Tdio Dalles Daily Chronicle. BUBSCRIPTIOH RATES. t mail, romai ruria, in adtac. Weekly, 1 year.. I 1 ' U nrnnlhi: 0 75 . M s 0 " DllS, 1 year. months. - per - Addren all communication to THB CHBON- ICLK," The Dalles, Oregon. THURSDAY JUNE 6, 389 TVS CASCADE RESERVE AGAIN. We are in sympathy with the spirit of patriotism and love of the mountains of the writer of the letter in yesterday's Chroniclb favorinz the exclasion of sheep from the Cascade Reservation. We want no such resnlt as the one sug (ested. The mountains in their present condition are more than beautiful ; they are, to a large extent, the controlers of the climate and the regulators of our water supply. Denuded, their beauty and much of their utility is gone ; but all the herds that can ever be main tained on tire lowlands during the win ter are but a handful as compared to what the mountain forests will feed in the summer months without affecting the soil, herbage or forests. .There are millions of acres along the eastern base of the mountains which are fit only for cheep and cattle pasture ; stock cannot be maintained1 in - the mountains during ." the months from October until May, and without the use of the mountain pastures in the tummer these pasture lands are utterly worth less for any purpose. Being far from -water, or so dry as not to bear summer pasturage, not only will those who have settled upon and purchased portions of these lands with the understanding that the mountains were and should remain free, be wronged, but the remainder of the lands not yet sold will be unsaleable and useless. This order is made without any inves tigation of its necessity or effect. We think it is unjust to the men in the .sheep industry and wholly unnecessary in order to keep the mountains in sub stantially tne same condition as now. As to the cutting of timber from the mountains, that 3b quite a different mat ter. A forest fire from a careless or in different settler will do more barm in one night than a herd of sheep will do in many summers. plorable affair. It seems Miss Bassoni, who was a good bicyclist, started to ride to see a new house which the family waa to occupy. In returning she got along very nicely till she approached the cross ing at Van Ness avenue. At this point there was a jumble of teams and one of them nearly ran her down: She swung out of the way only to De struct Dy another team. Although suffering much pain the young lady rode home, but was compelled at once to lie down. The next morning about 4 o clock she awoke and beinz feverish asked Mrs, WU-'f man, who occupied the room with her for a drink. The lady arose to grant the request, but instead of pouring out a glass of malt extract she made a fatal mistake and filled a wine glass with aconite linament and gave it to Miss Bassoni, the latter drinking it at a' draught. As soon as the mistake was discovered medical aid was summoned but in vain and in half an hour from the time of drinking the poison the young lady was dead. Aconite, when used in very small quantities, is a remedy of considerable value, but when taken in too large amounts is deadly in its effects. So fatal a poison is it that there is no known antidote for it. Miss Bassoni spent two years some time ago in Wasco county, part of the time at Eingsley and part at The Dalles, She has many friends here who remem bers her well. Her sister, Miss Flora Bassoni, is at present in The Dalles, hile Mr. Archie Bassoni, a brother of the dead girl, lives at Rutledge, Sber man county. They -are to be deeply sympathized with in their affliction. Wednesday; aiid brought the first strawberries which had arrived at An telope this season. The case 01 Lester vs. Hooper, over the damage done to a box of candy,' and which was 'on trial before Justice Jesse Allen, was decided in 'favor of the de fendant. A jury was called to deter mine the matter. H'-bnettk. - Another New Knterprlse. ENGLAND'S INVITATION TO PRESIDENT. THE England's is now discussing the pro priety of the president of the United States visiting Europe. They long for an opportunity on that side to show their appreciation of what a democratic administration has done for their manu facto rers and the producers in their colonies. - They will take less interest in the next president, and hence anxious that Mr. Cleveland make the journey. We think our president, during these hard times liad best remain at home and saw wood. He will soon be out of a job, and if he saves enoagh from his salary to visit his friends and beneficiaries afterwards, we will make no objections ; bul just now bis closest attention is re' quirtd to so run the government that when it is turned over to the incoming republican administration it will not be entirely bankrupt. Just leave book writing and traveling alone, Mr. Cleve land, until our income is as great as our expenditures. We think by that time the United States will not miss you. There is to be an official inquiry into the faulty loading of the Colima. How lamentable there could not have been a little more "investigation" before she sailed from port. About 180 lives might have thereby been saved. The same penalty should be inflicted upon careless stevedores as is inflicted upon careiess omcers oi me snip in case of a wreck. . ... We note the fact that the "Rawhidt" saine in California has become very val uable since our proposed free coinage of borsehide. We didn't suppose there was any such a