The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 10, 1895, Image 2

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    Tcz Dalles Daily Chronicle.
wrr kaii., ronxgi ruPAis, i aotakc-s.
WeaUy.lyear. ....II 60
44 months. 0 76
( 0 'O
Uflyear. 6 00
" C month. t 00
per " 0 60
Aertr s all communication to " THX CHRON
ICLE," The Dalle, Oregon.
JUNE 10, 1805
When the democratic party under
takes to run the United States govern
ment It finds that much of republican
ism, which it formerly denounced, is
quite essential to the wise and effectiye
administration of the gorernment. If
tfae) South goes ever to populism, as
there bow seems to be a strong probabil
ity of its doing, even the federal election
law would be found quite a wise provi
sion. The interference of the federal
government in controlling riots in the
northern cities is no more offensive to
the populists and socialists than was a
like interference by a republican admin
istration to prevent violence in the
8outh a few years ago to the democratic
Not only is there some good found in
republicanism itself, but ex-republicans
have been found of (treat assistance to
Mr. Cleveland. Mr. Gresbam was, un
til his defeat in the republican national
convention in 1888, a pronounced repub
lican; Mr. J ad son Harmon, the ap
pointee to the office of attorney-general.
to succeed Mr. Olney, was, nntil the
Greely. campaign, a prominent republi
can. we are inclined to the opinion
that Mr. Cleveland himself is almost
The Woman's Rescue League of Bos
ton, like all women, except our mothers.
wives and sweethearts, are wholly in
consistent. They resolve and resolve
and when they are fully resolved the
results are diametrically opposed. First
they resolve that eighty per cent of the
wealth in all light manufacturing indus
tries is created by women and therefore
th-y are entitled to all the political and
oiner privileges 01 manly men wear
pants, make stump speeches, run can
cusps, vote and hold office. Next, for
getting the attributes of manly men
whom they insUt upon imitating, they
resolve that women must not ride bicy
cles because it makes theraUnannish
and tempts women to wear pants. But
there ia no use in discussing the subject
with the dear creatures; they will only
declare that there is no inconsistency in
their resolutions, and remain as resolute
as ever. Better do as did the man who
was sued by his wife for a divorce
when the summons was served upon
him he remarked : "Bless her dear
bear She has always had everything
she has asked for ; if she wants & di
orce, the shall have it."
The Oregonian is pleased because
large damage suits are to be instituted
against the Pacific Mail ti. S. Co. by the
friends of those who perished, and sug
gests that a few verdicts for adequate
damages will have a tendency to protect
passengers upon steamships. What
"adequate" damages are we cannot con
jecture. A . law forbidding passenger
vessels from carrying freight upon their
docks and making the managing officers
of the vessel criminally liable for send
ing to sea a paesengor vessel improperly
loaded, would possibly have prevented
the terrible disaster and obviated the
treat loee of life and consequent sorrow
which cannot be compensated. The
punishment for violating the law should
not be lees severe than life imprison
ment. The same law should punish in
like manner a paeeenger vessel not thor
oughly sea worthy and fully equipped
with life-saving appliances. Verdicts of
juries mav punish the negligence, but
they cannot restore life nor prevent a
repetition of the careless indifference of
the managers ; they can reach the treas
ury of the owners, but the manager es
capes all punishment other than loss of
position, and too often that also. ' "
When a good road to Viilliam county
ia completed, and the people of that
section given the benefits of a compet
itive market, the attention of our busi
ness men might well be given to the
trade from Klickitat county. The road
op this side of the mountain that shuts
off the fertile valley of the Klickitat
could well be improved, and for every
dollar spent more would return. Our
neighbors across the river are glad to
trade with The Dalles, but the induce
ments must be made even with those
X'ven by Grants. This latter station
is much nearer to .Goldendale than we
are, but a very good road to The Dalles
would counteract jthe longer distance.
This, in addition tern better market,
would 'make this Ujr cure of the trade
Jroai a large and growing country.
The taxpayers of this county have
cause to be thankful that the sessions of
our circuit court are as short as they are.
In former years, when there was a Tild
and recklees'elemeot in our midst, com
posed of "bad" men, who are now either
all killed or gone away, the term of court
used to last much longer and the subse
quent burden on the taxpayer more
grievous. Because the calendar is not
stretched to a great length does not
mean that business ia not good or even
that the lawyers do not have enough to
lo, but that people are learning to settle
their disputes outside the courtroom and
repair there when all other efforts fail.
Busy men have not the time to enjoy
the luxuries of a law suit when there is
any' other way of settling their diffi
culties. The steamboat company has. not only
in the past, been of inestimable benefit
to Eastern Oregon, bat ia today the
greatest power in the regulation of rates
for Eastern Oregon. The wool .rate on
the railroad out of The Dalles this year
is at a figure which never could have
been obtained bad it not been for the D
P. & A. N. Co. The Dalles has a com'
mercial importance which it never could
have attained bad not our patriotic citi
zens delved into their pockets and made
this enterprise possible. The prosperity
of the boat company is the prosperity of
The Dalles.
