1 WO Pongee Silks and Dress Goods We desire to call your attention to the fact that line of Dress Goods in all the latest novelties Plaids, Look at Our Gut Prices. Our 25c line for..; " 30c " " 35c " Pongee Silks Almost Given Away. Our 25c goods for " 30c " ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. nwred a the IVjetoffice at The Dalles, Oregon aa aecond-clasa matter. 10 Uw pvr line for firat luHeruou, and 6 Cent per Una for each aubaequent insertion. Special rate for long time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock will mimr the following 1av. Don't forget to read all Tub Chbon iclk. You will find interesting local matter everywhere. Some papers have only a page devoted to local news, bat The Chronicle cannot get along with one and has it on every page. SATURDAY, - - JUNE 8. .1895 BRIEF MENTION. Ymtci From the Notebook 0f Chronicle Reporters. Additional Local on Fourth Page. Today' has been the warmest of tbe season. Tbe cape of Cochrane vs. Tunny will N go to the jury tonight. Tbe boats brought up 290 berry crates for the Frnit Union yesterday. A train of eighteen cars of stock passed through The Dalles today on Its way East. , A light east wind is blowing today. We hope it will stop, as the only danger to crops lies in a hot east wind. The river above is rising slowly. The river here will continue slowly rising . with a more rapid rise next week. One hundred and fifty pounds of cherries were shipped last night to Eastern markets. This is the firet ship ment of tbe season. The Children's Day exercises at the M. E. church have been postponed one week, so that all may have the pleasure of listening to Eev. T. B. Ford, D. D. . Fishing is said to be very good in the , streams near The Dalles. Tomorrow will see several buggies loaded with poles . and bottles, start for tbe shady nooks along the creeks. ' Thirty tourists from' Boston made tbe trip on the Dalles City yesterday. They were members of the Raymond excur sion party. Tbe steamer bad over ninety passengers on board when she reached Portland. . . . : Tbe remains of the late Hon. A. J. Dufnr were brought to Crandall & Burgett's undertaking parlors last even ing at 7 o'clock, where they were visited by a large Dumber of friends. A com mittee of Masons accompanied the body to the early morning train. " ' After the pleasant time bad on the moonlight trip last night, tbe excursion given by the orchestra Jane 16th will undoubtedly prove a grand success. All tickets sold for May 26tb, tbe day it' was intended to have the excursion, will be good on a week from next Sunday. The fish are coming up the river ac cording to latest reports. . Several good catches were made at Hood River and the run at Cascades is quite satisfactory. . A catch is expected to be made tonight Great Specials 22 .23 .29 Our 40c line for.........:...'......, .32 " 50c " .43 19 I Our 35c goods ..23 " 50c " PEASE r i or tomorrow. We hope the wheels will have plenty of work from now on. Rev. T. B. Ford, D. D.,' will occupy the M. E. church pulpit, tomorrow, both morning and evening. Dr. Ford is a stracger to the people of The Dalles, so this will be his first acquaintance with a Dalles audience. A most cordial invita tion is extended by pastor and congrega tion to come and hear this celebrated divine. Justice Davis Is busy today entering up judgment against two members of tbe militia company, who were fined by a recent court of discipline. The law now provides that persons fined by the court martial may hsve an execution issued against them and a levy made as if it were in a civil action. A warrant has just been issued for the arrest of Scott Delaney of Antelope. charged with abd action of a 15-year-old girl named Maggie . Yontz, which is alleged to have occurred April 16th. The information was sworn to by J. W. Howell, step-father of tbe girl. The warrant was sent to the deputy sheriff at Antelope. At tbe meeting of the Degree of Honor held last Wednesday night, the following officers were chosen for the next term : Maggie E. Herrin, C. of H.; Ollie F. Stephens, L. of H.; Annie Blakeney, C. of C; Miss B. Sterling, Rec.; Cora Joles, financier; Jennie Russell, re ceiver; Amber Joles, Usher; Lizzie Schooling, inside watchman; C. F. Stephens, outside watchman. The bonds which the city has just caused to be issued, are now bving signed by Mayor Frank Menetee, and Recorder Douglas S. Dufar. . They are of pretty design and well lithographed. - As there are 114 bonds and fifty coupons to each bond, all of which have to be sinned by the mayor and . recorder, it necessitates 5814 signatures by each gentleman. If this were to be a regular thing the mayor j would probably akan increase in salary will soon start people for the seashore and mountains. . Several camping parties a're now being arranged. Griff Williams, Charlie Michelbaeh and Wm. Marders left on the Regulator this morning for a month's banting and fishing near Tront Lake, and many more people will have their outing near - Mt. Adams. The jaunt of the Mazamas promises to be an elaborate affair and transportation has been arranged for several hundred. ex cursionists. ' ' The city election occurs on June 17th. The election of mayor will be the im portant item, as the appointment of the recorder