O) 1 , VOL. VIII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 7. 1895. NO 134 ' "M 11 4I ! ifit fg S3Sf S3 WJ . tiff rfiiWTftrp rp. -xV- AN HISTORICAL ROMANCE. Tkt ls.autlful Story of ramn and l'y-thlae--Is 1 a Myth, Tradition , or Hl.toryT T - Damon and Pythias" was written by John Banim over seventy-five years ago and first presented in London in 1821 and was from the first a great success. Mr. Enemus is an accompalished ' afctor and with the help of our best local talent the production will undoubtedly be a success. . . . . THE STORY 07 DAMON AND PYTHIAS. Tbe story of Damon and Pythias is older than the wonderful story told by the evangelists. The beautiful myth, tradition, or history, it matters not which it is called, is of an event which antedates tbe Christian era by a period . of time about equal to that which inter venes between tbe discovery of America by Columbus and the present year. The reign of' Dionyeius, tbe elder markets an era of selfishness' in the world's history. Following the example of a tyrant, his adherents in the Isle of Sicily vied in obliterating from the tableB of their memory every vestige of that noblest principal of manhood which re cognizes man's fealty to bis fellows. Damon, a Senator at Syracuse, by his opposition to Dionyeius, in his attempt ed usurpation of power, was placed nnder sentence of immediate death. Pythias the time tried friend of Damon, be sought tbe tyrant to grant him a respite, that he might bid a last farewell to ' tboso be loved. The denial of bis re quest was followed by the most striking exemplification of pure friendship that has ever illuminatad the pages of history. I Pi tbias offered himself as a hostage for Damon while he should visit his wife and child once more before his execu tion. The chains were taken from the limbs of Damon and placed on those of Pyth wSas, Damon was soon at his home. He - bade bis weeping wife and little one an affectionate farewell and calls' for his horse in order to return in time to redeem bis pledge to Pythias. He finds that his horse bas been killed by bis servant in order to prevent bis return, but he se cures another horse and flieB to Syracuse. In tbe mean time Pythias has been tempted to eecape the doom which seems to threaten him. Butnol bet insists upon the terms of the hostage being carried out to the letter. He exclaims: "It is sweet to die for those we -love I" The time is fast passing and still Damon does not appear. The block is erected, tbe crowds are gathered in the square, the -funeral procession is formed, and Pythias is led forth to seal his friend ship with his blood. Does he shrink? No. Does he falter? No. With sol dierly and iron nerve he wends his way, cheerfully to die for his friend. In that moment the clatter of a horse's hoofs is heard in the distance and soon Damon falls exhausted at tbe feet of his friend. This display of manhood and true courage led captive the tyrant's heart. Who remitting the death sentence of Damon, sought admission to their friendship. - The Probable Location. Washington, June 6. The Washing- ton Post prints some gossip regarding the probable location of the next nation al republican convention. San Francisco is more prominently mentioned than any city in the race for the next conven tion prize. The Post is disposed to be somewhat sarcastic about the chances of the Pacific coast metropolis. It says in part: "Suppose the next national republican convention should be held in San Fran Cisco? It is said that Chairman Manley t is earnest in his advocacy of tbe far-off " slope city, and General Clarkson is very pronounced in bis support. Just how the republican national committee stands is not so well known. "San Francisco has sought the conven tion for many years. She has sent dele agations across the continent to elo quently plead with the national com mi t tees. The lobbies of tLe Arlington hotel have run red and white with Cal Highest of all in Leavenmg Power. iforna wine, and the headquarters of the delegation have been thronged from morning till night with shouters for San Francisco." Cora For Crippled Children. - The National Surgical Institute, Paci fic Branch 319 Bush street San Francisco, successfnly treats all cases of orthopedic surgery, diseases of the spine, hip? and knee,- joints, paralysis, piles, ..fistula, nasal catarrh, bow legs, knock knees, al! deformities and chronic diseases. Their success in treating these cases is shown by thousands of references from trust worthy people all over tbe country. . People having - afflicted children or friends should convince themselves of the excellent results of tbe system of treatment by this institute. One or more of these surgeons will be at the Umatilla Huuse.The Dalles, Wednesday, June 12th, one day, to examine cases. Send for circular. Reference may be had to Ben E. Snipes, Seattle, Sarah A: Bunnell, Columbus; Hon. -Thos L. Davidson Salem ; S. G. Blackerby, Wap- initia, and hundreds of others. -.. - - ' Jo-jS. Any one who has ever had an atark of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice with Mr. J. A. Stumm, 220 Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, over his fortunate escape from a siege of that distressing ailment. Mr. Stumm is foreman of Merriau's confectionery establishment. Some months ago, on leaving the heated work room to run across the street on an errand, he was caught out in the rain. Ths result was that when ready to go borne that night be was unable to walk, owing to inflammatory rheumatism. . He was taken home, and on arrival was placed in front of a good fire and thoronghly rubbed with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Daring tbe evening and night be was repeatedly bathed with this liniment, and by morning was relieved of all rheumatic pains. He now takes especia pleasure in praising Chambsr lain's Pain Balm, and always keeps a bottle of it in the house. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. free Pills. ' Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co ; Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu larly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels great lv invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Snipes & eunersiy. A Hoambold Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y,. says that be always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the bouse and bis family bas always found the very best results' follow its use; that he would not be witbont it, if procurable. G. A, Dykeman Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. Kings - New Discovery is an doubtedly the best cough remedy ; that be bas need it in bis family for eight years, and it has never tailed to do all that is claimed lor it. vvnv not trv a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottle at Snipes-Kinerslys Drug Co.'s Drugstore. Regular size 60c. and $1.00 All Free. Those who have used Dr. 