in Tc.2 Djlles Daily Chronicle. BUBSCEIPTION KATES. BT MAIL, rORAB rsZrAIS, IK IBTiXCI. Wseily, 1 year 1160 " 6 month. 0 75 t gw Call, 1 year 6 00 6 months. 00 per 0 60 AddreM all communication to " THX HBON tClJI." Th Dalles, Oregon. FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1895 WHAT THE BOAT LINE HAS ,. DONE FOR WOOL MEN. If there ever was an enterprise that demanded the undivided support of th people of The Dalles and tributary coon try, it is the Regulator line of steamers. The D. P. & A. N. Co. have again been instrumental in regulating the wool .rates, and have even reduced them be low last year's tariff, the through rate from The Dalles to Boston now being ,95 cents per one hundred pounds. The Dalles t Boston via. D. P. & A. N. Co. .and Sunset Gulf route, 3500 miles, 95 , cents per 100 pounds. Heppner to Port land, O. B. N. Co., 198 miles, $1 per 100 pounds. The exact redaction is $12 per ton, or $144 per car less than it was be fore the boats were put on. Though the freight charges on wool is an important factor to the buyer, the wool grower also gets the benefit of the low rates, and it is to their interests to see to it that the present low rates are .maintained, which effect not only The Dalles, but Pendleton, Arlington - and Heppner also. What has been said of wool, can be said of wheat. Before the boats were put on, wheat was $3.40 per ton; now we believe the rate is to be but $1.25 per ton. In addition to the reduced rate on freight, there are other accommodations that people between The Dalles and Portland enjoy. The local train, in all .probability, would not have been put on . bad their been no boat line. We cannot be too enthusiastic in onr praise of the D. P. & A.- N. Co the btg- gest little transportation company in the . united States. SCANDALS AMONG ARISTOCRACY. Again the English and American press .is advertising the peculiar characteristics of the Prince of Wales.: For many years it has been all a woman's reputation .would stand to receive any attention from the prospective ruler of the great' est commercial nation on the globe. A few years ago Mary' Anderson, one of the greatest of American actresses, and whose reputation is unsullied, hud the courage to snub his royal highness,- and she did wisely. In the United States the Prince of Wales would receive the same kind of treatment that Col. Breck in ridge has met, at least among all true Americans. There are no doubt a few New Yorkers who live the same kind of lives as the Prince, who would do him homage; bnt among the trne, patriotic American citizens he would be handled with the same contumely as when he in vited Miss Anderson to a lunch party. ' The time is coming, efen in England, when the royalty and the aristocracy generally will be driven to decency, if not to virtue, by public sentiment Royalty stands upon too uncertain foet ing to withstand the threatening storm It is a maxim of the common law that "the king can do no wrone." This may be accepted as a political maxim by the people as a nation, but the English peo ple are becoming thoroughly satiefied that the maxim does not apply to the Prince of Wales, and, from the stand point of morals, would not, even though he wore the crown. Ev-ry pereon who chances to differ with the free silver orators and press is a "sordid conspirator," "traitor' "pin tocrat," and "enemy of the people.' With such a vast number of that kind of people in the couatry, silver is apt to fare hard. We do not believe there is anything to be gained, or that anyone will ever be convinced by the style of oratory which characterized the conven tion in' Memphis yesterday. The Chbon jcle does not believe that the free coin' age of silver at a ratio of IS to 1 is either vise or safe; but we respect the opinion of those who differ with us. ' On the other hand, we are neither persuaded nor won by being referred to as a "sor did conspirator." The mass meeting at the courthouse ,lat evening for the nomination of. can : didate for city officers, was the smallest meeting of that kind held in The Dalles in ten years. The heaviest taxpayers were . conspicuous by their absence which evidences the fact that they are , entirely satisfied with the management . of the city's affairs as now administered .T nominations will no doubt meet with general approval, and the ticket will "probably " meet" with no opposition on Monday next. The meetings -to be field this", evening in, the several wards. to nominate couacilmen, should receive Attention. , The constitutional convention of Utah has completed it labors and adjourned. Polygamy, the evil which has so Jong kept Utah from statehood is forever pro hibited, and the present plural mar riages are to remain in force There is no apparent reason why the constitution as found will not be approved and a new state speedily added to the union. Not a Candidate. To the Editor of Tri Chbonicl: ' Inasmuch as there seems to be a great deal of talk concerningmy probable can didacy for recorder, I desire to say that I have . been recorder Dalles City for two terms and have tried to perform my duties as such faithfully. I fully ap preciate the high honors which the people of Dalles City have conferred up on me, but I have engaged in other busi ness which will prevent .me from "con tinuing the duties of recorder, and know ing there are other competent and