Flcnlo at Wamlc.
There will be a picnic given by the
Wamic school June 21st, Friday, the
last day of the spring term of school
The picnic will be held in a grove abont
a half mile west of the school house. - In
the forenoon there will be a literary pro
gram of recitations and singing, in the
afternoon there will be a same of base
ball, racing and other athletic sports
Also there is to be a saddle put up to be
ridden for by chance. For those who
come in the day and want to stay at
night there will be a dance given in
the Roberts and Woodcock halll.
A Card of Thanks'.
The 29th anniversary of Memorial day
has n w passed intoo history. Eve
soldier's giave in our vicinity has been
visited and marked by the flag he loved
so well, and bowers and evergreen
scattered over his laBt resting place,
Therefore be it '
liesoivea, mat we tender our sincere
thanks to The Dalles Orchestral Union
for their sweet -music ; to Company G
and Company A, state militia, for acting
a9 our escort; to the choir for their ex
cellent singing; to C. L. Richmond, Joe
Berger and F. Leonard for conveyances
to the cemetery ; to the friends who fur
nished such a genereus supply of lovely
flowers and to all other friends for kindly
favors shown.
By order of Woman's Relief Corps.
Blanche G. Pattebson,
Maggie E. Urebin, President.
. The Wasco warehouse is more crowded
today than ever. This morning, at one
time, twenty wagons were waiting in
line to discnarge their loads. Three
hundred sacks have been received today.
The baler is kept hard at w ork all the
time, bat cannot keep up with the work
that is ready for it. A lot of 150,000
was sold Saturday at a price materially
higher than a year ago. Several clips
have been sold today, but the exact
amounts could not be learned. A con
siderable amount of freight is being re
ceived for shipment to the interior.
M. Sichel & Co. of Prineville have orders
to be filled for forty-five tons of salt and
fifteen tons of sulphur. The teams that
bring in . the wool go back, most of
them, loaded with freight for Prineville
merchants and points along the road.
Mr. James H. Frazier showed us some
pictures of his Sherman county ranch,
taken in sheep shearing time. In one
corral are the . sheep from which the
wool has been cut and in another one
are the animals who are yet to go
through the process. Large wagon loads
with. sacks of wool are just ready to start
for the market, while standing by the
sheds is a group of herders and shearers.
Altogether the scene is a typical one and
shows a sample of this great wool pro
ducing country. The pictures would be
a revelation to any one not acquainted
with the large scale on which farming
and wool growing are done in Eastern
Yesterday being a beautiful June day,
many of The Dalles citizens wended
their way to the country on various
picnic excursions, and the forks of Mill
creek seemed to be the favorite place of
reBort. Daring the day plans were
talked over whereby the campers might
get control of the grounds at the forks,
which haye already been so improved as
to make them very comfortable and
pleasant, but no appropriate name could
be agreed upon to designate the place In
the proposed articles of agreement. In
view of the past history of the place, the
name of Chippewa has been suggested,.
Special Notice.
To all members of Mt. Hood Camp,
No. 69, W. of W. You are requested to
be present at 8 o'clock p. m., sharp,
Tuefday, June 11th, at Fraternity hall.
lecture will be delivered by F. A.
Falkenburg on the objects of the order.
An invitation is extended to all gentle
men in the woodcraft to be present.
Bv order of council,
d4da-wl. W. H. Youkq.
HomethlDg; New.
Mm. L. Gerstel has just stopped in
The Dalles lor a short time, with an ex
hibit of all kinds of gems, set and unset
direct from the World's and Midwinter
fairs. She also has the famous magic
lucky stone and Sumatra pern. See tne
exbibit in C. F. Stephens' dry goods
When Baby waa sick, w. st her Cmstorla.
When she was a Child, ah cried f or Caatorisw
When she became Miea, aba clung to Oaatoria.
Warn an. had Cbikirea, afee gave them (
Travelers find a safe companion in
Do Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. A
change in ' drinking water and in diet,
often causes severe and dangerous com
plaints. This medicine always cures
them. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Finest cabinet photos $2.60 per dozen
at Herrins studio Chapman block, The
Dalles, Oregon. Eighteen first prizes
taken. Clip this notice ont and bring
it with you and it is icood tor one photo
extra with every dozen photos. j6-lm
The most pleasant uttlt pills for re
gulating the bowels, are Ue Witt's Little
Early Kigers. Cures sick headache and
constipation Small pill. Small dose. For
sale by Snu-es-Kinerely Drug Co.
De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure
never disappoints, never fails to give im
mediate relief. It cures just as sure as
you take it. For Sale by Snipes-Kin
ersly Drug Co.
Where she can get nice
Where to get the nicest
Where nice, fresh G-ro
ceries are kept.
Where she can get them
in a hurry if she
needs them.
Call or Telephone.
Ask Central for 62.
