The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 10, 1895, Image 4

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to recovery,, the
young: woman
who is taking;
Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Pre
scription. In
maidenhood, wo
manhood, wife
hood and moth
erhood the " Pre
scription " is a
supporting- tonic
ana nervine
that's peculiarly j
needs, resrulatintr.
w I
strengthening; and cur
. ingr the derangements
'1 of the sex. Why is it
so many women owe their Deauty to ut.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription? Because
beauty of form and face radiate .from the
common center health. The best bodily
condition results from good food, fresh air
and exercise coupled with the judicious use
of the "Prescription."
If there be headache, pain in the back,
bearing-down sensations, or general de
" bility, or if there be nervous disturbance,
nervous prostration, and sleeplessness, the
''Prescription" reaches the origin j( the
trouble and corrects it. It .dispels aches
and pains, corrects displacements and cures
catarrhal inflammation of the lining; mem
branes, falling of the womb, ulceration, ir
regularities and kindred maladies.
Mrs. Frank Cam
field, of East Dickin
son, Franklin Co., N.
Y., writes : " I deem it
my duty to express my
deepf heart-felt grati
tude to you for having
- been the means, under
Providence, of restor
ing me to health, for I
have been by spells un
able to walk. My
troubles were of the
womb inflammatory
and bearing-down sen
sations and the doctors
, all said, they could not
CUI5 me- . Mrs. Camfibld.
Twelve bottles of Dr. vnnau.
Pierce's wonderful Favorite Prescription
has cured me." "
Any one who has ever had .n atack
of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice
with Mr. J. A. Stumm, 220 Boyle
Heights, 1.0a Angeles, over his fortunate
escape from a siege of that distressing
ailment. Mr. -Stumm is foreman of
Merrian's confectionery establishment
Some months ago, on leaving the heated
work room to ran across the street on an
errand, he was caught oat -in the rain
The result was that, when ready to go
home that night he -was unable to walk,
owing to inflammatory rheumatism. He
was taken home, and on arrival was
placed in front of a good fire and
thoroughly rubbed with Chamberlain's
Fain Balm. During the evening and
night he was repeatedly bathed with this
liniment, and by morning was relieved
of all rheumatic pains. - He now - takes
ecperia pleasure in , praising Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm, and- always . keeps i
bottle of it in the house. For i sale by
Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists. -. -Two
Lives Saved,.'
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas.of Junction City,
111., wt-s told by her doctors she had con
sumption and that there was no hope
-for her, hut two bottles Dr. King's New
Discovery completely cured her and she
says it saved her life. Mr. Thoa. Eu
-gerp, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suf
fered from a dreadful cold,' approaching
- Con sum ptlon, tried without result everv-
thing else, then liought one bottle of Dr.
King's Ni-w Discovery and in two weeks
was cared. . He is naturally thankful
It is such results, ol which these are
samples, that prove the wonderful effi
cacy of this medicine in coughs and
colds. Free trial bottles at the Snipes
Kinerely Drug Store., Regular size 50c.
and $1.00.' r
Knights of the Maeeabees.
The State Commander writes as from
Lincoln, Neb., as follows : "After try
ing other medicines for what seemed to
be a very obstinate cough in our two
children we tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery and at the end of two days the
-cough entirely left them. We .will not
be without it our experience
proves that it cures where all other re
medies fail." Signed F. W. Stevens
State Com. Why not give this great
medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and
trial bottles are free at Snipes & Kiners
ley's Drug Store. .Regular siee 50c and
" $1.00 ; . ::- -
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y,
says that he always keeps Dr. King'i
New Discovery in the bouse and his
family has always found the very best
results follow its use; that he would not
be without it, if procurable. G. A,
Dykeman Druggist, Uatskill, Si. x., says
that Dr. Kings New Discovery is an
doubtedly the best cough remedy; that
he has used it in his family for eight
years, and it has never tailed to do all
that is claimed for it. Why not trv
remedy so long tried and tested. Trial
bottle at Snipes-Kinerslys Drug Co.
Drug Store. Kegdlar size SOo. and $1.00
A Splendid Offer. '
Oar clubbing arrangements with the
San Francisco Examiner entitles those
subscribing for that paper in connection
with Thb Chboniclb Co all the benefits
of their premium offer, that is a num
bered receipt and. choice of premium
pirtnres. The price of the Examiner is
$1.75, the price of Thb Ckkomicls $1.50,
and we send you both with all privileges
as above stated for one year for $2.25.
A severe rheumatic pain in the left
shoulder .had troubled Mr. J. B. Loper,
a well known 'druggist of Dea Moines,
Iowa, . fov six months. At times the
pain was 10 severe that be could not lift
anything. . With all he could do he
could not pet rid of it nntil hf app'ied
Ctiamlierlain(s Pain Balm. "I only
iuadc three applications of it," he says,
and have since been free trotn all pain."
He now reccotnends it to persons siini-
,Hrlv ffllcle,i. It is for sale by Blakelv
it Houghton Drngite.
