The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 13, 1895, Image 3

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Satqf day, June 15tb.
Made Easy.
Every lady purchasing $5.00 worth of Dry Goods of us on Saturday will
receive one of our
Patent Security Dust Pans
Free of Charge.
The Security is a necessity in the house. Ask to see them when in the
Store. You are sure to like them.
See. us before
you buy.
We carry a Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle, .
Stores and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth,
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe,
Garden Tools,
Sheep Shears,
Barrell Churns,
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped Garden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord
wood and General sup
Can You Buy Groceries
Cheaper than This ?
Two ounces of good Flag Cat Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meerehaum with
every eight packages. ..
Lemons at 20c a dozen ; usual price, 35c.
Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sagar for $1.00. .
Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for $1.69.
Sixteen-ounce plug of good Tobacco for 25c.
All stock of freeh and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part ef
the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices.
Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No. 92.
What We are Doing
For the Spring and Summer, 1895.
Having purchased a very large line of Overshirta and Underwear, ex
pecting to meet with a better trade than in the past, bnt findidg oar
stock too large for the season, we have marked these goods very low, --
Starting Men's Fine Shirts at 35c.
Men's Fine Underwear Suit, at 75c.
The goods most be seen to be appreciated. Call early while the
stock is complete.
, Cr..m, DU I I C V
Ask yantoibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
telbphoio nsro.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a the Postofflce at Tbe Daliea, Oregon
as second-class matter.
10 Ci par line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per Una for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than ( o'clock
will appear the follow! nc day.
Don't forget to read all Thb Chron
icle. You will find interesting local
matter everywhere. Some papers have
only a page devoted to local news, bnt
Thb Chronicle cannot get along with
one and has it on every page.
JUNE 13, 1895
Leaves From tbe Notebook ef Chronicle
Additional Local on Fourth Pags.
The Diamond floor mills are receiving
a great deal of wheat from Klickitat
county and the interior. .
A good boy, desiring to learn the
printer's trade, can secure employment
by applying to the Baptist Sentinel
office. junl3-lw
The following is the forecast of the
weather sent out by Mr. Fague : Thurs
day and Friday slight showers and
We received a postal card last night
signed "D.," which contained some
church announcements. Will the writer
please furnish full name.
The company court of discipline of G
company met last night. Several mem
bers of the company were up before the
court and were fined for neglect of duty
By some mistake we were made to say
that ten members of Company G were
up before a regimental court; it should
have been ten members of the hospital
Either tbe fish won't bite at tbe fish
wheels or they have chosen new cban
nels for the navigation of the river. The
catch during the past few days has been
Any persons who may have carried
away copies of the "Best Hymns"-from
the fcf. E. Sunday school, are requested
by the superintendent to return them
this week.
- A number of Warm Spring Indians are
in the city trying; to dispose of horses
They do not understand why horses are
not bringing such high prices as in
former years. '
The last dress rehearsal for the play
of "Damon and Pvthias" will be held in
the opera house this evening. All mem
bers of the caste are requested to be on
band at 8 o'clock. ,
Five thousand bead of sheep belong
ing to Byron McCleland, were ferried
over the river this morning. They
are on their way to the ranges in the
vicinity of Mt. Adams.
The new city charter provides that the
mayor, by and with the. consent ot the
couacil, shall appoint the city recorder,
marshal, street commissioner and fire
warden, so that the only officers to be
elected apart from councilmen is mayor
and treasurer.
The first dress rehearsal of "Damon
and Pythias" was held last night at the
opera house. The rehearsal was excel
lent and the costumes are the finest that
have ever been in oar city.
Everyone should attend tbe mass
meeting to be held this evening in the
courthouse. This will be our first elec
tion under the new city charter and it is
the people's duty to see that competent
men are nominated.
The preliminary hearing of Korthrup
from Wamic is 'being held , this after
noon before Justice Davis. Northrup is
charged with stealing some hogs. G.
W. Phelps is for tbe state and Story &
Gates for the defendant.