and marshal are now placed in his hands. This makes it very essential that a good man be chosen to occupy the highest office in the g ft of the city. While it decreases tbe number of officers to be voted for, tbe interest in tbe elec tion will in no wise be diminiwhed. However, at this time, very little is said regarding the prospective candidates, but there is abundanttime between now and the 17th to get op an exciting contest. ?aAo haa no sbotr with Ir. KUse' Fala FKsv we are showing a. strong Brocades and Diagonals. for .29, 39 i & MAYS. THE ORCHESTRA EXCURSION. lloonllght Trip Last Night The Boys Outdo Themselves la Giving Tbelr . G masts m Good Time. When Captain Waud gave the signal to back the Regulator away from the dock last evening, there started as merry a party of excursionists as ever left The Dalles. The upper deck . was crowded with pleasure-seekers, while on the wharf those who couldn't go gave the steamer and its prrcious load a parting cheer, and wished them a happy night. The moon had not yet risen, but the river was as quiet as a mill pond. The orchestra, stationed in the forward part of the boat, made sweet music while the steamer swung -.slowly out into the stream and pointed her bow towards Hood River. In the cabin and on tbe promenade deck the excursionists soon arranged themselves. The young people gath ered into groups, and the customary old- time songs, which long ago had earned a pension, were sung; but when every body is in good humor it doesn't matter much how eld the songs are, or how badly they are sung. The orchestra stationed themselves in the dining cabin and gave a concert to an eager andience. As each piece was finished the listeners wanted another one, which tbe musi cians good naturedly gave. Down past Crate's Point into the channel between the high, mountains this side of Lyle the steamer passed. Soon the Klickitat river was left behind, and the little- village of Mosier was pointed out in the iiatance. The moon was beginning to rise, and the river and its banks were lit up, so that the places along the shore were clearly seen. Tbe prettiest part of the trip was just as the boat reached White Salmon, and the mountains for a time lost their rugged character, and a break in tbe bills on both sides the river showed the outlets of fertile valleys, whose products are famed the world over. ' ' The water was at such a height that the Regulator steamed into Hood River and landed close to the railroad depot. . The water is getting at a stage when this cannot be done much longer, and when it ceases a great convenience to the people of the town will be missed The usnal portion of the population were assembled on the shore to greet the excursionists and watch the unusual spectacle of a steamboat landing there at that hour of the night. As soon as the gang plank was out the crowd hastened to the armory, where tht, dance was to begiven. The streets of Hood River were quiet enough before the crowd came, but tbe merry shouts of ' tbe Dallesites and beat of drams soon broke all to pieces any previous stillness. Tbe armory is a large, commodious building and made the finest kind of a'place for dancing. Tbe floor bad been placed in good condition and was soon occupied by the dancers. For nearly two boars the dancing kept cp and though the night was warm there were very few who sat out the dances. Not many people from Hood River were present, for which wa See us before you buy. Wa carry a Complete Una of Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Stoves and Steel Ranges, Wire Cloth, Wire Poultry Netting, Sewer Pipe, Iron "Water Pipe, Garden Tools, ' Sheep Shears, Barrell Chuins, Rubber and Cotton Wrap ped Garden Hose, Groceries and Provisions, Oak Fir and Maple Cord wood and General sup plies, MAIER & BENTON. are t-orry, as they missed the chance of ' hearing the best muBic any town in Eastern Oregon can give. Those from the town who were there praised the boys very highly. A few minutes before ll o'clock the whistle of the Regulator warned the people that Th Dalles was their home and the time for returning bad come and so the last waltz was played and that part of the entertain ment closed. When the boat passed oat of Hood River tbe moon had ri-en in full glory and the water reflected its goldon path. The--night was clear and not a ripple upon the river's placid surface. The ex- carsionistshad been rather quiet on the down trip, but now the fun began. Tbe band quickly responded to a request for music and all the favorites were played. Out on the deck were gathered most of the passengers, as tbere was no wiud to drive them inside. - An ' impromptu Salvation Army 'band, gotten op on short notice, played the airs made so familiar to the people of The Dalles dar ing the past year. : It was close to 11 o'clock when the Regulator left Hood River and at five minutes past one the lines were made fast to the .dock at The Dalles and this pleasant excursion was over. Without any undue praise it can truth fully be said that every arrangement was carried out in a most satisfactory manner. Manager Birgfeld bad care fully seen to all tbe arrangements and there was not a slip or a halt in the en tire program. The officials of tbe boat line were not one whit behind in