The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 11, 1895, Image 3

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For This Week,
Summer Underwear, . . . . . . -. . from 5c to $1.00
A very large assortment of choice goods. ... '
Windsor Scarfs, . . . . . . ... . . . . . at 5c to 75c
There are hundreds of patterns to choose from.
"White Goods, . .
. from 10c to 40c
You should not fail to look through this department when in -the
store, for we carry a large stock of India Linens, Victoria
Lawns and .Dimities.
Pongee Silks, . for 20c, 25c and 40c
We have some lovely Pongees that we are offering as above.
See us before
you buy.
. :
' TV earry a Complete Line of
Pishing Tackle,
Stores and Steel Ranges,
Wire Cloth,
Wire Poultry Netting,
Sewer Pipe,
Iron Water Pipe,
Garden Tools,
Sheep Shears,
Barrell Chums,
Rubber and Cotton Wrap
ped, Garden Hose,
Groceries and Provisions,
Oak Fir and Maple Cord-
wood and General sut
Can You Buy Groceries
Cheaper than This?
Two ounces of good Plug Cut Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Meerchanm with
every eight packages.
'Lemons at 20c a dozen ; usual price, 35 c.
Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00. .
Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for $1.00.
Sixteen-ounce plug of good Tobacco for 25c.
All stock of fresh and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part of
the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices.
v '
Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No. 92.
What We are Doing
For the Spring and Summer, 1895.
Having purchased a very large line of Overshirts and Underwear, ex
pecting to meet with a belter trade than in the past, bat findidg oar . .
stock. too large for the season, we have marked these goods very low,
Starting Men's Fine Shirts at 35c.
Men's Fine TJnder-wear Suit, at 75c.
The' goods must be seen to be appreciated. Call early while the
stock is complete.
- ; .JOHN C. ESR.T'S.
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
Every Square is Full Weight.
A. A. B.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntered a
the Pontofflce at Tne Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
10 Coiics yvt line for first insertion, and 6 Cants
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
' All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
Don't forget to read all Thb Chkon
icxk. You will find interesting local
matter everywhere. Some papers have
only a page devoted to local news, but
The Chronicle cannot get along with
one and has it on every page.
JUNE 11, 1895
Lsstsi From tbe NotetoooBE of Chronicle
Additional Local on Fourth Page.
Seven cars of wool went east today on
No. 24.
It is expected Judge Bradsbaw will
render a decision on the Martin demurrer
next Friday.
; There will be preaching this evening
at the Christian church by Rev. J. T.
Eshelman of Tacoma.
The Regulator reached her wharf last
night at twenty minutes to 5. This is
making pretty good time.
The orchestra will give plenty of music
next Sunday, and everyone who goes to
tbe Regulator is assured of a good time.
Tickets 50 cents.
The Good Intent Society will meet at
the' rooms ot Mrs. C. E. Haight tomor
row afternoon. Every member is asked
to be present.
Mr. Rasmus informs us that tbe cos
tumes for the play of Damon and Pythias
have arrived and are very striking.
Everyone should attend.
A large delegation from tbe .Woman's
Relief Corps will leave Saturday for
Oregon City to attend the convention of
the G. A. R. A number from the G. A
' R. Post will also attend the meeting.
Come to your birthday party tomor
row night at the Christian church
Wra. Rasmus, a leading light in dram
atic art, will give a recitation. To hear
him you mast comeearly, 8 o'clock is
the hour.
Tickets for the play of Damon and
Pythias which is to be given Friday
night, are selling rapidly and those who
wish good seats should eecure them at
once. Box sheet at Blakeley &
The case of David Lowen & Son vs. J.
C. O'Leary went to the jury last night,
They were not long in returning a ver
dict for the defendant. This was the
last civil case on the docket and winds
np the jury trials for the term. Other
matters remain to be heard and decided,
The lecture last night at the Methodist
church was not as largely attended as
its merits warranted. The people that
did go listened to an eloquent and in
structive discourse by Dr. Ford. The
gentlemen spoke of the need America
would have for men of noble character
in the many conflicts of natural life and
how important it was the youth of our
land should be well prepared for the
struggle. Dr. Ford is an able speaker
and handles his subject with masterly
Mr. F. C. C. Fox'was brought up from
Viento last night for examination as to
his eanity. This morning the county
judge and physicians went through the
usual examination and decided that the
proper place for the unfortunate man
was Salem. Sheriff Driver took him to
the insane asylum on the afternoon
Last night the rehearsal for "Damon
and Pythias" was held in the lodge
room. Mr. Rasmus has done good work
in training the members of the caste,
and they are making his efforts easy by
showing a great amount of interest.
