The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 21, 1895, Image 2

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Xc& fcalles'Daify Chronicle.
Wsekly, 1 year , 1 1 60
" 6 months ,..w 0 76
4 - g 00
Bail, 1 year .""Iini..."
6 month v. 8 00
per " ? 0 60
Address all communication to " THX CHRON
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
FRIDAY,, - - - - - JUNE 21, 1895
Tbe opening of the great German
canal, wbicb opens a abort route from
the North Sea to the Baltic ia the great
est event to Europe of this century ; it
ia the completion of a great waterway,
and givea new facilities to a large com
merce. Bat this event means much
more to all Europe ; it is an assembling
of all the great nations as guests of one
of the greatest and most progressive.
Even France - is compelled, however
much it may be against her will, to ac
cept the hospitality of Germany. Her
people have manifested an ungracious
spirit, but the welcome of Germany is
none the less cordial.
This celebration brings together tbe
representative war vessels of tbe great
powers, and tbe eyes of each is noting
the weakness and strength of the other.
But we believe tbe greatest consequence
of the gathering will be tbe creation of a
better feeling among nations, a strength
ening of tbe bonds of peace, which will
bring to tbe world a greater blessing
than all the commercial and strategic
advantages it brings to Germany.
tunity will ever be offered to Oregon to
bring to the attention of the eastern
states ind Europe the advantages, re
sources, climate and ecenery, than a fit
ting celebration of this important event,
now fast approaching. We propose a
joint action by the commercial bodies of
Astoria, Portland, Vancouver and The
Dalles in preparing a suitable celebra
tion. It is none too early to lay the
plans for it.
A large clip of wool of extra fine qual
ity and light weight told at Pendleton a
few days ago at 8 cents. Tbe papers
speak of it aa a remarkable price. At
The Dalles it ia a poor quality of wool
that will not bring 8 cents, and many of
the better clips have been sold for 10
cents. That ia what transportation fa
cilities are doing for the producers who
market their products here. . -
No political gathering of the year has
attracted, or will attract, closer atten
tion than the gathering of the Republi
can League Clubs. No better evidence
ia needed of the fact that the nation is
. looking to tbe republican party to draw
it out of the slough of despond, into
which the democratic party has misled
it. Voters are impatient for tbe time to
come when they can again summon a
republican to guide the nation ; and so
positive will be the voice of the people
for protection of home industries and
for an honest and safe currency, that we
will wonder that we ever doubted re'
publican success. Indeed, the doubts
are rapidly disappearing, and when tbe
campaign is opened by the national con
ventions tbe republican party will enter
the contest with a confidence which will
insure success.
As was suggested . yesterday, few
transportation companies in the Weet
have declared a dividend during tbe past
two years, and it ia safe to say none
have paid a dividend of ten per cent.
It is true that this is the first dividend
and the company baa been doing bust
ness for nearly four years ; but it must
be remembered that with a subscribed
Block of $39,500 it has bought and paid
for property costing about '65,000, so
that each dollar of stock now represents
nearly two dollars worth of property
Thia ia better than going into the bands
of a receiver, by a whole lot.
The dispatch in yesterday's Orego
nian, saving the salary of the postmas
ter at Tbe Dalles had been reduced from
1,300 to $1,000, was clearly a mistake,
and yet an unwished-for isapression
could go abroad concerning it. The
salary of the postmaster at this place ia
$1,800, and the receipts of the office, in
stead of decreasing, are increasing
steadily, till only a slight raise further
would advance this office into a higher
class. It ia doubtless Dallas, Polk
, county, that is meant, and makes the
demand for a change in name all the
more urgent. Tnere has always been
great confusion between tbe two places
and many serious mistakes have result
ed. As The Dallea was here first, and
ia progressing at such a greater speed
we do not ' see any other way than to
have the name of Dallas changed, pro
, Tided the department at Washington de
sires to accommodate the people of Ore
gon.and especially of The Dalles, who
do not wish to bear tbe shortcomings of
another town. The next change in the
salary of this poetoffice will be an in
The payment of the floating debt of
the city and the dividends of the boat
company will put into circulation here
considerable amount of monev. most
the city warrants and of the boat stock
being held here. We sincerely hope
this capital will find investment here
The only enterprise in which everybody
baa capital invested is proving to be
good investment. Let's try another a
woolen mill and clothing factory for
: ex-
The opening of the great German
canal suggests that it is none too early
to consider plana for the proper celebra
tion of the opening of the canal and
locks at the Cascades. No better oppor
CELERY, for the entire NERVOUS sj'stem
BEEF, the greatest SUSTEN ANT known '
IRON, to purify and enrich Ihe BLOOD
A Simple Compound
Celery Beef Iron
Nature's Builder and Tonic
Owing to some disagreeable features
connected with the institution, Miss
Ruth Cooper, of this city, who, for the
past year, has been , a teacher at the
Klamath Indian Reservation, tendered
her resignation to tbe authorities and
asked to be relieved. Yesterday she re
ceived a letter from tbe agent in charge,
saying a telegram had been, received
from the department at Washington to
tbe effect ,that the resignation would not
be accepted, but if Mies Cooper would
report for duty July 1st she would be
transferred to some other school more
congenial for her work. .She telegraphed
back asking to be allowed to remain in
The Dalles till August 1st and then she
would accept the offer. The action of
tbe department is exceedingly compli
mentary to Miss Cooper and shows that
her work has been so satisfactory that
her services are valuable to the depart
ment. The representatives of The
Dallea wherever they go always bring
credit to their home town.
