O) VOL; VIII THE DALLES, OREGON,- THURSDAY, JUNE 20. 1895. r":x'."z no 145" ALL ON GERMANY The Eyes of the Nation are Turned to Her. THE KIEL CANAL DEMONSTRATION Ooi imodore Bonce Appointed to ceed Admiral Meade. --Tele ft-raphle Notes. Sue- The Kiel Canal. " Kikl, June 19. There was a heavy downfall of rain all thia morning, and for a time it seemed likely to jeopardize the success of the fetes attending the open ing of the Baltic canal. Happily the clouds cleared away and a brilliant sun Bhine accompanied by s pleasant breeze' followed. As a result the streets j were alive with people, and everywhere the greatest animation prevailed. Many streets are decorated with triumphal arches, and with greeting to the em peror, the whole city , presents a strik ingly effective appearance. Flags of all nations were hoisted along the Alster at noon and sentries, at the doors of the principal hotels, to guard the imperial guests. Naturally the chief center of at traction was the seaport, where the dis play of warships attracted many thou sand spectators. Tnose of the United States, Great Britain, Italy and Austria, were especially admired. At 8. a. m. the war vessels of 14 nations were repre sented and hoisted their flags to strains of anthems of their respective countries. Official introductions of foreign admirals and commanders to the port captain and the military commandant of Kiel, oc curred on the Mars and concluded with an official interchange of ' visits. The Mars hoisted the flag of Admiral Knorr, who subsequently, accompanied by his commanders, visited the foreign squad rons, and many officers of. various nations started for Hamburg to meet the emperor. BIO FIBS AT BKATILE Property of . the Consolidated Street Bailway Burning. Seattle, June 20. The power-house of the Seattle Consolidated Street EaiU way Company, operating the Second street, North Seattle, Green Lake, Third street, Lake Union and South Seattle electric car lines, was destroyed by fire early this (Thursday) morning, with all its valuable contents. The building, wnicn was ot Dries, occupied nau a block on Pine street between Fifth and Sixth. The fire burst from the whole south side of the building and the entire building was in flames before an alarm was turned in. There were 22 cars in the building, be sides much valuable machinery, com prising one of the largest electric plants in tne Pacific Northwest. The loss "5s estimated at 200,'00O, . Growing Uneasy. Nkw York, June 19. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company has -filed a petition with Judge Brown, ' of the United States district court, asking for exemption from liability for all damage occassoned by the wreck of . the Colima, . and offers to' surrender to the court for the benefit of those having claims against the company its interest in the a wrecked vessel and . all freight money earned in the last fatal voyage. ' Samuel H. Lyman was today appointed trustee to receive the transfer of the interest ( and hold it for the benefit of creditors ) ' who might prove claims. The court di rected an order commanding all persons claiming damages by reason of the wreck to present their claims to Commissioner Thomas Alexander on or before October 1 next. Female Highway Robaer. ' Sak Jose, Cal., June 19. Nora Belde rain is in prison in this city charged with highway , robbery. The , woman t Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report hired a horse and buggy from Louis Pfan in this.city aud drove to Los Gatos, where she picked up two young men. They started for Santa Cruz, and when about six miles on the road a farmer by the name of Hanger appeared on the road. As soon as Miss ..Belderain saw him she jumped out of the buggy, and whipping out a revolver,, commanded him to throw up his hands, which Han ger did. . She then went through his pockets and secured 40 cents, ail the young fellow had. . A Callforoian'a I. nek. . San Francisco, June 19. Colonel Avf . Cochran, of San Diego, is about to be come the possessor of an immense for tune through a North Carolina' land agent. His attorneys, Senator Thomas J. Jarvis and ex-Attorney-General C. F. O. Davis, of South Carolina, have noti fied him to this effect. The grant, which is in