C2) "His Dalles Daily Chroniele. BXJBBCBXPTIOM KATES. WT KalL, FOSTaeS rUralD, I abtahck. Weakl?, 1 year. 1 60 " months. 0 75 o o CBU.lyear..... S 00 month. 00 pot " 0 60 ASdreaa all communication to " THX CHRON-SCL-S." The Dalles, Oregon. SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1S95 WHAT THE FUTURE WILL BE. Wasco county ia but throwing aside ita swaddling clothes. Although one of the oldest counties in the state, and one wtiose jurisdiction formerly extended -from the Cascade range far east, over the deserts of the plains almost to the cky mountains, yet its real develop ment is just beginning. In early .days we depended on traffic to pour its coffers of wealth into our laps; and so it did. When the long line of pack trains ceased wending their way from our city, the days of the railroad boom came, and Tervthing centered . at The Dalles. When the shops, with their large pay roll, left us, it seemed as though a crashing blow had been struck ; but all the time a development of the country was going on unconsciously; so gent--ly, in tact, as to be hardly noticed. The lulls, which had been stripped of their luxuriant buncbgrass by grazing stock, b d been transferred into wheat fields ; along the creek bottoms orchards were being carefully planted and nurtured; ctock farms had been located in places advantageous because of good ranges snd altogether the transition from a Wild frontier to a settled country, with a steady commercial development, was completed. But we are in our infancy. The fish interests have probably reached their fall development. - The stock raisers may not increase their stocks and herds in the same proportion as in the past. but the wheat growing country baa not nearly reached its capacity, while the fruit industry has yet its full life to live, Hood River is getting a world-wide fame frits apples and berries. The Dalles ie shipping cherries, peaches ahd other Imits to marketswhere these products c miroand ' the highest - price. The or chards growing at present only show the possibility of the future. The hill land is now being urged as superior to the creek bottom for large fruits, while soil that has been looked upon in the past m almost worthless is today held at a good value. 1 he prospect is bright for this favored portion of Eastern Oregon. When the eyes of the immigrant are turned to wards Oregon they will rest upon the place they have long been seeking. Let ns make an effort to get a larger popula tion, for the more that come the better it 'will be for those that are already here, The Oregon Scout comes to our table this morning in a handsomely illastrat ad edition. We are surprised and pleased at the beauty of the illustrations which reflect much credit on the enter prise and artistic judgment of the pub lishers. The scenes are mainly views of Eastern Oregon and accompanied by ' well-written articles of description. A picture of Bridal Veil falls is especially praiseworthy. The Chronicle con gratulate the publishers of the Scout upon their success, and hopes their en terprke will he in every way rewarded PRODUCTIVE DRY HOLLOW. Bide Through the Orchards Close to ' The Dalles A Industry. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Emil Schanno 'kimlW invited the editor to take a ride to the orchards in Dry Hollow. Mr . fichanno, as a member of the State Hor tlcultural Commission, is thoroughly conversant with the fruit - growing of thia section, and it Is a pleasure to have him explain the different varieties o fruit and the progress and needs of fruit uUure in Wasco county. Driving up the road past the fair grounds, and over the hill into a little valley, the orchards of Dry Hollow are in view. But a few years ago, where now the green trees make the whole country a beautiful picture, was a soil supposedly .barren. People who prided themselves in being well informed, said that noth ing could ever be raised on such land and hooted at ti.e idea of a person spending time and money in planting trees. "Were thev to take a ride similar to that of yesterday, these same pes si mists wnu'd receive some knowledge that would be a sure blow to a belief t'.e infallibility of their judgment Such a eight as the 'rees, laden with fruit of all description, gives sure evi dt-nce of this county's future. The first place that- was passed be longed to the family of , the late Rev. E P. Roberts, and the large orchard, cov ering the hillside, is well kept and shows every evidence of prosperity. Mr. W H. Taylor, whoae place is the next one op the road, was not at home ; but a drive through hia orchard was a revela- j Men to the writer. Ita size cannot be told from the road, and the long avenues of closely planted trees, all showing a healthy growth, reminded one of the pictures of the California orange groves. The ground ietween the trees has been carefully ploughed and rolled, and might be said to be as clean as a parlor carpet. Most of Mr. Taylor's trees are about six yearn old, but some of them were planted four rears ago. The limbs are so heavily laden with fruit that tbey will have to be stripped, in great part, to save them from breaking. Mr. Tay lor . ia just building a large Chrieman dryer, which ia nearly completed. The next place visited was that of Mr. Robt. Cooper. Mr. , Cooper moved to thia country in the latter part of the sixties, and selected for his home the place which he has made into a mag nificent fruit farm. Hia land liea on both sides of the road, and the best trees grow on the