i Tic Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. T VAIL, rOSTAOB rurilS, III ADTASCK. Weakly, 1 year months. m y ........... .......... Ball, 1 year. " month. per " .$ 1 60 . 0 75 . 0 H . 00 . 800 . 0 60 Address all communication to TBS CHRON tClJC." Tba Dalles, Oregon. FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1895 GREATOAIN OF AN OPEN RIVER. The importance of an open river can not be overestimated. When we con template the benefit an independent line of steamers between The Dalles andjj Portland has been to this community and its far-reaching effects, we- become more enthusiastic for an open riv6r than ever. If, as is the case, the boat line m now able to effect and reduce rates as far east as La Grande or Elgin, in face of the difficulties of re handling at the state portage, or the cost of transfer, bow much more will it effect them when they can run through without transfer; and thi, we are assured, will be done by next January. ? T. " ' .' Hot alone has the freight rate been" re duced, but passenger rates have also been lowered to meet boat competition. The O. R. & N. have put into effect a rate of $3.50 for the round trip between Portland and The Dalles, go-d for ten days, and $2.80 for' a one-day limit'.. This could be of considerable advantage to Eta tern Oregon business ' men who make flying tiips to Portland. They should buy round trip tickets to The Dalles, and then get off and get a round trip ticket between The Dalles and Port land, and thus save nearly $3 on a ten day ticket, or $4 on a one-day ticket. The merchants of Eastern Oregon should never cease in their efforts to " secure an open river. The outlook now is brighter than ever before. FREE SILVER AND DEMOCRACY. The democrats of' Illinois and Ohio, two of the politically important states of the North, have swung themselves clear of (he last party platform and de clared for free coinage. ' Both convex tione endorsed Altgeld, as. a matter of course. We say "as a matter of course, for sympathy . with socialism and insta bility of government is always accom panied by advocacy of uncertain. and ex perimental financial schemes. The time is rapidly coming when democrats who sincerely believe in the stability of our currency will be driven entirely out of their party In so far as the republican party has spoken, it has declared in favor of a cur rency composed of gold and silver so regulated as that twenty silver dollars will everywhere ! purchase a double eagle. Any other policy' or plan is un safe, and will be rejected by the people of the United States; and any ezperi nent which will not certainly leave our medium of exchange in that relation, is extremely dangerous to our commercial interests, as well as 'to our producing industries. THE RESERVATION PASTURED. MAY BE Thk Chronicle yesterday announced that 'Senator Mitchell had called unon the secretary of the interior relative to the order excluding sheep from the Cas cade reservation, with the result that the order was rescinded. The matter v was called to the attention of Senator Mitchell at once upon the promulgation of the order by the former editor of The Chronicle, and since then no effort has been spared on our part to have the de- pariment to rescind what seemed to us an unwise and wholly unnecessary and nnjust order. we extend to Senator Mitchell the thanks of Eastern Oregon for his co-op eration and successful efforts in this matter. If the republicans! of Oregon are not all of one mind with the senator upon the financial question, they all arue that when his attention is called to any need of the state of Oregon, the neaas of departments at Washington do not grow much older without hear ing of it, and they get little rest until a desired decision is rendered. The sheep . raisers oi uregon are under renewed ob ligations to Senator Mitchell. WAS NOT MEANT SERIOUSLY. It is the Ferionely-expresaed opinion of The Dalles Chronicle tnat what this country stands most in need of just now ie a Chinese wall. "What is the use," argues the Chronicle, "of allowing Eng land to dictate the price of wheat, wool and cotton ; Germany the price of pork, auo r.ance the price of wines? Whv let Europe longer interfere with us? China was quite independent of the rest ot the world for ages, and there is no reason why we can't be. It might toov Euuietning 10 Dmid a wail, but the iiiuosiriai army want employment, and we dave lots of silver in the vaults at Washington, which is very much de sired bv thousands of people throughout vnc iauu. n e can pay lor the. work in silver; this will give the land free silver, and we will be done with these arrogant nations of Enropei which are now trying to ran our affairs. Let's have a Chinese wall." To fully establish the wisdom of its suggestion it only remained for the Chronicle to point with pride to China's condition today. Evening Telegram. The Evening Telegram is indeed bril liant. : Hereafter when Th Chboniclb attempts' anything in the facetious line we shall send a marked cqpy to the Tel egram, and label every such matter "A joke." We shall then hope to escape being represented as blank idiots. THIS IS TRUE. '. Freight charges on sugar frem Port land to The Dalles has been reduced to ten cents per "hundred. At this rate it would pay our merchants to have their sugar shipped to The Dalles and haul it overland. Wasco News. And; it is also true that it wonld pay the Wasco merchants to buy their suar here. The Dalles merchants buy and ship