the vicinity of Asheville, is at least 25 miles, long and 11 miles wide, and comprises 100,160 acres. The land was granted to Colonel Cochran's grand father, William Cochran, by George III, in 1745. allan Employe of the Congress . Mine In No Danger. Phoenix, Ariz., June 19. This morn ing a telegram was sent by the Italian consul at Denver to Governor Hughes, asking his to protect the Italian labor ers in the Congress mine, 80 miles north of Phoenix ; also that he has telegraphed Secretary Olney the situation, and ask ed him interference " to protect their lives A later telegram from Olney ar rived, saying : "Protect the Italians miners at the Congress mine." Guilty McLaughlin. Nw York, June 19. Police Inspector McLaughlin has been sentenced to two years and six months' imprisonment in Sing Sing. One week was allowed him to settle up his affairs. The police commissioners last night re instated McLaughlin to his rank in the police force, from which the board dis missed him upon the finding of the jury that he was guilty of extortion in that office. Another Imported Fniglist. 'Springfield, 111,, June 19. Johnny Connors, the 105 pound pugilist, has ac cepted a challenge of Mike Small, 102 pounds, of England, for a finish fight for an amount to be decided upon later. Connors has notified the Coney Island Club and the Suffolk Club, of Bostion, that he will meet Small before either of those clubs or will go to England and fight him. - The Corean Legation. 1 Washington, June 191- The Corean government has made an allowance of 8000 yen (about"$7000) to sustain a Co rean legation at Washington, This is likely to be followed at no distant day by the appointment of a new minister or the return of the old minister, who has been in Seoul some months. , Ascot Races Marred. Ascot, England, June 19. The second day of the Ascot meeting was marred by rain. All American horses were scratched. There were 20 starters for the Royal Hunt cup over the new "mile (7 furlongs and 13 yards). Clorane won ; Victor Wilde second Irish Car third. Kennett Held for X.anslang-hter. Los Angeles, Cal., June 18. The ex amination of Ferdinand B. , Kennett, slayer of Detective Lawson, was com pleted before Justice Young this after noon. He was held for manslaughter and bail was put at 20,000. Emperor at Hamburg. Hahburg, June 19. The imperial train arrived here af 4:12 p. m. Em peror William, who was In the best of spirits, Inspected the guard of honor at the railroad station, and drove to R&th ans amid the incessant cheering. ... ,. To Succeed Meade. . Washington, June 19. Commodore Bance has been appointed to the com mand of the North Pacific squadron, to succeed Admiral Meade, " People JW&o Weigliand" Compare Know and get the best Cottolehe,' the new vegetable shortening, . has won a wide and wonderful popu larity. At its introduction it was submitted to expert chemists, promi nent physicians and famous cooks. All or these pronounced a natural, healthful and acceptable food-product, better than lard for every cooking purpose. The success of Cottolene is now a matter of history. Will you share in the better food and better health for which it stands, by using it in your home? Cottolene is sold in . 3 and 5 pound pails by all grocers. Made only by . The N. K. 'Fall-bank Company, ST. LOUIS and Chicago, New York, Bastes . While in Stockton Cal., some time ago, Thos. F. Langan, of Los Banos, that state, was taken very severely cramps and diarrhoea. He chanced to meet Mr. C. M. Carter, who was similarly afflcted. He says : "I told him of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,-and we went to the Holden Drug Store and procured a bottle of it. It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and , I can vouch for its having cured me." For sale by Blakeley & Houhton, Druggists.