hilly part. The cherries are just beginning to ripen, and the trees are loaded. Three men were in the orchard stripping the trees of the overplus of fruit. - Mr. Cooper, in plant ing hia trees, placed them twelve and a half feet apart, bnt baa thinned them out till there ia now a apace of twenty- five feet between moat of the treee. These farms, which for Irck of time were .the only ones viewed, are well worth a visit, and the gentlemanly own- era are very kind to show a stranger many things of interest. The orchards repre sent a great outlay of labor and ex pense, but no one who looks upon the long linea of trees, with their luscious burden, can think it a poor investment. Mr. Henry Klindt, a pioneer resident of Wasco county, whose place ia a shoit distance below town, brought Tbb Chboniclb office today some wheat hay of remarkable growth. The hay wa planted last fall on ground which the water covered and measures six feet in height. The river left a sediment of at out twelve inches on Mr. Klindt's field and the hay crop upon it this year will be enormous. Mr. Klindt has been for many years a resident of this county, but be says never before haa he seen so much hay raised on a piece of land as will be gathered on bis place this season Everyone knows how rich the land in hgypt along the Kile is made by the overflow of the river and it is not to be wondered at that same thing should happen along the banks of the Col am bia,. The earn pie now at Thb Chronicle office would be an excellent specimen of Wasco county's resources to send abroad Constable A. A. Urquhart has just re turned from VVamic, where he arrested a man named Northrup, charged with the larceny of some oats from the farm of Sheriff Driver. He is also accused of killing a pig belonging to Miss Mamie Driver. Northrup has the reputation of being a bad man and when Constable Urquhart went to a'rest him, he found him in the brush with a loaded Win chester. Northrop finally concluded that it was best to come without too much delay and ia now in the county jail. The people of Wamic settlement are much woiked up against Northrop and his reputation in that community is not of the best. , ON THE ROAD to recovery, the 'young woman who is taking Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. In maidenhood, wo manhood, wife hood and moth erhood the " Pre scription " ia a supporting tonic and nervine that's peculiarly adapted to her needs, regulating, strengthening and cur ing the derangements of the sex. Why is it so many women owe- their beauty to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription? Because beauty of form and face radiate from the common center health. The best bodily condition results from good food, fresh air and exercise coupled with the judicious use of the "Prescription." . If there be headache, pain in the back, bearing-down sensations, . or general de bility, or if there be nervous disturbance, nervous prostration, and sleeplessness, the " Prescription " reaches the origin of the trouble and corrects it. It dispels aches and pains, corrects displacements and cures catarrhal inflammation of the lining mem branes, falling of the womb, ulceration, ir regularities and kindred maladies. FALLING OF WOMB." Mrs. Frank Cam field, of East Dickin son, Franklin Co., N. Y., writes : " I deem it my duty to express my deep, heart-felt grati tude to you for having been the means, under Providence, of restor ing me to health, for I have been by spells un able to walk. My troubles were of the womb inflammatory and bearing-down sen sations and the doctors all said, they could not cure me. Twelve bottles of Dr. Mrs. Cam field, i Pierce's wonderful Favorite Prescription has cured me." " Lane Bros., the blacksmiths, have an improvement on trail brak?s that takes '7-85 at sight. - jn-2wd&w Special Notice. To all members of Mt. Hood Camp, No. 59, W. of W. Yon are requested to be present at 8 o'clock p. m., sharp, Tuoi-day, June 11th, at Fraternity hall. A lecture will be delivered by F. A. Falkenburg on the ol-jfCts of the order. An invitation is extended to all gentle men in the woodcraft to be present. By order of council, d4ds-wl. W. H. Yockq. Something- New. Mrs. L. Gerstel haa just stopped in The Da les lor a short time, with an ex hibit of ali kinds of gems, set and unset direct from the World's and Midwinter fairs. She also haa the famous msgic lucky stone and Sumatra gem. See tne exhibit in C. F. Stephens' dry goods store. When Maby was rick, we jare her Cattorta, When she wss s Child, she cried for Oaatorio. When she became Miss, ah dung to Caatorla, Woes soe had Children, she gare them CaaMaia. Travelers find a safe companion in De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. A change in drinking water and in diet, often causes severe and dangerous com plaints. Thia medicine alwaya cores them. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Finest cabinet photos f 2.50 per dozen at Herrins studio Chapman block, . The Dalles, Oregon. Eighteen first prizes taken. Clip thia notice out and bring it with you and it is good tor one photo extra with every dozen photos. . j6-lm The most pleasant little pills -for re gulating the bowels, are De Witt's Little Early Risers. Cures sick headache and constipation Small pill, Small dose. