.young, mm an. in.- Prices to All Honda Marked In Ij Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a Uie rVwlotnee at The Dalies, Oregon as sennnd-class matter. ut luu mt Hue for first insertion, and 6 Cento per Una for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock will rTMAr the fnllnwtnsr rtsv. Don't" forget to read all Tub Chbojt iclb. You will find interesting local matter everywhere. Some papers have only a page devoted to local - news, but Thk Chronicle cannot get along with one and has it on every page. MONDAY, - JUNE 10. 1J95 BRIEF MENTION. Lsstu From the (InUbook of Chronicle Ieportrs. Additional Local on Fourth Page. Reports from everwhere indicate a splendid harvest. Four carloads of compressed woo1 were sent E-tst Saturday, and two cars went to hty. A large lot of pipe for the new mala on Fourth street came up by the Regulator Saturday. Wheat still holds its own at 43 cents. Very little has arrived in The Dalles for the last few days. The rehearsal for Damon and Pythias will be held this evening in the K. of P. hall, instead of the usual place. Today promised to be, very warm, but a. breeze came up in the morning and ha- kept the air cool and pleasant. The upper river continues to fall slightly. Toe water should negin to rise here by Thursday, if it rises at all. Thus apeaketh Mr. Pague. Pease & Mays are offering tome special bargains for this week, which it will be to your interest to investigate. Look out for their adv. tomorrow. N. J. Sinnott and Wa'tr Klindt have just got back from flailing on Mosier j creek. Good fortune attended them and they landed over 200 beauties. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Wee. Rice is quite sick. Dr Shackelford pro nouuees it typhoid fever.' Mrs. Rice was called home from Portland to attend the little sufferer. . Nearly every day the Regulator car ries wagons and horses up and down the - river The American people are prone t travel, which fact transportation com ptmea appreciate. The ferryboat was very bogy yesterday morning moving a large band of sheep, numbering several thousand. The pas turage around Mt. Adams is the favorite now among sheep men. A party of officials from the Santa Fe road came up in special car No. 218, Saturday night. The special was at taehed to the east bound passenger and witched to the morning train. The steam laundry is now in active operation. A large part of the machin ery baa been put in position. The ap paratus for cleaning clothes is very com plete and although' the necessary we think you are in a delicate position- But your judgment is good. If it's as good in the matter of Clothing then we know you wear only the celebrated guaranteed brand, Happy HoriE." Our high grades are fit for a king -to be married fit a young man's pocket PEASE machinery has not all arrived, a large number of orders have been received and the force kept busy. ' Justice Davis has finished taking testi mony in the three divorce canes that were referred to him and made his reports. The cases were Pugh vs. Pngh, Wilson vs. Wilson and Hampshire vs. Hamp shire. The - excursion next Sunday bv the Orchestra Union promises to be a grand affair. Every effort will be made by the orchestra to give their guests a good time. Their reputation in this regard is already proved very high. An entertainment and strawberry social will be given by the good people of Fairfield at their school house on the evening of June 11th. All are cordially invited to come and partake of the en joyment of the evening. -. Among the graduates at the Bishop Scott Academy this year will 1 T- oe .K.ay William Logan, son of Dr. Hugh Logan .v: m i i I w. v.wjr. 7""K -"n n ueetu nwicuuiug luis Bcuuui iur several years, and now has completed a full course. The case of the State vs. N. W. Northrup was called before Justice Davis today. The defendant upon ar arraignment pleaded not guilty and asked that the case be continued till Thursday in oider to give more time for obtaining witnesses. The motion was granted and bonds placed at $150. Story & Gates appear for the defendant. At the last meeting of the A. O. U. W. held in its hall, the following gentle men were chosen as officers for the ensu ing term : C. F. Stephens, P. M. W. ; J. Simonson, M. W.; D. C. Herrin, F. ; B. Eaton, O. ; Hans Hansen, Rec. ; G. G. Gibons, Financier; J. A. McArthur, Receiver; Chas. Alden, Guide; P. Kreft, Invide Watchman ; Mr. Basset, Outside Watchman. A curious freak of nature, in the shape ft a lamb with six leva is at the Colum bia brewery. The animal is well formed in every reepect, and appears perfectly healthy. Fiom the right shoulder two additional legs are growing, which reach nearly to the ground. Mr. Buchler pur chased it from a man out at Bake Oven. The lamb attracts a good deal of curios ity from visitors. The salmon have not arrived in such large quantities as the predictions indi cated. A few were caught Saturday. but not enough to make any good show ing. Some of the fishermen Bay the ri.er in nt rise before a run will come, while others give aa the reason that the water is too cl-ar and that plenty of fish are in the river. ..-.