'King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House' hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you uothing. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Cut roses for sale, at Mrs.. Flinn's on Tenth street. " "ain tiaa no show with Dr. Miles' Fain PtDav latest U. S. Gov't Report n o to suppose that an imitation offers the customer any guarantee like the original does. Take CotloUne for example. Thb Faxrbank Co. discovered it, perfected it, and epent thousands in making its merits known. ' . It is plainly to j their interest to make and keep it what it is to-day the most popu lar shortening" in the world. But when yon come To accept An these guarantees all disappear, and the housekeeper is at the mercy of an imitator who deals on others' reputation and who profits only by others loss. To ensure having- good cook ing and healthful food stick right to CottolEnb and let all imitations severely alone. Sold in S and S pound pans. Made only by ' 1 The N. K. FairbantC . Company, ST. JAyVia ma CSUcafO, Sew lork, 1 tOO Reward SHOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science- has been able to cure in all its stages, and that as Catarrh. Hall's Cure is the onlv posi tive core known to the medical frater nity. Catarrh ... being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing' its 'work. -The proprietors have so , much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimo nials. ' Address, ' ' - F. J. Cheney '& Co., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. In tbe spring, the hnman body needs assistance to throw off the stagnation produced by winter diet. As tbe tern perature rises under tbe growing heat of the sun's rays we feel tired, half-sick and low in spirits, because the blood is sluggish and full of impurities. Dr. J, H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable spring re medy to invigorate tbe body and give tone to the digestion. Price $1.00 . per bottle, tor sale by buipes-Kinerely urug jo. Baoklen's Atun salve. The best salve in the world for cots, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,' fever tores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion. or1 money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. 1 . Persons who are subject, to diarrhoea will find a speedy cure in De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Use no other. It is the best that can be made or that money can procure. It leaves the sys tem in natural condition after its use. We sell it.' For sale by Snipes-Kin. ersly Drug Co. We recommend De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure because we believe it a safe and reliable remedy. - It's good efiecta are shown at once in cases of Cholera Morbus and similar complaints For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Sbilob's Cure is sold on a guarantee It cures incipient Consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose zocts., bOcts., and $1.00. Mrs. Henderebott has removed her dressmaking parlors to No. 20 Second street, opposite Union -Street Lodging House. . j3-It tTi-ritlnrht and NewrulgU cored by Dr. MlLit-a i-Aifl triLiijB. -uno cent a ao&a. - DON'T OVERLOOK OUR j) GentsMLace Oxfords Gents? Tan Shoes at $1.65 pair. eit $4.00 pair. This Shoe is made on a wide last, . in the celebrated "Crossette" make i with low heel. A good, easy hot " Yale or Needle Toe very neat - weather shoe. . . . . and dressy . "Chester" Suspenders Tan and Black Sox 1 at 65c pair. at 12 l-2c pair. Something new. A great comhina- I A special value. Perfect fool seam- ' ; tion of science and common sense. fl lefs. We show theee .Socks also in V . - Give them a trial.. ' - ; j ' mixed colors. Negligee Shirts, French Balbriggan at all prices. Underwear, $2 s nit. !. - '.-''- -' An immense stock t.f those Phirts These garments are all that can be ; ' . now on hand. Values better than desired. They are perfect fitting . - i ever before. and silk finished. .;'.'-,.-.'-'"' - ; -,.. , - - ..-..','-,. - : . See our assortment of SOc STRAW HATS 50o. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO cki ' .-'--''' For Infants and Children. . ... Caatoria, promote PlgtUm, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa. Thus the child Is rendered healthy and-its sleep atnral. Caatoria. contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. HCatorla Is vowrll adapted to children chat I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Asohib, M. 111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T. M For several years I h ave recommenced jronf Owrtoria,' and poall always continue to do so. as it has invariably produced beneficial remits." Edwik F. Pardbk. M. D., 12Sth Street and 7th Ave Mew York City. "The use of 'Castor!1 Is so tmlversal and Its merits ro well known that it reams a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Caatoria within easy reach." CaBloa Mabttk. P. P.. New York City. Thb Caarrjum Coxparr, 77 Hurray Street, H.T. pr. Hlles'NKB-vK PLASTBBsenre RHETTMA riSM. WA K BACKS. At drumUta. only 2So r prom Earope Black Gros Grains Faille Ottomans Broches arid white Ch'k Silks Gents' Tailor Made Black and Tan. 166 Second St. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENKRALBANKINO BU81NBBb Letters of Credit issued available in tbe " . . Eastern States. Sight ."- Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. : Collections made at all points on fav orable term 8. J. ti. 8CHSKCK, . J. M. Pattiebon, Cashier. rreuaenc first flational Bank. THE DALLES, f - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. . Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. ScnxucE. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbk. H. M. Ball. -. . Tartan Check Silks Blaeg Pongees Surahs, new Colors Satins, new Shades. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Clothing; NEW- GOODS. , p. JlOJSLVWILiIi, Importer. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding". ZE3I. G-ZE-iIEIISriLSr. Ladies' OXFORDS, in Direct