SPECIKL Saturday, Jane 15th SHLE, Housekeeping Made Easy. Every lady purchasing $5.00 worth of Dry Goods of us on Saturday will receive one of our Patent Security Dust Pans Free of Charge. -.r ' The Security is a necessity in the house. Ask to see them when in the Store. You are sure to like them. See us before you buy. We carry a Complete Line f Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Stores and Steel Ranges, Wire Cloth, Wire Poultry Netting, Se-wer Pipe, Iron Water Pipe, Garden Tools, Sheep Shears, Barrel! Churns, Rub'ber and Cotton Wrap ped Garden Hose, Groceries and Provisions, Oak Fir and Maple Cord wood and General sup plies, Can You Buy Groceries Cheaper than This? Two ounces of good Plug Cot Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meerchanm witbj every eight packages. -Lemons at 20c a dozen ; usual price, S5c. Sixteen pounds San FranciBCO Granulated Sagar for $1.00. SeTenteen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for $1.00. Sixteen-ounce plug of good Tobacco for 25c. All stock of fresh and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part f the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices. . Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No. 22, What We are Doing For the Spring and Summer, 1895. Having purchased a very large line of Overshirts and Underwear, ex pecting to meet with a belter trade than in the past, bnt findidg oar stock too large for the season, we have marked these goods very low, Starting Men's Fine Shirts at 35c. Men's Fine Underwear Suit, at 75c. The goods must be seen to be appreciated. Call early while the stock is complete. . ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. MAIER-'ft BENTON. JOHN C The Tyifh Tal ly Crtimarx BUTTER Is Delletans. Ask Vanbib"ber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full "Weight. TEIiEPHOlSTE! ZtsTO- 80- '. ; 1 ; ' ' CREAMERY A. A. B. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Postofflce at Tbe Dalies, Oregon as second-class matter. iU Una (xst line lor first Insertion, and 6 Cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. 8peclal rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. - Don't, Soreet to read all Tsi Cheon- f icle. Yoa will find interesting local . matter everywhere. . Some papers have only a page devoted to local news, but l Thk Chronicle cannot get along with one and has it on every page. SATURDAY, - JUNE 15, 1895 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Additional Local on Fourth Page. Thk Chronicle printed an extra edi tion of 200 copies today. It is a splen did advertising medium ; fall of newt. Bead tbe report of the exercises yester day on the fourth page. will be re- "Darnon and Pythias peated Tuesday night. The weather report for Saturday and Sunday says showers and slightly warmer. An Indian was brought in from Sberar's Bridge last night, charged with carrying concealed weapons The poograms last night were printed at The Chronicle office', which has every facility for turning ont superior job work. The Regulator will make a stop at Hood River going and coming tomorrow This will give any one who wishes to go to Hood River an opportunity to do 6o- A band of sheep, belonging to Mr, Birney, crossed on the ferryboat this morning. There were 6,000 altogether, bat only about half of them crossed to day. ,- Tp M. V. Harrison place at Hood River was sold today to A. S. Blowers for $2830. The sale was by the . sheriff. This place is one of the most beautiful in Hood River. Tickets for thf play of "Damon and Pythias", next Tuesday evening have been reduced to 50 cents for reserved seats. General admission 25 centd, Tickets now on sale at Blakeley & Houghton's. Mr. Kerr, of the sheep raising firm of Kerr & Buckly, was offered ten cents a pound for their wool clip yesterday, amounting to 90,000 pounds. Mr. Kerr refused the offei, and said that they were in no harry to sell. The prospect for a good market continues somewhat bright. The advertising outfit belonging to the circus that -is coming next month, arrived in town this morning, and are transforming the fences and bill boards in a flaming art gallery with all the wonders of the world. . There are four teen bill posters at work today. Scott Delaney, who was arrested near Antelope, was brought into town yester day and examined before Justice Davis. The case was continued till Monday and tbe defendant put np a cash bail of $200. Huntington & Wilson appear for Delaney. The thanks of those who attended the play last night are given to the engineer of the paepenger train, who kindly ob served the request of The Chronicle and managed the locomotive in such a way that many in the opera house did not know it had passed. Next Sunday there will be mass held in St. Peter's church at 6 o'clock in the morning. There will be no high mass on account or the dedication of the church at Cascades. Most Reverend Archbishop Gross will officiate and give confirmation at the close of service. Meals will be served on the boat to morrow for the small sum of 25 cents. This will please many who do not wish to take the trouble of a lunch. Mr. Frank Getz of the Colombia Candy Eactory will be present with a .fine stock of Candy, ice cream and berries with all kind of soft drinks. The Regulator carried a large load of freight down the river this morning. Her lower deck was crowded, and her passenger list well filled. Beside a large amount of ether merchandise,-the boat carried fourteen tons of flour from the Diamond Mills, ten of which .went to Portland, and four for way points. Besides all this, a large number of horses were aboard. The Chronicle's attention was called this morning to a pleaBing innovation that occurrred at the play laBt night, A young lady, who evidently has been other places and seen other things. brought out many expressions of praise by removing her hat at the beginning of each act. When the act was through she replaced it. It was a graceful thing to do, and that young lady doesn't know how many friends she made among the male sex last evening. Should this item come to her notice, The Chronicle hopes she will not be offend ed, for it is only with a feeling of grat itude, and at the request of several who wish other ladies would do the same, that it is published. "DAMON AND PYTHIAS." PERSONAL MENTION. MEBITOBIOCB FISFOBUANCI LAST NIGHT. ' The Opera House Crowded Large Re ceipts Tlie Play to be Repeated Tuesday Night. . A fashionable audience, numbering several hundred people, greeted the players last night when the curtain rose on the first act of "Damon and Pythias." For several days there had been a great demand for seats and the crowded house last night told how great was the inter est in the performance. Much was ex pected of Mr. Rasmus and those whom he has trained and we are safe in saying all anticipations were realized. The story of "Damon and Pythias," old as it is, has always a firm hold upon the sen timent'and imagination. The spectacle of a friendship so true cannot fail to strike a sympathetic chord; and last evening ail toe strong points were brought out with imprersivenees. The orchestra was present in full force and entertained the audience with choice music while the curtain was down Prof. Birgfeld was at the piano and his place im directing was taken by Mr Mark Long. As always the music was of the highest order. TLe audience, while at times was not as responsive as some audiences are, still were very ap preciative ana generous . in their ap plause. All the members of the cast bad worked hard and had taken a very great interest in the performance. Mr, Rasmus complimented them upon their fidelity. The cast was as follows : Damon W. Rasmus Pythias E. H. Lonsdale Dionysius N. 3. Binuott PhillUtius F Menefee Damocles... H. H. Bio-lell Procles...- F. W. Wilson Lucullus. J. F. Hampshire Pythias' 8ervant ;...G. W. Cron-en First Senator u. L. Phillins Second Senator L. 8. Davis Third - " R.G.Davenport Fourth " C. E. Bayard Fifth ' W. W. Bmitn Sixth " T. A. Hudson First Guard. A. L. Kees Second " ,i .. D. Hock man Third " G. C. Bills Fourth " G. Bartelle ruin " F. van Norden feixtu " 8. Frank Damon's Child. Constance French Calanthe Miss M. Michell Hermlon Miss R. Michel! The Nominations Last Night. The meetings held in the various wards were well attended last night and good men chosen for office. In the first ward the meeting was beld in the city hall. R. E. Saitmarshe was nominated for councilman. In the second ward Robt. Mays was nominated for water commissioner and A. R. Thompson.. L, E. Crowe and Geo. Ross nominated councilmen. The Third ward meeting was held in the county court room. Jos. T. Peters was nominated water com missioner and Tho3. Wood councilman xne citizens nave anown wisdom in selecting their, nominees and The Chbok, icle congratulates both candidates and citizens on the results of last