-' Work on the cut at the high bridge is going rapidly forward and in all proba bility the grading will be finished next month. The expense will be very great, but there is no question but what the outlay is a wise one. . The bridge might some day be the scene of a terrible acci dent and would now have to be rebuilt or strengthened. ' :. When the new grade is completed it will require but little fix ing and last aa long as the mountain. la Use no sbow with Dr. Kilos' Fain PtUe. -" . ? &c HVCATSTS. ? TWO GOOD SERMONS. Two Seattle Ministers Occupied tne Methodist Pnlpit Yesterday. The large audiences that filled the Methodist church yesterday morning and evening listened to able sermons by Dr. Ford and Dr. Davis, both of Seattle. The warm weather detracted in no wise from the size of the audience. The choir, compos-d of Mrs. Condon, Mrs. White, Miss : Myrtle Micliell, Mr. G. D. Snowden and Mr. John Parrot, sang a very pleasing anthem, a portion of which was a solo by Mrs, White. - The text taken by Dr. Ford was from Habakkuk iil:4, "And There Was a Hiding of His Power." The reverend gentleman spoke of the invisibility of God, and that it did not detract from his power as exercised in behalf of men Passing into the realm of natnre, he told of the acorn, and how it contained the nrrn f m;,,ht.v onlr. TVn thnnsand CrnB nnnn tha trM anrl vt tw " ' 8prang from a sinKle one. I epeak ing of the intellectual life he used for il lustration the capitol at Washington, with its magnificent proportions and complicated architecture, and said the whole creation was contained in the mind of man, who planned the work The germ and hidden power of the spir itual life were in Christ, and from him has sprung the system of a Christianity. In the evening, Dr. Davis, pastor of one of Seattle's large churches, filled the pulpit. His text was from I John i :7 "And the Blood of Jesus Christ, Hie Son, Cleanseth Us From All Sin." The topic turned upon the personal respon sibility of the indi -idoal. The musical features were a. solo by Miss Myrtle Mi- chell and an anthem by the choir, in' eluding a solo by Mrs. Condon. VERDICT FOR THE PLAINTIFF Important Case Decided in the Circuit Co art Cochrane vs. Tunnysheep men Will Be Interested. The case of Peter M. Cochrane vs. J D. Tunny, in whioh sixteen witnesses were brought from Antelope, was on trial Saturday and went to the jury that evening at 10:45. A great deal of inter est was manifested among sheepmen and every point stubbornly contested by the attorneys. About a year ago Geo. Coch rane - bought a band of sheep in bis father's name, the latter furnishing the money. Last November the sheep were sold under an execution issued by the Antelope justice in favor of J. D. Tunny against Geo. Cochrane, Mr. Tanny was the purchaser. The present action was one of replevin brought by Peter Coch rane to recover the sheep. One of the points developed in the case was that date of the sale was Sunday, November 11th, which caused it to be void. The jury was out all of Saturday night and agreed upon a verdict some time Sunday. At 9 o'clock this morning they brought in a verdict for the plaintiff. ' Hunting ton & Wilson, W. H. Wileon and J. L. Story were the attorneys in the case. The sheepmen of Antelope were very much interested in the case and the re sult will be eagerly awaited. No civil See us before you buy. We carry a Complete Line of Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Stores and Steel Ranges, Wire Cloth, Wire Poultry Netting, Sewer Pipe, Iron Water Pipe, Garden Tools, Sheep Shears, Barrell Churns, Rubber and Cotton Wrap ped Garden Hose, Groceries and Provisions, Oak Fir and Maple Cord -wood and General sup plies, MAIER & BENTON. action in Antelope has attracted quite o much attention. Death or Mrn. Beyer. The sad news reached The Da'les lite Saturday that Mrs. A1IU Boyer, who had been taken t Portland a few days previous, was dead. Mrs. Boyer had been 'ill since last January and ber friends had long known that death 'was inevitable. Everything that medical kill could do had been done and as a last resort she was taken to Portland in a vain hope that in some way the change might do her good'.' Mrs. Boyer bad lived in The Dalles for the last five vears and had endeared her self to a large circle of friends by ber un assuming ways. She had been prom inent in musical and church circles and was a valued member of the Methodist church choir. -The loss will be severely felt by many friends. Mr. Boyer came up from Portland Friday night and here received the news of his wife's death. The funeral was held in Portland this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Methodist choir sent a beautiful pillow of roses to be placed upon the casket, while the Good Intent society, of which Mrs. Bver was secretary, sent an anchor. A husband and little girl are left to mourn their loss. In Court Today. Judge Bradshaw and a jury were busy today trying the case of David Lowen & 8on vs. J. C. O'Leary. The action is one brought to recover over advances on a consignment ef wool. Not much time waa required to select a jury, and when the eleventh man -was obtained the coun cil on both sides agreed to go to trial. The men who are trying the cane are D. A Turner, J. F. Slaniels, W. H. Tay lor, M. Randall, C. H. Hall, W. H. Sharp, J. W. Atwell, W. E.Sylvester, A. G. Hall, E. N. Chandler and E. Pit man. Geo. Reno was