The play is a hard one to learn, and the
memorizing of lines and getting familiar
with the situations requires much labor
on the part of the performers.
Everding & Farrell received about two
tons of fish yesterday. . One ton came
from Seufert's wheels and one ton from
Winans' Bros. This is a slight increase
but nothing like It should be. The re
port received today from Astoria says
the cannery at Pillar Rock Is getting
about three hundred cases a day and
Warren is getting a similar number,
It is about time tbe salmon were coming
and the fishermen are using up their
store of patience.
The concert tomorrow evening at tbe
Christian church promises to give a very
entertaining evening. The program is
well arranged, and contains some of our
best local talent. Upon the program is
noticed a solo by Miss Myrtle Michell,
duet bv Mr. Crandall and Mrs. Groat :
solo, Miss Bessie Rowland ; recitation
Mr. Wm. Rasmus; duet, Mr. Crandall
and Mrs. Varney ; recitation, Miss Rus
sell; solo, with guitar accompaniment.
little Alice Bunker, and a recitation by
Miss Schooling.
The Diamond Mills are taking their
annual vacation, and will remain closed
for a. month or six weeks. The machin
ery is to nave a thorough overhauling
and repairing. The mill has been in
cessantly busy - all season, and the year
has been a prosperous one. There is
now on hand a large amount of wheat
which will be held till operations have
been renewed. This institution has
been the means 6f attracting much
wheat to The Dalles, and consequently
increasing our trade with the country.
A good deal of 'feeling was expressed
Sunday at the action of a couple of men
from the country. The horse they were
driving had been horribly treated ; bis
shoulder was all cut and bloody, as if
some sort of swelling had been slashed
out with a knife. The animal was
drenched in perspiration and had been
driven hard. Sheriff Driver was notified
and has tbe matter in charge. The men
will probably hear more of the matter
and have theirs attention called to the
fact of a' law being upon .our statute
books which punishes cruelty to animals
A summary court martial was held
last night before Lt.-Col. J. M. Patter
son, .bight members of Co. G were
brought before the court and had their
cases attended to. This court martial
is for slight offenses committed against
the good discipline of the company, and
does not involve any "moral turpitude."
The charges were preferred by the cap
tain of the company. The militia boys
are showing great interest in the organ-
fzation, and at every drill a large num
ber turn out. Co. G is making much
progress in its tactics, and will some
timerank among tbe most efficient com
nies in the state.
Almost s Tragedy.
Last evening about 7 o'clock as Thb
Chhoniclk force -were winding np the
days work, a loud report like a cannon
shot was heard upon the silent air. The
people along tne street stopped to see
who was shot; Thb Cheonicle people
ran out to get what surelv seemed a
promising item ; Geo. Ruch came from
his store; some men in Nielsen's store
hurried to the sidewalk; the coroner
Btarted on the run and everybody looked
at one another inquiringly but no corpse
was to be seen. Finally a shout pr
ceded from the Pacific Express and Thk
chronicle man ruehed in to write up
another $14,000 robbery. The only sight
that greeted his eyes was Agent Kurtz
gazing around the room with the blank
est of expressions upon his face. The
ruins of an alcohol lamp lay scattered
upon the floor, while the wick was coiled
around Mr. Kurtz' neck. He had been
heating sealing wax when all of a sudden
the lamp exploded. It was very fortun
ate that no one was struck by the broken
pieces of tin, as Mr. Kurtz was .bending
over the lamp-when it took the sudden
freak and its remnants flew alt. around
him. -
Koboerjr at Ben Wilson's Saloon.'
Early this morning some thieves broke
into Ben Wilson's saloon andprocedeed
to get what they could conveniently get
This, however, proved not to be much
All the money but a little silver had
been taken from the till and put in tbe
safe and the robbers only got $1.50 in
money for their trouble. They also se
cured a bottle ot whisky in which to
drown their disappointment and some
cigars to smoke on the way. This place
nas Deen tne scene ot other similar oc
currences. Over a year ago Kight Police
man Harper was held np there by :
couple of men supposed to belong to tb
Hawthorne gang. Tbe miscreants in
present case have not been caught.