mine, or we would not have made our plan so public. We made the suggestion wholly in the in- m. a. r y-fc . merest oi Oregon noree-raisers ; we care nothing for California mine-owners. GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Won n.r, aerft TT XL. V. PiCrC. Chltf consulting physician to the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. N. Y., com pounded this medicine of vegetable ingrredi- . - . . . . ir. . V. & e&ia wmcn naa an espccioi kw uv. stomach and liver; rousing the organs to healthful activity aa well as puniying ana enriching the blood. By such means the stomach and the nerves are supplied with pure blood; they will not do duty without it any more man a locomotive van i u& wiui- out coal. X on can not g a iaung cure oi Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, by taking arti ficially digested foods or pepsin the stom ach must do its own work in its own way. Do not put your nerves to sleep with so called celery mixtures, it is better to go to the seat of the difficulty and feed the nerve cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness and Nervous Af f.rtinii. such aa aleenlessness and weak. nervous feelings are completely cured by the " Discovery." It puts on healthy flesh, brings refreshing sleep and invigorates the whole system. Mia. K. Hekks. of ffa. Sg6 North HalzUd St. U. P. Attorney Murphy and his part ner, Larry Sullivan, are to give a mati nee of the performance given recently by them at the Tivoli saloon in Portland r . .. .... -iu iuib performance tnere will be a slight change change in the caste ; Sulli van will be defendant, instead of the aggressor. Death of a Yf-ung Lady The Dalles. Formerly in Mr. Alex. McLeod of Kingslev, who is in the city, received the sad intelligence yesterday of the death of his grandchild, Miss Annie Bassoni, who died Saturday morning, June 1st, in San Francisco, Cal., from an accidental poisoning. The Examiner gives a full account of the de Mr. Emil Srhanno has purchased the lot on the southeast of Front and Wash ington and intends as soon as arrange ments can be completed to coaimence the erection of a large warehouse. In all probability the building will be occupied by the Oregon Fruit Union as a storage and forwarding warehouse. The dimen sions will be 07x45 feet and will be well arranged for tbe handling of a large amount of frnit. Mr. Schanno is an old time resident of The Dalles and this move shows bis faith in tbe town as a business point that-will increase in im portance in further time. In a conver sation with the agent of the Fruit Union a Chronicle reporter was told that the union was going to remain permanently in The Dalles and that they consider this point an excellent one for the extension of their business. The property was purchaeed of some heirs of T. W. Miller, a pioneer resident of The Dalles, who died some years ago For a number of years Mr. Miller bad tin and hardware store on the corner, ut the building was burned down about ten years ago. The Chbonicl'b wil be glad to see the ground occupied and note another improvement in our growing city. Ass'gnment for the Next School Tear Tbe board ol directors and Prof. Gavin have completed the assignment of teachers for next year. The list of teachers with the grades and schools is as follows: John Gavin Principal. Miss N. Cooper East Hill Primary grades IB, 1A, 2B. Mis Welch East Hill Primary 3B, 3A, 5B. Miss Phirman Academy Park 1C, IB, 1A. Miss Flinn Academy Park 3B, 3A. Miss L. Rintoul Academy Park 6B, 6A. - Miss T. Rintoul Academy Park 7B.7A. Miss Rowe Union street 1C.1B.1A. Miss E. Cooper Union street 2B, 2A. Miss Snell Union street 4B, 4 Mrs. Roche Union street 4 B, 5 A, 6 A. Miss Ball Union St. Annex 5B, 5A. Miss Michell Conrt street 8B, 8A. Miss Hill and Mr. Strattan High school 8A, 9th, 10th, 11th. Graat Collection of Napoleon Picture. The 250 pictures in McClure's Com plete Life of Napoleon are drawn from the private collection of the Hon. Gardi ner G. Hubbard of Washington, D. C. ; of Mgr. Due d'Aumale; H. I. H., Prince Victor Napoleon : .; Prince Roland Bona parte ; iSaron JLarrey, the son of the chief surgeon of the armies of Napoleon ; tbe Duke of Bassano, son of tbe minis ter and confidant of the emperor; M. M. Edmond Taigny, the friend and his torian of Isabey ; M. Albert Cbristophle, Governor-General of the Credit Foncier of France; M.Paul le Roux, who has, perhaf s, the richest of the Napoleonic collections; M. le Marquis de Girardin, son-in-law of the Due de Caete, the faithful Minister of Finance of Napeleon I., and from the great galleries ot France. ' From Onr Antelope Correspond ant. Miss Bertha Irvine of Antelope was given a birthday dinner on Wednesday. Her many friends all join in wishing her many happy returns of the day. Frank Kincaid, former county com missioner, arrived from The Dalles Chicago, III., writes merit as simply wonderful. Since taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery in connection witn nis -neasant Pellets ' I have gain ed in every respect, particularly in flesh and strength. My liver was dreadfully enlarged and 1 suf fered greatly from dyspepsia. No phy sician could give relief. Now. after two months I am entire ly relieved of my disease. My appe tite is excellent ; food well digested; bowels much improved." I regard my improve- Mas. Henie. regular and sleep THE BEST PIPE TOBACCO. Your Wife "Disfigured For Life" Is the despairing cry of thousands -afflicted with Unsightly skin dis eases. Do you realize what this disfigu ration means to sensitive souls ? It means isolation, seclusion. It is a bar to social and business success. Do you wonder that despair seizes upon these sunerers wnen Doctors fail, standard remedies fail. And nostrums prove worse than use less I Skin diseases are most obstinate to cure or even relieve. It is an easy matter to claim to cure them, but quite another thing to do so. CUTICURA REMEDIES Have earned the right to be called Skin Specifics, Because for years they have met with most remarkable success. There are cases that they cannot cure, but they are tew indeed. It is no long-drawn-out, expensive experiment. 