The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 22, 1895, Image 2

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    Tiio Dalles Daily. Chronicle.
Wsskly, 1 yew s 1 60
6 monthl. 0 75
S " 0 0, 1 year 6 00
t months. S 00
per " 0 60
Xddreu all communication to ' TKK CHRON
ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon.
knowledge as to whether the above-men
tioned accident was entirely doe to bad
road 8 or not, or whether careless driving
or bad loading bad something to do with
it. Bnt the road should be looked after
and if it needs repairing it should be re
paired at once. . . . .
- JUNE 22, 1895
From the time of Jonah to the time of
the convening of the Clatsop county
grand jury in June, 1895, fish have given
a. heap of trouble to the world. Big
atories, diplomatic correspondence,
weeks of argument by great lawyers be
fore courts of international arbitration,
-threats of war, war and rumors of war,
indictments and finally threats of arrest
against Clatsop county officials, wbo go
across the Columbia to enforce the will
-of the Lord. Tbe pious people of Ore
gon, who are willing to submit to the
JLord's will npon all questions except the
senatorial and coinage question, are of
fended because the worshipers of Mc
Graw, the idol of the Washingtonians,
persist in desecrating our Sabbath by
going fishing ou Sunday. And it comes
to a question whether the Lord or the
idol McGraw shall rule the waters of the
mighty Columbia; whether the fish of
the river shall have a day of rest or not
And a war is threatened, which we pre
sume the chroniclers of the future will
- designate as a religious war, and the
sceptic readers will call a fish story. As
we are on the Lord's side, we are sure we
are; right, and the catching of fish ou
Sunday should be stopped at whatever
cost,; because people wbo go fishing on
Sunday are always drowned and because
the etories they tell when they return
are always contrary to truth andencour
age falsehood in the rising generation.
But aside from moral questions, the
legislature ot Washington made a serious
mistake when it repealed the law pro
hibiting salmon fishing on Sunday, and
the people of Wasnington engaged in
this industry ought to be glad that
another state is willing, at its own ex
pense, to protect the industry. Instead
of that, they are threatening . to arrest
Oregon officers, who attempt to enforce
Oiegon law north of the main channel
la this instance the Oregon law is for
the best interest of thoee who are oppos
ing it.
Many of the opponents of free silver
will boast of the victory ot the anti-free
silver people at the Cleveland conven
tion ; it was rather a victory of common
sense over unwise enthusiasm. We be-
ieve that all of the conservative silver
people joined the anti-silver men to pre
vent the convention doing what it bad
no business to do, and thus all resolu
tions which properly belong to the
national convention, for consideration
were Bide tracked. When the national
republican convention refuses to declare
for anything but a reliable medium of
exchange, the 16 to 1 silver men will be
defeated; until then the opponents of
free coinage must '.'look a little out."
We believe that by the time the
national convention meets the free silver
agitation will have worn itself out, but it
behooves every voter who wishes to
avoid a silver standard, to cast his vote
on every occasion for men who believe
as he does, in order that that result
may be brought about.
The trial of Swartz, for the killing by
stabbing of his own eon, has resulted in
Iiis conviction of murder in the second
degree;, the fact that the father was
drunk was the only thing that saved him
from hanging.
Now if the supreme court will not at
tempt to find an excuse for reversing the
case and the governor will not interfere
the community will be about as well rid
of this worse than : worthless human
beast as if be were executed. Much has
been and will hereafter be said in con
demnation of the jury system, and juries
are too often blamed for not enforcin
the law ; there are no doubt many occa
ions when juries are summoned and
impaneled for the purpose of pardoning
a criminal and then they usually meet
the expectation of . those who selected
them ; but where one man is pardoned
by the jury a dozen go free by. the
supreme court's search for an excuse to
reverse the case, and a hundred by the
governors turning them loose. Unless
we are mistaken Oregon criminals, wh
once get into the penitentiary, are very
likely to remain there at least for the
jiext four years. But the supreme court
will go on finding excuses to set aside
verdicts which, in justice, ought to be
sustained. If they would search as dili
-gently to find reasons for sustaining the
judgments in criminal cases as they do
to reverse them, justice, in cases like the
Swartz case, would more often be done.
Wasco county had best haul in her
lectures to us about, roads and ' more
dutifully attend to her own. Recently
at the junction of the free bridge and
Miller bridge roads, C. W. Fairchild of
urass Valley, with an 8-horse team and
two wagons, loaded with 9.000 pounds of
wool, went over the nasty narrow (trade
at that point, barely escaping with his
me. Both wagons were demolifcbed bv
tumbling to the bottom of the chasm. 60
leet deep; tour norses were pulled in
after them. There are laws in Orego.
which bold counties to strict accounta
bility for damages such as this, and
may. appear later on that Wasco county
Has cauee tor congratulation that this
casnaiity was no worse than reported
If The Dalles wants to retain this busi
ness she's better look to some roads
other than thoee that lead to Sherar
loll bridge. Moro Observer.
