The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 21, 1895, Image 3

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Can You Buy Groceries
Cheaper than This ? -
Two ounces of good Flag Cat Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meerchaum with
every eight packages.
Lemons at 20c. a dozen ; usual price, 35c. .
Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00. - -
Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sngar for $1.09.
Sixteen-ounce plug of good Tobacco for 25c. '
All stock' of . fresh and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part !
the city. . You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices.
Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No. 92.
See us before
Great Midsummer
of Cotton Dress
Sale I
Goods; 1
.X I
Our' immense collection of medium and high class Cotton-Dress Goods
at prices varying from 10 cents to 35 cents per yard, will be. solcLat a
reduction that will undoubtedly, create a sensation.
Zephyr Ginghams, present
" present
" present
Russian Duck,
Montrose Suiting (silk stripe) 25c .......... :-.
The above is but a few of our bargains. We are perfectly willing that
you come and inspect our goods and get our prices.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalies, Oregon
as second-clasa matter.
XU Ceuta per line for first insertion, and fi Centa
aer Una for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following- day.
. Don't forget to read all Thk Chbon
iclb. Yon will find interesting local
matter everywhere. Some papers have
only a page devoted to local news, but
Thk Chroniclb cannot get along with
one and has it on every ,page.
- JUNE 21, 1895
Leaves Vrom the Notebook of Chronicle1
Additional Local on Fourth Pace.
A bunch of keys was picked np near
the city hall this afternoon. The loser
. can get them at Thk Chbonicl-b office.
The election of officers for the Knights
of the Maccabeas occurs tonight at their
. hall. A full attendance of members is
Services will begin in the tent on
Moody's lot, corner Second and Liberty
streets, this evening. Subjects not usu
ally presented in the pulpit will be dis
cussed. All are cordially Invited to at
tend. -Jackson
Engine Company will hold a
meeting tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock
in the council chambers to make ar
rangaments for assisting in the coming
- celebration. Everyone is wanted to be
"' Taxes are still being paid, and the
force in the sheriff's office are busy
every day making out receipts. This
year's roll has passed into delinquency,
and an additional one per cent is now
added on all unpaid taxes.
The Hawthorne trial was begun yes
terday in the United States court at
Portland. Ralph Gibons and Walter
Rowe were the principal witnesses for
the government. The prosecution got in
the testimony of Howe against the vigor
our objection of the defense.
Among the graduates from the claseic
. al course of the Bishop Scott Academy
yesterday was Ray William Logan, son
of Dr. Hugh Logan of The Dalles. The
. young gentleman's name also appears
among those highly commended for
good behavior during the term.
Mr. 1. 1. Burget has been quite ill to
day. A large abcees that for some time
has been forming on his chest, broke
i and the discharge left him in a weakened
condition. Drs. Doane, Sutherland and
Logan attended Mr. Burget, and this
afternoon he was feeling better. -.' ,,
A drawing for an elegant diamond
ring took place last, night at the Umatilla
House. The ring, which was a beauty,
belonged to Thomas Haslam and all the
railrond boys took chances. Bob Wiley,
a brakeman on the road, proved the
lucky man and his ticket, No. 141, drew
price 10c......
price 12c...
price 15c......
i . .".
price 12c...
price 12c....
price 15c...
the ring. There were 145 tickets in the
box and the winning . number was the
last one sold.
The wind that began blowing about
the middle of the forenoon, saved us
from having a blistering hot day. . Al
though our proverbial Dalles wind is
railed at yet it is, after all, one of our
chief est blessings. It cools the heated
air and drives away any stagnant germs
that might do menace to our health.
Beginning with Sunday afternoon tbe
local train will leave for Portland at 1 :45
instead of 2 :15, reaching Portland at 6
o'clock. The morning train from Port
land will arrive at 11 :59, instead of a
few minutes 'after noon as now. The
night train, east bound, will reach The
Dalles at 12 :45. There is no change in
No. 1, west bound.