1. L-i ......1... :
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send
our name and address to H. E. Bucklen
A Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King's New 'Life Pills free, as well
as a copy of Guide to Health and House
hold Instructor, free. All of which is
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
uotning. Sold bv bnipes merely
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to make a little health go a
long way." Its carative power is large-
attributable to its stimulant, tonic
and nutritive properties, by which the
energy of the system is recruited. It is
pleasant to taste, easily borne on the
stomach and harmless under prolonged
nee. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale
y Snipes-Kiiierxly Droir Co.
Whooping; Coach
There is no danger from this disease
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely
given, " It liquefies the tough mucus and
aids its expectoration. It also lessens
the severity and frequency of paroxysms
of coughing, and insures a speedy recov
ery. 1 here is not the least danger in
giving the remedy to children or babies,
as it contains no injurious substance.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Drug
While in Stockton Cal., some time
ago, Thos. F. Laiigan, of Los Banos, that
etate, was taken very severely cramps
and diarrhoea. He chanced to meet Mr,
C. M. Carter, who was similarly afflcted,
Hu says: "I told him of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and we went to the Holden
Drug Store and procured a bottle of it
It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and
can vouch for its having cured me.'
For sale by Blakeley dcHoubton, Drug
Do you want Tux Chbomiclk and San
Francisco Examiner for a year 7 If so
send us $2.25 and you can have them,
156 papers for $2.25 or less than a cent
and a half a pioce. If you would rather
have the New York World, we will send
you that and the Semi-Weekly Chbon
jclb one year for $2.25. The World is
also a semi-weekly eo you will get 208
papers for $2.25.
The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on
sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat
Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats
and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalies
for the now celebrated Goldendale roller
milts flour, the best flour in the market
and sold onlv in ton lot" or over. 9-tf
Pay l he County Debt.
All county warrants registered prior to
Nov. 1st, 1891, will tie paid if presented
at my office, corner 3d and Washington
streets. The Dalles, Or. Interest ceases
after May 25, 1895.
County Treasurer.
to persons applying for money, that the
undersigned is now able to procure loans
in $500 lots to the amount of $4,000, if
accompanied by gilt edge security.
Gxo. W. Rowland, Agent.
m27 113 Third St., The Dalles, Or,
Those wishing cut flowers would do
well to call on Mrs. Stnbling. Flowers
of all kinds and different wire design
may be bad at very reasonable rates.
Leave orders at either Kellar's bakery
or Donnell'a drug store, or at the conser
vatory on the hill.
When occasion demands its use, try
De Witt's Witch Hazek Salve. It
cooling to burns, stops pain instantly
cleanses, a perfect healer for scalds v
skin eruptions. Always cures piles,
For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
There is one medicine that will cure
immediately. We refer to De Witt
C lio and Cholera Cure for all Summer
Complaints. No delay, no disappoint
ment, no failure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug
There is great danger in neglecting
Colic, cholera and similar com plants
An absolutely prompt and safe cure
found in De Witt's Colic and Cholera
Cure. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug
For Bale Cheap.
; One Jersey cow ; one Jersey bull ; also
household furniture. Enquire of W
Hunt, Lair Hill place on Mill creek, two
miles from town. 24-l w
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate
your Bowels and make your head clear
as a bell. 25c, 50c, and $1.00.
. for
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores, ; ,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
JVlembrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang; Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wail Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,
M, w 1 M. I
Hesults from atmospuerio conditions.
! unclean premises. Imperfect ventilation
! and more frequently from tbe deadly
I SEWER OAS. A general rundown and
, sues, and if not corrected. Catarrh. Bron-
t chitiH, and even Consumption may be tbe
! result, s. s. promptly corrects an
! these evil effects. - .
Mr. J. A. Rice. Ottawa. Kan., writes:
For three years I was troubled with Ma-
i larla, which caused my appetite to fail,
: and I was so - reduced in flesh, - that
! life lost its charms. . I tried mercurial
t and potash reme lies, but umld get no relief.
: x tnen aeciaea to try
I A few bottles of this
i wonderful medicine
; made a complete and
permanent cure, ana
: I now enjoy better health than ever. : !
Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
. mauea tree to any aaaress.
One dirk hay mare with heavy black
mane and tail, branded MO connected
on left hip and IV or VI on left Bboulder.
When last seen she had baiter and bell
on. Finder will be liberally rewarded
by leaving at C. L. Richmond's PtaWe in
this city. ml6-lm
Timber Land, Act Jnne 3. 1878.
Land OrpicE, The Dalles, Or.,)
- May 4, 1895. t
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
te provisions of the act of congress of June 3,
1878, entliled "An act for the saleof timber lands
in the States of alifornia, Oregon. .-ev.da and
Washington Territory," Joseph W. Ward, of
Boyd, County of Wnsco, Rtate of Oregon, has this
day filed in this office his sworn statement No.
f-T tbe purchase of ti e 8K KW4 and 6W
of Sec. No. 6, and NWji N WW, NEV K WW,
See, 7, all in Tp. No 2 8. lUii No. VI , W. M.,
and will offer proof to sbow that th-lana soneht
is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
Mgric-ultural t-urpose, and to establish hi claim
to said land br fore the Register and Receiver of
idis omw a'- i oe uaiies, Oregon, on baiuroay,
the 27th day of Juiy, 1895.