Mr. Joles, who returned ' yesterday
from tbe East, reports having met Prof
essor John Gavin and wife at Ogden.
Mr. Gavin said they- had stopped at
Huntington for a several days visit and
while at that place their little daughter,
Celia, fell off the bed and broke her
collarbone. The fracture was speedily
remedied and the little sufferer made as
comfortable as possible. Mr. Gavin said
that everything was doing as well as
could be expected and no serious results
will follow.' -The little child was an ex
ceptionally bright one and her accident
is deeply regretted. .
Any one who has ever had an atack
of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice
with Mr. J. A. Stumm, 220 Boyle
Heights, Los Angeles, over bis fortunate
escape from a siege of that distressing
ailment. Mr. Stumm ia foreman of
Merrian's confectionery establishment.
Some months ago, on leaving the heated
work room to run across the street on an
errand, he was caught out in the rain.
The result was that when ready to go
home that night be was unable to walk,
owing to inflammatory rheumatism. He
was taken home, and on arrival was
placed ' in front of a good fire and
thoroughly rubbed with Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. During the evening and
night be was repeatedly bathed with this
liniment, and by morning was relieved
of all rheumatic pains. He now takes
especia pleasure in ' praising Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm, and always keeps a
bottle ot it in the bouse, tor sale by
Biakeiey dt uouguton, JJruggists.
Mr. Hensen, who has a fishing net
near Crate's Point, caught a large seal
yesterday. The animal was a oeauiy,
and his weight, though guessed at, must
have been over 200 pounds. Seals at
times have been very numerous in tbe
Columbia river, but seldom baa such a
handsome fellew as thia one been caught.
Only a Few Days Mope. .
Those that have not yet aeen the
World's Fair diaplay at C. F. Stephen'
store, will do well to call while you have
the opportunity of a lifetime. Come
one and all. No trouble to show goods.
Rev. T. H. Starbuck and Rev. D. T
Fero are in the city, having charge of
tbe Seventh Day Adventist meeting now
being held in The Dalles., The large
tent on the vacant lot at the corner of
Second and Liberty streets will bold a
large crowd of people and good seats
have been provided. Both the gentle
men have tbe reputation of being able
speakers and the meetings will doubt
less be very interesting. The time of
their stay in the city is uncertain as it
depends upon the measure of success
that attends their efforts.
two Lles Saved..
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas,of Junction City
111., wss told by her doctors she had con
sumption and that there was no hope
for ber, but two bottles Dr. King's New
Discovery completely cured her and she
says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eg'
gers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suf
fered from a dreadful cold, approaching
Consumption, tried without result every'
thing else, then lought one bottle of Dr
King's New Discovery and in two weeks
was cured. He ia naturally, thankful
It ia such results, of which these are
samples, that prove the wonderful efQ
cacy of thia medicine in coughs and
colds. Free trial bottles at tbe Snipes
Kinersly Drug Store. Regular size 50c,
and $1.00. .
When Baby wu sick, we gerre her Chutarle, -When
she was a Child, she cried f or Castaria,
When she became Was, she ehrag to Castorta. ;
Them sate had Children, skc gare them Oascesta,
WITH C-v ji
Cuticura Soap
And a single application of CUTI
CURA, the great skin cure, will
afford instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, and point to a speedy,
economical, and permanent cure of
the most-distressing, of itching
burning, bleeding, scaly, and crusted
skin and scalp diseases, after phy
sicians, hospitals,, and all else fail.
Cuticura Remedies
Exert a peculiar, purifying action
on the skin, and through it upon
the blood. In the treatment of
distressing humors they are speedy,
permanent, and economical, and in
their action are pure, sweet, gentle,
and effective. Mothers and chil
dren are their warmest friends.