The funeral of Mr. Ed. Boynton took
place from the Catholic church at 2
o'clock this afternoon. A large number
of friends of the deceased were present
at the last - sad rites. The remains
of Mr. Boynton were interred in the
Catholic cemetery.
Mays & Crowe have just received two
carloads of farming implements and
buggies from the East. One car is from
Pekin, 111., and is loaded with Hodge
headers ; the other one is from Racine,
Wis., and contains all kinds of buggies,
made by tbe Racine Wagon & Carriage
About 75 per cent of tbe taxes for 1894
have been paid ; the remaining 25 per
cent is badly needed by the county, and
the genial sheriff and his most genial
deputy will greet every delinquent who
steps in to pay, with cordiality that is
worth something in itself; if you are de
linquent just try it.
This is one of the days when, accord
ing to the Evening Telegram, a man can
work out of doors in Eastern Oregon
without any danger of sunstroke. Mr.
Telegram, we suggest that vou come up
and spend a summer in Eastern Oregon ;
you will find it the most delightful
climate in the world.
English Lutheran services .will be held
by Rev. L. Grey of Oregon City an Fri
day and Saturday evenings at 8 o'clock,
in the Lutheran chapel on Ninth street
On Sundav Rev. Grey will preach in
Dufur and Rev. Horn, who arrived from
the convention in Portland, will preach
in The Dalles. A cordial invitation for
these services to everyone.
Christian Church Estertalsmcst.
The entertainment given last evening
at the First Christian church was one of
the most enjoyable ever listened to by a
Dalles audience. Long before the time
set for the program to commence the
church was filled. No admission was
charged, but everyone attending was ex
pected to pay a cent for each year of
their age.
The evening's entertainment com
menced with an instrumental duet by
Miss Stone and Mr. J. Booth. Their
rendition of the "Danube Waves" was
very well given, and as their ability is
so well known to Dalles audiences, they
are always well received. The next on
the program was a vocal duet by Mrs.
Varney and Mr. Crandall. This was ex
ceedingly well rendered, as was also the
duet of Mr. Crandall and Mrs. Groat.
The recitation by Mr. Wm. Rasmus ot
The Saving ot St. Michael's Church"
was very vivid and realistic. Mr. Ras
mus is undoubtedly one of the finest
elocutionists The Dalles has ever had an
opportunity to listen to. .Everyone
wished for an encore, but as his time
was limited, the audience was compelled
to be satisfied with one recitation. Miss
Martha Schooling did exceedingly well
with the "First Settler's Story." Miss
Bessie Rowland's song, "Bunch of Vio-j
lets," was highly appreciated. The
recitation by Miss Jennie Russell, en
titled "Cleaning House," caused the
audience to realize that there is no fun
for a man to clean house. Miss Myrtle
Michell sang "You" with a great deal of
expression. Her song was one of the
finest numbers on the program.
After the entertainment was over,
everyone was invited to an ice cream
supper in the basement. -
Too HBOh Bag: Juice. .
When Kabr was sick, ire gtere her Cantoris.
When she was a Child, she cried for Ceetorta.
When she became Hiss, she china; to Gastoria.
When aha had CbUdroe, s'eto them Casteste.
The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on
sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat,
Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats
and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles
for the now celebrated Goldendale roller
mills flour, the best flour in the market
and sold only in ton lots or over. 9-tf
Marshal Blakeney was kept very busy
yesterday trying to round up some In
dian who were enjoying their rights, as
citizec&under Judge Bellinger's decision
He was making a charge on the crowd
when one of the brave men discovered
him, and quick as a flash they were on
their horses and started, up the bluff
back of the Wasco warehouse. " Our
marshal did not give up the chase, he
saw that one of the eiwashes had used
his prerogatives as an American citizen,
too much for his own good. This lone
Indian was soon captured and landed in
the city jail with little difficulty. . This
morning he was brought before the city
recorder. Tbe Indian gave his name as
Dick, and said that he had had a little
more cider than be could stand. The
recorder said : "Five dollars. Next.
Seal .testate Transactions.
