender bis office. It is also the cus tom for the prime minister to recom mend to ber majBty bis successor. Lord Bosebery may name Lord Salis bury, Mr. Balfour or the duke of Devon shire. It is etiquette for the queen to send first for the person named. If it is Lord Salisbury, be may decline and sng gest Mr. Balfour or the Duke of Devon shire, or vice versa. - In any case it seems to be the general impression that even the conservative party will not again risk a poor premier, and that Mr. Balfour will be chosen. But any one of trs three or any other conservative may decline. Then Lord Bosebery will re tain office and be in a stronger position than before. He has defeated and offer ed the opposition control of the govern ment; tbey declined, therefore, they confess that be has the real majority as representing the effective lower bouse. If a conservative leader accepts, there is no real doubt that he will find a ma jority, even if small, against him. He cannot dissolve parliament until tbe the supplies have been voted, and a lib eral majority can prolong the session for months. Soon after the council broke up for lunch, at 1:30, Postmaster-General Arnold Morley and Campbell-Banner-man were summoned to confer with Lord Bosebery. This started tbe rumor that the ministers will finally decide to resign and cast upon the opposition the responsibility of the government, and make it select a time for the dissolution of parliament. The cabinet finally rose at 5:46 p. m. and Bosebery started for Windsor to in form the queen of the decision of the ministers, which will not be announced until Monday. it is asserted the Irish members are largely responsible for tbe present situa tion as their action in compelling the chancellor of the exchequer to rescind tbe vote for the erection of a statue to Oliver Cromwell seriously nndermined the. government. The Westminster Gazette says: "The Irish are strongly opposed to dissolution. Tbey declare: 'If the goverment resigns we have been betrayed. We must have the land bill It would be a blander and crime to de fraud us of it.' " , Ham referred to the interest shown in American naval matters. He mentioned Captain Mahan's book on "Tbe influence of Sea Power in History." Of this work he 8 poke in words highly eulogistic, ad "I have told all of my officers to study Captain Mahan's book well to sleep with it under tl.eir pillows." "The men injured by tbe explosion of a boiler of steam launch of the San Fran cisco (not tbe Columbia; have all re turned to duty, their injuries being slight. Washington, Jane 22. Admiral Kirk- land has cabled Secretary Herbert that Emporer William has expressed a desire to visit the United States cruiser New York, and tbe cruiser will remain at Kiel to afford the emporer an oppor tunity. Secretary Herbert cabled the admiral to have tbe vessel 'remain for that purpose. New Trial Denied Kd mis to a : North Yakika, Wash., June. In the case of the slate , vs. J. K. Edmiston, the banker who is charged with having re ceived money after knowledge of the in solvency and failing condition of the Walla Walla Saving bank, the motion for a new trial was denied and the de fendant sentenced to two years imprison ment. A motion for an appeal to the supreme court was entertained, and bonds named in tbe sum of $2000. Tbe Hero Observer Answered. AMERICANS UILIQHTXD. Oar Time Tessels to Remain Some Longer In German Waters. A.1SL., juue . iuo omcers ana men .ii a- il : attacueu uj ma American squaaron are delighted with their visit here, and they ' boamtalitv of the German and other fleets. Ater the banquet of last night tbe American officers were all presented to Emperor William and the Dake of York. The former was extremely affable. He cordially shook hands with tbe American officers and had a friendly word for each. During his conversation with Admiral Kirkland Emperor Wil The Dalles, Or., June 22, '95. Editor Dalles Chronicle : In your issue of today, I find under the heading of "Wasco County Boads" an article from the Moro Observer, regarding an accident that befell Mr. C. W. Faircbild of Grass Valley, some weeks since near the junction of tbe so-called Miller and free bridge roads in this county. Now, while we have no desire to speak ad versely of articles that are published for the purpose of awakening interest in the improvement of any and all, roads, yet we do feel that when such articles are published, facts should be stated that they might have some weight for good and not appear to the public as mere attempts to throw adverse reflections on those not deserving them. In the case on band the man who met with the mis- bap would have given a truthful state ment for publication if requested to do so, Now we do not deny that the point at which the accident occurred was a narrow curve in the road, as is the case at many points on the roads of Oregon, bat to use tbe language of Mr. Faircbild himself, "It was no worse than it bad been for years," and be bad been over tbe same ground many times." We feel certain that a man of Mr. Fairchild's judgment and ability would not have at tempted a passage at tbe point in the road alluded to, had be not felt com petent to make the turn with a coupled team, as many others have done before and since the" accident, but tbe true cause of the overturn of Mr. Fairchild's team. .as stated to us by himself, was the breaking of an axletree of bis leading wagon, which happening just at tbe curve in the road, caused the upset into the ditch, which instead of being 60 feet deep,-as stated by tbe Observer, was 10 or 12 feet deep ; nor did the horses allow themselves to be pulled off the road, but kept it and as to the demolished wagons, the cost of repairs was about $17, after which we eawtbe same wagons with their load of wool, on their way to this city. Now, Mr. Editor, I wish . to say that while we know of the accountability of counties for damages under certain circumstances; we have no anxiety about any .later results from this acci dent, other than that the makers of tbe wagon, (which was a new one), should in our opinion, make good to Mr. Fair child his loss in fall. Hoping this article will remove any fear of accident from tbe minds of those who the Observer's article may have frightened into using other routes to and fronuthiB city and without any remarks as to the best route to Southeastern Oregon, we shall endeavor, as-we always This is it. This is the new shortening or cooking fat which is so fast taking the place of lard. It is an entirely new food product composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re fined beef suet. You can see that Is clean, delicate, wholesome, appetizing, and economical as far superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow dip. It asks only a fair trial, and a fair trial will convince you of its value. Be sure and get the genuine. Bold in three and five pound polls by all grocers. Xadeby THE N. K. FAIR BANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and Chlcaa-e, Hew Verk, Boston, . Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report i V z fNi rTN m r7x "' "T Specials Specials We wish to call particular attention to our stock of Boys Sweaters at Pure White, Heavy Ribbed, Full Fashiened. Mens Sweaters at Grey Mixed. Full Sized. . 50c 65c We show a strong line of white, navy and black, heavy all-wool Sweaters at $1.75 and over.See our See our special $3.00 light weight. The perfection brand- Gentlemens Leather Belt The Proper Thing. Rings and Buckles leather covered. Try one. 6OC Gent'm's Sporting Shoes dj TYf A good, inexpensive and stylish Sum- rr f met Shoe, in Black only nave, to mace the routes through our district as safe and smooth as circum stances will permit. Respectfully Yours, E. K. Russell, Supervisor Dist. No. 12. While in Stockton Cal., some time ago, Tbos. F. Langan, of Los Banos, tbat state,-was taken very severely cramps and diarrhoea. He chanced to meet Mr. C. M. Carter, who was similarly afflcted. He says: "I told him of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and we went - to the Holden Drug Store and procured a bottle of it. It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and I can vouch for its having cured me." For sale by Blakeley & Houbton, Drug gists. ' Travelers find a safe companion in De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. A change in drinking water and in diet, often cauaes severe and dangerous com plaints. This medicine always cures tbem. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. . A Splendid Offer. Our clubbing arrangements with the San Francisco Examiner entitles those subscribing for tbat paper in connection with Thb Chronicle to all tbe benefits of their premium offer, that is a num bered receipt and choice of premium pictures. ; The price of the Examiner is $1.75, the price of The Chronicle $1.50, and we send you both with all privileges as above stated lor one year for sz.Zo. Notice. All persons are hereby warned not to purchase that certain note given by the undersigned in favor of Mrs. Pearl Clark for the sum of $3,000, dated March 26, 189o, nnd due in five years after date. Said note was given without considera tion, and will not be paid. Dalles City, Or., June 13, 1895. " janl5-lm J. F. Gomez. There is great danger in neglecting Colic, cholera and similar complants. An absolutely prompt and safe cure is found in De Witt's Colic and Cholera I Cure. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Fajr the County Debt. All county warrants registered prior to Nov. 1st, 1891, will be paid if presented at my office, corner 3d and Washington streets. Tbe Dalles, Or. Interest ceases after May 25, 1895. W M. WICHBLt, County Treasurer. . TSotice. All city warrants issued since Feb. 1st, 1895, will be paid upon presentation at my office.' Interest ceases after this date, June 4th, 1895. v - . I-1. Bueokt, -. . , City Treasurer. . The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats and Hav. Are sole scents in The Dalles for the now celebrated Goldendale roller mills flour, the best flour in the market A M WILLIAMS & GO Tor Infant and Children. Caatoria promotes Plgrtlom, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, - and Feverishnees, Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Caatoria. contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Cantoria is Powell adapted to children (hat I noommrad it as autierior to amr oreecriDtion known to me. H. A. XBcsst, M. D-, - ill Booth oxlora Bt-, Brooklyn, . X. "Far aereral reara I hare reoommenoed vonr Oaatoria. and fihall alwaTa oontinne to do ao. as it has Invariably produced beneficial remlta. BSth Street and 7U Are., NevTork City. "The nsa of 'Caatoria is ao universal and Its merits o well known that It reams a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in- teiiifrent xamutes too oo no nep iwwra within easy reach." MswTorkCity. Tit CsarzAva OonvAsT, TT Korray Btteiit, K.T. FRENCH & CO., 1 BANKERS. TRANSACT A GKKK RAX BANKING BOSHTK88 Dr. Vflea'Nsnn Pumnaram RTrffTTM A. TlfiM. WA.IC BACKS. At druffgltts. only 36a. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Uoliections made at all points on fav orable terms. J. H. BCHKircK, President. J. H. PATTSKSOir, Cashier. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES, - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. OIRBOTOMS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schbnck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebx. H. M. Bball. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding'. IE3I.' Q-XjZEj 3sT IN". 24 Goloirs in Sarahs and Satins FROM 33TJ Two Cases of 's Tailor-Pilade Suits, Just Opened. Grand Show of FELT and STRAW HATS. Finest in the City. ladies', Gents' Children's Shoes, atxrjEfc&:ia."fc fx -t2xox Makers. Boss cash store. OJlYWlIiLi, Gash Dealer. &mt-t0t W UatssF I t j iHlllSsst I Bs - W MBJ fcm4 and sold only in ton lots or over. . . V-ti