in large quantities, and they can therelore give better figures than Port land, with freight added. The republicans of Kentucky in their convention on the 5th, declare: "We are opposed to the free and unlimited coinage of silver, believing it will in volve the country in financial ruin. We believe in sound currency, and in the use of both gold and silver for coinage, provided always that a dollar in one is made precisely as valuable as a dollar in the other." This, we believe, will be about as the next republican national platform will ' read. There are several things in the Kentucky platform which sound like republicanism. ' " " " The Valley Transcript, which is pub lished at Dallas, closed its third year of life yesterday, and with it stopped pub lication. The editor, Mr. A. R. Snyder. who at one trine was connected with the Times-f ountaineer, says that this step is taken Decause Mcaiinnviile oners more inducement to a newspaper than Dallas. Mr. Snyder is an able writer, and the people of Dallas should be loath to sae him go. Salvation Araajr Concert. A concert was given Wednesday night at the Salvation Army barracks, on Front street, which made an interesting evening, lne seating capacity of the hall was completely over-filled and people stood up- all over the room Much preparations bad been made by the members of the army and the inter est shown by the audience rewarded them for the somewhat irksome task of drilling little children. Upon the stage were seated the officers and ..members and the performers of the evening. ; The barracks is always decorated with flags and becoming mottoes. ' The program alternated with recitations and songs mostly by little children. The audience heartily appreciated the efforts of the young ones and evens- effort received generous applause. The program we are compelled to omit, owing to lack of room. ' The Salvation Army is doing itood work wherever they are and the officers in charge are polite, sincere and earnest in the discharge of their duties. Last evening about 8 o'clock an in teresting event occurred on the rocks just back of the railroad shops. It seems that two youthful braves love the tender glances of the same sweet maiden and naturally there is a clash of inter ests. W.ords could not reconcile the differences so blows were found neces sary. But this was no impromptu affair. Everything was carefully planned according to pugilistic rules, with this exception that it did not end in each one simply saying what he could do and then not doing it. A ring was formed and time keepers and referee appointed. It took about ten minutes to give each contestent enough and the fight was de clared a draw. Some other means will have to be fonnd to decide which one will desist from paying the young lady attentions. " u The water at the Locks has fallen suf ficiently now to enable preparations to be made for starting the pumps. The bulkhead is now out of the wet and the water about even with the top of the gate. The pumps will probably start to morrow and Mr. Day estimates about six days as the time required to empty the canal. As soon as the water is gone a force of over 300 men will be put to work and the work kept steadily in progress. The upper gate will be placed in position and work above the bulk head c'ontinoed. 'Nothing in the way of damage, except an inconvenience, has resulted from this season's high water. When Baby was sick, we gare her Oastorlc, Wben ahe was & Child, she cried for OasCoria, When she became Kiss, she clung to Coetoria. Fben she hod Children, ahe gare them Casteria. Lane Bros., the blacksmiths, have an improvement on trail brakes that takes at sight. ju-2wd4w Moonlight Excursion. The Dalles Orchestral Union have chartered the Str. Regulator lo ron from Dalles to Hood River and return on Fri dy evening June, 7tb, leaving The Dalles at 7:30 p. m. returning at 11 pi m. ' " ' Arrangements . have been made at Hood River.for refreshments ice cream, strawberries and cream etc., and also for dancing. Tickets 50 cents for round trip including admission to ball. Tickets on sale at principal stores, or the mem bers of the Orchestra Union. Special Notice. To all members of Mt. Hood Camp, No. 69, W. of W. You are requeeted to be present at 8 o'clock p. m., sharp, Tuerday, June 11th, at Fraternity ball. A lecture will bo delivered by F. Aj Falkenburg on the objects of the order. An invitation is extended to all gentle men in the woodcraft to be present. By order of council, ; d4ds-wl. " "'' W. Hi Youko.. Firemen, Attention"; There will be a regular meeting of Mt. Hood Hose company, No. 4, at the hose honse tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is desired, as the new constitution and by-laws will be ready for the' signatures of the mem bers.'. j0hn W. Lawis, Sec. , Notice to Water Consumers. The water will bo turned off at 9 o'clock this - evening, all west of Liberty street, for the purpose of necessary . re pairs. Take due notice, and govern yourselves accordingly." iifflSs, mm Li i ,-r iiiirn"-1-- - -- i if -3 PIPE TOBACCO. - Where she can get nice Vegetables... Where to get the nicest Berries. : Where nice, fresh Gro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. J. B. CROSSEN, : Grocer. Ask Central for 62. . Kranich & Bact PIANOS AT I.C. NICK ELS EN'S On Very Easy Terms. Assignee's Notice. Notice is hereby eiven that Ernest Jacobsen. an Insulveut deotor, baa duly conveyed to me by proper deed of asli?nment all hfs properry ot every Kind, in trust for the benefit of all of his creditors' under the general assignment laws of the Btxte of uregon. AU persons having; claim" axnlnst said insolv ent are hereby notified to present the same to me, properly verified, within ninety days from tfce dat- of this notice. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, April 12, 1895. AprlS-mll -.-ij.x . B. ADAMS, Aasignee. T JV ATI li r . ' -?-"TTT. . .--J- ",l II m w Your Wife Knows "Disfigured For Life" Is the despairing cry ef thousands afflicted with . Unsightly skin dis. eases. SW UuDo you realize what this disfigu ration means to sensitive souls ? It means isolation, seclusion. It is a bar to social and business success. Do you wonder that despair seizes upon these sufferers when -Doctors fail, standard remedies fail, And nostrums prove worse than use- less?';?"-.-.;. Y. v,-""c;-i- ,Skin diseases are most obstinate to ; cure or even relieve. ' ' ,' It is an easy matter to1 claim to cure ; thenv but quite; another thing to do so. - :.-' r ' . - . ; CUT1CURA REMEDIES Have earned the right to be called Skin Specifics, Because for years - they have met with most remarkable success. There are cases that they cannot cure, Dut tney are tew indeed. .' It is no . long-drawn-out, expensive experiment. ;;':"""..."; ' :v.:V 25c. invested'iri a cake of -1 CUT1CURA. SOAP ; " ' ' v Will prove more convincing than a page of advertisement. In short CUTICURA works wonders, And its cures are simply marvellous. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuka, 50c.: Sop, stc : Kesolvint, St. foTTEe Dhi-o AND ( MEM. Corp.. Sole Props., Boston. AU about the Skin," tree. THE DALLES state e lhe above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind ot Keal instate for Sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Ileal Estate Agents, or ganized-as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: ! C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden, G. V. Rowland. Address ariV of the above well -known firms, or J. n. Huntington, Sec. , The Dalles; Oregon, The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO, 125 Milk St, Boston, Mass This company owns Letters Patent No. 463.669. granted to Emtle Berliner JSoveuiber 17, io), lor a combiDOl tele graph and telephone, covering all firms of microphone transmitters or contact telephones. v , NOTICE. V. B. Land Ofpicb, The Dalles, Or.. Mar. 30. 1H9S. Complaint having- been entered at this office Dy cyivester DaDCOfK against n.. uiaence MeeK lor aoandoning ms Jometend entry 10. 874U, dated May 5th, 18'Jl, upon the B, N WJ, BWi4 anilNWV.SH-i .Section 5.To UBhlrji South Range 12 East, in asco Cotinty, Oregon, witn a view to the cancell. lion of sid e try, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this oin on cne iolQ any oi May, irst. at 1U o ciocjt a. m. to respond and furnish testimony c ncern ing Httia aiiegea aDanaonmeni. J. P. MOORE, Begister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. : ' Lakd Office, The Dalles, Or., Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tnat suia prooi win De maae oerore tne regisu:i and receiver of the 0. S. Land office, The Dalles, ur., as iiuuesi, jaw, tu.: Ollle P. We1ert, Hd. E. No. 4563, for the SW 8ec 10, Tp 5 8 E 12 E..W. M. " - He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi, said Ihiiu, viz: J. P. Abb tt, Moxe Delure and H. White f Wapinitia, Oreon and Frank Gabel oi ine I'aiies, uregon. - , : - ,- m22-j2C. JAS. F. MOORE, Register. Notice ' of Final ' Settlement Notice is herebv eiven that the nndersiened has filed bis final account as executor of the last will and lestam-nt i f Catherine WiKle.drceased The County Court of Wiuco county, by an order made on the 27th dcy of -Aptil, 1895, haa fixed Friday, the aist day of May, 1S95, as the time aud the County Courtroom in Dalles Ciiy as the place for beaiina said final sccouut and objections m ere to ana ODjecuous to tne nnal tetueuieni oi Elea sola estate. . .-. wi. u XA l ujk, Ml-5t ; - Kzcautor. Bring m Your Family. Come in Yourself, And see how cheaply Men's Suits, Boy's LACES, WOOLENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, C. F STEPHENS, Closin Out of DRY GOODS CLOTHINa. PURNISHINa GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods 1 MUST be SOLD Give JVIe J. P. Sueeaasojto Paul Kreft Co DEALER IN PAI NTS, OILS AND GLASS. '' . . f ' And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in ... WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS need in all onr work, and none but th. most skirled workmen ' employed.. Agents for Masory Liquid Paints. Nochem-. icel combination or - soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. v .. .- . . ' Store and Faint Shon oorner Third and Washin(?ton Bts.. , The Dalles, Ore'ea GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER, (Successor to Chrisman & Corson.) , rm FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. . THE CELEBRATED v COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances fgr the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed o 4 he marltt " " RUPERT &, GABEL, - , , Wholesale, and retail manufacturers and dealers in . Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS, An all Articles Kept in a First Class Harness Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. we can dress all of you. Suits, Silks, Satins, COTTONS, LINENS, for everyone. All new stock. lESS than COST. a Call. McINERNY, Adjoining . J. Collins 4 Ce.'s Store Sale i