He names as witnes-es: Henry Hanner,
Joseph Hanner, The Dalles, Manley Kan, John
Decker. Bt.vd. Or. . .
An and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile their
claims in this office on or before said 27th day of
juiv, xaao. jab. jr. JdUUK, Register.
The Regulator Line'
Tie Dalles, Portland and A&toria
Navigation Co.
Freignt ana Passenger Line
; Throueh Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Uas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
COak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
One way. ... .$2 XX)
Kound trip . 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except ear lots,
will be brought through, vnth-
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
nay landings must be' delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
(Jail on or address,
Oeneral Agent
THos. F. Oales. ' Henry C. Payne, Eeary C. Eoe.l
'. s
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
' ax. pad l.
Thiroagti Tiekets
For information, time cards, map and tickets.
cau on or wnte 10
W. C. ALLAWAY. Aeent.
Tbe Dalles, Oregon, I
A. D. CHABLTON. Asst. O. P. A..
255, llorrUon. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon.
Pianos and Organs, Boob,
Call and ret their prices. Bell PIAKOl on I
easy monthly payments, and Is prepared to meet I
any tvarsiuiusi ,
162 Second SL THE DALLES, OR.
Careata, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-
ent business conducted tor moocoatc Fees.
Oum nmrr tc A.MTf U. B. patent Omcr i
and we can secure patent in less time than those
remote from Washington.
Send model, drawing- or photo., with deserip.i
tion. We advise, U patentable or not, free of
charge. Our lee not due till patent is secured. ,
n piniiLiT. "How to Obtain Patents." with -
cost of same in the U. & and foreign countries
sew tree. oaress,
Opp. Patent Orr ice, Washington, p. C "J
Captain Sweeney, TJ. 8. A., San Diego,
Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever fonnd
that would do me any good." Price 60c
Are the
of all .
I High Pram. Wood Rims,
tamable Tire, Bcoroher,
weight, 21 lbs 85
teel Rims.WaverlsyClin-
cnor i ires, mi ids . ..!
; BeguNr rrame, of same
weignta ..s6
LMdies' D-op Frame, ume
weigntsana iires..7a
Ladies' Diamond, Wnnd
Kims, wt. 20 lbs ...S7S
i A ! A font Wanted in every town
where we are not antLMucrriiy renrcsente!.
A si'lendid business awaits tbe right man
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get iff on the South Side
: This lanre and popular House ones the principal bote! business,
and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of an
House in the city, and at the ow rate of
$1.00 per Day: - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Cegts.
Office far all Stag; Lines leaving; The Dalles for all
Eolnts la Kantarn Oregon and K astern Washington,
a this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union BU.
1 There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune". . VJ. 4
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Ciii-Oot Si 111 m
Fomlie & Calls
Who are selling these goods
Pipe Wott, T Spits g Roofing
Chop on Third 8treet, next door west of Young & Easy
Blacksmith Shop.
Spring; Clothing,
Imported Suitingrs.
Sxuts made to orderJ
from $30.00 up.
John Pashek,
: 1 ' .;.
The Merchant Tailor,
Old Rvtnovy Building,
- Washington Street, between Seoond
bet. Second and Third, -
Cleaning and Repairing Specialty.
Peak-heater's Diamond Brass.
f3r7V' Vristnal mad Only rnn1-s
Drugrlrt for ChUhmtar Bglih
out, mkd with bin ribbon. Tk 1
: suuapei idt MrtMejar, i mtmL n
Rtf for Ifc4las.M M UUmr. bv Nton
ii lit tUt Tsrllinhli hiiwv
Till i ni i i iiwkiiri Mi" i m
.Warranted Superior to any Bicyole built in the
f 1 i, . Vorld, Regardless of Price.
Read the following opinion of one of the most pro inent Amer
ican dealers who has sold hundreds of these wheals:
' Richmoi-d, Va., OeL3,18M.
Indiana Bicycle Co., Indianapolis, Ind.:
Gbntikbm TheWaveiloy scorch-r and Bel came to hand
yes tarda . We are afraid you hve sent u tha high-priced hl
bv mistake. - You can't mean to tt-U us that this wheel retails for
J 85? We most say that It lr, without io ption, ih prettiest wheel
we have ever seen, and, moreover, we have faith in it, although it
'weighs only 24 lbs., for of all Wa erleys we have sold this ymr and
' Jaxt (and you know that i a ris-ht aood number!, we have never
bad a single fram- nor fork broken, either from accident or defect,
: snd '.that is more than we can-sav oi any other wheel, however
high giade. so cHod, that we sell. W congratulate uu-mItss
every day that we are the Wavrley agents.
, - - Y..urs truly V al SB C. Usacua A Co.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
out at greatly-reduced rates.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest honse moving outfit .
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
, Can now ' be found ' at 162 Seeond
street. .