Kranich & Bach
I 22: " r I
Immm mm w
On Very Easy Terms.
" Disfigured
For Life"
the-despairing cry of thousands
afflicted with
Unsightly skin dis
eases. Do you realize
what this disfigu
ration means to
. sensitive souls ?
It means isolation, seclusion.
It isabartosocial and business success.
Do you wonder that despair seizes
upon tnese sufferers when
Doctors fail, standard remedies fail,
And nostrums prove worse than use
Skin diseases are most obstinate to
cure or even relieve.
It is an easy matter to claim to cure
them, but quite another thing to
do so.
Have earned the right to be called
tKin apecitics.
Because for years they have met
with most remarkable success.
There are cases that they cannot cure,
but they are few indeed.
It is no long-drawn-out, expensive
25c. invested in a cake of
Will prove more convincing than
a page of advertisement.
In short
CUTICURA works wonders,
And its cures are simply marvellous.
Price. CunontA, sac: So
: ; KlWLVINT, St. 1'OTTEB DkiiO AND ( HE
r.,Sole Props., Barton. "All about the Skin,"" free.
The above association is
prepared to take- a list of all
and any kind of Heal Estate
for sale or exchange, whereby
the seller will have the undi
vided assistance of the follow
in? Heal instate Aerents. or-
Seized a, an association for
migration to VVasCO and oher-
man Counties, and generally
ofi mnlo innp 4Vizi cola TrJ
C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud
son, J. U. ivoontz dc Uo., J. JYl.
Huntington & Co., Dufur &
Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons &
Marden, G. W. Rowland.
Address any of the above
well known firms, or
J. H. Huntington, Sec.
The Dalles. Oregon.
125 Milk St, Boston, Mass
This company owns Letters Patent
No. 463.569. granted to Emile Berliner
November 17, 1891, for a combined tele
graph and telephone, covering all f rme
of microphone transmitters or contact
telephones. '
V. 8. Lixd OmcK, The Bailee, Or.,(
Mar. 80. 1H95. i
Complaint Imvinir been entered at thl office
Dy Sylvester budcock afreinst is. Clarence MeeK
for abandoning hi bome-teHd entry No. 8740.
oated May 5ih, 18MI. upon theBH. NE4,
B !4 an.lN W"4,Sr W,8ection 6.To nshipl Bath.
Kange 12 Eaat, in W anco County, Oregon, wltti a
lew to the cancel! lion of mid e try. Ibe eal1
parties are hereby hummoned to appear at this
olli e on ti e 25 tb day of May, 1K95. at 1U o'clock,
a. m. to respona ana mrnisn ieuinony c ncern-
lng aaia alleged aDanaoninent
J. K. MOORK, Register.
. Land Omc, The Dalles, Or.,
U.. Al iliiC I
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler bus filed notice of his Intention to
make final Drool in suDDort of nib claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
ana receiver ot tne u. t. Lana oince, 1 ue uaues,
jr., on i une a, usoo, viz. :
Olile P. Weherr,
Hd. E. No. 4563, for the 8W4 See. 10, Tp 5 8 R
12E..W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon aua cultivation or,
said lnnu. viz: J. P. Abb -tt. ilow Dele .re ai d
H. White of Wai.initia, Oregon and Frauk Gabel
oi i ne i 'alien, viregon.
XD22-J26 J AS. F. MOORE, Register.
Notice of Final Stttlement
Notice Is hereby eiven that the nndersirned
bas filed his final areomit as executor of the last
will and leutam- nt f Catherine Wigle, dease4.
The County Court of Waxo oonnly. by an order
rnsae on tne ntn any oi pui, iwo, nas nzea
Friday, the 41st day of May. 1895. aa the time and
the Coantv Courtroom lu Dalles CI y as the place
lor oeaiina saia anal xceount ana oojecaons
thereto and objections to the final settlement of
Sail estau. j na. u. JAIUJK,
Ml-5t , x ecu tor.
Bring m Your Family.
Come in Yourself.
And see how cheaply
Men's Suits, Boy's
Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock.
Closing Out Sale
Past or present values cut no figure, as goods
J. P.
X- "W. ViUiSEI
Snoeeeeor to Paul Kreft Co
And the Most Complete and
ttt ATT "OA l L1 L3
PRACTICAL PATNTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands
of 3. W. MASDRY'8 PAINT8 DBed
most'skitW workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chem
ical combination or soap mixture. A flrst-claes article in all colors. All orders ,
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shon corner Third and
Saceeeaor to Chrieman & Corson. ZZT
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my formet patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
This well-known Brewery is now
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introdaoed, and ony the first-class article will be placed on
he marlc"t
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles,
all Article Kept In a First Class Harness Shop..
we can dress all of you.
Suits, Silks, Satins,
Latest Patterns and Designs in
in all onr-worW, and none but th
Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon
turning oat the best Beer and Porter
Bridles, Collars,
Adjoining B. J. Collins Ce.'s Stere