cour tesy and a desire to give everyone a good time and -everyone will agree that they succeeded. PERSONAL. M N i lON. - G. W. Fligg, the postmaster at Enders by, is in tbe city today. Mr. E. Y. Judd, of the Pendleton scouring mills, is in tbe city. . " Mr. Hugh Glenn returned today on the local train from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Frazier, of bnerman county, are in the city. Mr. R. W. Crandall was a passenger on tne regulator tnis morning. Mr. L. Samuel, at one time publisher ot tne illustrated west shore, is regis tered at the Uintilla. ' the local train today from a several days visit in ins ianes. Mr. Robert Burns,' general freight agent oi tne j. a oc St. Uo., was in The .Dalles tnia morning. Dr. S. H. Frazier of Portland has moved to town and opened a dental office in the Ubapman building. Mr. C. M. Cartwright and H. W. Wells, both largely interested in. sheep raising, went to irortiana today. Mrs. Julian, the lady hart several days ago, was not able to be taken home as. at nrst tnought possible and is still connnea to ner Dea. Mr. Neil Boyer returned from Port land last night. His wife stood the trip as well as could be expected, but, we are sorry to say, is no better. Mr. C. A. Park, an attorney at law of Salem, is in the city visiting his Mend, Mr G. W. Phelps. Both these young gentleman were classmates at the Uni Can You Buy Groceries ' Cheaper than This? - - ' ? - - . ' ' ' ' Two ounces of good Plug Cat Tobacco for 5c, and a Missouri Moerchaum with every eight pack ages. Lemons at 20c a dozen ; usual price, 35c. Sixteen pounds San Francisco Granulated Sugar for $1.00. Seventeen pounds Hong Kong Granulated Sugar for (1.00. ' Sixteen-ounce plug of good Tobacco for 25c. All stock of fresh and popular brands. Goods delivered free to any part of the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and prices. Southeast Cor. Union and Second Sts. Telephone No. 92. Great Shirt Comsiencing Tuesday and See and Be Convinced. The Tygb Tal ly Crimi7 Ask VanbibDer & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full "Weight. versity of Michigan, and graduated in the law class of 1894. Mr. J. S. Cooper, a banker of Inde pendence, was a passenger liomw on l lit afternoon train. He was accompanied by his brother, Mr. D. J. Cooper oi this city. Senator Mitchell, in a private letter to a gentleman of this city, says be was to leave Washington June 2i, tor Oregon, so he will arrive in Portland in a short time. SHOOTING AT MOSIER. A. Power Haa Trouble witta O. L.. FieldsShooting la tbe Outcome. A little after noon Fridny R. A. Power, the storekeeper at Mosier, shot O. L. Field through the right leg and himself reaeived severe' injuries in the face. The trouble arose over some wood, which the Fields were piling in the Mosier yard, and about which Power and Fields had had dealings. The reports differ as to just exactly what occurred ; but dur ing tbo scuffle . that ensued Power re ceived a bad wound in the face from a rock and O. L. Fields was seriously wounded in the leg. The Chronicle is not in a position to judge of the merits of the quarrel, which will have to be determined by the pre liminary examination. Power came to town yesterday to ' have his wound dressed. How badly Fields is injured is not known, but it is not believed he is dangerously hurt. A warrant has been issued for'Power's arrest, and tbe exam ination 'will bo held at once. There has been a good dea'i of trouble JOS. T. PETERS & CO. -DEALERS IN- BUILDING : Toleplioixo Ifo. 2S. DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS Correctly compounded with the ut most care from drugs of gnaravnteed parity by a capable staff of experienced dispensers. . All the latest Pharmaceutical Preparations kept in stock. Prices will be found as low as is consistent with the supply of first-class drugs. '- DEUTSCHE APOTHTJUe. Sale eontinvlag satire week. la Delleleas. in Mosier for some time, and there seems tjbe an undue amount of dissen sion in the neighborhood. We are sorry to see things take the turn they havo, . and hope' that this unfortunate affair may be an end to the strife. - When your heart pains yon and un- ' usual palpitation, is frequent, accom panied sometimes with shortness of breath and low spirits you are suffering from a disordered state of the livr, di gestion is imperfect and there is wind ori the stomach. If allowed to remain the trouble will ultimately reach the kid neys and then become dangerous to life. Steps should be taken to stay its pro gress on the appearance bt the first symptoms.' Dir. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is' especially adapted for disorders of this kind. Price $1.00 per bottle. 'For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. - .East End Hose Company. There will be an adjourned meeting of this company at the hose house, on Monday evening, Juue 10th, at 8 o'clock. All are requested to be present. L. S. Davis, Secretary.. Motlee. All city warrants issued since Feb. 1st, ; 1895, will be paid upon presentation at my office. Interest ceases 'after this date, Jane 4th, 1895.. 1. 1. Boeqkt, ;'.. City Treasurer. Cut roses for sale, at Mrs. Flinn's on Tenth street. ' v MATERIALS -AND- CREAMERY A. A. B. Apothecary and Chemist. Telapbeo IS