Mass Meeting.
v There will be a mass meeting of citi
zens held Thursday evening at the court
bouse, to make nominations for the city
election, wnich occurs June 17th.
By order Frank Mbkefev,
De Witt's Colic and Cholera Care
never disappoints, never fails to give im
mediate relief. It cures just as sure
you take it. For Sale by Snipes-Kin
ersly Drug Co.
Mrs. James Thrall of Kingsley was in
town today.
Mr. H. E. and J. W. Moore of Nan-
sene are in the city. .
Mrs. L. X. Branner went to Portland
on this afternoon's local.
Mr. Chas. Hilton of this city is regis
tered at the Hotel Portland.
Mrs. A. C. Wvndam has returned
from a visit to her sister at Mosier.
Mr. L. F. Burdoin of White Salmon
came up to The Dalles last evening.
Mr. Jud S. Fish and wife are spending
several days on a visit to the metropolis.
Mr. M. H. Nickelsen. Hood -River's
city treasurer, came up on the local this
Mr. Edwin Mays came in from the
country last evening to spend a day or
two in town.
Mr. Wm. Van Vactor, who has been
for some time a merchant of Goldendale,
is in Tbe Dalles today.
Mrs. I. J. Norman and family returned
on tbe Kegulator last evening from a
visit at Stevenson, Wash.
Judge A. S. Bennett went to Mosier
today to appear for R. A. Power in his
examination for shooting Mr. Fields.
Rev. J. T. Eshelman of Tacoma and
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Eshelman of North
Yakima are visiting Dr. G. C. Eshel
man in this city.
Mr. G. W. Phelps, deputy prosecuting
attorney, went to Moaiei this morning
to appear for the . state in the case
against R. A. Power.
Prosecuting Attorney Jayne returned
this morning from Arlington, where he
had been spending a few days at home
during a lull in the business of court
Mr. Fred' Krussow of Grass Valley
made a pleasant call at The Chronicle
office todav. He says the fall grain in
bherman county is in good condito
Mr. Charles Clarke, who for
vears nas been in the employ
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co., went to Port
land yesterday to take an examination
in pharmacy before the state boarjir vj
Mr. D. Boy n ton is lying very ill at his
residence in this city. Yesterday it was
thought he waa dying as he was taken
with a severe choking spell, bht today
he seems somewhat better. He is suf
fering from some trouble in the throat,
which has caused tbe muscles to become
enlarged and occasions great inconven
ience. '.. V
Mr. J. H.. Shearer, and wife, from the
bridge bearing their . name, came in
town today. Mr. Shearer reports that
tbe new grade up Currant Creek is com
pleted and the laborers paid o:
Dalles and Wasco county owe Mr. Shear
er a debt of gratitude. He is a citizen
that we wish there were more of the
same pattern.
Mr. Carroll E. Hughes of Portland
and Mr. C. L. Glenn of Salem arrived in
Tbe Dalles last night, and this morning
Btarted lor a tour of south Eastern Ore
gon. They will make the journev on
their wheels and" carry their entire
equipage. The hills of Eastern Oregon
seemed not to have been primarily in
tended tor Oicycling, bnt these young
men intend pushing to the southern part
of the state. The undertaking, while
arduous, win De a pleasant experience.
jrain in .
of the
Excursion to
Cascade Locks,
Sunday, 7uxie ltli,
On Steamer tEOU liflTOH,
Steamer will leave The Dalles at 8 a. m.; returning will
leave Cascade Locks at 4:30 p. m.
The following program has been arranged: Fat Men s
Race, Boys' Race, Girls'gRace, Sack Race. After the races
dancing will be indulged in. ,
fm. 1 1 -1 . .1 ' ' 1 1 " 1
i icKets can oe procured at, tne principal ousiness nouses
or from members of the Orchestra Union.
$20.00 in Prizes will be Distributed:
. 2fotiee.
All city warrants issued since Feb. 1st,
1895, will be paid upon presentation at
my office. Interest ceases after this
date, June 4tb, 1895.
City Treasurer.
Telephone 3STo. 25.
DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS Correctly compounded with the ut
most care from drugs of guaranteed purity by a capable staff of experienced
dispensers. All the latest Pharmaceutical Preparations kept in etock. Prices
will be found as low as is consistent with the supply of first-class drugs.
Jtt. Z. DOlSiflELlIi,
Hpotheeary and Chemist.
Tlph.a. .