: We will not attempt to deny that
The Dalles desires to retain her business
she mast look after the roads ; that
just what The Chkokicli has ' been
preaching and we thank the Observer
for joining forces with us. We hsve no
The arrangements for the firemen's
ball to be given on the evening of the
Fourth are being rapidly completed
The committee of arrangements consists
of R. B. Sinnott, A. C. Wyndham and
James Fisher. - It is expected that the
Orchestral Union will furnish the music,
and if it does no other recommendation
for the success of the ball need be given.
The floor managers for the evening will
be A. C. Wyndham and he has chosen
for his assistants the following gentle
men : W. Hunter from Jackson Co. No.
1 ; Henry A. Bills, from Columbia
Hose Co. ; Mat Shcren, from the East
End Hose Co.; F. Van Norden, from the
Hook and Ladder Co. ; and C. L. Phillips
from Mt. Hood Hose Company.
T. A. Hudson returned today from a
trip through Sherman county. His
travels covered nearly all portions of the
county and be closely watched the pros
pecta for grain in the different localities.
While it is true that in some places the
yield will be small, yet over a greater
part the prospect for a large crop is
good. In the places where there will be
a shortage the trouble comes as much
from poor cultivation as anything else
Even if we have no more rain most of
the farmers in that section expect a good
average harvest and that with the price
that is expected, means lots of money in
the fall.
Three wagons loaded with wool be'
longing to Mr. McGee of Mitchell, ar
rived at the Wasco warehouse today
There were twenty-five sacks on each
wagon. U. S. Cole of Hay Creek
brought In two wagona loaded with fifty
eacks of wool todav. The amount of
wool coming in continues unprecedented
and the baler is running at full speed to
make room for the incoming wool
Yesterday tbe Wasco warehouse baling
machine baled 115 eacks. This is only
an average day. The baling force will
have to break the Sabbath tomorrow
and work all day.
The Columbia Hose company met last
evening in the council chambers to make
arrangements for a hose team to take
part in the contest on the Fourth. A large
attendance of members was present and
great interest taken in the coming cele
bration. F. Faulkner was elected captain
of the team and will have full charge
during the training. The boys who will
run have not yet been chosen, but as
there is plenty of good material in tbe
company, some speedy runners will
easily be found.
dendale had been summoned, as the men
were thought to be seriously ill. At
last accounts Mr. Bunnell was unable to
speak. ' " ' '
Two Iles Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas,of Junction City,
111., was told by her doctors ehya had con
sumption and that there was no hope
for her, but two bottles Dr. . King's New
Discovery completely cured her and she
bays it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eg
gers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suf
fered from a dreadful cold, approaching
Consum ption, tried without result every
thing else, then lought one bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery and in two weeks
was cured. He is naturally thankful.
It is such results, of which these are
samples, that prove the wonderful effi
cacy of this medicine in coughs and
colda. : Free trial bottles at the Snipes-
Kinersly Drug Store. Regular size 50c.
and (1.00.
Advertised Letters. -
Just to Bhow how ' immense is the
amount of business quietly transacted in
The Dalles, one cheque for $16,000 was
drawn upon one of our banks in pay
ment for a clip of wool. This is only one
of many similar transfers and it is done
very quietly. It doesn't make any more
noise or cause greater excitement to
draw a cheque for $16,000 than one for
$16. Several lota of wool were sold yes
terday for better than 10 cents a pound
but tbe exact price would not be
divulged. .
When Baby was sick, we gsre her GsstorW. -
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorta. ,
When she became HJss, she clung- to Oassoria.
Whan ana had Children, she gave them Castoria.
John O'Leary returned today from Mt
Adams, where he took a large amount of
sheep for pasturage. The range is in
fine condition and the sheep will have
plenty of feed daring the winter. Just
before leaving -Glen wood Mr. Leary
learned that Andy Bunnell and bis two
herders had .been poisoned by eating
canned tomatoes. A doctor from Gol
CELERY, for the entire NERVOUS system
BEEF, the greatest SUSTENANT known
IRON, to purify and enrich the BLOOD
A Simple Corrtpound
Gelery Beef Jppn
Nature's Builder and Tonic .
g m
Come in Yourself,
And see how cheaply we can dress all of you.
Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins,
Following is tbe list of letters remain
ng in the postomce at lhe Dalles un-
alled for June 22, 1895. Persons calling
for the same will give date on which
they were advertised : -
"Preservaiine" is well recommended Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock.
jaat receired a large consignment. They
' The most pleasant little puis lor re
gulating the bowels, are De Witt's Little
Early Risers. Cures 6ick headache and
constipation Small pill, Small dose. For
sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. '
: Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient . Consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
dose 25cts., 50cts., and $1.00.
Closing Out Sale
Allen, Mrs L
Barting, Oliver
Butler, J
Campbell, F A
Copeland, Geo.
Hansen, Miealjina
Jones. Miss L M
Kennedy. A C
Maroney, Thomas
Basey Eugene
Barker, J W
Campbell, Burt
Crowee, John
Garrison, C W j
Hendrickson, J
Johnson, Mrs A B
Kister, J
Mountelings, W M
McNaught, Eunice McNealy, John
Pierce, LB Rimertsen, Thorkild
Roberts, A J Kobins, Cbas. 2
J. A. Crosses, P. M. '
Only a Pew Days More.
Those that have not yet seen the
World's Fair display at C. F. Stephens'
store, will do well to call while you have
the opportunity of a lifetime. Come
one and.all. ISo trouble to snow goods.
Cuticura Soap
And a single application of CUTI
CURA, the great skin cure, will
afford instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, and point to a speedy,
economical, and permanent cure of
the most distressing of itching,
burning, bleeding, scaly, and crusted
skin and scalp diseases, after phy
sicians, hospitals, and all else fail.
Cuticura Remedies
Exert a peculiar, purifying action
on the skin, and through it upon
the blood. . In the treatment of
distressing humors they are speedy,
permanent, and economical, and in
their action are pure, sweet, gentle,
and effective. Mothers and chil
dren are theTr warmest friends.
Where she can get nice
-Where to get the nicest
. Where nice, fresh Gro
ceries are kept.
Where she can get them
in a hurry if she
needs them.
Call or Telephone.
Past or present values cut no figure, as goods
Gne JVIe a Call.
Ask Central for 62.
Successor to Paul Kref t A Co
Sold throughout the world. Pottsb Dnva and
Chbm- Coup., Sole Prop... Boston. 5r "All
about Baby's Skin. Scalp, and Hair." mailed free
11 tired, aching, nerfons moth
ers knew the comfort, strength, and
vitality in Cut li ar Plaster, they
would never be without them, la
every way the sweetest and best.
Persons who are subject to diarrhoea
will find a speedy care in De Witt's
Colic and Cholera Care. Use no other
It is tbe best that can be made or that
money can procure. It leaves the sys
tem in natural condition, after its use
We sell it. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly
Drag Co. "
Absolutely First-Glass.
" ' . ' '
Terms of purchase very
easy and price moder-.
-. ater '
Kranich & Bach Piano.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL. PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the be t brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINT8 used in all our work., and none but the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masary Liquid Paints. Ho cnem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. . - '
Store ancUPaint Shon comer Third and Washington Sts., Th Dalles, Oregon
The above association is
prepared to take a list of all
and any kind of Real Estate
for sale or exchange, whereby
the seller will have the undi
vided assistance of the follow
ing Real Estate Agents, or
ganized as an association for
the purpose of inducing im
migration to Wasco and foher-
man Counties, and generally
stimulating the sale of prop
erty: ....
C. E. Bavard. T. A. Hud
son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M.
Huntington & Co., Dufur &
Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons &
Marden, G. W. Rowland.
Successor to Cbrisman & Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Address any of the above mi T T A1 h I A K W H W H IV V
well known firms, or .-.WW J ' V- ita -i ' j-x ixv t t a- j. j .
J. M. Huntington, Sec.
. The Dalles, Oregon.
125 Milk St, Boston, Mass
This well-known Brewery is now turning; oat the best Beer and Porter
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
fol Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on
be market.
This company owns Letters Patent
No. 463,569. granted to Emile Berliner
November 17. 1891. lor a combined tele
graph and telephone, covering all forms
of microphone transmitters or contact
telephones. -
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
alph.w Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
TJUfV tare, tlwtvi reliable; laoics wfc i I 7 , -. 7 : -
Drwcslct tor ChUkmim-m MnUt
wraiJmni la Red and Goid i
hous. mm with Una rfbbM. Tfc 1
"t-7' umt
mbUi. Mm JPmnr.
1U,S4M T.Li.iib.
An all Articles Kept in a Firet Class Harness Shop.
Or. HUW Pala Pllla cvra RnnkUL
til drucKlsta sell Dr. Uilas Pain PlUa.
REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. ; Adjoiniaf E. J. CelUns A Co.'s Store