25c. invested in a cake of CUTICURA SOAP Will prove more convincing than a page of advertisement. In short CUTICURA works wonders. And its cures are simply marvellous. ooia everywhere. Ptux, luticua, 50c. : f-nr. yc : KtsoLviKT, Si. 1-otte Uxin ako hem Coxr., Sole Props.. Boston. "All abuut the Skin." free Bring m Your Family. in Yourself. Knows Where she can get nice Vegetables. Where to get the nicest . BerriesV " : Where nice, fresh Gro ceries are kept. Where she can get them in a hurry if she needs them. Call or Telephone. Gome . And see how cheaply we can dress all of you. Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, Silks, Satins, LACES, WOOLENS, COTTONS, LINENS, Everything from Hat to Shoes, for everyone. All new stock. ; C. F STB PHENS, Closing Out Sale of DRY GOODS CLOTHING-. FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Past or present values cut no figure, as goods THE DALLES MUST be SOLD LESS than COST. Ilea B B Estate Ghe JVIe a Call. J. P. McINERNY. Buceesaor to Paul Kreft & Co DEALEB IK- The above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow inn- Kaa I H.rato A (rnn t a rT ganized as an association for PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS.' tne purpose of inducing im- migration to Wasco and Sher- And the Mo8t Comrjet and Latest Patterns and Designs in man Counties, and generally WALL PAPER. - WALL PAPER. Kl l 111 IM.I.I Mir I.IIM- KM. H III YWI1II- 1 0 x tr erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud son, J . U. Koontz k Uo., J. M untington & Co., Dufur & Hill, N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden, G. W. Rowland. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINT8 need in all onr work, and none bnt tbe most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Maanry Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All order promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Ore'ei Address any of the above well known firms, or J. .H. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles, Oregon. The AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 125 Milk St, Boston, Mass - This' company owns Letters Patent No. 463,569. granted to Emile Berliner November 17. 1891. fur a combined tele graph and telephone, covering all f rms ot microphone transmitters or contact telephones. . NOTICE. , GEORGE RUCH, PIONEER GROCER, (Successor to Cbrisman & Coraon.J ZZZZZ mim FULL, LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at 'the old stand. - I wonld be pleased to see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. THE CELEBRHTED U. S. Land Office. Tbe Dalles, Or.,) Mar. 80. 1895. Complaint having been entered at this office Dy yiveaier uhdcock against js. -uiarence Meet TTMRT A RRFWFRV - Range 12 East, in VWo County, Oregon, with a VW J s J 1VJL I li J J 1 1 V V J IV JL a view to thn ran noli linn nf .mIcT f.rv. Ihn ttaA I " " parties are hereby summoned to appear at this I otli e on tne 25tb day of May, 1895, at 10 o'clock, h. m. to respona ana inrnisn lentimony c ncern- lng suia auegea aDanannmeiit. J. F. MOORE, Register. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. NOTICE for publication. Notice la hereby ei named settler hns filed notice of his Intention J. B. CROSSEN, ; Grocer. Ask Central for 62. Kranich & Bach PIANOS AT- I.C. NICKEL-SEN'S On Very Easy Terms. Land Office, Tbe Dalles, Or.,) I OI 1 tbat tbe following e of his Intention to maice una proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of tbe U. 6. Land office, The Dulles, ur., on j une a, is, viz. ; Ollle P. Weberg, Hd. E. No. 45G3, for tbe SWJ Bee. 10, Tp 5 8 K 12E..W. M. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resioence upon ana cultivation or, said Ihhu, viz: J. P. Abb Mow Delore and H. White of Wapinitia, Orefion and Frank Gabel oi ine naiies, uregon. m22-J26 JAB. F. MOORE, Register. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the beet Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed oa he marirt .Notice, of - Final Settlement Notice is herebv alven that tbe undersiraed baa filed bis final account as execntor of tbe last j will and testamt-ntrf Catherine htle. deceased. The County'Cuurt of Wasco county, by an order made on the '7th day of Apiil, 1893, has fixed Friday, the 31st day of May. 1895. aa the time and the County Courtroom in Dalles CH y as the place ior neaung saia nnai account ana oojecuons thereto ana objections to tne nnai settlement f saia estate. , wx. u, tailuk, Ml-5t Executor. RUPERT & whA qbqIa dnd voroi mon n tanrnrara ann npmprH in Harness, Saddles Bridles, Collars, TEXTS and WAGON COVERS, all Articles Kept in a First Class Harness Shop. An EEPAIBING PROMPTLY IX) SE. x itni n 33 Adjoining E. J. Collins A O.'s 8 tor