' The following deeds were recorded by
the county clerk :
. John D. Woodward to Richard Wood-
wardi the ae, sw and lot 3, sec 33, tp
3 n, r 8 e, W M in Wssco county.
H. M. Wilson and A. A. Wilson to L.
D. Boyed, 9, nea and e, ee, sec
34, tp 2 n, r 10 e, W M, Wasco county.
sUl pain tMLnlahed toy Dr. Idles' Pain Pills.
Br. Miles Pain Pills care NewaJjcla.
L. H. Campbell of Portland is in tbe
Mr. W. J. Jones of Goldendale is in
the city.
Mr. Lynott and wife of Stevenson are
in the city. '
Mr. Thomas Harris of Nansene came
in last night.
Mr. Mann went to Portland on this
morning's train.
Sheriff Driver returned from a trip to
Salem last evening.
Mr. Thomas Clark came up from
Stevenson last night.
Mrs. D. B. Gaunt of Nansene came up
on the Regulator last evening.
Mr. H. Beckwitb, traveling auditor
for the Pacific Express Co., is in the
Miss Grace Glenn arrived home last
night from a visit to relatives in Port
Sirs. Louis Fritz and Miss Lettie John
ston are np from Portland visiting rela
Mr. Geo. Phelps returned last even
ing, after spending a few days at Collins
Mrs. L. J. Cramer and daughter of
Crass Valley, are spending a few days in
tne city.
f Captain W. P. Gray, one of the old-
time V. h. i. Co. s steamboat men, was
Kin luo viiy.
I Miss Anna Wentz of Portland, for
merly of The Dalles, is in the city visit
ing friends.
Mrs. H. C. Coe of Hood River arrived
last night oh the Regulator and returned
borne this morning. . -
Mr.-W. A. Johnson of Heppner ar
rived in our city last night. Mr. John
son intends to make this place his future
borne. -
Mr. E. J. Brannick. of the Studebaker
wagon works, is in ' tbe city looking for
some wagons which were stolen from
tne branch bouse in Portland.
A large number of persons went west
on the local this afternoon. - Dr. Siddall,
Mrs. Bchenck, Mrs. Henefee and Airs.
DeHuff went to Portland. .
Dr. Siddall left on tbe afternoon train
for Portland, where be goes to attend
the meeting of the pioneers. Tbe doc
tor came to this coast in April, 1851.
Mr. A. Scherneckau of Astoria, is in
the city. He states that tbe spring at
Astoria has been unusually balmy and
pleasant. Mr. Scherneckau used to be
largely interested in lands and stock in
the southern portion of tbe county and
still retain b an interest in the stock buei
ness there. " "
At the home of Mrs. Dunn's mother,
Mrs. bmart, June 12th, Florence May
Dunn, aged 2 yrs., 9 mos. and 7 days,
daughter ot fiowara and Mary .Dunn.
Campmeetlnf on Three Mile.
' There will be a campmeeting held on
3-Mile, south of The Dalles, in tbe
Moore grove, beginning Thursday even
ing, June 13th, to continue indefinitely
Bro. C. M. Bryan of Portland will have
charge. May all interested in the work
of the Lord help in this work. All are
invited. G. W. Babnhakt, P. C.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate
your Bowels and make your head clear
as a Den. zoc, owe, and
Excursion to
Cascade Locks,
- - - -
Sunday. vJuxie IGfli,
On Steamer HEGTJliATO,
Steamer will loave The Dalles at 8 a. m.; returning will
leave Cascade Locks at 4:30 p. m.
The following program has been arranged: Fat Men's
Race, Boys' Race, Girls'Race, Sack Race. After the races
dancing will be indulged in.
Tickets can be procured at the principal business houses
or from members of the Orchestra Union.
$20.00 in Prizes will be Distributed.
Telephone KTo. 88. .
DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS Correctly compounded with the ut
most care from drugs of guaranteed -purity by a capable staff of experienced
dispensers. All the latest Pharmaceutical Preparations kept in stock.- Prices
will be found as low as is consistent with the supply of first-class drags.
Hpotheairy and Chemist.