Reports from Hood River say that the
strawberry crep is about finished;' and
although a partial failure as to quantity,
owing to the blighting of the fruit blos
soms from the cold weather in the early
part of the season, yet the high prices
that have ruled so steadily in the
Omaha and Butte markets have made it
(his year, as in the past a very profita
ble crop.
' The Regulator will be kept very busy
on the Fourth. As soon as she has dis-
charged her cargo tbe evening of the 3d,
she will leave for Cascades and bring up
a load ef excursionists to The Dalles and
then start on the regular trip. After the
celebration here is over the boat will
take the excursionists back to the Locks
This is pretty steady running, but busi
ness is what the company is after.
G. J. Farley is erecting a new building
in , the east end of towa, near tbe
Diamond mills. A good deal of blasting
away of rock was necessary to clear the
ground tor a foundation. Some of the
lumber and timbers for the underpinning
are now on the ground and the building
will be-finished in a short time. Mr.
farley will occupy it about the 1st of
August with a large stock of harness and
Without any question The Dalles is
going to have a grand celebration this
year. Great efforts will be made to
make the day a success. The gentle
men in charge are enthusiastic, and will
leave no stone unturned to make the day
long to be remembered with pleasure
Everyone in The Dalles wants to stay at
home, and we hope our friends from the
country will freely attend.
neporis received from "Trilby" camp
at Trout Lake, where Charlie Michel
bach and Griff Williams are rusticating,
indicate that they are having a good
time. As yet bat few campers are at
the lake, but more are expected to ar
rive from now on. The fishing is- very
good and plenty of hunting. A glance
at a recent bill of fare shows howwerf
the boys are faring. This is the way it
reads : "Bean soup a la mode ; dove
pot , pie ;' fried , trout ; sliced bacon ;
mashed potatoes; cream gravy; corn
and very fine coffee with cream.
...Saturday, 8
... . V M0
" 12
... "' 9
... ." ' 10J
' " 12 A
r"'' 13
Committee Meeting; Last Night.
.The .executive committee for the
Fourth held a meeting last night at the
Umatilla House. "There were present
Henry Maier, Judd Fish, E. Jacobsen,
Frank Menefee and John Hertz.' Mr.
Menefee had to leave- and his place
in the deliberations was taken by M. T.
Nolan. A special committee consisting
of Messrs. Jacobsen and Nolan were ap
pointed to report on the advisability of
having fireworks. ' Prizes to the value of
$40, $20 and $10 will be given to the
winners in the hose contests and a prize
of $10', to the ' person having the best
decorated bicycle.
Tbe committee wish it understood that
it will not be responsible for any debts
incurred by any one without an order
from the treasurer, Henry J. Maier.
The officers of the committee are Ernest
Japobsen, president; John C. Hertz,
secretary and Henry J. Maier, treasurer.
The gentlemen are mating big efforts to
make the celebration worthy of the town
and tbe day, and we are confident they
will meet with great success.
Name Her.
Thk Chronicle's attention was called
this morning to a pleasing innovation
that occurred at tbe play last night. A
young lady.wboevidently has been other
places, ana seen otner tnings, Drought
out many expressions ot praise by re
moving her nat at the beginning of each
act. When the act was through she re
placed it. It was a graceful thing to do.
and that young lady doesn't know bow
many friends she made among tbe male
sex last evening. Should this item come
to her notice. The ChronIcl hopes she
will not be offended, for it is only with a
feeling of gratitude, and at the reques t
oi several wno wisn other ladies woul
do the same, that it is published. Th
Such a woman is an honor to her sex,
to Oregon and to tbe new woman
While there can be no doubt that a
woman of so much sense must also be
modest, and while ' further - notoriety
would assuredly be unwelcome to her, at
the same time she onght-to be known to
every gentleman in Oregon, that he may
take off bis hat to her. The editor of
the Dalles Chkonicls is evidently a7 gen
tleman of rare discernment. Portland
Sun. ; ' ' :- . : ,
. A very impoitant deed was acknowl
edged yesterday ' before Justice. L. 8.