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure never disappoints, never fails to give im mediate relief. It cares just as sure as you take it. For Sale by Snipes-Kin ersly Drag Co. THE BEST PIPE TOBACCO. Wife Knows Where she can get nice Vegetables. Where to get the nicest Berries." Where nice, fresh G-ro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. - Call or Telephone. J. B. CROSSEN, Grocer. Ask Central for 62, Kranich & Bach PIANOS AT- ? k u ix Your I.C.N.CKELSEN'S On Very Easy Terms. For Life" Is' the despairing cry tf thousands afflicted with Unsightly skin dis eases. Do you realize what this disfigu ration means to sensitive souls ? It means isolation, seclusion. It is a bar to social and business success. Do you wonder that despair seizes upon these sufferers when Doctors fail, standard remedies fail. a a . . Ana nostrums prove worse than use ' less? ' - Skin diseases are most obstinate to cure or even relieve. It is an easy matter to claim to cure them, but quite another thin to do so., CUTICURA REMEDIES ' " Have earned the right to be called Skin Specifics, Because for years they have met with most remarkable success. There are cases that they cannot cure, but they are few indeed. It is no long-drawn-out, expensive experiment. 25c. invested in a cake of CUTICURA SOAP Will prove more convincing than a page of . advertisement. . In short CUTICURA works wonders, And its cures are simply marvellous. Sold everywhere. Price, CunctraA, 50c.: So.r. se : Kiwlviiit, Si. i-orraa Dai:n and hum Cow., SoU Prop Boston. "All about the Skin.' free. THE DALLES ESOTT TVTC3r JZT. The above association is prepared to take a list of all and any -kind .of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undr vided assistance of the follow ing Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an - association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E. Bayard, T.VA. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M Huntington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Alarden, G. W. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firmsj or . " J. M. Huntington, Sec. The Daixes, Oregon The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 125 Milk St., Boston, Mass This company owns Letters Patent ISO. 4b3.obtf. granted to Kuiile Berliner November 17, 1891, fur a combined tele graph and telephone, coverine all drme of microphone transmitters or contact telephones. NOTICE. V. B. TLamd Omci, The Dalles, Or., Mar. SO. 195. Complaint having been entered at tbia office Dy eyivesier bhdcock 8gainst j. uiarence Meek nr aoanaoning tits Dometesa entry Ho. 8740, iiaiea iuay wn, isu, upon ine Wy$, J4, IJJ4 8 VV l a l m N W i .8 Hi .Section fi.Tow n n hi r. 1 fU ml h Range 12 East, in Wasco County, Oregon, with a view to the cancel 1 lion of mid e try, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at tbis um ts uu me ram uay oi May, itKg, at xu o ClOCZ m. m. to respond and fnrnish testimony o ncern' ii8 hiu aiivgct HuuiuuQineHi. J. V. MOORE, Beglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Office, The Dalles, Or.,1 Notice is herebv e-iven that thA fl Inwln. named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sunoort of hU claim, and that said proof will be made before the register hum receiver oi ine u. . uma omoe, TH liailes, Olllo P. Wenerg, " Hd. E. No. 4563, for the 8WJ4 Bee. 10, Tp 5 8 E 12 1., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his cuiiiinuuuu resilience upon ana cultivation or, said land, viz: J. P. Abb .tt. Moh Dlire ami H. White of Wapinitia, Oregon and Frank Gabel v, j jib imiiev, irregon. , m22-J2tt J AS. F. MOORE, Kegister. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is herebv aiven that tha tindersiracri has filed his final account aa executor of the last will and testament rf Catherine Wigle, deceased. The County Court of Wasco county, by an order maae on tne Z7tn aty oi April, leys, nas nxed Friday, the 31st day of May. 1K9S. as tha time and the County Courtroom iu balles Ciy as the place for heal inn said final account and objections inereio ana ODjecuons to ine nnai ketiieraeni oi said estate. WM. U. TAYLOR, M-6t Executor. Mi Estate Bring m Your Come in . And see how cheaply Men's Suits, Boy's Li ACES, WOOLENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, C. K. STEPHENS, Closing Out Sale of DRY GOODS CLOTHING-. FURNISHING- GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods MUST be SOLD Give JVIe J. P. Successor to Paul Kreft A Co . DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASST- .-, And the Moet Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs ttf', TTT A TP TP 1-1 A I l 1.1 I a PEACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands of J. W. MASURY'8 PAINTS used most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Stere and Paint Shoo oorner Third and Washington fits., The Dalles, Oieoi GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER, Successor to Cbrisman A Corson. J ilfflW FULL LINE OF , STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my formei patrons. Free delirery to any part of town. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health- ful Beer have been introduced, and ony he market RU PERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS, An all Articles Kept In a First Class Harness Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLT DOSE. .'"ma a Family Yourself - we can dress all of you. Suits, Silks, Satins, COTTONS, LINENS, for everyone. All new stock. LESS than COST. a Call; McINERNY, ts TTT ATT A T I IK ' . . . . .. . v, in all onr work, and none bnt the - turning out the best. Beer ahd Portef the first-class article will be placed oa Adjoining . X. Collins A Ce.'s Storey