night's meeting. Or. Miles' Pain PiUs cmn NevrsJsia. To those who eu joyed last evening's performance any extended mention is superfluous, but tbe theatrical reporter of The Chronicle, who occupied a seat back among the "gallery" gods, could not help but notice some of tbe meritorl pus acting seen upon the stage. yjl Mr. Kasmm much was, ol course, expected. His reputation as a dramatic artist of merit was already well estab lished in The Dalles and last night only strengthened the favorable, impression already created. In all the scenes Mr. Rasmus' acting was of the most natural and yet perfectly finished kind. His pathos in tbe Bcene with ''Hermion" and the power he exhibited in the scene on the block alone caused the audience to set be seal of their approval upon bis work:. Mot only is Mr. Rasmus an actor of merit but be is also a splendid teacher Continued on Second Page. Mr. C. V. Lane of Antelope is in the city. Miss Nellie Butler returned home on tbe Regulator last night. Mr. C. R. Bone from Grants went to Hood River on todays boat. Mr. J. H. Cradlebaugh went toMosIer this morning on legal business. County Commissioner A. S. Blowers came np from Hoad River today. Mr. G. W. Phelps went to Mosier this morning on business for the county. The Dalles, passed through town today. Dr. Arthnr W. Chance, a prominent dentist of Portland, was in The Dalles yesterday. . - Charlie Frank and Henry Maher re turned last night from their camping trip to Trout Lake Mr. J. C. Olipbant, formerly in the employ of the D. P. & A. N. Co., came up last night from Portland. Mis9 Grace Campbell of Hood River, came up on the boat last evening to spend a few days in this city. Mr. V. C? Brock, cashier of the Sher man county bank at Wasco, accom panied by his wife, is in the city. Mrs. Hugh Gonrley, wife of tbe tal ented editor of the Klickitat Republican, went to (jroiaenaaie on this morning stage. Mr. and Mrs. LaDuc came in from Dufur yesterday to attend the gradua tion of their daughter. Agnes, from St, Mary '8 academy. - Editor J. W. Armsworthy, of the Wasco News, came in from Sherman county yesterday to attend the "Damon and Pythias entertainment. Congressman W. R. Ellis, of the second district, came down from tiepp ner last night and, accompanied by bis family, took tbe .Regulator for Portland Mr. W. H. Winter of Kansas is visit ing Mr.. Leslie Bntler today. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr Winter who may probably locate in tbe west. Mr. Matt Thourbourn and -family of Kingsley, attended the commencement exercises at St. Mary's yesterday. Their daughter, Miss Casare, was one of the graduates. . Dr. O. D. Doane retained last night from attending the session of the State Medical Society in Portland. Dr.Doane and Tbe Dalles were honored by the election of this gentleman to tbe office of president. This is a graceful com plv uient to a talented physician and tbe society has done honor to itself. Excursion to Cascade Locks, Sunday June ISO, On Steamer tEGUliRTOl, THE DALLES ORCHESTRA UNIOK Steamer.will leave The Dalles at 8 A. m.; returning will" eave Cascade Locks at 4:30 p. m. ' The .folio wine program has been arranged: Fat Men's. Race, Boys' Race, Girls' Race, Sack Race. After the races dancing will be indulged in. Notice. All persons are hereby warned not to purchase that certain note given by the undersigned in favor of MrSi Pearl Clark for the sum of $3,000, dated March 26 189a, nnd due in bye years after date, Said note was given without considers Hon, and will not be paid. Dalles City, Or., Jane 13, 1895: i janl5-lm J. F. Gomiz A good dressmaker will go out by tbe day. Apply to No. 20, Second street, opposite Union St. Lodging house. It. A good boy, desiring to learn tbe printer's trade, can secure employment by applying to the Baptist Sentinel office.- junl3-lw JIooAacH and eared by Dr. -GIVEN BY- Tickets can be procured at the principal business houses or from members of the Orchestra Union. $20.00 in Prizes will be Distributed. JOS. T. PETERS & CO., -DEALERS IN- BMnrar. " W JL, JtmM W MA En -AND- Tolepb.0110 sao. E5. DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS Correctly compounded with the ut most care from drugs of guaranteed purity by a capable staff of experienced dispensers. All the latest Pharmaceutical Preparations kept in stock. Prices will be found as low as is consistent with the supply of first-class drugs. Apothecary and Chemist. TtllfkiU IS