- A Splendid Offer. Our clubbing arrangements with the San Francisco Examiner, entitles those subscribing for that paper in connection with The Chronicle to all the benefits of their premium offer, that is a num bered receipt and choice of premium pictures. . The price of the Examiner is $1.75, the price of The Chronicle $1.50, and we send you both with all privileges as above stated for one year for $2.25. ' AH' persons are hereby warned not to purchase that certain note given by the nndersigned in favor of Mrs. Pearl Clark for the sum of $3,000, dated March 26, 1895, nnd due in five years after date. Said note was given without considera tion, and will not be paid. ' Dalles City, Or., June 13, 1895. " janl5-lm , . .J.F.Gomez." ' ' " Everybody Attention. ' By request of : many business men there will be a meeting of citizens held in the old court house this evening at 8 o'clock sharp to consider plans for the Fourth of July. Let everyone come and lend their support to making the pro ject a success. Frank Menefeb, Mayor. There is ' great danger in neglecting Colic, cholera and similar complants. An absolutely prompt and safe cur is found in De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. For sale by. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. -. ; : " Pay the County Debt. ' . - All county warrants registered prior to Nov. 1st, 1891, will be paid if presented at my office, corner 3d and Washington streets," The Dalles,' Or. Interest ceases after May 25, 1895. - - Wlf . MlCHELL, - County Treasurer. IToti ' . ' All city warrants issuiajinceFeb.lst, 1895, will be paid upon presentation at my office. Interest ceases ,; after this date, June 4th, 1895. . I. I. . BURGET, ." ' ' " ' " City' Treasurer. The Wasco v Warehouse Co.' have on sale at their .warehouse; Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Barley, Bailey Chop, Oats and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles for the now celebrated Goldendale roller mills flour, the best fldipr in the market sV Special; Values Wash Silks . ; These Silks are all that can be desired for anj "Up-to-Date" Waist. Regular 50c values. Imported Swivel Silks Very novel shades : qualities of a linen, pure Silk. Silk Striped Flannel The quantity of this Flannel is limited. Pat- terns choice; quality never more worthy of mention. Misses' Black Ribbed Hose I 0 For Tnfawta and Children. Caatorfa. promotes Pigcatlon, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child Is rendered healthy and its sleep nrntnz-al. Casiorla contains na Morphine or other narcotic property. " Caotoria ia go well adapted to children (hat X recommend tt aa superior to any prescription kaown to me." H. A, Awmu, K. D., IM Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, K.T. M For Mveral yean I hare laooDunedoed your C&etoria, and chall always continue to do mo, aa i t has inTariaUy produced beneficial remits.' Zdwix F. Pardsx, M. D., 12Bth Street aod 7th Ato., HevTork City. "The me of 'Oaatoria' Is so nniereiU and its merits so well known that it a work ot supererogation to endorse it. Few are the hv telligent families who do not keep Oaetoria within easy reach.'' Cixun Xiimt, t. D., Xew York City. Ths OorrAsa OosnAjrr, It ktnrray Street, K.T. T7". lif IIaa vmw Tr . tj. -u p li ! i ' tr Tlail. WAK BACKS. At druggists, only aa. 24 Golors Two Cases of Men's Tailor-Made Suits, Just Opened. Ladies 'Gents' E5 - t3tr - Boss cash store. For This i i. v ; rich designs: possessing all the wearing ' combined with the beauty and finish of a ' , . A real bargain. We take special pride in being able to offer this Hose to our customers at this price. These Hose are dyed by Louis Hermsdorf. A M WILLIAMS & GO FRENCH & CO., BANKERS, TKAH8ACT A GKNK RAL BANKINO BUBIirXBS Letters of Credit is sued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. J. u. BCHXKCI, President. J. If. Fattkbbok, Cashier. first Rational Bank.. THE DALLES. W - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight ; . Draft or Check. V. Collections made and proceeds promptly - remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. D1RBOTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jko. S. SchihcxJ En. M. Williams, - Gio. A. Lixbs. . H. M. Bbaix. . in sla. - t from -tl3.eix Samhs and Satins Children's Shoes, . floYMilii; Gash Dealer. Week. . 50c yd fr -rrrl XVO V (JL ' " ' 10c pr DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, r i FIRE BRICK, : FIRE CLAY, LIiytE and (CEMENT, WindowrGlass ; ; and ; ; . ; ; Picture Moulding. DEC. Q- Xj IEj ILST , 350 yd Grand Show of FELT and STRAW HATS. ; Finest in the City. Is-ox-e. and sold only in ton lotfi or over. 9-tf