peremptorily ex- ( u-ted by the plaintiff. Story & . Gates appear for the plaintiff, while Dufur & Menetee represent the defendant. Mr. O'Leary was called as a witness an be- half of the plaintiff, and so far bastbeen the only one examined. An order of confirmation was given in the case of the Portland Guarantee Co. vs. Nicholas Marx. . PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Robt. Mays, jr., of Antelope is in tne city. Mr. J. H. Cradlebaugh went to Hood River for a day's visit. Mr. Richard Hinton from Bake Oven, is in. Tne JJaues today. Miss Georgia Sampson has gone for week's visit to Hood River. Rev. W, C. Curtis went to Mosier to day to perform a marriage ceremony. Mr. Fred Fisher and family have gone to the soda springs near Goldendale on a camping trip. Mrs. Wes Rice returned todav front Portland, where she has been attending ner sick nusoana. Dr. S. H. Fracier went to Portland on this afternoon's train and will return Wednesday noon. . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dufur, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Dufur, Douglas Dufur Can You Buy Groceries Cheaper than This? - Tiro ounces of good 'Plug Cat Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Mserehaurn with every eight packages. Lemon at 20c a dozen ; usual price, Soc. Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.09. Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sngar for $1.00. Sixteen-ou nee plug of good Tobacco for 25c. All stock of fresh and popular brands. . Goods delivered free to any part ef , the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices.- . Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No. 92 Great Shirt Comnanclcg Tuesday and See and Be Convinced. Tba Tych Tal ly Crmmir Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight. and wife and Mrs. Slnsher returned Saturdav night from the funeral of Hon. A. J. Dufur in East Portland. Mr. A. Scherneckau of Astoria, who formerly lived in Wasco county, came up on the boat Saturday. Messrs. Harry Maher and Charlie Frank left with a full camping outfit for Trout Lake on the Regulator today. Messrs. W. B. Mm-kay and A. H. Withingion, two well known young men of Portland, were in the city yesterday. Mrs. C. F. Stephens left on this mornt ing's train for Portland to attend the funeral of Mrs. Coyer, wnicn taKes place today. Mr. C. L. Ireland, son of D. C. Ire land, of the Moro Observer, paeserl through town today on a visit to his father. Mr. Geo. Herbert of rantn has been in town for several days, returning last night. He thinks it probable that the distillery, which recently went int a receiver's hands, will adjust its troubles and resume operations. Mr. Brent Driver of Wamic arrived in town last night. Mr. Driver is a pros perous farmer near Wamtc and several weeks ago entertained the editor at his country home with a hospitality that will not soon be lorgotten. Miss Thompson of Portland, who has been visiting the Misses Story, for sev eral days, returned heme this morning. Mie was accompanied as lar as uascades by Miss Etta Story, who goes on a visit to her friend, Miss Aldricb. Mr. Geo. Lang returned today from Portland, where he has been for several months in the hospital recovering from the injuries he received in the collision last winter. He is able now to walk a bort dmtance without crutches. His general health is much improved. JOS. T- PETERS & CO., DEALERS IN BUILDING : - G-3E-,BTSK.-1IL. Teloplioxie No. 23.. DOCTORS PRESCRIPTIONS Correclly compounded with the ut most care from drug of guaranteed purity by a capable staff of experienced dispensers. All the latest Pharmaceutical Preparations kept In stock. Prices will be found as low as is consistent with the supply of first-class drugs. Ift. Z. DOflflEIili, Apothecary and Chemist. DEUTSCHE APOTHEKn. we..- Sale: seaUnalag satire week. la CREAMERY DllIns. A. A. B. Three society young men went fishing yesterday" up 8-Mile- creek. They started ' rom town on their bicycles, and Boon reached the scene where the fisb. were to be slaughtered. The young men bid their wheels under some brush and started up the creek.- A poor lone cow, whose rations had evidently been cut short, came along and begun to browse ' on the bicycles. She bad just finished one wieef' and was starting on the others when the owners returned, and with rocks,' fishing poles and yells drove her away from her tempting feat. One of the wheels was completely ruined. and aa the owner gazed on the ruins he swore a vengeance against the whole tace of cows, and promised to return to town and try and have the city cow law enforced. From a kind farmer a ride to town was obtained, and the day's sport was over. The only consolation is that the owner of the mutilated wheel works in a large bicycle store, where a new one. can be obtained at a discount. Card of Thanks. . . . B m . i - t i . xne iamiiy oi aire, juuan wien to rc--turn their thanks to the kind friends waim st ItAlnfrtl In n.atatfnfl at t li Jh time of her injury. Notice. All city warrants issued since Feb. 1st,. 1S95, will be paid upon presentation at ui v office. Interest eeases after thia date, June 4th, 1895. 1. 1. Bubgit, , City Treasurer. Cut roses for sale, at Mrs. Flinn's on Tenth street. . MATERIALS AND - SUPFIiIES.