worthy persons for the place, I desire to state unqualifiedly that I shall not be a candidate for appointment of recorder under any circumstances. Sincerely thanking the people for the high trust they have reposed in me, I am Respectfully, Douglas S. DurrK. - Falrvlaw School Report. To thb Editor The following is a summary of school term in school dis trict No. 48, commencing March 18th and ending June 7, 1895 : Total number pupils enrolled during term, 40. Average daily attendance for term, 30. Number of visitors during term, 45. Names of pupils perfect in attendance are Bert Pitcher, Eddie Pitcher, Lottie Crabtree, Flora Brown, Mamie Pitcber and Edna Rayler. Those excellent in'deportment are Clyde Snodgrass, Lottie - Crabtree, Flora Brown, Mabel Brown, May Durham, Anna Beattie, Nina Chastian and Tina Snodgrass. Asa Stogsdill, Teacher. Tygh Valley, June 8, 1895. Latest In the Circuit Court. In the circuit court today the follow ing proceedings were held : Judgment by default was entered in the cases of Pease & Mays vs. H. E Moore,. Pease & Mays vs. J. W. Moore and French fc Co. vs. H. E. and J. W Moore. :.'" Motion for new trial was overruled and judgment entered on the verdict in the case of P. M. Cochrane vs. J. D. Tunny The case of Urqahart vs. Urquhart was referred and a referee will be agreed upon later. '' . Mr. Northrup, whose case has just been on trial before Justice Davis, called on the editor today and wished to make an explanation. Be says the statement in this paper several days ago did him much injustice, and that he did not in tend to resist the officer with a Win chester. Mr. Northrup also stated he is innocent ot the charge against him and that his reputation in the community is good. He also intends o fight the case, which has been decided against him be' fore the justice today, to a finish in the circuit court. Thb Chronicle, as a paper that prints the news, does not wish to do Mr. Northrup or anybody else any injustice and will publish both sides of any controversy. The demurrer to the indictment num ber one against Ed Martin was sustained on the ground that two erimes were charged. The demurrer to the remain ing indictments were overruled. The defendant refused to plead, and conse quently the judge entered a plea ' of guilty, and sentenced the defendant to two years in the penitentiary for each indictment, to which the demurrers were overruled. Exceptions were served and the case will go to the supreme court. - - - The various wards will meet tonight to nominate councilmen. ' The first ward, which comprises all that part of town north of Third street, will meet in the council chambers. The second ward comprising that portion south of Third street and east of Court, will meet in the county conrthouse upstairs. '; The third ward will meet in the county court room. This ward includes that portion of this city south of Third street and west of Court. All the. meetings should be largely attended. ' Mrs. M. E. Briggs has just received a fine line of M. Heminway & Sons, also Brainard & Armstrong art silks, filloselle Roman floss, etc. : The colors are per fectly shaded and great care has been given to the selecting of colors, to have them suitable for the now popular lines of embroidery that requires careful and accurate shading, .Choose your shades now while they are unbroken. A full line! of i stamped linen constantly ' on hand, also Honitoh lace braids. ' j 12-15 ' Finest cabinet photos $2.50 per dozen at Herrins studio Chapman blocks The Dalles, Oregon. . Eighteen first prizes taken. ; Clip this notice out , and bring it with you and it is good tor one photo extra with every dozen photos. j6-lm WHAT IT IS CELERY, for the entire NERVOUS system BEEF, the greatest SUSTENANT known IRON, to purify and enrich the BLOOD A Simple Compound Celery B Nature's Builder-and Tonic FOR SALE BY BL AKELiE Y & HOUGHTON. Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT . PELLETS SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, POOR APPETITE, and all derangements of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Of all druggists. , ONCB USED ALWAYS Iff FAVOR: .f J-- YOUNQ SPIRITS, a vigorous body and robust strength fol low good health. Bnt all fail when the vital powers are weakened. Nervous. debilitv and loss of manly power result from bad habits, con tracted bytheyouugr through ignorance OI tneir ruinous ron- sequences. Low spirits, melancholia, impaired memory, morose or irritable temper, fear of impending calamity and a thousand and one derangements of body and mind, result from such pernicious prac tices. All these are permanently; cured by improved methods of treatment without the patient leaving home. A medical treatise written in plain but chaste language, treating of the nature, symptoms and curability of such diseases, sent securely sealed in a plain envelope, on receipt ot tnis notice, witn iocents in stamps, for oostaee. Address. World's Dispen sary Medical Association-, Buffalo, N.Y. A WARM BATH WITH Cuticura Soap And a single application of . CUTI CURA, the great skin cure, will afford instant relief,-; permit rest and sleep, and; point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cure of the most distressing of itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp "diseases, after phy sicians, hospitals, and all else fail. Cuticura Remedies Exert a peculiar, . purifying action on the skin,; and through it' upon the blood. In . the treatment of distressing humors they are speedy, permanent, and economical, and in their.action are pure, sweet, gentle, and effective. Mothers and chil dren are their warmest friends. Sold throughout the world. Pottkr Drug and Chbm. Cohp., Sole Props.. Boston AtS" "All about Baby's Skin, Scalp, and Hair' mailed free. Xf tired, aching, nervous moth ers knew the comfort, strength, and vitality in Cuticura Plasters, they would never be without them. la every way the sn-eetett and best. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., May 4. 1895. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the urovisions of the act of conerc-s of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land in tne states oi i anioruia, Oregon. .evnaa ana Washington Territory," Joseph W. Ward, of Boyd, County of Wasco, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. for the purchase of te 6EJi 8W and BJCji. or ec. ino. o, ana v a eh r w 4 Bee. 7. all in Tp. No 2 8. Ranee No. 12 E. W. M. and will offer nroof to show that thlanrt nnue-ht is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural wirposes, and to estabtfrh hi claim to said land beiore the Keg'ster and Receiver of mis otnee ar- l ne Danes, uregou, on. Saturday the 27ih day of July, 1895. He names as witnesses: Henrv II anrt or Joseph Hanner, The Dalles, Manley Ban, John Decker, Boyd, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aoove-oescraoea innas are requesu'a to me tneir claims in this office on or beiore saldi27th day of juiy, iso. .. jab. . uuutu,, itegister. Estrayed. One dark bay mare with heavy black mane and tail, branded MD connected on left bipand IV or VI on left ebonlder When last seen she bad halter ' and bell on. Finder will be liberally "rewarded by leaving at U. L,. Kicbmond this city. . mlD-lm if' rA 4. X 4 Iron Where she can get nice Vegetables. Where to get the nicest Berries. Where nice, fresh G-ro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. J. B. CROSSEN,: Grocer, Ask Central for 62. THE DALLES ion! vB :;OTfwO Hum h IkOiaiU Ine above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind , of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E. Bavard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M Huntington & Co., Dfcifur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gib'ons & Harden, G. W. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firms, or J. M. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles, Oregon CcAVEATS.TRADE MARKsT COPYRIGHTS. .St. CAW. I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to M U N N &CO.t who have had neaxlv fifty years" experience tn the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook; of In formation concerning Patent and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken tbrongh Mann ft Co, recefvo special notice In the Kcientt flo American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bas by far tha lamest circulation of any scientific work In tha world. S3 a year. Sample conies sent free. Building Fclitlon.monthly, 1 2.50a vear. Stride copies, '2.5 cents. Every number contains bean, tiiul plates. In colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latent dealers and secure contracts. Address MUNN CO- KKW YOUK. 3U1 BboaiiwAT. The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO 125 Milk St, Boston, Mass - Thin ' anm no n v nvm - T ttta .. Pa4 No. 463,569. granted to Emile Berliner iMOveaioer 1, lor a combined tele tfraDh and telerjhnnArciVArinar all firmi of microphone transmitters or contact teiepnones.. Kranibh & Bach PIANOS AT- IvCar-lMlCKELSENS "Wife Knows 7 Br ing m Your Family. Lomem And see how cheaply we Men's Suits, Boy's LACES, WOOLENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, C. F STEPHENS, Closing Out of DRY GOODS CLOTHINGr, njRNISHINa- GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. , Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD Give IWe J. R Bneeesaor to -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. , And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs In WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER of J. W. MASURY'8 :PAINT8 used most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chent icel combination or soap mixture.' A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and GEORGE RUCH, PI ON E ER GROCER, Successor to Chrisman dt Corson. W FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. , . Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA' AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning: out he best Beer and Portr east of the Cascades; The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introdaoed, and ony the first-class article will be placed on he market. ' ; ' ' .r W I Cm r ; I .Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, :Bridles, Collars, I TENTS and WAGON COV2SRS, An all Articles Kept. In a First-Class Harness Shop. RIPAlEUTGr pkbllPTLT DO S 3. Yourself can dress all of you. Suits, Silks, Satins, COTTONS, LINENS, - for everyone. All new stock. Sale LESS than COST. a Call. McINERNY, Paul Kreft A Co WALL PAPER. HANGER. None bnt the best brands in . all onr work, , and none but tha "Washington Sti., The Dalles, Ore'oi :,iW 3aTTal-I J Adjoining !?, j; .Cellins A Oe.'s Etr 7