Davis.' . The title passed was that to a
mining claim ten miles southeast of
Prairie City, in Grant county. Mr. L.
L. Hill of The Dalles was tbe seller and
the mine was bought by MrTJames Vobb
of Idaho. ' The consideration mentioned
lin the deed was $40,C00. Mr. Hill is a
resident of The Dalles and has lived in
this city for over ten years- and has de
voted much time to hunting mines and
prospecting. If, as the conveyance seems
to indicate, Mr. Hill received $40,000 for
his mine, he is certainly entitled to the
congratulations of ' ' bis friends and
neighbors.; He can consider his , time
well spent. ' We do not know the gentle
man that is the purchaser, but as -the
mines in that section are prolific in
minerals he doubtless thinks he has a
good -thing. This claim is said to be
richlagojd. - " " ; :
We carry a Complete Line of
Fishiiig Tackle,
Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth,
Wire Poultry Netting,
Se-wer Pipe, ' , v
Iron Water Pipe, -
Garden, Tools, ' " : ,
Sheep Shears, y
Barrell Churns, -.
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped Q-arden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Tnvand Maple Cord
wood and G-eneral sup
plies, ,
Mr. W. H. Steel arrived home on the
boat yesterday.
Mr. J. T. Peters returned home from
Portland last night.
Mr. And Winans went to Hood River
this afternoon on the local.
Hon. Pierce Mays .of Portland is
spending the day in tbe city.
Mr. Geo. Joles has returned from an
extended visit with relatives in Illinois.
Col. M. C. Nye ane wife returned yes
terday from Portland, on their way to
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Win zler . returned
last night on the Regulator from their
wedding trip. -
Mr. Moses Sicbel was a passenger from
Portland last night. He, returned on the
afternoon local. , . - '
Judge A. S. Bennett went to Walla
Walla on-last night's train. ' He will be
gone only a short time.
Mrs. Isaac Joles and Mrs. Beers are
home again after an extended visit at
their old home in Illinois.
Mr. A. M. Kennedy, a "former Dalles
boy, but now connected with . the Ar
lington Record, is in The Dalles today.
Miss Mamie Montgomery of Albany is
spending several days in The Dalles, vis
iting her friend, Mrs. Charles Stephens.
Dr. Hngh Logan went to Portland yes
terday to attend the graduation of his
son, Kay, from the Jjiehop Scott acad
Mrs. J. H. Cradelbaugh is visiting
Mrs. N. J. Baker at Hood River. The
genial John H- came up from there yes
terday. -
Mrs. S. C. Wilson, who has been in
attendance at tbe convention of the Re
lief Corps, came home by steamer last
night. .
Mr. Frank Newceme. formetlv a resi
dent of Antelope, is in the city on his
way to Alaska, where be goes to seek
fortune and adventure.
Irs. M. E. Herrin was a passenger by
the Regulator last night. ra her way
home from the meeting of the Woman's
Keiief uorps at Oregon (Jity.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stewart and
daughter of Spokane, are in the city
visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. beo.
Mans. They will remain some time in
The Dalles. Mrs. Mans is Mrs. Stewart's
sister. . . . . ...
Mrs. Benton Mays and family of Wal
Iowa county left on last night's train for
Huntington. After visiting there several
days they will return to their home in
tbe Wallowa valley. They have been
visiting relatives here for nearly a month.
a part of which time was spent with the
family of Mr. Robt. Mays in this city
and part at the home of Mr. Pierce Mays
in irortiana. '
The attention of Judge Bradshaw has
been occupied all day hearing the suit of
Farrell vs. Denton. The matter Is re
garding the mortgage foreclosure of tbe
old Denton place up Mill creek. Pierce
Mays, as attorney for Mr. Denton, put in
amotion to dismiss tbe suit and it is
this motion wbicfi ia being argued. The
Dalles : Lumbering . Co Dalles City
City and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson
are judgment creditors and consequently
are defendants in the suit. Huntington
s. Wilson appear for -the lumbering
company, Pierce Mays for Denton and
Mr. Thompson, and Dafur & "Menefee
represent the city. . W. H. Wilson ap
pears on Farrel'e behalf.