Sold throuehout the world. Potter Drug aktj
Chbm. Cokp., Sole Props., Boston "All
about Baby's Skin. Scalp, and Hair," mailed free.
If tired, nclilnp, nenroul moth
ers knew the comfort, strength, and
vitality in Cut leura Plaster, they
would never be without them. Ia
every way the w-Hrr ptH hit.
'. Where .she can get nice
'- Where to get the nicest
Where nice, fresh Gro
ceries are kept.
i .
Where she can get them
. in a hurry it she
needs them. .
Call or Telephone.
. Grocer
Ask Central for 62. , ,
One in Four.
One nerson In fonr has a weak or diseases!
heart that entirely unfits them for business
and social lite, or is simply a little annoying.
.Disease is never at a standstill.
When the trouble first commenced. "Oh!
well, it don't amount to much," and yon let
It go, let the disease lnslduously get the mas
tery of you. Yon lose all courage: the slight
est exertion tires von: your feet, ankles and
legs swell; you cannot lie on your left side.
many, yon Decome so oaa mat you cannot
lie down without smothering, and are com
pelled to get what sleep you can in a chair.
Ton are urged to avoid this.
You are invited to get well. ' ,
Have you the least little ambition left?
Mrs. Ellsia Cassiday, a mill employee of
Lowell, Mass., had slight heart troubles many
years ago.
She neglected it for years.
Her son tells the story best in his letters.
Lowell, Mass.. April 6th, 1894.
I must tell of the wonderful things your
Heart Care has done for my mother. She Is
68 years of age, and always had good health
until a severe cold lefther with a Slight heart
trouble, which kept getting worse and worse.
Physicians called it oroncnitis of the heart
seven years ago, but they did not help her;
we had the best physicians in LowelU She
would take weak, fainting and palpitat
ing spells; several times we thought she
would not live to see morning, and every
spell seemed to be worse than the last. On
March 18th, she was prepared for death and
we watched for her last breath, but reviv
ing Boinewhat, I was prompted to try your
Heart Cure. We found it to relieve ner al
most Immediately, and she is now using the
third bottle, and thanks be to God and your
medicine she has had no more spells and goes
np stairs as well as ever and don't have to
stand and wait -for breath. Her cough has
left her. I write to let you know, as there
are others suffering same as she. Mother says
'May God bless you every day of your life"
Xowell. May 7, 18S4.
"Mother telle everybody in praise of your
medicine which saved her from the grave;
she Is gaining strength and flesh every day.
no palpitation or trouuie oi tne neart at an
now, and is at work every day since I wrote
?ou last. If any person wishes any informa
ion, we will be only too glad to have them
write or come to see us and will give full par
ticulars concerning the good your valuable
Heart Cure has done her. We remain yours
263 Thorndlke Et. . JOHN T. CASSLDY,
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure rs sold by druggists
everywhere on a positive guarantee, if the
first bottle does not help you, your money' is
refunded. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart Ind
. The above association
prepared to take a list of al
and any kind of Real Estate
for sale or exchange, whereby
the seller will have the undi
vided assistance of the follow
ing Real Estate Agents, or
ganized as an association tor
the purpose of inducing lm
migration to Wasco and Sher
man Counties, and generally
stimulating the sale of prop
C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud
son, J . U. Koontz"K Co., J. M
Huntington & Co., Dufur &
Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons &
Harden, G. W. Rowland
Address any of the above
well known firms, or
J. M. Huntington, Sec.
. i
The Dalles. Oregon
125 Milk St., Boston, Mass
This company owns Letters Patent
No. 463,569, granted to Emile Berliner
November 17, 1891, for a combined tele'
graph and telephone, covering; all form
of microphone transmitters or contact
Gr. Miles' Heart Cure CURES
Absolutely First-Class.
Terms of purchase very
easy and price moder-
ate. . . -; ; ; .
Kranich & Bach Piano.
Bring m Your Family.'
uome in
And see how cheaply we can dress all of you.
Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins,
Everything from Hat to Shoes," for everyone. All new stock.
g Out Sale M
, Past or present values cut no figure, as goods
Give JVIe a Call.
Bueessaor to Pan! Kraft Co -
. . . And the Host Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all onr work, and none bnt . tha
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Maanry Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. , " ,
Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Ore'oi
Successor to Cnrlsman A Corsoa.
Again in business at tbe old stand. I womld be pleased to
see all my former patrons. . Free delivery to any part of town.
This well-known Brewery is now turning cut tbe best Beer and Porter
eaat of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on
he market.
. Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
An all Articles Kept In a First Class Harness Shop.
Adjoiniag X. J. sUins & Co.'s 6tor.e