What We are Doing
For the Spring and Summer, 1895.
Having purchased a very large line of Overshirte and Underwear, ex
pectin g to meet with a better trade than in the past, but findidg oar
stock too large 'for the season, we have marked these goods very low,
.' " ' ' . ' ' .: - ' ':
Starting Men's Fine Shirts at 35c.
Men's Fine Underwear Suit, at 75c.
The goods must be seen to be appreciated. Call early while the
stock is complete.
The Tyrh Q I I I I
lye Creamery D I I
Ask Vanhibher & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full "Weight.
" TSXjii'iaroTi isro. so. ;
Now that the boat company has de
clared a dividend there will be a hunting
ud of stock certificates. The secretary
of the board, Mr. Nolan, Baid today that
the dividend would be issued to those
who, according to the secretary's books
on June 25th, were the owners of the
stock. So if anyone has bought any
shares it would beavtry, wise thing to
get certificates issued them by the
secretary so that .they will appear as
owners of the stock. The dividend will
be paid on tbe 25th of this month.
Thk Chronicle job .department has
just turned out a very fine piece of work
for St. Mary's -Academy. The best es
says of tbe students in the institution
have been neMy bound, and will be
sent for exhibition to Montreal. The
essays themselves ' reflect great credit
upon the scholars and their instructors ;
both the composition and the penman
ship 'show great carefulness and prepar
ation on the part of the writer. A cut
of the academy building adorns the out
side of each book.
No Keiolntlsni f assed.
The following telegram, dated Cleve
land, Ohio, was received by Mr. Malcolm
Moody just as we are going to press :
"Convention adjourned. Passed no
resolution on the financial or party
policy. Deferred to national convention.
Z. F. Moody."
The .convention showed its wisdom by
doing just as it has done.
Hfadnrhe and AYccntj0ia cured by Dr.
UlLEb' PAIN PILLB. "One cent a doea."
Toloplionc STo. S3.
DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS Correctly compounued with the ut
most care from drugs of guaranteed purity by a capable staff of experienced
dispensers. All the latest Pharmaceutical Preparations kept in stock. Prices
will be found as low as is consistent with the'fcupply of first-class drugs.
A. A. B.
The grounds around the depot are be
ing improved and when the alterations
are completed will add greatly to the
beauty of the station grounds. An iron
fence has been built at the west end of
the building and the., inclosed ground
sown in clover. The patch of green be-
tween the freight bouse and ' paesenger
depot already has the look of a park und
makes a pleasant scene to greet the
traveler as he alights from the cars. It
always adds greatly, to the attractiveness
of a city to have property along a rail
road kept in good order.
' - An important business, transfer took
place today. H. H. Campbell, who for
several years has conducted a large
grocery store on Washington street, sold
his entire interest to William Johnson of
Heppner. They will begin taking stock
this evening and unless there is some
hitch in tbe proceedings Mr. Johnson
will take- possession Monday. Mr.
Johnson is not a stranger to the people
of this city, as he married a Dalles young;
lady, Miss Lillie Ballard.
The Columbia Ic Company willde--
liver ice to any part of the city. Thank
ful for past favors we solicit a contina
ance of the same.
Georgb Williams
j20-dtf Manager.-
Lane Bros., the blacksmiths, have an
improvement on trail brakes that takes
at sight. ' ja6-2wd&w
Advertise in Thk Chronicle.
-jit. z. DofiriEim,
fipotheeatfy and Chemist.